Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


Gold kissed him back vigorously as their tongues fought for dominance. His hands slide into her shirt as he cups her breast and she moaned softly in his mouth then he felt his fingers rub circles on her nipples.

She gasped softly when she felt his fingers inside her panties.

“Damn Fredie you’re so irresistible” Gold whispered softly.

“I know” He answered smirking as two of his fingers slide into her wet core. After an intense moment with Gold, Fredrick excused himself from the room to contact Dave hence Gold was asleep and he wouldn’t want to disturb her.

“Make sure it goes according to plan” Fredrick said to Dave.

“It will boss” Dave said smiling as he drove the car out. He drove to the boutique and stopped the car exactly where he was told to and only few vehicles could be seen along the supposed busy road.

“It seems the police had cleared the area off people to prevent casualties” Dave said but instantly a car sped towards them and almost immediately four armed and masked men came out of the car.

They shot at the car leaving several bullet shots on the car and broken windscreen then the occupants of the car bent their heads down to avoid stray bullets from touching them.

“Get down” The kidnappers yelled as one of them made to open the car door.

“Freeze and drop your weapons down because you are completely surrounded” An officer spoke with a megaphone and the policemen began to troop out in their numbers completely surrounding them.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Shit, It’s a trap” The kidnappers said pointing guns at the policemen but pulling the trigger would be a death warrant. If they want to stay alive, the only option was to surrender.

“Put down your weapons now” The officer repeated again

“Never” one of them yelled but before he could pull the trigger, he was shot dead in the pool of his own blood.

The other kidnappers watched as their colleague fell to the ground dead and they didn’t want to end up like him so they dropped their guns on the floor.

“Shit “one of the kidnappers said looking at his colleague who was already dead.

“Kick it now” The police ordered and they kicked the guns far from their reach and the captain signaled for three officers to handcuff them and they were forced into the police car.

Soon, an Ambulance came putting the dead body into a body bag and it was transported to the hospital morgue.


Bianca was in her home watching TV when her door bell rang. She was worried because she hadn’t gotten news from the kidnappers.

“Maybe it’s Joy” Bianca thought and went to the door. She slide the door open and made to lock it when she sighted the policemen and worst part the kidnappers came with them but

before she could lock the door, the policemen forced it open barging into her house.

“She’s the one” one of the kidnappers pointed at her and she saw that his face looked badly bruised as they all looked like they were tortured.

“I don’t know what you are talking about and do you know I can sue you for breaking, entering and also invading my privacy”

“Miss Bianca, you are under arrest for the attempted kidnap of Miss Gold Collins. You have the right to remain silent because whatever you say here will be used against you in the law court” One of the policemen said to her.

“I don’t know what you are talking about officer and I don’t know this people” she defended.

“Miss Bianca kindly follow us to the station” The officer said.

“Show me your arrest warrant” Bianca said and the policeman handed the paper to her and she read every word on it. She really was under arrest but what about Joy, after all they planned this together.

“Now move” The police officer said to her and she started shedding tears.

“Joy is also involved in this you can’t arrest just me” Bianca said angrily

“When you get to the station, you drop your statement” A policeman said as he handcuffed her.

“I’m innocent, Joy made me do this” Bianca cried as she was dragged forcefully by the policemen.


Fredrick rang the door bell and Joy quickly opened the door getting excited when she saw him.

“Fredrick” She called and went to hug her but he pushed her off him.

“Fredrick, you know I love you please quit treating me this way” Joy said pouting but he didn’t say a word to her.

“Please come inside” Joy said holding his hands as she dragged him inside.

“What do I offer you? Red wine, white wine or water?” Joy asked.

“Nothing, I actually came here for something important” Fredrick said observing her sitting room.

“Important, what could that be?” Joy wondered.

“Don’t try to play dumb with me. You attempted to kidnap and kill my girlfriend but what did I tell you about not laying a finger on her?” Frederick yelled and she flinched.

