Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 66: Freshman Year

Chapter 66: Freshman Year 


I didn’t even know where to start.

lan and I arrived at the University of Pennsylvania campus and everything was so surreal.

I woke up this morning to a lovely surprise of breakfast in bed, courtesy of my gorgeous fiancée.


Oh boy, I love that word.

I couldn't call him that in public though.

To the public eye, we just started dating and lan was just my boyfriend.

We didn’t tell my parents that lan proposed, we thought that would be too much for them to handle.

Plus, we had no plans on getting married anytime soon anyway.

This was a symbolic thing that only the both of us needed to know.

It was a promise that we would stay together no matter what comes our way.

No more breaking up and no more ending things, we were each other’s end game.

After eating my delicious breakfast, lan gave me my second birthday surprise of the day.

And let me tell you, it was even more delicious than the first one, if you know what I mean.

After we got back together, I noticed that lan was very careful around me, especially in the bedroom.

It was sweet that he was gentle, but he was treating me like I was fragile.

So when he asked me what I wanted this morning, I shamelessly told him "I want you to make love to me like the first time we met,"

And he did.I was the luckiest girl in the world.

He was blushing a little when I whispered into his ears, all the dirty things I wanted him to do to me.

That was probably the first and only time I was able to make him blush.

When I pointed out to him that he was blushing, he quickly pulled his composure and he kissed me, saying

“I'll show you who's blushing,"

It was the best way to start a birthday.

We made love all morning and we would have kept doing it, except we had to go to campus, it was freshman move in day.

I thought nothing else in the day could ever top my morning.

But man, lan was like a gift that just keeps on giving.

He was such a sweetheart.He held my hand as we walked throughout campus.He introduced himself as my boyfriend to everyone that would listen.

And when we finally had to move into my dorm, he wouldn't let me lift a single box.

When we got into my room, I noticed that my roommate had moved in already.

Her stuff was in there, but she wasn't in the room.

I went to the remaining empty bed and we started unpacking my stuff.I knew I was getting a girl roommate, but it was a co-ed dorm.We could hear noises and yells coming from the hallway.

A bunch of guys was actually playing Frisbee out there.

lan seemed agitated with the fact that there would be a bunch of rowdy guys living in the same building as me.

So, as we unpacked my things, he was giving me all this life advice: "Don't go to frat parties, never go to frat parties,"

"People will make you drink, so drink but do it consciously,"

"Never leave your plastic cup unattended,"

"No matter how smart they think they are, college guys are dumb.Don’t trust any of them,"

"Don't take drugs, no matter what they tell you.Even if they just said it’s a vitamin that'll boost your brain, that’s a fucking drug and you stay away from that,"

I responded by shaking my head and rolling my eyes at him, saying, "Geez Louise, you're worse than my dad.Way to make college sound so appealing,"

"Just promise me you'll be careful and you're not gonna go all crazy on me,"he sighed and he pulled me close into a hug.

"Deal,"I smiled into his chest.I wrapped my arms around him tightly and I refused to let him go.

As much as II was enjoying this day, time was slipping by so fast.

In a couple of days, lan would fly back to Georgia and I would be here, alone and starting college.

I didn’t know if I would be ready for that, so I held onto him tighter.

"Baby girl, what’s wrong?"he said softly, tilting my face up to his.

"I’m scared,"I admitted, pausing for a moment before saying, "What am I gonna do without you?"

He smiled and planted a soft kiss on my forehead, saying, "We'll see each other on Thanksgiving and Christmas.Before you know it, we'll be together again,"

"You're still here and I miss you already,"I whined.

"I'm always with you, baby girl.You can call me anytime you need me.Anytime you want me to come over, I'll be there,"

"It's a twelve hour drive,"I sighed.

"Or a two hour plane ride,"he smiled.

"What if I want you to come over every week?"I asked.

"Then I will,"he said simply.

I stifled a laugh and said, "I won't do that to you, don’t worry,"

"It might be hard at first, but you'll make friends and you'll be busy with school.You'll have the time of your life and you'll forget all about me in no time,"

"That's not possible,"I put my hand on the side of his face and pulled him down to me.

"I'm always thinking about you,"I was about to pull him in for a kiss, when we suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Hi!"a petite Asian girl stood at the door with a big smile on her face and she said

"You must be my roommate.I'm Sophie, Sophie Park,"

She stepped closer and lent out a hand to me.I took her hand and smiled back,

"Hi, I'm Emma Sinclair,"

"So nice to meet you, Emma," she seemed absolutely sweet.

I was glad I was getting a good roommate.

"Nice to meet you too.And this is my boyfriend, lan,"

I said an"You see what I have to deal with?"Tristan turned to me.

"Oh! I see hot guys on the dance floor, let's dance!"

Sophie squealed and pulled us both out of our seats before we could even protest.

