TABOO TALES(erotica)

Estranged Siblings: Ep17

Steph was still lost in strategizing when she saw Andre duck into the room and head for his seat at the back. She caught him adjusting his earbud, and an idea popped into her head. She wanted to offer it to Brigette before the class began, so she spun in her seat to the left to face her friend. “What if we told him we’d be playing his favorite music at the party? Maybe Andre would come then!”

She suddenly saw the frozen, wide-eyed expression on Brigette’s face.

“Who the hell wants Marin at the party?” Kevin growled from his seat behind her.

Steph’s mouth worked as she glanced back at Brigette, but she knew she was on her own from the look she got.

“I-it would be a good way to make up for the shitty trick someone played on him, posting that picture,” she insisted. She saw Brigette nodding enthusiastically and felt some relief that her friend was backing her up.

“It’s a fucking stupid idea because no one wants that freak anywhere near the party. He’s not coming, and that’s final.”

“Don’t you dare call Steph stupid!” Lindsay snapped as she swatted the back of Kevin’s head.

“Ow! What the fuck? I said the idea was stupid! But if it came from her, then I guess she must be!” Kevin retorted.

Lindsay glared at Kevin. “You’ve just made me realize how incredibly stupid you are. I won’t date someone that stupid. We’re done.”

Kevin gaped at her, but all he could see was the contempt in her eyes. He glanced to his left, and Brigette had pity in her eyes, and Steph mirrored Lindsay’s contempt. Facing forward now, Kevin glanced to his right and saw a smirk on Mary’s face.

Shit! His prime spot now felt like a trap.

“Settle down, people!” Mrs. Phillips called out.

Kevin caught Henry’s eye and saw the question there. He shook his head, as there was nothing he could say surrounded by these vipers. They’d talk at lunch.

This all started with Greg’s plan to get rid of Marin, but now it looked like Rick’s doomsday scenario wasn’t as laughable as Greg said.


Andre had been very agitated after being ambushed in the library. When he got to homeroom, there was some kind of drama going on he didn’t understand, so he kept his head down. He tried to do that all day, and it seemed to work as he and the school seemed to have calmed down by the last bell.

After his last period, he was leaving the school when someone grabbed the carry loop on his backpack and almost yanked him off his feet to drag him backward behind the old portables in the field behind the school.

He undid the chest strap and pushed the shoulder straps free, but someone tripped him, and he fell. He rolled and was quickly back on his feet, facing five angry men.

Henry was front and center, with Rick and Kevin on either side of him. Another member of the basketball team, David Trent, looked angrier than the others as he stood on Rick’s other side. Greg was behind the four but looking more frustrated than pissed.

“What?” Andre asked.

Henry was going to be their spokesperson. “You’re not coming to the party tomorrow night! No one wants you there! We know Brigette and Steph asked you–”

“I said no.”

Henry stopped and scowled at Andre. “You’re not coming.”NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“I said no, thanks.” Andre said carefully, watching them.

Henry seemed a little confused. He looked at Kevin, who was almost snarling at Andre. Kevin turned to face Henry. “He has all the women turning on us.”

“I didn’t–”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” David yelled angrily. “Becky dumped me. Three years of dating her, she sees your picture and dumps me!”

Andre stared at him in confusion. He didn’t see the connection David was making.

“Lindsay dumped me!” Kevin added. “She got all sympathetic with this loser, and when I told her he wasn’t welcome, she fucking turned on me! The bitch!”

Andre wasn’t sure what was happening. He did nothing, but they were angry with him. “I didn’t–”

He was looking at Kevin, so he didn’t see Rick’s fist until it caught him on the cheek. His head rocked back, then another fist hit him and another. They were screaming at him in rage as they came at him all at once. His mind tried to deal with the chaotic attack as hit after hit struck his face and upper body.

Greg landed a spinning kick against his right side, and that was especially painful, as his bruises were still healing. His mind flashed to being bedridden and how tired Cassandra had been taking care of him. He had to get away from them. He tried to run past, but Henry hit him with a sloppy punch against his ear, which sent spikes of pain through his head, knocking him back. Rick collided with Kevin, pushing him back as Rick surged forward to hit Andre’s gut with a series of rabbit punches.

Andre shoved Rick back, who tripped over Kevin to land on his ass.

There was no way to get past them. They had his back against the portable, and they began taking turns hitting him. His arms were up to block the punches. They were trying to drive Andre to his knees, but he stubbornly refused to fall.

All Andre could think of was how his sister would have to take care of him all over again and how unfair that was. He saw Rick lean in to punch him in the temple, so he caught the punch in his left hand and gave a sharp push. Rick’s wrist folded back with a loud snap. Andre then slammed his right fist into Rick’s side, cracking ribs. The man sucked in a sharp breath and fell to the ground.

Henry’s next hit knocked Andre back against the building behind him. He ducked to the right, and Henry’s follow-up punch with his right fist struck the aluminum siding instead, and fingers broke. Andre kicked out wildly and caught the side of the man’s knee, folding it sideways badly. Henry fell, screaming.

Kevin leaped forward to rain punches against Andre’s forearms as he tried to protect his beaten face. Andre grabbed one of Kevin’s arms and sloppily punched with his free hand. He caught Kevin’s elbow, and it dislocated with a pop. As Kevin sucked in a breath to scream, Andre punched him in the jaw, which broke as well. He fell unconscious.

Greg wildly kicked Andre’s shoulder, though he’d been aiming for his throat. Andre was slammed back against the building again, but when Greg’s next kick came at him, Andre caught it and pulled it sharply as he twisted. Greg screamed and grabbed at his groin as he collapsed.

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