The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 76 The Eve Of The End

Every man’s life lies within the present, for the past is spent and done with, and the future is uncertain. Even though the future is uncertain, you should choose to embrace the unknown and have faith that everything is going to be okay. This may not be tonight, tomorrow, or the next day, but everything is going to be okay.

I, myself, am a strong person, but every now and then, I need someone to hold my hand and tell me that everything shall be all right. But if all of those around you are wanting for you to be that person to them, you need to be the one that rises through the storm, forget about your own fears, do not wonder, do not imagine, and most of all, do not obsess about the things that make you feel uncertain. Breathe and believe that everything shall be fine in the end; if it is not, that only means that it is not yet the end.

The question begs, do I tell the truth and tell them what it is that they need to hear, or do I tell them what I feel I want them to hear. And as Cassidy is looking at me with nothing but horrific fear in her eyes, I do feel the need to lie to her, but should I do so, I might put her life in danger. I do wish that I am not tasked to be the one that shall give her the answers that she wants to hear.

“My dear beloved, the mortals have been cleansed, the creatures of the night has too, the undead shall return to from where they came. The next step is for the cleansing of any mythical apart from Vampires.”

“Why not Vampires? We are mythical creatures, aren’t we?”

“Yes, we are the strongest of them all. Harnessing our power will make him near invisible.”

“So why shall he cleanse a race that can be just as strong as him?”

“My beloved, the spell cast for Absolute Power is one meant to leave no Vampire alive.”

I watch as that fear creep deep within those blue eyes and grab hold of her heart. I know very much what she is thinking, and yes, it might even be true; we have come to the brink of extinction again.

“Do I even dare to ask how this shall happen?”

“There shall be seven horsemen, with seven mythical swords that shall wipe our existence from this world.”

“Seriously? Seven horsemen? And how will they even be strong enough to take out a Vampire to begin with?”

“My beloved not really seven men on horses, just seven men that is so foolish to join him on this quest. These seven men that have the power bestowed on them that was gathered from the cleansing of the mythical creatures.”

“So he is not alone?”‘

“God, he is too dumb to do it himself.”

“Who is he…?”

With that, my dear Damien comes knocking with some bad news again; I have come accustomed to being the harbinger of anything bad that is to come. I think this time I am going to ignore him, but by his persistent knocking, he is not about to give up yet. So I gracefully step outside the room.

“My dear Damien, do you wish to break this door again.”

“Do not blame your wild escapades against the furniture as my fault. Now can whatever it is that you are doing in there not wait for we have a problem.”

“How dare you say that making love to my bride should wait?”

“That is not something I quite wanted to hear. And for god sakes, next time you answer the door, please make sure you answer it with some clothes on.”

“It is not like you have not…”

“Do not dare finish that sentence. I shall meet you downstairs.”

I only chuckle as I make my way back to my beloved, that is so gloriously spread naked across our bed; if I can only take her for another second, I would be so satisfied. Watching her every curve move as she stretches out to kiss me sends me raging and ready to go in an instant. So it is without even hesitating that I trail very eager fingers up between her thighs to find the very spots that make the elegant legs quiver.

Then I slide the tips of my fingers through her lips; she moans in a way that I cannot help but answer her in a very growl of my own. I am just about to push through her entrance…

“Lucas, I know what you are doing in there, and my dear friend, we do not have time for it.”

“My god! This man has surely grown brave. Give me five minutes.”

“I do not see how you can be a five-minute man. Now you have already wasted a minute arguing with me.”

“Then, I have four minutes to pleasure my beloved then.”

“Lucas, you truly need to learn when not to speak. Now we are all waiting for you downstairs.”

“Tell everyone that I shall be down almost immediately. And be so kind as to tell the Vampire Hunter what we have discussed.”

“What did we discussed? Me telling you that this is the most inappropriate time to have sex?”


“You are absolutely terrible; just get yourself downstairs.”

Well, looking at my beloved, she too did not find this as amusing as what I did. So in another five minutes, I do find myself staring at a room of people that do now wish to look me into the eyes.

“Damien, did you tell them what I said?”

“Of course, you told me too. And I guess we all can do with the humor. Now my reason for interrupting you, the undead have started making their way back from where they came from.”