I almost spilled my drink, but I sipped it down quickly and followed Sophie to the dance floor.

The DJ was playing fun 90s disco music and it was impossible not to dance to that.

The next thing I knew, the three of us were shredding the dance floor.

Sophie was moving around everywhere and Tristan wasn't backing down.

They weren't afraid to look goofy and have fun, and that made me open up as well.

We were all laughing and giggling, enjoying ourselves, when suddenly this drunk guy started grinding up behind Sophie.

"Yo, what's your problem?"Sophie snapped at him.

"Get away from her,"Tristan pushed the guy back.

The guy staggered back and slurred, "I'm sorry, I don’t want no trouble, man,"

"Yeah, that’s right.Get outta here,"

Tristan stood tall in front of him.

Sophie and I were maybe 5’3 or 5’4, but Tristan was at least 6’ feet tall.The drunk guy went away instantly as Sophie stuck her tongue out at him.

"You're welcome,"Tristan turned to Sophie and she winked at him.

"This is why I keep him around, Emma, he’s handy like that,"

Sophie linked one arm around Tristan and pulled me with her other hand.

We went back to laughing and dancing in no time.

It was such a fun night.

Sophie could drink like a tank and the more she drank, the funnier she got.

At one point, she was dancing on a table and flirting with a speaker.

Yes, she was flirting with a machine, don’t ask me why.

As Tristan was busy trying to get Sophie to sober up and feeding water down her throat, I decided to go to the bathroom.

After leaving the bathroom, I spotted Tristan and Sophie at our table and I was about to walk over there, when a guy stepped in front of my face.

"Hey there,"said this tall guy who was wearing a University of Pennsylvania varsity jacket.

He looked kinda like Devin Booker, and that was cute, but I was just annoyed that someone was blocking my way.

"Can I help you?"I asked.

"I think I've seen you around.You're a freshman, right?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Well, I'm the student welcoming community.How about I buy you a drink and give you a warm welcome you to our campus,"

"That's very nice of you, but unfortunately I’m not interested.So, no, thank you,"I replied.

I was about to walk away when he stood in my way again.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down.What's the rush?"he paused for a moment before continuing,

"It's the Welcome Weekend,"

"Exactly,"I agreed.

"I've been to all the events and I've had enough to drink, so thank you, but no thank you,"

"Damn, you're feisty, huh?"He smirked like he was amused by what I was saying.


"Hey, slow down,"he said. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

This guy was seriously getting on my nerves, and he had the audacity to grab my hand.

"Let me go,"I warned.

"I just wanna talk,"

"She said she’s not interested,"a voice cut in between us, and I whipped my head around to see Tristan.

Tristan was glaring at the varsity jacket guy and he glared back at Tristan.

"You gonna let me go or am I gonna have to blow my rape whistle?"

I said before the tension could rise any higher.

The varsity jacket guy released my hand in an instant and Tristan let out a laugh.

"Whatever," the guy rolled his eyes and left.

"That was a really good line, you need to teach Sophie that,"

Tristan smiled and gave me a high five.

My eyes darted around the room and I saw Sophie stumbling towards the speaker again.

"Oh, Sophie,"I sighed and Tristan noticed ittoo.

"Let’s grab her,"he said as we walked over to her.

"Sophie, honey?"I said as I peeled her off the speaker.

"I love this speaker, Emma.It’s so loud,"she slurred.

"Okay, I think it’s time we go,"Tristan put her arm around his neck, so her weight was on him.

"But I don’t wanna go home,"Sophie whined.

"You're so thrashed,"he replied.

"I'm not, I'm just hungry,"she paused for a second before I gestured to lan.

"He's helping me move in,"

"Hey,"lan lent out his hand to her.

"Hi, nice to meet you also,"she smiled politely at him.

Before long, Sophie and I started hitting it off.

We found out she was from New Jersey and she didn’t live that far away from lan’s hometown.

She was studying finance and she moved in early this morning with her mom, dad, and twin brother.

Yes, she had a twin brother and his name was Tristan.I told Sophie some things about lan and me too.

We told her about how we met, or at least, the PG-13 version of that.

We told everyone the same story: we met at a bar in Emory when I was visiting a friend.

It wasn’t a total lie and it wouldn't make anything awkward, so win-win.

"So, are you guys going to the freshman orientation party tonight?"Sophie asked.

"Uh..."I looked over at lan and he just shrugged.

"I don't know...should we?"

"You totally should! It's a great place to meet everyone and get to know people,"Sophie interjected.

"She’s right.You should go.I can wait at the hotel,"lan said.

"No, you should come with me,"I shook my head quickly.

"It'll be easier for you to make friends without me hovering over your shoulder, trust me,"he smiled sadly.

That was true, but I also only had a little time left with lan, and I didn’t wanna waste that.

