TABOO TALES(erotica)

In Love With Nia:>31

“She was originally passed off as an orphan from a children’s home run by a family we had reason to believe was involved in people trafficking. This home was in Vancouver, but all records of her in Vancouver are missing, probably destroyed in an attempt to disguise the true scale of the operation in Canada. However, a child closely matching her description was legally adopted by a family in San Francisco through an agency in Sacramento connected to, and possibly run by the same family. My colleague in the San Francisco Police Department and his contacts in Children & Family Services have managed to locate the child involved, and are waiting for a judge to rule on whether you can contact her, seeing as you are not the birth parents. As she’s over 21 now, there may not be a problem, but I’ll have to wait for a ruling and the go-ahead from the District Attorney’s office in San Francisco before I can direct you further.”

I got all this second hand, as his English was too fragmentary for me to understand what he was saying, so the body of the story was related to Nia in French, but Canadian ‘Quebecois’ French dialect, which is a little like a modern English-speaker trying to have a conversation about computers and data processing with an eighteenth century Welsh milkmaid. Nia only spoke modern French, so she spent a certain amount of time screwing up her forehead as she tried to puzzle out what he was saying through the maze of anachronisms and local dialect shifts.

We got the gist of it, though; Nia was trembling with excitement at the thought of finally getting to meet her sister. I, however was anxious in case some judge in California decided that we had no right or compelling reason to contact this woman who may or may not be Nia’s sister. If necessary, we could fly to the Bay Area tomorrow; both Nia and I had multiple-entry visa’s from previous trips, I had a B1 and Nia had a B2 holiday visa, so the whole ESTA 72-hour thing didn’t apply, otherwise I think Nia would have gone berserk in the US Consulate in Toronto, a place noted for its mind-numbingly long waits and legendary lack of urgency.

We decided to take the sergeant to dinner as a thank you, Nia noting with well hidden amusement his attempts to be charming as his eyes rolled up and down her. More than once she had to twist away from him as he slipped his hand onto the small of her back and tried slowly sliding it downwards.

I watched this in amusement; anyone who tries to grope Nia usually ends up bitterly regretting it; ask Mark Jameson if you don’t believe me, but eventually amusement ran out, and I had to have a word with him, something along the lines of if he didn’t keep his hands to himself, then copper or not, I’d shove his head so far up his arse he could use his bellybutton as a blow-hole, and even in my fractured French he got the message.

After this, dinner went off very cordially, and we parted having agreed to come and see him and his files at nine a. m. the following day. We were both bushed; local time was 10 p. m. but our body clocks were still on GMT, and it was three a. m. for us, on top of that the exhaustion from a transatlantic flight, plus the fun and games earlier. Right now, the thought of bed and some sleep was uppermost in both our minds. When we got back to the hotel, we had the Room Service send us up some coffee and a club sandwich to share; Thai-Nouvelle Cuisine fusion is all well and good, if a somewhat odd combination, but there’s nothing there to get your teeth into, and tired as we were, we were already feeling the pangs.

We sat and chatted and while we ate our sandwich and absorbed the fact that we were in Toronto. Nia idly played with her bracelet, holding it in front of the lamp to watch blue glints cast by the diamond’s spilling over the tablecloth and my face, turning it in fascination to watch the stones glitter and sparkle.

“Jamie, look, the light on the tablecloth, look, it’s exactly the same colour as your eyes, or mine I suppose; how marvellous, you said you bought it to match my eyes, now I believe you!”

We finished up and got ready for bed, Nia yawning hugely as she undressed and climbed into bed. I followed suit and switched off the light on my nightstand, while Nia kept her bedside lamp on, as she always does. I was just falling asleep when I heard her stirring restlessly and muttering, the click as she turned on the radio and the muted gabble as she hunted through stations. The sound of classic Philly soul made itself heard, and she gave a sigh, relaxing as The O’Jays played softly in the background. I listened to the sound and drifted away, dreaming of Nia and her incredible eyes.


