
Rogue 2

Chapter 2

Evangeline stopped in her tracks, turning to Arthur. Tm totally done with the Gallagher family Like, I seriously need a place to crash. Got any pads lying around that I could borrow for a year or two? I’m looking for somewhere quiet, with not a lot of neighbors, and it’s gotta have some light security. I’m kind of a big deal, so I need to dodge any drama that could pop up in, you know, a busy place.”

Back when Evangeline rejoined her family, Meghan dragged her into showbiz but was actually scheming to mess with her big time. Meghan was always snagging the sweet leading lady roles, while Evangeline got stuck playing the baddie, making her look bad on purpose. Now Meghan was living it up, hegging all the limelight and playing Miss Goody Two–Shoes, while Evangeline was stuck with a bad rep because of those villain roles

“Staying in hotels wasn’t such a hot idea since it could put her on the Gallagher family’s radar, and those guys loved to stir up trouble. Even if they couldn’t really touch her, just putting up with their nonsense was a huge pain. Too bad Evangeline couldn’t just buy her own digs in Hofcaster–the wasn’t a full–timer there.

“Bayside Residence Mansion No. It’s chill, not too crowded. The door’s all high–tech with a smart lock. Hit me up on WhatsApp, and 11 shoot you the addy and the code,” Arthur said, all casual–like. Evangeline was on it, messaging him on WhatsApp fast and saving his number. In no time, he pinged back with the address and the secret code. She dropped him a thanks and bounced out of his room. With it being super late and all, she rolled downstairs and snagged a regular room for the night.

Bright and early the next day, before Evangeline was even fully awake, her room door was practically knocked off its hinges. The Gallagher family members stormed in, accompanied by a gang of intimidating bodyguards. “Get up!” Samson bellowed, yanking the covers off without a care in the would.

Evangeline shot up, her face all serious as she eyeballed the crashers, and her bed now totally stripped. She simmered inwardly, thinking “Seriously, Samson! Did you ever stop to think I might be sleeping in my birthday suit?!

In the meantime, George chucked some papers at her and snapped, “Stand up and sign this contract!” Evangeline sat up and gave the papers the once–over. Just like she thought, they were trying to strong–arm her into giving up her company shares with some sort of stock transfer agreement. “Grandad left me those shares. Turning them over? Not happening. I’m not signing squat she made her stance clear.

George went through the roof. Those shares are Callagher property. If we’re not your family, why are you clinging to our shares? Edward jumped in, all snooty–like, “Never figured you for the greedy type. Trying to snag all the company’s shares for yourself, right!” “You could learn a thing or two from Meghan,” added Jasper. “She’s n not hoarding as many shares

as you”

Evangeline couldn’t help but snicker at that. Meghan was just one of the Gallagher family members who owned way fewer shares than Evangeline did.

“Evangeline, let’s not beef with Dad and everyone over this,” pleaded Meghan in her sweetest voice. “Your shares are basically worth peanuts. Hand ‘em over to Dad,” she said. Agree to sign and I’ll slide you 20,000 dollars, deal?”

George and the Gallagher brothers grinned in approval, satisfied with Meghan’s outwardly generous offer

Evangeline couldn’t help but laugh to herself. They think they can buy me off with a measly 20,000 dollars for 30% of a company? What do I look desperate?” “What if I decline?” Evangeline challenged.

George’s voice went all dark and threatening. “It’s either the dough or your days are numbered. Choose! If you’re so set on those shares, we’ll get ‘em one way or another. I’m making this offer for the family’s sake, so figure out what’s best for you?”

Even though Evangeline had long given up on real family vibes, George’s words still stung a bit. Now her own dad was threatening her life–over cash and control. That’s just sad, she thought Evangeline faced George head–on. “Okay, I’ll sign your agreement, but only on my terms.”

George leaned in, all ears. “What are they?”

“I want 60 million dollars,” she said, chill as ever, “and a paper that cuts all ties and promises between us, now and forever. There wasn’t really a law to totally nix family ties, but a contract giving up any claims or obligations would do the job just the same,

Meghan flipped our “You really think you can demand 60 million dollars from us?”

“You’re going from 20 thousand to 60 million dollars?” Edward sneered. “You just can’t get enough, can you? Is money all you care about?”

Jasper, fuming now, jumped in. “Your shares aren’t worth 60 million dollars! You’re trying to shake us downr

Evangeline just flashed them a cheeky smile. Think my shares are worth the big bucks? Fine, I’ll give you the cash and even make a

a will. If I check

out early without giving up those shares, they’ll be stuck in Wmbo, and you won’t see a dime. How do you like that?”

“No way!” the Gallagher family hollered together.

“Come on, didn’t you just say my shares aren’t worth that much?” Evangeline teased them, pushing their buttons

They went red in the face with rage.

Evangeline didn’t let up. “Don’t kid yourselves, I talked to a lawyer after I got the shares. Turns out, they’re actually worth billions. Asking for 60 million dollars is me being nice.”

“And forget about bumping me off for my goodies. My will’s all set. If something fishy happens and I haven’t handed over my shares, they’re going straight to Uncle Sam, and not a cent to my folks or siblings” she added, throwing that out there. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

They were boiling mad.

Under her breath. Meghan said, “Who knew you could be so sneaky, making a will and all. Guess we were never family to you. After everything we’ve done, this is how you do us?”

Evangeline scoffed, Zip it, or I’ll zip it for you

Meghan was It, biting her lip, tears starting to show.

