The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 43 The Return Of Jacob

I have fallen into an abyss; my immortal life feels like it has come to an end. And as I look at Breyden, my eyes are pleading for him to check again. But I am afraid that every word he says is sadly the truth.

“Lucas, she does not possess her soul anymore. It seems the evil that consumes her has taken the last bit of humanity away from her.”

“So there is nothing that you can do for her?”

“I do not want to take the risk; the last thing I want to do is kill Cassidy.”

And with that, a deep sadness overpowers me. She has only improved a fraction from the blood I gave her. At this rate, if I let her continue to feed from me, she shall rip my body to shreds. I am lost at a solution; I am her Maker, my blood is supposed to heal her, and I am ever more concerned that I feel my bond with her is slowly breaking.

“What are you going to, my friend?”

“Breyden, my only other option is to perish with her.”

“Don’t be foolish; if you continue to let her take from, would it not heal her.”

I slowly roll up my sleeves and show him the awful cuts her fangs has left on me. He gasps in horror as he opens her mouth gently, only to expose her mouth full of razor-sharp fangs.

“My god Lucas, she will not only drain you, but she shall take you apart. There must be another way.”

“If you can find it, then I shall forever be grateful to you.”

“What about human blood?”

“I am afraid she shall need a human to suck completely dry, and in her current state, she shall kill him before she can even get there.”

But with saying this, there is only one other thing I can think of doing to save my beloved, but I am afraid that it shall mean the end of one of us. Do I dare to even mention to Breyden what I have kept from him for this long? Though he should have sensed it by now, guess it is time to stop keeping secrets and telling lies.

“Let me drink from you.”

“Lucas killing yourself is not going to help your cause.”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I shall not die from it; what I shall die of is Cassidy ripping my body apart.”

“I am aware of that.”

“But why have you not said a thing?”

“I knew it was not my place to ask, and I shall not allow you to do so.”

Well, there goes that plan out of the door. Now I have indeed run out of options to save my beloved. And then it occurs to me.

“The Vampire Hunter. He has supernatural powers; his blood shall heal her faster.”

“Then let Damien come sit by her side; we need to leave at once. I can feel the life slowly drain from her body.”

With that, I make haste downstairs to seek Damien to keep an eye on Cassidy. Let us hope that the Vampire Hunter does not kill me first before he helps Cassidy. Never did I see the day that I shall go to a Vampire Hunter for help. But there is one thing that we have in common; we both have a deep love for Cassidy. We both shall do whatever is in our power to save her.

And with that, we find ourselves on our way to the Vampire Hunter’s pub. I can honestly say that there is a fear that creeps up inside is me. I do not foresee that we shall have a problem convincing him to help us. The problem is, will he take Cassidy away from me. I know I shall not allow it, but she does, after all, not want me to be around her.

The question begs, shall be if she will remember everything that happened before she finds herself where she is now. And an even greater concern is that will she still wants to stay with me whether she knows or not. She shall have questions as to why her VampireHunter friend is sitting by the side of her bed, allowing her to drink from him.

So as we step through the door of his pub, it immediately catches his attention. And as he comes walking up to us, I can see the rage that consumes his face. I do believe he knows everything that has happened, and I am about to see him come down with all the fury he can offer. But there is no time to compare who is the biggest man for every minute we spend arguing; it is one less minute that we have to save Cassidy.

“I thought I made it clear that you are not welcome here.”

“I have not come here to enter into an argument; I have come to ask for your help.”

“What help can I possibly be able to give a Vampire. And if I can, why should I even consider helping you in the first place.”

“It is about Cassidy.”

And in an instant, I see the rage erupt in his eyes. He does not even need to speak, for I know exactly what he shall say next.

“What have you done to Cassidy?”

“Well, the thing is that we got into a rather heated argument.”

“Oh, yes, about your scorned lovers that are popping their heads out from all over.”

“If you need to know, then yes, another one of my scorned lovers did come to the surface. That is not my concern, Cassidy and I got into a severe battle.”

“Battle? Can you not argue as normal people do.”

This man is frustration the daylight out of me. I cannot get to my point without him throwing a clever comment.

“Cassidy got injured, and it pains me to say that she is busy dying.”

“Then why do you not mention this in the first place. You need to take me to her at once.”

“Finally, the only sensible thing you have said in the past five minutes.”

With that, the Vampire Hunter accompanies us back to Cassidy. But first, we need to explain why we have come to seek his help in the first place.

“I am afraid to say that you shall not like what I am going to say next.”

“I never do like what you say; what makes this any different?”

“Cassidy needs blood to heal her body.”

“Well, what is wrong with yours, Vampire Master?”