So I took his hand in mine and said, "I don't care.Hover away,"

College parties were on a whole other level compared to high school parties.

I thought I was hanging out with the wild crowd back in high school, with Maddie the cheer captain and one of my best friends being Tiff.

But man, was I wrong.

The party was being held in some frat house, and it was like this huge mansion with a pool in the back.

Sophie was absolutely friendly and kind, it was easy getting along with her.

She was also something of a social butterfly, she knew about half the people there already and it was only our first freshman night together.

"How do you know all these people?"

I said to her after she greeted a group of people in the kitchen.

We were there to get our drinks.

"I joined the freshman club a couple of weeks ago on Facebook and talked to a bunch of people,"she replied.

lan allowed me a bottle of beer and he helped Sophie made a cocktail with vodka and orange juice.

He was with me the entire night and he had this stoic look on his face.

Sometimes I caught him glaring at people who were looking my way, towards the guys especially.

He also put his hand on my back the entire night, and though I found it cute at first, it was getting annoying as the night went on.

"lan, are you doing okay?"I said to him.

"Yeah, sure,"he said dismissively.

"We can get outta here if you want?"

"No, you should stay.Make friends,"That wouldn't be possible.

I knew I told him to hoveraway, but I wasn’t expecting that he would take it so literally.

"I'm being too much, aren't I?"he said when he noticed the irritated look on my face.

"Only a little,"

"I'm sorry, I can’t help it with all these guys gawking at you,"

"What guys?"

"Like this guy for example.And he’s seriously coming over,"

lan said through gritted teeth, his eyes were fixed on this dark haired guy in a hoodie who was coming towards us.

"Hey,"the guy smiled this boyish smile as he stood in front of us.

"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you! “ Sophie said to him and she pulled him closer, saying, “Emma, this is my brother Tristan.- this is Emma, the girl I was telling you about, she's my roommate,"

"Nice to finally meet you,"he smiled politely at me.

"Hi, I’m Emma, and this is my boyfriend, lan,"Tristan lent a hand out so I took it.

After we shook hands, he lent out his hand to lan but lan just stared at him.It was uncomfortable to watch.Tristan was only being nice and lan was being all territorial.

I couldn't see that and not do anything, so nudged lan by the elbow, forcing him to shake hands.

lan let out a sigh before finally lifting his hand up.

"So, how do you guys like the party so far?"

Tristan was all smiles, he was just as friendly as his twin sister.

"I don’t know, we just got here,"

Sophie shrugged.

"You should totally check out the backyard, they have a Jacuzzi and everything.It's awesome,"

Tristan and Sophie went towards the back.

I pulled lan to the side before we followed them out and said, "Hey.Please don't be like that,"

"Like what?"

"Like you're an angry, jealous boyfriend.That's my roommate’s brother and he’s just trying to be nice,"

"I'm not an angry, jealous boyfriend.I’m an angry, jealous fiancée,"

I rolled my eyes and shoved him lightly, saying, "Whatever it is, you don’t have to do that.This is me you're talking about.You can trust me, okay?"

He held the side of my face with one hand.

The other hand traveled down my neck and he pulled my necklace out from behind my blouse.

He let out a soft sigh as his fingers played with the heart locket and the ring next to it.

"What?"I asked and searched his face.

"I’m the luckiest guy alive,"he replied, pausing for a moment before saying, "You're the best thing that’s ever happened to me.Thank you for finding me, thank you for fighting to be with me, thank you for choosing me,"

My heart was melting at his words.My knees felt like jelly and I had to hold onto him for support.I leaned my head into his chest and took in a deep breath.

There were all these people around us but everything faltered in comparison to him.

He said he was the luckiest guy alive, but I felt like I was the luckiest girl alive.

Here I was at my birthday, standing in an orientation party for the Ivy League college I was accepted to, and I was standing there with my soul mate.

I remembered it like it was yesterday, the first time I saw lan across the bar on my birthday two years ago.

I didn't know who he was then and I didn’t know that he was gonna be such a big part of my life, but I knew I was drawn to him.

There was something unexplainable between us, like the universe was conspiring to bring us together.And I’m so glad that it did.

Moving forward, I didn’t know what journey was gonna look like, but it didn’t matter.

Because if it was with lan, I knew it was gonna be beautiful.

Pulling away slightly, I bit my lip and tugged on lan’s arm, motioning for him to follow me.

I decided not to go the back and we walked out the front door instead.

"Where are we going? I thought we’re going to the back?"he asked.

"No, I have somewhere else in mind,"

"What is it?"

"I wanna relive my sixteenth birthday again,"

I was batting my eyes at him shamelessly.

"What?"he looked at me quizzically.

"Just come with me, will you?"I said and I lent out my hand.

The biggest smile appeared on his face as he said, "With you? Anywhere,"

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