Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Stalker Alert

Damien’s POV

I need to learn how to control my fucking dick!

I nearly fucked Sofia in the damn stable. Am acting like a sex deprived teenager. If Ralph had not mind linked me to meet him at the driveway, I would have screwed my mate, my Luna in a barn like a fucking whore.

She deserves better than that. I need to make her love me soon, I don’t think I can hold it in anymore, I want to have her, I want to feel her pussy clenched around my hard shaft as I pump into her, I want to take her high in ecstasy and watch her scream out my name as I give her multiple orgasms in just one night.

As we drove down to my company, I kept thinking about her reaction when I kissed her in front of my sisters. I don’t even know what had come over me, I guess I was so angry and I needed to vent and I stupidly vented on her.

Ralph just had shown me some pictures on his tablet and it was so fucking infuriating. Someone is trying to get on my nerves, someone is really trying to piss me off. It was a picture, no, not one picture, several pictures of Sofia and I, and it was taken when I took Sofia to the mall after I took her from her father’s house.

Apparently, someone had tailed us and taken pictures of us as we shopped in the mall. This must be someone that knows about my schedules, it has to be someone that knows that I was going to get her from her father.

After I dropped her with my sisters, We drove over to pick my Gamma, Justin, from the airport. He’s been on a business trip for almost three months now. I sent him to Italy to help me close a deal with the Italian mob boss. I would have gone myself, but I had a little issue I needed to take care of, Alfredo is back and he is causing problems for me again.

Alfredo Black is my sworn enemy and rival in the underworld. Many gangsters and wealthy businessmen had fought to become the mafia lord when William Blake lost the title, but none had been able to compete with me. None except Alfredo Black. He tried to get rid of me, but I’m always one step ahead.

I know he is somehow involved in this stalking business that we are trying to solve right now, he must have put a tail on me and I had no fucking idea. He is up to no good and I know it. I would gave ignored his shenanigans were it not for the message he sent along with those pictures

“Let her go, Damien, I want her.”

I would have suspected her father, but that was just impossible. First of all, he doesn’t have the resources to stage such a well planned attack on me, and I know he wouldn’t want to get on my bad side because he knows exactly what I’m capable of, I’ll fucking kill him.

It’s a good thing that Justin is back, he is my go-to guy when it comes to tech. He is the only one that can trace the IP address of the sender of these emails. I need to know where it came from, I need to know who our stalker is. He knows about Sofia and I and that is a risk I just can’t take.

“I leave for just a few months and you two are already in trouble? I knew you wouldn’t be able to live without me.” He said smugly as he got into the car.

“Good to see you too man,” Ralph responded to him.

“You know I can still ship you back to Italy, right? Besides, I know you were itching to come back and screw my sister you dickhead dickhead.” I let out with a smirk.

“I know you can but you won’t do it because you fucked up again and you need me to come to clean up your mess. Which brings us to the main reason why am here earlier than am supposed to, how could you be so reckless Damien?

Our Luna is in danger and it’s all your fault man. I warned you when you took over the Mafia title that you have to be more careful. You know you have so many enemies, yet you sent all your security details away and you took our Luna to such a huge shopping mall, alone.

What if you encountered Alfredo or any other mob bosses, what would you have done then?

You were defenseless dude. You’re lucky that they only took pictures while they trailed you, they could have shot you or our Luna could have been hurt.” He scolded angrily. I shared a knowing look with Ralph and we both turned chuckled softly, then I turned to Justin with a smile and said,

“Welcome back man, we missed you.”

I told him with a smile. Justin is the smartest one among us, that is why he is my Gamma. He is also my tech expert. If he were here, I’m sure he wouldn’t have let me go to the mall alone with Sofia if he had been around. He is like our moral compass and he guides us in the right direction, always stopping us from making crazy decisions that would put our lives and the pack at risk.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I blame myself for not being careful. I was not thinking clearly because the atmosphere between Sofia and I was so tender and our hormones were running wild. All I was thinking about was how to make her look cool before presenting her to my people, I neglected our safety because I was too distracted by her beauty, I let my emotions to take control, now I have a stalker that’s sending me warnings, asking me to give up my own mate.

Who knows if they had planted a bug on the things I bought for her, or maybe they had placed a bug on my car, how could I have been so stupid. They may have even trailed me to the pack’s boundaries, and that would be very dangerous.

