Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


Mike leaned over and looked at Danni. She was still clutching him close and sniffling on his chest. Beth had left the room and Emma followed after her, stopping at the door and looking at her twin, “I’ll come and check on you later.”

“Danni,” Mike said, looking down at her frazzled hair. “I know you’ve been through a lot, and I know we’ve never really gotten along, but you should know that I’d never, ever let anyone hurt you, if I could possibly help it. If getting pounded like this can save you some pain, or heartache, I’d take it every time. I know I haven’t said it in a long time, but I do mean it. I love you.”

She sniffled again and hugged him tighter.


“Yeah, Mike.”

“That hurts.”

“Sorry,” she said, relaxing a bit.

He was lying back on Sarah’s headboard, her fluffy pillows behind him, propping him up. Danni lay with her head on his chest, still sniffling. Mike ran a hand through her hair. It was the most pleasant experience he’d ever had with his tempestuous sister.

“This is nice,” he said finally.

“Yeah, it’s nice not wanting to yell at you… call you names.”

He leaned his nose close to her and smelled her hair, then kissed her on the head. “You ok?”

“Yeah, I just…” She seemed hesitant.

“It’s okay Danni, you can tell me.”

“I don’t wanna let go. You just make me feel so…” She took deep breath and sighed, relaxing a bit into his chest, “… so safe.” Mike felt very touched. He loved the feeling of taking care of his sisters. It was a different experience as they were usually taking care of him. This was well worth the scars he’d have.

“I like the way it feels lying here next to you, I just feel so safe and comfortable.” She leaned back and looked up at him. “Promise me we’ll spend more time together. I don’t ever wanna go back to hating you.”

“Oh, I promise,” he said, then smiled and added, “but I don’t know if our house functions correctly if we aren’t fighting.”

She smacked him in the arm, drawing a wince and yelp of pain from him.

“Oh Mike, I’m so sorry,” she said, hugging him again, laughing easily.

“Recovery is proving to be painful,” he decided. Beth came back in then, with her delicious omelet and set the tray down in his lap, so Danni backed out of the way. He tried not to look like a complete slob as he hurriedly ate his dinner, Danni looking nervously at him. It looked like she would burst into tears at any moment. After he finished and laid his tray on the table beside him, he looked at Danni. She looked like she was nervous, wanting something but afraid to ask. Smiling he opened his arms and beckoned her back in. She immediately came forward and laid her head down on his chest again, closing her eyes and sighing contentedly. “This feels so good.”

They lay there for a while, enjoying each other’s company, not speaking, and just rediscovering each other. He loved the way her hair smelled, some expensive product no doubt. It had a sweet aroma; apples, or strawberries maybe. Mike felt like if he squeezed her too hard he’d break her.

She felt so vulnerable and unprotected then to him. It was like he was seeing a side of her he’d never seen. She’d let down her façade of anger and expletives and let her brother in to see the tender thing she really was. He immediately began to regret every time he’d ever been mean to her.

Danni couldn’t help but feel bad. She felt like she’d caused a beating on her brother, who was just coming to help her. She’d caused this. She kept mentally kicking herself for being so selfish. “I’ll make it up to him,” she told herself. She knew she should let him get some rest, or let Sarah smother him a little bit, but she just couldn’t pull herself away. Last night had really scared her. She knew she wouldn’t be going out any time soon, if ever. “God this feel so good,” she sighed, trying to sink deeper into him without hurting him. She felt so safe, so protected. She loved feeling like this with Mike.

After a few hours of lying with each other and enjoying the silence, she finally sat back. “I better go get some rest, and let you get some as well.” She shifted off the bed and stood, then leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. He smiled at her, catching her gaze. She stared deeply into his eyes for a second. “Thank you,” she said again, then leaned in and kissed him on the mouth. It started as a sisterly ‘I love you’ kiss, but she held it a bit too long. A gentle spark of electricity shot through her as the kiss became something more. She pulled back suddenly and looked at him, slightly shocked.

“I’m gonna go sleep.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’ll… I’ve got to… I’m gonna go sleep… get some sleep.” she said, stumbling with her words. “I’ll see you later.”

Mike had a smile on his face, but the look in his eyes was of happy surprise. He nodded slightly at her, “I’ll see you in a bit”

He lifted the sheet as she closed the door. He saw that he still had on boxers and blew a long sigh of relief. His chest and legs looked like someone had taken a hammer up and down his body. The fuckers had started kicking him as soon as he dropped.

He picked up a mirror from the table next to the bed. He had a bandage covering a large gash over his eye, and some bruises on his face. He didn’t look too bad, and nothing looked permanent, except maybe a scar from the gash over his eyebrow.

Satisfied he was still his rugged, handsome self; he rolled over and dozed off.

He woke up with a start. He’d been dreaming again. The little walking breasts were back and they were beating him with tiny hammers. He shook his head chuckling, shaking away the haze and wiped some drool from his mouth. He still ached over most of his body, and decided it might be a good idea to take it slowly. He dropped his legs off the side of her bed, and turned. The T. V. was on, just outside Sarah’s room. He heard the soft voices of some daytime show.

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