“My blood does not hold the same strength that yours hold.”

And then that anger on his face turns to amusement. He is once again going to say something clever.

“Finally, something that does not make you the perfect man for Cassidy.”

“Believe me is pains me to have to seek your help. There is only one thing that we have in common.”

“Yes, we both love Cassidy, but one of us does not deserve to have her presence in our life.”

“I have never in all my Vampire years met a man as difficult as you. How can you even think that a Vampire can be with a Vampire Hunter?”

“Well, we shall see about that once she has been healed.”

With that, the fear I hold becomes a reality. What if she does choose this man over me. There is now Vampire Hunter in this entire world that shall approve of their union. In saying that, I can feel my body cringe, thinking that my beloved shall be with another. I can only believe that the remaining bond between us shall be a reason for us to stay together.

So as we finally find our way back home, it is with absolute haste that we make our way up to Cassidy. His very presence is upsetting Damien and Lilith, but they understand that this is the only way to save Cassidy.

And as we enter the room, the Vampire Hunter sees the state of her body. He does not even need to form the words on his lips, for I can immediately sense that he thinks that I am a complete monster. But I shall reserve my comments for later for now; I need to explain to him what is going to happen.

“You do recall that night that she bit you?”

“Yes, and I shall rather not mention how it made me feel.”

“She underwent a transformation; her fangs are not the same.”

With that, I part her lips to show him what I mean by transformation.

“My god, what did you do to her?”

“Can we please focus on why you are here? When she drinks from you, it is going to be painful, and she will shred your wrist to pieces.”

“So let me get this straight, how do I give her what she needs? Will she not kill me before that happens.”

“That is why Breyden is here.”

“What? Is he miraculously going to heal me?”

“In fact, he is, he is actually an angel.”

I watch as he goes completely blank on his face. Well, I can safely say that he shall not be asking any question, but wait, the man does need to make a clever remark.

“This shit has just turned fifty shades of grey. Can we please do this? I would like to get away from this circus.”

And so it begins. I let my hand transform into my claw, for there is no way that I bring my fangs close to any part of his body. So I cut a tiny wound open on his left wrist and let the blood slowly trickle from it.

“Now drop the blood on her lips; she shall go for your wrist. But please brace yourself. There is going to be nothing erotic about this.”

Then he does as I instructed, it only takes her a second, and she is slicing her fangs into his wrist. A second later, I hear his agonizing screams echo to every corner of the room, and it goes even beyond that into the passageways of the house.

“My god, how long do I have to keep it until it is enough?”

“I am afraid for about at most a minute, but it shall take several tries for us to use if it indeed works.”

And with that, the minute is over. He looks down at the way she had clawed the wound open. Now, if I did not know any better, I would say he is near to fainting.

So Breyden steps forwards and places his hands against his wrist, and in less than five seconds, the wound has completely healed. Then he looks at Breyden.

“Why are you not going this to Cassidy?”

“That is rather a long story which we do not have the time for it now.”

“You people are messed up. I was under the impression that there is something the matter with me, but you bunch definitely surpass me by far.”

Then eventually, the man keeps his wise mouth close as we all sit and look at Cassidy. But yet we do not show any improvement. Time is running out; I can feel our bond only as faint as a whisper.

With this in mind, we go for his other wrist. This time he shows a lot less pain on his face. He is absolutely determined to save Cassidy. It hurts every bone in my body, knowing that I can not save her. Seeing her drink from another man kills me with every drop she takes.

Now we wait again, but still, there is no improvement. We all are now frantic as panic sets in. But the Vampire Hunter is not about to give up. He goes against my better judgment and immediately let her take from his other arm again. Though this time, he does not show pain on his face. Instantly I grab his wrist away to look at her fangs.

“Her fangs have returned to normal. It is working; your blood is healing her body.”

“Told you I am the better man.”

I refrain from commenting on his remark and continue to pierce into his skin. And this we do several more times until he begins to feel faint. Then the waiting begins. Now never in my two hundred and seventy-nine years did I think I would see the day that a Vampire, an Angel, and a Vampire Hunter sit together. This has indeed gone seven sides of strange.

Then after hours of waiting, we hear soft moans come from Cassidy’s lips. In an instant, I am by her side; now, if I thought she might have forgotten what happened, I am sorely mistaken. And as she looks at me, I can see that very same anger in her eyes.

“I do not want you near; please leave.”

“But my beloved.”

“I am not your beloved; now I said, leave me alone.”

The Vampire Hunter sees her pain and joins me by my side. But what he says next will haunt me forever.

“Cassidy, do you want to stay here with Lucas or come home with me?”

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