The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 69 Creatures Of The Forest

I have just experienced what the best day of my entire existence is, now I would be foolish if I believe that things shall now go back to some kind of normal. Though in saying normal, I am referring to a life where a Vampire spends his life peacefully in the comfort of his home. Now in the Lecarde house, what can be seen as normal should be absolute chaos. And chaos is exactly what is about to erupt as Damien confirms what item is missing from the Council house. Now another word that should be accompanied by chaos is pure horror. I think that there should be nothing that scares me by now, but I have just been proven very wrong once again.

The tale goes such as this. It was many years before I was even destined to become a Vampire. There was a group of supernatural creatures, to be precise, a witch, a wizard, a sorcerer, and yes, a fairy that decided to compile a book with the strongest and some very dangerous spells the entire supernatural world has seen. It carried spells that were fail-proof for killing even the strongest and mythical creatures to resurrecting the most dangerous ones too. Now the last one that possessed the book was a warlock set in creating a dangerous army. After defeating him, the book was placed in safety in the hands of the Vampire Council. That is until now.

Now take the way the safe door was pried open; I think we can safely say it is a creature that possesses great power, and I fear to think of the ones that carry these. But my biggest concern is for what purpose did they take it.

So taken the way that Vampires conduct this ceremony, I can say that there is no such thing as a honeymoon. This does not change the fact that I am still scared to mention this to my beloved. It is with great caution that I approach her where she is happily having a conversation with Lilith.

“My beloved, I fear that…”

She does immediately interrupt me, looking somewhat annoyed. I might have just become the same bearer of bad news that Damien is. So it is with daggers in her eyes that she turns her full attention to me.

“Lucas, I warn you, if you open that mouth with trouble, I am going to slap it back closed for you.”

“I see the ring has not yet settled, and you are already taking charge.”

“If you have not noticed, I have been in charge from the start.”

“Yes, that is, in fact, very true. I have, as they say, not worn the pants for some time now.”


“Yes, my belove?”

“Get on with it.”

I am unsure who between Lilith and Cassidy will kill me for ending the ceremony on such a note. I fear that I am going to lose a limb. Never have I seen a Vampire Master fear the very thing that he was chasing for many years. But this is about the Book of Spells; setting all silly aside, we need to locate it.

“Well, ladies, we seem to have misplaced the Book of Spells.”

Lilith looks at me with a look that varies between horror and fear. I know what she is thinking, and I do share her sentiment.

“Lucas, how do you intend to find it?”

“My dear sister, Damien was indeed one wiser to put a location spell on it.”

“So then all you need to do is find the witch that put it there?”

“This spell was cast by a fairy, and as you know that they all have gone in hiding since the war that raged amongst themselves.”

Cassidy does seem a bit amused; what on earth does have the woman so captivated in inner laughter at a time like this. With a tiny giggle, she soon speaks her mind.

“Lucas, did you just say fairy?”

“Indeed, my beloved, I did.”

“Like in Peter Pan, that little girl thingy with the wings? That little tiny person cast a spell on a book? How big is the book?”

“I see you have grown a funny bone in your body. That little fairy is actually very much the size of you and me. You should not believe everything that you read.”

“Then how do you intend in fighting this fairy? Does she live in an enchanted forest? You know maybe there where the trolls live to?”

“In fact, my beloved, the troll lives under the bridge.”

Yes, this she does find somewhat funny, as she does burst out in hysterical laughter. She almost topples over and falls from her chair. So I patiently wait for her to get over her hysterics before I continue.

“Lilith, you do know what this means?”

“Yes, I shall have to accompany you on this little mission as you call them.”

Cassidy looks at her quite confused; well, the best part of this is about to come; I can almost guarantee that my beloved will find herself on the floor this time. Do I even dare to tell her the reason, but it does not stop her from asking still.

“Don’t tell me that Lilith is a fairy?”

“Ha! No, of course, she is not, but her sister is.”

“Oh my god! You people are weird. Come on! You are only playing with me?”

“No, my beloved, Lilith’s sister is indeed. Her mother had relationships with a male fairy.”

“Wait, stop. You get men fairies.? You know, the glittering things with the pointy ears?”

“They do not glitter but do have pointy ears, and no before you even ask, they do not have wings. Now can we focus? I don’t think I need to explain to you how babies are created?”

