Sold to my crush

My beloved brother

Lily’s PoV

The continuous sound of the buzzing of my phone interupted my very well needed sleep this morning.

I had been ignoring the calls for an hour now, thinking that whoever it was would have the common sense to leave me the fuck alone. But i guess not everyone is destined to be smart.


I groaned as i stretched my very stiff bones. I think i had the best sleep of my life. The bed had Alex’s scent all over and I cuddled the pillows as i slept, having beautiful dreams of i and Alex.

“Ugrhhh, for Christ’s sake”. The buzzing of my phone interupted me again. I sighed and finally decided to check who it was so I could determine whether or not i would pick up.

Because unless someone is dying and urgently needs a heart transplant from me, i don’t see why you would call someone countless times by 7am in the morning.

I’m not even awake yet. Technically i am but my body needs to booth up before i do anything but this phone call is taking all that away from me.

My phone had stopped ringing when i picked it up. I had 30 missed calls from Rena, 15 from Tiffany and a fucking 60 missed calls from my Dad.

Has there been an apocalypse or something?!!.

I decided to call my Dad back first. Before i could press the Call button, my phone began ringing and it was my Dad.

Speak of the devil!

I picked up on the first ring and placed the phone to my ear.

“Hello Dad”. I croaked out, like literally because i always sound like a disabled frog in the morning.

“Lily, finally. Where the hell have you been”. My dad said, souding relieved and at the same time pissed. I was very surprised by his tone as he had never spoken to me that way.

“Good morning to you too dad”. I replied back, pissed because of his tone as i did not see any reason why he should act that way.

None of my family members had spoken to me since the wedding and now he thinks he could just call out of the blue and speak to me however he likes.

Well, i wouldn’t condone that.

“Chase is in the hospital and you need to get down here quickly”. My father said as he ignored my earlier sassy reply.

“What!!!, what happened to him?, is he going to be okay?”. I jumped off the bed as i rushed out all of my questions at once.

“Get down here Lily”. He sighed

” Okay, and oh you did not mention the adress”. I was pacing around the room as i asked. “I’ll text it to you. I’ll be waiting”. He hung up after that.

I sprinted into the bathroom and did my business. I got out and walked into the closet and pulled out my go to outfit. I wore a baggy Denim jean and big blue polo shirt with white sneakers.

I brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail before sprinting out of the house. Luckily i did not bump into anyone this time.

I was about leaving the gate when a voice stopped me in my tracks. ” Mrs Dankworth, are you going somewhere.”

I turned around to look at the source of the voice. It was an elderly man who looked to be above 60 dressed in an expensive looking suit approached me. I continued staring at him trying to remember where i had seen him before.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“I’m Mark, the driver from your wedding “. He answered with a warm smile on his face as if reading my thoughts.

“Oh, Mark. It’s nice to see you again”. I said genuinely smiling. The last time we met he was really nice to me and make me comfortable through out the ride.

“Mr. Dankworth, your husband has instructed me to take you to wherever you may want to go to.” Mark said.

“Oh, i don’t mean to be a bother, i can just find a taxi.”. I did not want to bother the old man. At his age, he should be relaxing at home instead of this.

” It’s my Job Mrs. Dankworth.”. He responded still smiling.

“I said it’s alright, i can find my way from here and i really have to go now so.”

“Then we should be on our way now. Mr. Dankworth wouldn’t be happy if i neglected my job and let you do that”.

” Alright let’s go.” I didn’t want the man to loose his job or be queried by Alex because of me. I already knew how it felt to be at the recieving end of Alex’s anger and i didn’t want that for this old man.

He led me to a black shiny Mercedes. It was drool worthy but i had to leave quickly. I gave him the adress of the hospital and he drove off.


As soon as Mark packed in front of the hospital. I jumped down from the car and sprinted into the hospital.

“Chase O’Sullivan”. I walked to the receptionist at the front and asked her for Chase. She ran her eyes all over me while chewing her gum loudly like a bamboo.

What’s with everyone today. Can’t she just do her god damn job.