“She has used black magic on you Fredrick, she deserves to die and rot in hell” Joy said

“Do you know I can send you to jail for this?” Fredrick said.

“Send me to jail, then feel free but I will surely come out and kill both of you If You love her so much then die with her” Joy yelled.

“What about a death sentence?” Fredrick asked

“You can’t Fredrick, kidnapping doesn’t require a death sentence” Joy said as she chuckled.

“What about murder? jut like how you murdered your late husband and brother?” Fredrick said and Joy gasped when he said that.

“How?… How?…” Joy asked stammering

“How heartless can you be? Imagine killing your own husband. how am I sure you wouldn’t kill me if I make you my girlfriend?”

“I would never do that to you, I did it for you Fredrick” Joy said.

“Did it for me? How could you possibly do it for me?” Frederick asked.

“I never loved him despite the fact that he treated me nicely but I always wanted you so I poisoned him slowly for two years before he died. I did it for the love I had for you” Joy said.

“Then what about your brother? did you also do that for me? Frederick asked

“He called me a slut so I tampered with his brakes then he had an accident and died”

“You are heartless Joy Imagine killing your own husband and brother for some stupid reasons.

I’ve told you countless times that what we had back then in school was just a fling but you allowed it get into your head” Frederick said sounding angry.

“You will go to jail Joy and you will be put to death for your crimes I’m gonna make sure of it” Fredrick said assuredly.

“You can’t do that Fredrick, You can’t do that to me” Joy said

“I can Joy” Fredrick smirked showing her his phone that had been recording all she said.

“Fredrick you bastard” Joy yelled

“What, don’t you want me again?” Frederick asked smirked in a mocking tune and just then, the police pushed her door open.

“See you in court Joy and Farewell” Fredrick said winking before leaving the policemen to do their job.

After apprehending Bianca and Joy, a week later Bianca was set free while Joy still remained in police custody and Joy’s cousin Claire went to the station to visit her.

On her arrival Joy began telling her things like trying to play the victim so she’ll gain her cousins sympathy.

“Claire, I need your help on something. you know we are sisters and blood is thicker than water.

“Ok, what do you want me to do for you” Claire asked uninterested.

“I want you to help me contact some thugs to help me deal with Fredrick and if possible kill Gold”

“And what do I stand to gain àfter all my effort hence you’re still in jail” Claire asked Joy

“Claire, I’ll make sure you live large, anything you want just name it and I’ll give it to you” Joy said convincingly to Claire.

“I can see that you are insane Joy. So you plan on dragging me down with you just like you almost did to Janet. You are very heartless and you deserve what is coming your way”

“Claire” Joy called surprised because she thought she had gained her attention already but it seems she Is far from it.

“I didn’t come here to plan evil with you Joy, I only came to give you this” Claire said and a hot slap landed on Joy’s cheeks and she stood up in anger clenching her handcuffed hands in anger

“How dare you, if I weren’t in cuffs Claire, I would have given you the beating of your life” Joy said angrily to Claire as she

was unable to do anything.

“That’s for killing Mike” Claire yelled back and another slap landed on Joy’s cheeks. but a warden immediately approached them.

“What is going on here?” The warden questioned

“This demon is planning evil against Fredrick please take her away” Claire said to the warden

“So you are in jail but you are still plotting evil” The warden scolded and pushed Joy forcefully out of the visitors waiting area.

“You will pay for this Claire” Joy said as she glared at her.

“We will see about that” Claire yelled after her

“Bitch” Joy cursed under her breath.

“Shut up and move it you hardened criminal” The warden said.


“Good job, always keep me posted” Fredrick said as he smirked ending the phone call.

He dropped the phone on the light stand and turned to Gold on the bed cuddling her into his arms.

“Fredie what was that all about?” Gold asked but Fredrick kissed her forehead and stared at her.

“It was the warden I asked to stay close to Joy just in case she’s planning evil and actually she was planning evil. She tried to talk her cousin into harming me but she refused” Fredrick said to Gold

“That girl doesn’t give up” Gold said.