“Now that you’ve finished scolding us, dad, I need you to track down the IP address of the email sent to me, then you’ll have to get your team ready and do a thorough sweep of the whole pack, especially Sofia room and my room, you also need to check out all our cars for bugs, I think the stalked must have placed a bug on me or Sofia while we were at the mall or even before we got to the mall.

When we are done with the pack, we will do a thorough sweep on my companies also, I believe we have a mole in our midst. Someone had shared my private information with my enemies, someone leaked sensitive information about my price life to my rivals, that was why they were able to trail me to Sofia’s house and back.

We stopped by the company and Justin stepped down to supervise as the guys loaded some equipment that he would be needing to start his investigations. I sat in the car and tried to think back to everything that happened from the very moment I stepped into the mall with Sofia, I was trying to figure out every detail that I must have missed, but I just couldn’t place my hand on it.

“What had I missed?

Who could have leaked my location to my enemies?” I kept asking myself but I had no answers to these questions. I picked up the iPad and flipped through the pictures once more. The first was taken on the highway, Sofia and I were in the car, I can vividly remember what was happening, she had just pleaded with me, telling me not to sell her into prostitution, I think our stalker had been following us right after we left her fathers house, he had taken advantage of the fact that I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings, he drove past my car and he took a photo of us as he drove by.

I was facing Sofia, that’s why I couldn’t see the car, but Sofia must have seen something, she may have noticed them pass by us, or maybe she thought that they were my own men, that’s why she didn’t say anything about it. I could show her these pictures and ask her if she had noticed anything while we were at the mall, but that would make her panic in fear and that’s the last thing I want right now.

I want her relaxed and comfortable, I want her to trust in my capability and trust me to take care of her and protect her from every danger. Showing her these pictures will make her nervous and scared so I’ll have to sort all this issue without involving her, I’ll make sure she doesn’t find out about it.

When we got back home, I discovered that the girls had taken her out. This gave us the opportunity to search her room in her absence. Justin did a complete sweep of her room but he couldn’t find any bug planted in her stuff, he searched my room also but there was nothing there as well.

We were heading down to check on the cars when I saw their car pull into the driveway a d the girls stepped down happily. They were all carrying so many shopping bags, giggling as they walked into the house. It’s a good thing we have finished working on our rooms before they showed up. I know they hadn’t gone past our borders, my sisters know better than to go past our borders without my permission.

We have some classic boutiques in the town that’s why I wasn’t bothered when they informed me that they were going for shopping, I know it had to be within our territories.

She was laughing and chatting happily with my sisters, but once she set her eyes on me, her mood changed instantly. I know she is still a bit wary of me but this is more than that, this looks like anger, I mean real anger. I can feel it in her mood, I can smell it on her, she is angry with me and I don’t know why.

Could it be because I had kissed her so fiercely?

That could be it, she must be angry with me because I had hurt her when I kissed her so roughly. The girls were running forward to hug my friends, Tonia jumped on Julian excitedly, she had not seen him for a very long time. If you haven’t figured it out yet, my sisters are dating my Beta and Gamma. With the drastic decrease of our population, most werewolves are not able to find their mates anymore, only a few lucky ones, like me I guess.

To keep our lineage going, those without mates are allowed to mate with a suitable companion, which means that they can date and get mated if they are compatible. That’s the case with my Beta and Gamma, they have been dating for a while now and our parents approve of their relationship, soon they’ll perform the mating ritual thereby cementing their union.

“Now I can see why you were too distracted to monitor your surroundings, she is so fucking hot man, Damn!” Justin teased me through our mind link

“Watch it man, eyes off my woman, she’s mine!” I warned him jokingly.

“I told you she was hot without her habit and veil.” Ralph chirped into our conversation.

“You idiot!

I told you to keep it to yourself, didn’t I?” I scolded him angrily.

“I only told Justin about it, besides he’s not just anyone, he’s our friend and You know I can’t keep anything from him.” Be responded.

“I’ll get you for this Ralph, I ain’t letting it slide.” I told him sternly, then u move to go over to her but she wouldn’t look into my eyes, she avoided my gaze at all cost. I move my hand to gently lift up her head, forcing her to look into my eyes, then I saw her bruised lips and I felt sad for hurting her. I guess I forgot that she isn’t a werewolf and she doesn’t heal quickly as we do. Her lips are a bit swollen and the side of her lips that I had bitten is red and swollen.

I had hurt her and now she is mad at me, what the hell am I going to do to make her forgive me?

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