“We must act immediately then. Victor and Lilith, you shall go to Elloise. My dear Vampire Hunter, you and Damien shall go to Dean. Cassidy and I shall go stop this from happening.”

Cassidy looks at me horrified, and she need not say a single word, for she does not want to ask me the question that is burning on both her and Jacob’s minds.

“My dear beloved, the devil’s trap is about to be opened; it shall gather all the mythical creatures as I told you earlier about.”

“Devil trap? Like a spider web?”

“Not quite, perhaps like a tear between reality and an alternate realm.”

“Ok, I have had far too much craziness for both my lifetimes. Can we not just catch this man.”

“We need Elloise for this, and that is why we need to go make sure she is okay.”

“And why Dean, apart from being ridiculously over insane attractive.”

“Now, that is something I did not wish to hear. But yes, that very same wolf is going to save us from our imminent death.”

“Well, can we get this done? I would really like to return to a normal life.”

…Lilith POV…

I do share the same sentiment as Cassidy; things have kind of step way out of the normal life that I want to live. I wish to spend my days planning parties and running around with my child as he chases after his puppy. I do not wish to hunt things that are not seen, whether it is a mythical creature or a slit in reality.

I have always known of this alternate world, but we, and that includes Lucas, have never got involved unless it was completely necessary. With the arrival of Cassidy, these things did change. And as I have said once before and I shall say it again, I am not saying it is a bad thing. In fact, I have never seen Lucas so alive. The man has found a new purpose as Vampire Master.

So this is a rather dangerous and crazy quest that we are finding ourselves on. I need not say how relieved I am to have Victor by my side. But in saying this, I have given it much thought for the past twenty-four hours, I cannot and more importantly that I do not want to leave here and move out of the Lecarde House. It is a family that is more important to me.

And talking about family, we are at the clearing that leads to Elloise’s home. But something is not right; something is seriously wrong.

“Victor, they are all gone?”

…Jacob POV…All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

To think I have become part of a world of complete chaos. I only read about these things in the journals my father kept, and even then, I thought they were the ramblings of a mad man. Only the day that I turned into a Vampire myself, that is when I knew that these things were more than probably real. I never did want to admit to anyone that I was indeed the very monster I was saving the world from.

But the day that I saw that Cassidy was indeed a Vampire, that was when I thought that there was indeed a future for us together. I knew that Lucas was her Master, but I thought that after seeing the man’s true nature that she shall be with me instead. Now I have come to learn that it shall never happen, so I have come to live with the fact that if this is the way that I can be in her presence, then that is the way that I shall become part of her life then.

So this is a rather crazy and dangerous path we are finding ourselves down. I have not had much experience with wolves before, but I can think that if it is Lucas’s friend that he shall be just as arrogant as him. And if we need these creatures to save Cassidy, I shall put any reservations aside and do this.

But as we step to where the wolves’ home should be, Damien faces me with great trouble on his face.

“They are all gone.”

…Damien POV…

While everyone is concentrating on the task at hand and trying to save this city, I am left to think of how this has happened. How can this man have known of such a book as this? How would he even know where it is and then even to further know and steal it in the way he did. It does seem somewhat too easy for this to have happened. I do believe that I am starting to have my suspicions. But do I even bother Lucas with it at a time as this? The very things that we are saving could be the very thing that shall be causing our death.

None of us know if we shall return home tonight after this. Can one person be so cruel to end so many lives, not only human but all supernatural? It has taken one person that has started this string of events, and do I even dare to say I know who it is.

…Cassidy POV…

Craziness is all that fills my life; I must be honest in a way that I am addicted to it. I have always loved living on the edge, and I guess the danger that Lucas brought to my life is the danger that I have craved the most. But let us just go back and define the term danger, for what we are doing now is downright stupid; I am sure there is a place where we can go and hide this out. But is Lucas truly a man that shall be doing such a thing? He has, after all, been tasked as Vampire Master to ensure that the supernatural world is safe.

And that is why I carry this ring on my finger, for this is the man that I truly admire the most. Not to mention the love I feel beyond compare. Should we perish, then the least we can say is we did it as a husband and a wife.

Now talking about husband, he is standing with a peculiar smile on his face. It is as if this man can read my mind, so I give him a shy smile from underneath fluttering eyelashes. But just before we send our bodies in a raging desire for each other, he turns to me.

“My beloved, something is not right.”

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