“She shouldn’t be your problem baby because she definitely will go down, just sleep” Fredrick said as he stroked Gold’s body and she nodded with a smile.

“That reminds me, Bianca came over when you were at work” Gold said trailing her fingers on his chest.

“To apologize right? She came to the office as well but I instructed my secretary not to allow her in” Fredrick said emotionlessly.

“Why would you do that baby, that was harsh” Gold said condemning his actions

“Really? If you didn’t talk me into setting her free, she would be in jail now but the fact still remains that she tried to kill you and she’s really pissing me off”

“But she apologized already so stop being cold hearted” Gold said but Fredrick felt hurt by her words as he flashed back to his parents.

“How could you do that? You are just a cold hearted monster and i regret marrying you” That was his mum’s words to his father.

Frederick hated being called cold hearted but Gold just did and it hurts badly that she just called him cold hearted all because he was looking out for her.

“Cold hearted Really” Fredrick said and pushed Gold off and got out of the bed.

“Frederick I’m sorry” Gold apologized but Fredrick wasn’t hearing any of it.

“Just go to sleep Gold. I need to be left alone” Fredrick told her and walked out of the room. KENNEDY POV

After Fredrick brought him back to Abuja, he was arrested and sent to jail. He was going to be arraigned in court two days from now. He was in deep thoughts when the sight of someone entering his cell interrupted him.

“What are you doing here?” Kennedy asked Aeriel because she’s  one of the reasons why he was in a mess.

“I just came to make sure you don’t include me in your deeds” Aeriel said.

“My deeds? you told me Irene was cheating on me and you made me kill her”

“She was cheating with my husband you fool, but I never asked you to rape her useless daughter. You just couldn’t keep your dick in your pants” Aeriel said mockingly to Kennedy.

“Don’t you dare insult me” Kennedy warned but Aeriel interrupted.

“What are you going to do, you are locked up here by the person you raped, how hilarious? but what I don’t get is how she managed to do that”

“She’s fucking a rich dude Fredrick Majesty” Kennedy said and Ariel gasped.

“Frederick Majesty?” Aeriel asked in surprise

“Do you know him?” Kennedy asked.

“Of course, he’s one of the most richest men in Lagos but what the hell did he see in that girl?”

“That’s not my business I need to leave this place Asap” Kennedy said.

“You can’t my dear he is damn too rich and there is no hope for you. Just be a good boy and don’t talk” she smiled and stood up to leave.

“I guess he’s coming to Abuja then, I should go get my daughter ready to steal him away from her.

“She doesn’t deserve someone that good” Aeriel smiled and walked away. GOLD POV

“Why would you say that to him?” Ella scolded when Gold narrated whàt transpired between herself and Fredrick the previous night.

“It was stupid of me to have said that I know but the worst part of it was that he didn’t sleep in the room and early this morning, he went to work so I didn’t get the chance to apologize properly.

I’m just so confused and angry at myself but I don’t want to loose Fredrick because I love him” Gold said crying.

“You are not loosing him Gold and if there is one thing I know, it’s that he loves you so much” Ella assured Gold who was crying uncontrollably.

“I know that but he has never behaved this way before and it feels like I hurt him so bad” Gold said

“Worry no more Gold, he will surely come around. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” Ella said giggling.

“Yes Ella, I should cook for him his favorite food and go to his office” Gold said

“Exactly, he will surely forgive you after that and you guys might end up making love in the office” Ella said grinning and Gold blushed slightly.

“You are crazy” Gold said laughing uncontrollably

“We both know, I’m saying the truth” Ella said laughing out loud.


Flourish smiled to herself with a cup of coffee in her hands waiting for him to walk up to her then she sighed when she sighted him.

Here we go” She muttered and as he proceeded to walk past her she pretended to bump into him pouring the coffee on his shirt.

“Oh Dave I’m so sorry”

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