Right as Samson got ready to take Meghan’s side, Evangeline snagged an ashtray and chucked it has way. Zip it. I’m sick of your trash talk – Knowing Evangeline’s fuse was short, they treaded lightly. No one wanted to set her off after the last time.

George finally caved, grinding his teeth. “Alright, fine. I play ball

Evangeline shooed them out and then got herself together. Once she was ready, she followed them out the door.

a beat, making sure it was noted as a gift, so

First stop was the bank, where George coughed up the 60 million dollars to Evangeline. She didn’t miss a b George couldn’t backpedal later.

Then they hit up a law firm to officialize a deal cutting all strings and support, George had one of his lawyers get a document ready on the way there, and it was set when they walked in. Evangeline took her time looking the contract over, not a lawyer herself but still sharp enough to smell a trap. She snapped a pic of the contract and shot it over to Arthur, asking his lawyer to give it the once–over. Not ten minutes later, she gets a text from Anthur: [It’s solid.] Feeling good, she signed off on the dotted line.

Deal done, George whipped out the share handing–over paperwork, pushing, “Let’s wrap this up. Those shares aren’t really yours!”

Evangeline grinned “Couldn’t agree more… ‘Cause the shares were already in Arthur’s name, she pondered. Without blinking, she signed away. They eagerly clustered around the document, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. When they finally snapped back to reality, Evangeline was gone. They didn’t even bother to see where she went.

They raced to the Trade Ofier, waving the signed document, ready to move the shares. But the staff there threw them a curveball. “Sorry, no shures under Evangeline Castillo’s name. This paper’s not worth a thing.”

They were stunned.

George blurted out, “What? Evangeline’s got a fat slice of Gallagher Group! Where are her shares? Your system’s gotta be messed up.”

“Please hold,” the staff replied. After a check, they went, “Found her. She was in our records for sure. They got their hopes up again. But then came the bombshell. “She did have 30%, but someone else owns them now. As of 8 this morning. This transfer form! It’s a dud.”

Their jaws hit the floor.

“What the George couldn’t believe it. “Who has them now!”

“Mr. Arthur Ferdinand,” said the staffer.

George’s world spun, and Meghan had to steady him. “She sold us out to our biggest competitor he sputtered in disbelief. Fury hit them like a thunderbolt. Evangeline hadn’t just sold the shares, but she had also swindled them out of 60 million dollars.

While the Gallaghers moods had tanked, Evangeline was all smiles at the mall, where she was on a major shopping spree. She’d only grabbed her ID when she left, so a whole new wardrobe was on the list. She breezed through a fancy boutique, grabbing 30 different outfits without thinking twice. She didn’t stop there–shoes, handbags, jewelry, you name it.

Chapter 2

After paying, she had it all shipped off to the address Arthur had given her, Just like that, she’d dropped a cool 2 million dollars.

As Evangeline exited, she unexpectedly crossed paths with the Gallaghers at the entrance. They’d been hunting for her since leaving the Trade Office and had finally caught up.

“You’re the worst, Evangeline! Selling shares, taking off with our 60 million dollars! Give ‘em back!” Samson was losing it, just let rip with insults.

Evangeline fired back, “You rushed me to sign without double–checking. That’s on you, not me. Plus, I just take what you owe me for the last twenty years. Noi my fault.”

George was livid. “You’re gonna regret tricking us,” he growled.

“But Dad, don’t make a scene, Meghan cut in. “We can’t have people gossiping about us.”

Fuming. George turned to his sons. “Grab her and let’s go

They advanced on Evangeline, but out popped two huge bodyguards from nowhere, blocking their way,

“Who are these guys?” Samson frowned. “Move! This is family business.”

We’re here for Ms. Castillo. Mr. Ferdinand ordered us to protect her, full stop,” the guards said, stone–faced.

Samson’s heart sank. ‘Mr. Ferdinand? There’s only one person in Hofcaster referred to as Mr. Ferdinand. Arthurt. It’s him again!

While the Gallaghers were angry, they dared not act rashly

“Come home, Evangeline. We’re still family,” Samson tried again

Instead, she slapped him hard. Told you, I’m done with y’all. Bye”

Samson stood there, gobsmacked. Evangeline glared, and he clammed up instantly. Strolling past them, she gave Samson a kick for good measure and kept her brail high. The rest of the Gallaghers cleared our fast, none of them keen on catching her next act of payback.

The bodyguards drove Evangeline straight to this gigantic mansion. Her shopping haul was already there waiting for her, delivered right to the doorstep. She had the bodyguards and delivery guys haul everything inside. Anyone would’ve been wowed by the size and bling of this place. You’d think it was straight out of a fairytale unless you saw it with your own eyes.

But Evangelinet She didn’t bat an eye. The Gallaghers probably figured she was out on the streets after she ditched them, but she was living it up way better than she ever did back with them. Arthur’s mansion was definitely an upgrade, even though she hadn’t expected him to put her up in such a palace. She guessed it’d be some cozy, hidden–away spot. Guess her imagination hadn’t stretched far enough.

Heading up to the master bedroom, she was ready to sort out her new threads. But then, right on cue her phone rang. Looking at the Caller ID, she made a face her dad, not who she wanted to hear from. So, she just blocked his number

Then came the flood–calls from her mom, Meghan, Edward, Jasper. She hit decline on every single one, slapping a block on her mom’s number and all her siblings. They really thought they could bug her? And then Samson, bless his clueless heart, took his shot. Try me again, and you’ll regret it.” she warned, cutting him off and shutting him down with a block.

Over at the Gallagher residence, Samson was whining. “She had to yell just at me before the block. Thar’s Evangeline for your


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