The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 51 A Young Vampire In The Lecarde House

It is yet another day after a great battle; these are also becoming quite frequent. It makes me believe that they have always been lurking; I have just failed to see them hiding in the shadows. Does this truly make me the feared Master I believe I am? I believe I have lost the grip on my reign. But before I shall remedy this, I will do as I promised and take Cassidy away from London for a few days. Now from what I have been told, she has never set her foot outside these borders. So I shall take her to the beautiful countryside in Scotland.

So we find ourselves packing a small bag with only the bare necessities that we require. To say that she is not excited shall be a complete lie. Now my hope is that we shall not be bumping into any other Vampires during our short stay. If this shall be possible is yet to be seen. I am afraid that having the Master visiting might set off some alarm bells. And the very last thing I wish for is to have to deal with the issues with a bunch of unsatisfied Vampires. Reason for this being that I have had to clamp down on their feeding frequency as they were getting somewhat out of hand.

With that being said, we are rushing at a great speed to leave home unseen. Damien and Lilith are recovering from their wounds, so I wish to only leave a note and be gone before they shall notice that I am. Lilith, whom I feared was dead, came too but only a few hours ago. My relief was great, for I would have not forgiven myself for the danger I have once again put my family in. Can I prevent this from happening again? I am afraid I cannot say that for sure. I have said this before and shall say again, Cassidy has brought to the surface all the demons that are hiding underneath the cover of a perfect city that is the breeding ground for any form and shape of trouble.

The biggest question, shall the bunch of Ancients that believe in the prophecy come back to try and claim what they so rightly believe is theirs. What is Cassidy doing with this burden that has been put on her shoulders? She has not said a word, and I shall give her the time until she is ready to confide in me about her action shall be. I do believe with my heart that she shall choose to remain by my side and not become a Vampire that shall defy my rule and continue to pursue the desire to as what they say, ‘Take over the world.’

And with that, it is time to clear our minds, for we are about to leave. But, and I believe I have said this before, if I see Damien lurking outside of my room, he only brings bad news to my door. Though this time he is hesitating, whatever has him troubled seems rather important, but something that he does not truly want to trouble me with. So much to my very own annoyance, I ask him what is the matter.

“My dear Damien, I do believe you are here to ruin my trip before it has even started. What is it that has you spooked again?”

“The Winchesters came across something while they had gone back to the alley to burn the bodies of the Ancients that we slaughtered there.”

“Let me guess, another Vampire?

“Well, not complete.”

Yes, of course, trust Damien to talk in riddles at the most inappropriate time. I do truly have all the world of respect for him, but it does pain me when he starts acting like a useless fool. So it is somewhat frustrating to get the proper answers from him.

“Damien, I am fairly beyond being reasonably patient. Just get out with your story, for I am about to walk out and leave you with fixing it yourself.”

“You do remember the man with the boy.”

“Yes, very clear. It broke me into pieces to see such a young human has to be the victim of someone else’s rage.”

“Well, that is the problem; he was not a complete victim.”

“What on earth do you mean?”

“You see, Josiah, did not drink enough from him to kill him.”

Then I feel a coldness set over my skin and feel the chills run down my spine. The fear of seven horrors takes a hold of my heart. It feels as if the last breath is being squeezed from my lungs. Is he saying what he is saying? This cannot be happening. I have never, and I say never, had to deal with a child that has been bitten and not have yet died from it. He surely does not imply what he is suggesting unconsciously what I think he is. Should I even dare to ask?

“Where is the boy?”

“I have placed him in the common room.”

“And far along is he.”

“I…He is at a stage where he should be turned or else he shall die from his wounds.”

“So I am guessing that you are here to ask me if I shall do this.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I am merely asking for your advice.”

But it is not advice he is asking; he is pleading for help, for I know his heart does become soft where it comes to a child. The day I turned Damien, he was with his young brother; by the time I came across their bodies, the poor boy had been dead for a while. It was a difficult decision for him to make whether he should die with his brother or live for eternity instead. After a while, I had convinced him that it is what his brother would have wanted him to do. Seeing this boy must bring the memories of that day come flooding back to him again. So what this does put me in quite a difficult situation for what I do decide shall also be the light in which Damien shall see me from now on.

“Take me to the boy.”