Monday, 9th May, 2012

10th & Anza, San Francisco

Bethany woke with a start, realising she’d been dozing in front of the TV again. She’d especially wanted to see the episode of NCIS where Ari gets nailed for murdering Caitlin Todd and attempting to kill Gibbs, and now she’d missed it, again. Her dream had been strange and confused, and it was already fading as she woke; she’d been holding a bracelet with blue stones sparkling in lamplight, and had wanted to hold the bracelet up to the lamplight again, to admire the frosty blue glint, but the little boy, Jamie, had appeared from nowhere and taken the bracelet away and said to her “She’s coming soon, you have to be ready, remember that, Bethany, and wake up Bethany, WAKE UP!”

She’d jolted awake to see Corey standing there, a cup of coffee for her.

“Wake up, honey, you were snoring! If you want to sleep, you should go to bed! Heavy day today, huh?” he grinned, passing her the cup as he picked up his own off the side table.

Bethany glared at him. “I do NOT snore! If you want to talk about snoring, let’s start with your mother, shall we…? And I wasn’t asleep, just… contemplating, OK?”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Corey grinned. “Sure, baby, just look this way a second…”

He wiped the corner of her mouth with his thumb. “Little bit of contemplation just… leaked out there… got it!”

He grinned at her expression, and eventually Bethany grinned back.

“Where are the kids, Corey?” she asked, luxuriously stretching out and pointing her toes.

Corey leaned back and stretched as well, enjoying the pleasant crackle as his joints popped.

“Jodie’s waiting for you to tuck her in, and Ryan’s playing some kid game with orc’s and wizards and dragons and shit like that on-line with his new friend; don’t worry, parental controls are on, and it’s age-appropriate.”

Bethany cocked an eyebrow at him. “What new friend is this?”

Cory closed his eyes as he leaned all the way back. “Some kid he met at school, little older than him. Johnnie, or Jamie, or something. Seems to like him, I saw him, little oriental kid, dresses kinda strange, punky, y’know, like something out of the ‘Bad’ music video, but he seems OK. He gave Ryan this.” Corey flipped something to Bethany, and she caught it to look curiously at it. It was a small silvery medallion with a depiction of a tiger surrounded by Chinese ideograms.

Bethany turned it over between her fingers, stood up and went over to the shelf and picked up the token the little boy had given her five days ago.

“Look at this, Corey, some kid gave it to me last week, he insisted it was mine. His name was Jamie, too…”

Corey examined the token carefully. “This looks real old, why’d some kid want to give it to you out of the blue? You say he gave it to you last week? Funny, I never noticed it. And it’s a tiger as well. Looks like we’ve started collecting Chinese tigers!” he grinned. Bethany took it back from him; as soon as Corey took it from her, she’d felt uneasy, a sense of loss pervading her, disappearing as soon as she took it back from him. Strange that he’d not noticed something so gaudy in a room dominated by neutral shades and pale tones, she mused as she walked out of the room to tuck her daughter in and get Ryan off the Internet and into bed.


I woke gradually, lying on my side, without, for once, Nia’s arm draped across my face. Instead, she was spooned behind me, her arm around my midriff and her breathing slow and soft against my back. I lay still, not wanting to disturb her, and enjoying the absolute quiet and peace of the room. After a few minutes, however, she stirred and gently patted my stomach.

“Morning, Polar Bear,” she murmured into my back. How did she do that, I wondered, how did she always know I was awake or asleep? It was like she was tuned-in on Radio Jamie and always picked up my current state. Mum tells me that whenever I’m dozing in front of the TV with dad, Nia will come into the house quietly, telling mum she doesn’t want to disturb me. How does she know I’m asleep before she’s even come in the house?

I put all that away as I turned to her.

“Morning Princess, welcome to Canada, what’s your pleasure this morning?” I smiled at her, and she grinned back and slipped her hand into my shorts, wrapping her warm little fingers around my hardening cock.

“Oh, I see!” I smiled back, pulling her closer for a nuzzle and a grope, slipping my hands inside her panties to cup and squeeze her delectable little bum cheeks. Nia continued to squeeze and gently slide her hand up and down my cock while I squeezed and moulded her buttocks, pulling them apart to slide my fingers along her damp slit, feeling the lips swell and part as I lightly rubbed between them. Nia pulled herself closer to me and kissed me gently as she continued to rub and squeeze me, pulling me into solid, throbbing hardness.

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