She gets up in a big huff. Sometimes my beloved can be like such an innocent child who plays these silly games to remind her that she was once a mortal. I do love her for being true to whom she was before turning in what she considers at her bad days as being a monster. She is yet to learn that any creature that you can think of, and I can go so far as saying that you can create, it shall be real.

So after waiting for the ladies to change, we make the trip to the woods outside the city. I have not visited these parts in many years. And the burning question, no, I have not had any relationship with a creature such as a fairy. It is not that I have anything against the species; I just do not sit well with a woman that is continuously trying to teach me the lessons of life.

These woods hold many other creatures that shall not be so welcome to see a bunch of Vampires enter. But this is not a piece of information that I shall tell my beloved. She will fall flat on her face out of horrific laughter. Me, myself, I do find myself scared at some of these. Let us hope that we do not encounter any as we enter the woods.

And with much relief, the first thing that hits me is the serenity and the fresh air filled with the scents of wet sand and bark laced between the hundreds of flowers that cover the ground. The beauty that beholds the eyes, the lush green tries, makes you appreciate the finer things in life. This does give one clarity of mind and can even be found as inviting to stay in such a place that brings great comfort.

But the second we step inside for at least twenty steps, we hear the rustle between the leaves. Our presence has just become known, and I fear that my beloved might see some of those creatures that live amongst the fairies here. She is not going to like the least bit, for apart from the fairies, these are some of the ugly things I have ever seen.

Then all of a sudden, I hear Cassidy shout at the top of her lungs. She points in the direction behind a tree and nearly jumps up and down in the very spot that she is standing.

“Lucas, what the fuck is that.”

I only but chuckle at her, “My beloved, that is a halfling.”

“Well, no shit Sherlock I can see that; what is it doing in here.”

“It lives here.”

She looks at me horrified as the little creature waves at her; in an instant, she is walking on the other side of me. She only looks up at me in anger; she knows that I am holding back on her. The poor creature is as innocent as a little child apart from where he always finds himself in trouble.

But then there is a very familiar smell that fills the air. Lilith looks at me, for she, too, has caught wind of it.

“Lucas, we have a problem.”

I grab hold of my beloved’s hand; I look at her with a concerned look on my face, but with eyes that are filled with clear regret, regret for bringing her into this trouble for I don’t know how I can protect her.

“My beloved, please stay close to me.”

“What is going on, Lucas?”

“I fear we have been ambushed.”

“Ambushed? Like ambushed take prisoners?”‘

“Well, I cannot quite clearly say what their intention is, but yes, we are being taken, prisoner.”Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

With saying that, we nestle our feet firmly into the mud as to stand our ground. With backs turned to each other, we wait for them to present themselves. I can hear my beloved’s rapid breaths as the stillness fall over the forest; Lilith’s hands are trembling worse than the leaves of the trees above us, and I can not get out a single word out to let them know that things will be okay. Three Vampires that are supposed to fear nothing do now find themselves trapped in the forest, and as I said, we are going to be taken hostage.

Then we hear the whispers come from behind the trees; then bushes start rustling as we can see them step from them. The more they present themselves, the louder the ghastly noises become that they are making. The closer they get, the more scarier they seem to become, and their numbers increase by the second. There is no way that we are getting out of this.

They overpower us with their numbers in an instant, pulling Lilith and Cassidy away from me. The agonizing screams of my beloved travel far into the forest, I try to break free to get to her, but the have me chained in only a few seconds. The moment I watch them wrap the very same chains around her wrist, I growl loudly.

“Let her go! Let the woman go! You can take me!”

But my please fall on death ears; they circle us to make very sure that not one of us will get away from them. The anger burns deep inside me up to a raging fire as I watch them look my beloved over with clear lust in their eyes. The second I break free from here, I shall kill every one of them.

I can hear the satisfaction in their voices as they finally get us to where they intended to bring us. Much to my horror, I watch them slam three wooden poles in the middle right before where we are standing. Once they are convinced that there is no way that we shall break free they go to tie us each around one like a bunch of animals.

They stand and watch us intently like they are waiting for something to happen. It feels as if this goes on for hours on end. They are standing there tempting and taunting us. My eyes never once leave my beloved.

There is a silence that settles amongst them and then enters the reason why we find ourselves here.

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