” 22rd floor, room 205″. She finally replied and continued typing whatever it was on her computer. I’m pretty sure that she wasn’t typing anything of importance and it was just for show.

I dashed in to the elevator and found my way to the 22rd floor. I did not need to find the room cause as soon i got to the floor i found my father by the cofee machine looking devastated.

He was dressed casually in track pants and a polo shirt. I rarely saw him dressed this way as he was almost usually dressed formally. He had bags under his eyes, his shoulders slumped and it seemed like he had grown older in such a small space of time.

He had the cup to his lips before his eyes found mine. He dropped the cup on a table close to him before he walked towards me his eyes never leaving mine.

“Where is he?”. I asked when he was standing in front of me.

“Come with me”. He replied before turning around and leading me to Chase quietly, or maybe too quiet for my liking.

We got to room 205 where Chase was supposedly in. I saw Rena sat inside holding onto Chase. As soon as i got into the room, Rena snapped her eyes towards me glaring at me with rage.

She shared a look with my father and after a while she walked out of the room, brushing past me.

I wonder what this is all about.

I looked around the room. Everything was white. From the curtains to the tiles on the ground was white.

The stench of blood and syringe was strong and it almost made me puke.

I finally looked towards the white bed and found a figure lying there, with several machines stuck into him.

It was Chase and he was barely recognisable. He looked dead if you were to ask me.

He had numerous bruises on his face, a huge bandage on his head and some around his rib area. He looked really terrible. And even if he had done terrible things to me i still felt sorry for him.

“What happened to him?”. I asked my dad teary eyed.

“Oh quit the pretence, you lying whore.”He looked at me with so much fury and grabbed my hand roughly.

“How could you do this to your own brother. Huh!” Stunned would be an understatement to express what i was feeling.

If you had told me a day ago that my dad would speak to me like this i would throw a banana on your face and laugh.

“What… what are you saying dad?.” I asked genuinely perplexed. How does Chase lying in the hospital automatically become my fault. I hadn’t even seen them in weeks and even if i did, do i have the power to cause such harm to chase?.

If it were so then i would have killed Chase ever since the first time.

” Just drop the act, it’s disgusting. Just because you’re married to the Dankworths now doesn’t mean you could whatever you want. How could you let Alex do this your own beloved brother. Huh?

Chase that had always wished the best for you and the second you’re married into a wealthy family this is what you do ?.”

“Alex did this?, how, when?. Dad I’m not aware of any of this.” I spoke sincerely urging him to believe me. Why would Alex even do this Chase. All these were just so confusing to me.

“You’re still denying this huh?, and to my face?. You’re just pathetic Lily”. My father raised his hand to hit me and i squeezed my eyes shut preparing my self for the hit but it never came.

A familiar voice caused me open my eyes.”Touch my wife again and that would be the last time that you’d ever get to use those hands”.

“Alex, how .. how come you’re here?.” I asked surprised. Alex was the last person i expected to see here today. He had held my father’s hand there by stopping him from me.

Alex and my father had a staring contest or perhaps a glaring contest. My father was so pissed, i

could literally see the smoke coming off him.

“Why did you beat up my son”. My father asked through clenched teeth with his hands formed in a fist as if he was trying to hold himself back from hitting Alex.

Whereas Alex looked relaxed, maybe too relaxed for the situation. “I owe you no explanation and if you’re really dying to know why then you can ask your dear son. I’m sure he’ll be very delighted to share the reason with you. ” Alex said while walking to stand beside me.

Alex held me hand and spoke to me softly. “Let’s go”. I looked at our joined hands, my fuming father, and Rena who had joined the show.

I looked back at Chase and i regretted even feeling pity for him. I looked at his face and couldn’t believe that Chase could get any uglier.

All the pity i felt towards him at the beginning were replaced by anger and satisfaction of seeing him that way.

Maybe for once he would feel even if a little bit of what he had always made me feel. I looked back at Alex whose eyes were already on me, waiting for my response.

Alex did not need a verbal response from me as i began walking out of the door.

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