Shackled (The Lord Series) by Carlos

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

49. Angel

When I am done with the airplanes, I turn my attention to the books. While many are about airplanes,

there are some written by Charles Dic kens, Tolkien, and Bram Stoker, and other authors. Some of them

are bound in leather or are rare editions. I run the tip of my index finger across the spines of the books.

Only one caught my eye.

The Asterious Island by Jules Verne. First edition.

It is Alekos favorite story. Mine as well. We read it together many times.

pick it up and open it. I am no expert on old books, but how much is a first edition worth? Moving a finger

up and down a page, I leave a trail of blood behind it. A thousand dollars? I flip a few pages and circle

some drawings. More? Should I rip some pages? Will he even notice it! I love books, and I would have a

heart attack To st books torn apart. While Alekos deserves it, the book did nothing to me.

If Stefan would take me to Carlos for flushing his

is precious ring, Alekos would probably snap my

neck for destroying his book.

After the sacrilege of destroying a few more pages with my bloodied fingers, I put the book on the bed

and look around the room. While I could do more, it is a matter of time before I am found. And I still have

to destroy something of Reyes’.

I returns to the door, and I am about to unlock it when I hear the voices of Alekos and Stefan in the

hallway. I lean my ear against the cold surface of the door and


“I will take Giselle to the basement, and after that, we will see how our Angel is doing,” says Allekos.

“Wait for me in the living room

Their Angel? Is this some kind of a joke?

My gaze travels to his bed.

Wait until they discover what I’ve done.

Giselle whimpers and tries to say something, but Reyes snarls at her, his voice low and thick with hatred,

“Shut the f uck up! Be grateful that Alekos is willing to give you one more chance to prove your loyalty to

us. During the next gathering, Lords from other cities will be at our Blood Lodge. Make sure to put that Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

mouth to good use while they are here. Until tomorrow night, you can perfect your skill with the men of

the house.”

“She is not one of the porai girls.” Alekos intervenes.

What is a porai girl? I’ve never heard of that term before.

“The f uck she isn’t. I don’t care that your demon is a Leviathan and is stronger than our Belials, when it

comes to things that affect our bonded, we should make decisions together. Giselle needs to learn never

to disrespect our woman, our Lady, ever again.” Reyes sounds very angry.

talking about? What lies did Giselle tell about me?

Belials? Leviathan? What is Reyes to

Not that it comes as a surprise that Giselle lied about me. From my experience, some women do that

when it comes to getting into men’s pants. My shoulders slump. I would have gladly let her have Alekos if

she really wanted him that badly. There was no need to get in so much trouble.

When they see what I have done, would they take me to the Blood Lodge-probably similar to the

Celestial Heaven, where the Dukes gather every Sunday-and have the service the Lords together with


have Blushed Stefan’s n

FIDE and destroyed Alekos stuff…..

“Keyes in right. I told you many times that I don’t trust Giselle, but you wouldn’t listen,” Stefan says nest.

“Now, look what happened when we trusted her. Angel is going to bend when the wakes up.”

brook up. Livad? I am mode than

iselle starts crying bysterally. “I did not lar

In a way, I understand Queße. What Loyst would take home the daughter of a Duke who is supposed to

get married to Carlos de la Tiere and


49. Angel

name her the new Lady of the house? She did what she thought was best for her and everyone living in

the house. I don’t think it was only because of jealousy but because of Erat.

“Shut up,” all three men growl at Giselle at the same time. A whimper followed.

I feel sorry for Giselle. Even if she did spread lies about me, I don’t want her to get punished. If not for

me asking for Alekos’ help, Giselle would be in trouble night now.

The sound of the elevator opening makes Giselle beg. “Please, I am telling the truth.”

“Get inside!” Alekos orders her.

“Let’s see if our Nena is awake,” Reves suggests to Stelan alter the elevator leaves.

“Didn’t Alekos say to wait for him in the living room?”

“Since when do we do whatever Alekos asks of us?”

“Fine,” Stefan gives in. “But if she is still asleep, we will go to the living room.”

My heart starts pounding in my chest. I am in so much sh it. If they almost drove me to the ester of

insanity for only thinking I was spying for Carlos, what would they do to me now?

I listen as they go to Stefan’s room, and with great care, I unlock the door, open it, and peek into the

hallway, Reyes and Stefan have their barks to me and make no sound as they walk. How can they be

that quiet? The floor always squeaks under my feet.

I wait until they enter Stefan’s room to tiptoe down the hallway in the opposite direction, toward Reyes’


“Nena?” Reyes” voice reaches me. He sounds… scared? I must be inagining it.

1 open the door to knee room and pet Inside,

“Reyes, come here! Stefan shouts, “There are blo ody footprints in the hallway.”

F uck! Not only did I cut my hands, but my feet as well. I barely register the pain so I forgot about the

blood or the shards stuck in my damaged flesh, but there is no time to get them out 1 hane to hide.

Someone whistles.

“I don’t even want to know what Alekos will do when he sees his room, Isn’t that the book Nikolas gave

Alekos a day before he was killed?” Reyes says loud enough for me to hear him.

Nikolas gave Alekos the book I destroyed? Sh it. I am in s hit up to my neck.

is in your room now. We should stop whatever damage she is doing to your stuff before she has herself

even more,” Stefan says next.

Keyes asks, confused. “F uck! The guitar

I furrowe my brows. I vaguely remember a guitar in Reyes’ closet. Well, if I am going to be killed on taken

to the Blood Lodge, at least I will go, knowing I destroyed something precasus to all three of the gas. I

march set to the closet where the guitar is.

middle of the walk in closet, sitting on the attoman, the electric guitar in my hard,

“Tak the meer step, and I will math it to the ground,” I warn them when they keep advancing toward me

They alien a lee font away from

four and let ma tee your feet and hands. You are breding”


49. Angel

tofan erases has wons over his chest. “We are your Lord. And must I remind you that you made a

contract with us?”

*Except I didn’t sign any contra

or any contract,” I say. I lush my fingers on top of the


Boryes looks like her in going to be

The guitar is apparently very important to him.

“Put the guitar down, and we won’t do anything to you.” Keyes” voice is trembling “Let me take care of

your wounds.

I laugh again, and only seconds later, my laughter turns into trying ugly trying. “You think I care about

some stu pid cuts? I flushed Gollum’s precious ring down the bullet and destroyed Alekos lood. I think I

am pretty much screwed at this point.”

Melan’s eyes.

eyes go wide. “What ring are you

are you talking about?-

running down my theeks. “F uck you for pushing me inside that room last night. It makes me not feel bad


I stand. Before Reyes can stop me, I smash the guitar on the fin

“F uck you all,” I schömper before falling to my knees and barying my face in my palms, so bs escaping

from my mouth.

Chapter Comments

Pooja Yadav

my eyes are already wet for angel





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