TABOO TALES(erotica)

In Love With Nia:>9

“I’ve asked a couple of the girls to meet us there, I need someone to talk to when I go to the rest-room!”

We spent the rest of the day deliberately not shagging like coked-up baboons; mum was buzzing around all day, and although we had tacit carte-blanche to ‘enjoy relations’ it still seemed wildly inappropriate to do so while she was roaming around, humming as she dusted and occasionally smiling at us knowingly.

We eventually got to the club about 11pm, having had dinner first, just as the place was starting to fill up. We bagged a table and sat down with a couple of drinks, waiting for the place to warm up a little, and for Nia’s friends to join us, two girls I vaguely recognised from her school days, a tall redhead with a stupendous chest and a skinny blonde with a mouth like a dockworker.

Nia introduced us, and the redhead, Shelagh, held my hand just a little too long, and stuck her chest out just a little too obviously; if she’d tried any harder she’d have looked like the Hunchfront of Notre Dame…

Nia and the two girls went off and danced around their handbags, some things never change, while I held the table, watched coats, and generally enjoyed watching Nia. No boys tried to pick her up, the door policy here was quite strict; couples or single girls only, no single guys, so everyone was already paired-off or gaggles of girls; seemed like a good idea to me.

Eventually the girls returned to the table, sat down, and a slow number came on. I instinctively looked at Nia, wanting to dance with her, but she gave a tiny little headshake, flicked her gaze at her friends; of course, we were not supposed to be a couple, but that begged the question; if she wanted to go dancing with me, why did she invite her friends, knowing she couldn’t dance with me in front of them. She was up to something…

Shelagh jumped up and tugged me to my feet and dragged me to the floor, and practically laminated herself to me, forcing me to slow dance with her, Nia looking stricken, and me making sure my hands went nowhere near any questionable territory. It was a strange situation for me; I’m on a dance floor with a hot redhead with a spectacular figure, slow dancing with her while trying to pretend I’m dancing with my girl, while my girl watches from the sidelines because she daren’t dance with me; what was going on here?

Shelagh ground and rubbed and gyrated against me, holding herself so close to me that, to paraphrase Groucho Marx, if she’d stood any closer, she’d have been in back of me…

If I were single, unattached, and not in love with a spectacular girl of my own, it would have been a situation made in Heaven; how could it not be? She was gorgeous, she was single, and she was obviously into me; trouble was, I only had eyes for one girl, and it wasn’t her…

The number finished, and as I looked over at Nia, Shelagh grabbed my face and planted a smacker right on my lips, trying to probe my mouth with her tongue. I froze, because I was looking right into Nia’s eyes when she did it, and I saw the look that fleeted across her face before her eyes narrowed. It was a look of hurt, and sadness, and anger, and it caused a sudden sharp pang; she was really upset her friend had kissed me, but also seemed to be expecting it, and she looked like she was satisfied with something, because her expression cleared up and she even smiled and nodded slightly at me, that triumphant little smile she gets when she knows she’s scored a winning point. Shelagh, on the other hand, looked equally stricken that I’d not kissed her back, and her eyes widened and welled-up as she realised she’d had no effect on me, that I wasn’t interested in her in the slightest. I walked her back to the table, where she said she was going to the restroom, and she and Nia headed off again.

“I saw what happened out there.” said a soft voice, and I realised Nia’s blonde friend, Julie had just spoken to me. “Sorry, what was that?” I asked, as Julie hadn’t spoken to me all evening.

“Shelagh’s had a thing for you for years, Jamie, hell, half our class feels the same way, but she’s always had it big and bad. I know what she was trying to do out there, and I saw her kiss you, and you just looked like she was invisible; she’s probably crying in the ladies rest-room right now!”

I felt terrible for her, but I also felt that it wasn’t my problem she’d kissed me and I had felt nothing except embarrassment at the unwanted attention. The only girl I wanted to kiss was currently untouchable.

“I also saw the look you gave Nia when Shelagh kissed you, and the expression on Nia’s face. How long have you two been a couple, then?”