With that, he leads me to the common room, where I find Lilith sitting with the boy’s head on her lap. Now, if I did not find Damien’s eyes pleading bad enough, the sorrow in Lilith’s eyes is enough to make me die from inside. This shall be one of the hardest decisions I shall have to make in my life and as a Master. Should I turn this boy, he shall remain this young for eternity. There is the risk that he shall despise me for never being able to grow into a young man one day. Is this a fate that I wish to bring on his life? The decision, whichever way, is not easy to make.

So I have three Vampires, Damien, Lilith, and Cassidy, staring at me with pleading eyes. Another question begs, shall this young boy be able to stand the excruciating pain that comes with being turned? His body is already in such a weakened state; I might even kill him myself instead. But does a young boy truly want to have a bond with a man? Yes, as his Master, he shall, but he will require a mother’s presence in his life. And with saying this, I have come with my decision.

“I shall spare this boy’s life, but only on two conditions. You shall explain to him that he shall never grow old and therefore make more than a hundred times sure that this is a life that he shall desire.”

Then as I think of my other condition, I know that in a way, I am being selfish or maybe not, but I know that with my nature and the lifestyle I live, that I shall not be able to become a father to anyone. So this shall be my second request.

“The boy shall turn only if Lilith shall wish to become the guardian of the child, therefor Lilith, you shall be the one that will turn him. Now that is my decision; it is up for you to decide. But in the meantime, I have promised my beloved I shall take her out to the country.”

And with that, we make our leave and take the eight-hour drive to our destination. The first few miles, the atmosphere is quiet, but then I decide to ask the burning question that she so desires to ask.

“You are thinking of the boy?”

“Yes, I feel so bad for him. What does this mean?”

“Well, it does not mean much than a Vampire boy being born into the Lecarde house.”

But this is not her biggest concern for it is clearly showing in her eyes, and I guess it would show in any women that do have a true motherly instinct.

“You wish to return, don’t you, my beloved?”

“Can we stay for only but a day? I wish to be there if the boy awakes.”

“Of course, my beloved.”

So we drive the rest of the drive in a far better mood than before. As we reach our destination, I see Cassidy’s eyes light up as she takes the landscape and scenery in. The towering mountains, glittering lochs, dense woodlands.

“Oh, Lucas, I think we should give up that horrible London and come live here instead.”

“My beloved, you shall become bored.”

“Bore of beauty, I do not believe I could.”

“Well, if you say it in such a way, then I do agree that one can never get bored with beauty in any way.”

“Are you from here?”

“Yes, my beloved, but that is times that I do not wish to mention.”

“Maybe one day?”

“Maybe one day?”

With that night soon approaches, and like young fools in love, we find one of the many spots where we can marvel at the sparkling night sky. But this time, it shall be me what has a question; I need to know more than anything else.

“My beloved, are you going to fulfill your prophecy.”

“And run around with a bunch of crazy Ancients, I am glad to say that I do not wish to do any such thing. I think that the entire family flew off the cuckoo’s nest.”

“Ha! That is true. And what about our Vampire Hunter?”

“I do believe that we have come to an agreement where we shall continue working together, but he shall stop entertaining the thought of a union between us.”

“That I am yet to believe. But I am thankful that I should not have you on the opposite side, for I do believe, and as the Winchester boys say, you shall kick my ass.”

And as the sun starts to tickle the horizon over the ocean, we prepare to make our way back to London. Even though this was only a few hours, I can see that glow appear back on her face. There is one thing that we have not told her yet, and I do beg if this is the appropriate time. Guess there is no better time than present to tell her.

“My beloved, there is something that I need to tell you.”

“What is the matter, Lucas?”

“You see, the thing is that when you turned into an Ancient, there was an evil that consumed you.”

“Of course, something that I do not wish to be reminded about.”

“Well, you see, when you turned, you lost your soul.”

I watch as she goes silent; the shock is in her eyes but what makes her realize what I am telling is for certain, as she does not have the ability to cry. There is an anger that creeps up in her eyes and a loss for the one thing that made her different from all other Vampires. And that is where I leave it, for I feel that she completely shuts me down, and I do not wish to bring up any further memories, especially not the reason why all of this happened in the first place.

After another seven hours, we find ourselves stopping at our home. Cassidy is the first to leave the car and rush inside the house, and as I follow shortly behind her. We find Lilith and Damien sitting in the kitchen, this does seem quite unuasal for why would they leave the boy if they were turning him. I cannot quite place the expressions on their faces. But I have to ask the question.

“Where is the boy?”

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