Skyler’s Revenge


#Bella’s P. O. V

“Who are you?” Nicoli asks me. My whole body goes into shock as I continue to stare into his beautiful eyes.

“Nicoli this is no time for jokes”I softly scold him.

“I’m afraid he isn’t joking Mrs King”The doctor says causing me to look up at him. He has to be kidding me.

“Your husband has suffered from a severe case of memory loss otherwise called Amnesia “The doctor further explains.

“What do you mean? I’m her husband?”Nicoli asks causing me to jump back in shock.

“Nicoli I’m your wife” I tell him softly trying to touch him but he pushes me away from him.

“You are not my wife the only woman I will marry is Anastasia” He growls in anger.

My eyes widen in shock at that statement

“Mrs King I think you should step outside”The doctor says pushing me out.

The moment the door closes behind me I let the soft tears roll down my cheeks. Nicoli doesn’t know who I am anymore.

“Bella!”Andrew calls walking up to me with Christian and Sarah.

“What happened?” Sarah asks pulling me into a hug.

“Nicoli lost his memory… H-He doesn’t remember me anymore” I hiccup as tears roll down my cheeks.

“Oh no!”Sarah says as she continues to rub my backing in a calming manner.

“He says he only loves Anastasia”I cry running my hand in my hair a few times.

“Excuse me”Andrew says as he pulls out his phone.

“Are you the family of Nicoli King?”The doctor questions as he walks out of the room.

“How is he doctor?”Christian asks walking closer to the doctor.

“I have calmed him down but he insists on seeing a woman named Anastasia”The doctor says.

“As for his memory I’m afriad its permanent”the doctor says

I instantly burst out crying and sobbing on the floor. How can this happen to us? Nicoli has to remember me. He can’t lose his memories of us.

“Unfortunately Anastasia is dead”Sarah says shaking her head.

“No she isn’t” Someone says behind us. I turn around and glare at Andrew who had a giant grin. “She’s on her way”He grins.

“You’ve been hidding her you bastard”Christian growls as his fist makes contact with Andrew’s face causing him to fall back groaning in pain. “Where have you been hiding her?”Christian asks holding Andrew by his shirt collar.

“Gentleman this is a hospital so please don’t fight”The doctor says. Christain drops Andrew to the floor in anger.

“You’ve been planning this” I snarl in anger.

“I told you that only I can love you”Andrew whispers in my ear. I shudder as his disgusting breath runs down my neck.

“Bastard!”I push him away from me. I glare at the door as the sound of heels clicking across the marbled floor Draws my attention.

She’s just like I saw her in the picture. Her black hair reaches just a little below her shoulders showing off her long neck. Her bright green eyes lock on me as she continues to strut towards us. She’s wearing a dark blue blouse and a pencil skirt.

“Andrew”She greets him with a big smile.

“Sarah, Christian how nice to see you again”She smiles as her eyes fall on me.

“And you must be Isabella I’ve heard so much about you”She puts her hand out for me to shake it but I simply glare at it.

“Sorry but I don’t shake shit!”I say not really sorry at all.

“I forgot they said you have a big mouth”She says putting her hand back.

“What are you doing here ?”I question her rudely. She smirks before answering my question.

“I’m back for Nicoli of course”

“In case you don’t know his mine”I yell at her taking menacing steps towards her.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well if he was yours then he’d be asking for you but no his asking for me”She grins triumphantly.

“Did you forget what you did to him Anastasia. How dare you think you can just strut back here and be welcomed with open arms”Sarah scolds folding her arms.

“Blah blah blah get over it”She rolls her eyes placing her hand on her hips.” And besides Nicoli doesn’t remember.”she says

“So shift… I want to see my Nico”She grins pushing her way through and entering the door.

I of course barge in after her

“Baby”She calls out wrapping her arms around Nicoli.

“I’ve missed you”I hear her say.

“Me too my love”Nicoli mumbled crashing his lips on hers. I want to leave, to run away but I’m trapped. I can’t move.

“Ana is it true I’m married to her?” Nicoli scolds pointing at me in disgust.

“Unfortunately baby yes you are”She pouts glaring at me.

“But don’t worry will fix that soon”She grins. Looking back at Nicoli.

“As soon as you leave this place everything shall be as it’s supposed to be”She says.

“What possessed me to marry her?” He says in absolute hatred.

“You only did it to help her father. Adrian Dante if it weren’t for that then you would have never done this.”she says

And that is when I finally heard enough. I open the door allowing my tears to roll freely. I’ve just lost Nicoli and I didn’t even get a chance to fight for him.

“Are you okay?”Sarah asks me, I nod my head wiping away the tears.

“I just need to breath”I tell her walking to the outside.

“I told you only I can love you like a mad man”Andrew says walking next to me.

“Nicoli doesn’t love you. To him you were just a favour”

“What are you talking about?”I ask him now stop walking and I look up at him.

“You didn’t know?”He smirks

“The only reason Nicoli married you was because he made a deal with your father. He marries you and takes the Don title after your dad and in return he protects you” He explains with a grin.

“Nicoli used you princess” Andrew says

I refuse to believe that my father used me to make a business deal. Andrew is probably lying. But what if he’s telling the truth? The annoying voice in my head says.

“If you don’t believe me then go ask your father”He says and that’s just what I’m going to do.

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