I tried to talk my way out of this particular corner. “Look Julie, it’s not like that at all….” I trailed off as she slowly shook her head.

“Jamie, she’s had you buzzing around her all her life, holding her hand and being sweet, and I have to admit, you are kind of OK looking, and nearly everyone in our entire year at school has been drooling over you for years, so the only question I have is; why did it take her so long?”

Now I was curious. “So you have no problem with Nia and I, you know…? Really? Why?”

Julie’s face writhed for a second, a brief flicker of pain. “Because I know what’s happening with you two. My older brother was my first, he said he loved me, I know I loved him, he said we would go far away, where no-one would know us, we could be a couple, have a family, the whole thing. My mum found out, talked him out of it, asked him to leave me and go, and so he fucked off, and he’s never been back in contact with me, so yeah, I know what it’s like for Nia, and no, I won’t say anything; it’s your business; you can’t help who you fall in love with” she said, almost to herself.

Two big tears rolled down her cheeks, and my heart went out to this wannabe tough chick who’d just shared her heartbreak with me. I handed her my handkerchief, and she dabbed her eyes, smiled brightly at me when she handed it back.

“Nia’s been my friend since we were 11 years old, and all she’s ever talked about is you. She’s been in love with you since she was a little girl, even if she never came right out and said it; we all got it long ago, how long did it take you to get it?”

For some reason I found it easy to open up to her; she seemed genuinely interested in what was happening with us, plus she had her own experience of what we were going through, even if it hadn’t worked out for her.

“I only found out yesterday, no, correction, admitted it to myself for the first time yesterday; Nia was always the most important thing in my life, and I always adored her, even when she was being a real pain; I promised mum I’d be a proper big brother, look out for her, and I kept my promise; it wasn’t that hard, to be honest. When I saw her again yesterday, for the first time in three years, she showed me how she felt about me, something clicked into place, and I knew I felt the same way. I’m not leaving her behind again; wherever I go from now on, I’m taking her with me.”

Julie smiled. “Good boy! Perhaps you should tell her that. I just got why she asked Shelagh and me along tonight, you’re smart, you should be able to figure it out too. Oh, and one more thing; Shelagh’s a nice girl, but she can be a vindictive cow, and you just blew her off, so don’t let her know about you and Nia.”

I was trying to digest all this as she was talking, trying to work out what Nia was up to, what her motives were for asking the two girls along, when Nia and Shelagh rejoined us, Shelagh smiling and chattering, but her eyes looking a little swollen and reddened. No further mention of the incident on the dance-floor was made, although I noticed she sat as far from me as she could, for which I was thankful; it was awkward enough without having her sitting right next to me. Instead, Nia sat between us, and her hand crept under the table to pat my leg reassuringly. After a couple more drinks, Julie asked me if I wanted to dance, and Nia’s lips twitched in a micro-smile, telling me to go, so I went with her to the dance-floor. While we danced, Julie pulled my head down to speak into my ear over the music.

“Remember one thing, Jamie; Nia’s one of my closest and oldest friends, if you hurt her, I WILL find a way to make you pay, make no mistake about it!”

I was a little bemused at being threatened by this skinny little girl, but I could recognise the sincerity in her voice. “Julie, I promise you, Nia’s all I want, I know she’s the one, so you can rest easy, whatever we do from here on, we’re doing it together, is that good enough for you?”NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Julie grinned, and slapped me on the arm. “OK, Jamie good enough for me; now for fuck’s sake try and dance like you know what you’re doing!”

When the number was over, we threaded our way back to our table. Shelagh stood up, announcing that she was tired, and Julie immediately offered to share a cab with her as it was getting really late. We left the club and hailed a black taxi for the two girls, Nia seeing them off with much hugging and air-kissing, Julie giving me a wink and a meaningful look.

While we waited for another cab, I decided to that now was the time for a little chat with her about this bizarre date/not-date we’d just been on.

“OK princess spill it; what are you up to, and what was all that about inside, and don’t play coy with me Nia, you owe me some answers!”

Nia looked at me with a thoughtful expression on her face, and seemed to come to a decision.

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