Remarriage to a Rich Famliy

Chapter 59

“I’ll be there in a minute, so go eat by yourself, and when you’re done go to the office and help LILY and Assistant Peng share some of the work.” The old lady closed her eyes again, obviously not wanting to say anything more.

Cheng Lydia nodded a little and exited the bedroom.

Cheng Lydia had no appetite at all and stuffed herself with random things and headed out the door.

Instead of going to work at the hospital, she obeyed the old lady’s arrangement and went to Shen. The people in the company didn’t know that something had happened to Shen Mansion or why Shen Ron didn’t come to work.

What Cheng Lydia did not expect was that the old lady followed her just after she arrived at the company. Many internal employees were surprised and puzzled by the old lady’s personal presence.

Cheng Lydia greeted her with surprise, swept a glance at Assistant Peng at the old lady’s side, and opened her mouth to say, “Old lady, what brings you here?”

“Shen Ron doesn’t care about things anymore, naturally I can’t.” The old woman said and headed for Shen Ron’s office, turning her head as she left and instructing, “All schedules as usual, send me the schedule later.”

“Yes, old lady.” Cheng Lydia watched her leave.

In Cheng Lydia’s impression, Old Lady Shen is a gentle and kind, but somewhat childish old lady who acts in a way that she normally respects, but does not fear.

And the old lady Shen who just stood in front of her, her hair tied meticulously, her face slightly powdered, wearing a well cut suit skirt … gave the impression of a particularly professional woman, and her image on weekdays was even more different.

The old Mrs. Shen in front of her, with her exquisite gaze and serious look, could give people an invisible pressure just by looking at her.

Cheng Lydia handed the schedule in her hand to the old lady, her tone unconsciously respectful and serious as well, “Old lady, this is the schedule.”

“Well, put it down.” The old woman who was reviewing the papers didn’t look up.

Cheng Lydia put down her schedule and turned to back out.

For three days in a row, Shen Ron stayed in Yang June’s room without eating or drinking, and without speaking.

Cheng Lydia, though full of sympathy, has never stepped into Yang June’s bedroom because she knows Shen Ron doesn’t want to see anyone but the doctor right now, much less her.

She’d only make him angry if she went, so why bother?

In the past few days, besides working at the office to support the old lady, Cheng Lydia took time to go to the hospital. She had planned to find evidence that she had sent the test to prove that the test report was hers. But she felt helpless because she had sent the test to Doctor Song, and her signature was not on the test report.

She went back to the police and tried to find the identity of the man who had taken her bag, but because the man wore a hat and deliberately avoided the cameras, for three days in a row, the police had not a clue.

It seemed that, true to what the old woman had said, Ho Gina was prepared and was no match for herself.

She figured out the fact that if Shen Ron didn’t trust her from the bottom of his heart, no matter what she did or how she showed her innocence it was useless.

Instead, she gets the trust of the other person without having to open her mouth to explain, just like the old lady.

Today, she has to go to Gu to discuss a cooperation, and Cheng Lydia accompanies the old lady.

To Cheng Lydia’s surprise, the old lady and Gu’s president, Gu Andrew, actually had an extremely cordial relationship and seemed to be quite affectionate.

Inside the parlor, Gu Andrew and Gu William, both father and son, were present, and from the moment she entered, Cheng Lydia had been afraid to look directly at Gu William. But even so, she could feel a hot glance following her, and that glance was in the direction Toby had been since Gu William was there.

The secretary brings each of them a cup of freshly brewed coffee, and Cheng Lydia reaches for it to hide her embarrassment, but Gu William pushes a milk companion over to her at that moment.

She looked up just in time to meet his smiling gaze and his soft words, “It’s espresso, a little bitter.”

How did he know she was afraid of suffering?

Of course, this wasn’t the right time to think deeply about it, and she tried to act as natural as possible, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Gu William’s slender body pulled back and leaned back in his chair.

The old lady took a sip of her coffee and surveyed Gu William with a smile, “I read the other day that William is dating a new showbiz darling named Chung Grace.”

Without waiting for Gu William’s response, Gu Andrew immediately waved his palm and laughed, “Old lady, don’t believe in this, that kind of woman is only used for eating together and relieving boredom at most, which can be used for dating.”

Cheng Lydia lifted her eyebrows and swept Gu William, was Chung Grace that worthless in their Gu family’s eyes?

“I see William is old enough to have a girl and it’s time to settle down.”

“Alas, it’s something I’m anxious about, but young people have their own ideas.”

“William, that’s what’s wrong with you.” The old lady turned to Gu William.

Gu William laughed and gave Cheng Lydia a deliberate sweep and said, “Who made me less attractive than Ron, or I would have been married and had children long ago.”

“Ron… ugh, don’t mention it, I’d be happy if I knew half as much as you do.” The old lady sighed slyly.

“What’s wrong with Ron?” Gu Andrew asked with a concerned look on his face.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nope, just sighing a bit too.” Old Mrs. Shen didn’t want to mention Shen Ron’s matter, the smile on her face reappeared, smiling and said to Gu William, “William ah, my Belle doesn’t have a boyfriend either, why don’t I take the lead and let you guys try to date?”

Gu Andrew immediately agreed, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, Belle’s nice, she’s pretty good looking and knows her stuff.”

“I like the likes of Secretary Cheng.” Gu William spat this out slyly.

Everyone in the room was stunned, and Cheng Lydia nearly spilled the coffee in her hand when Gu Andrew raised his arm and slammed it into his arm, “What’s that nonsense, brat?”

Gu William, however, shrugged innocently, “What’s wrong? Father, didn’t you make me learn from Ron since I was a child? It’s only natural to learn from him about picking women, isn’t it?”

“Alas, truly the children are not to be crossed, old lady Secretary Cheng you must not take it to heart.”

“Master Gu just likes to joke around.” Cheng Lydia responded with a dry smile.

This time it was Gu Andrew’s turn to be busy changing the subject, taking a sip of coffee and coughing lightly before speaking, “This time the old lady gave up with Diechen’s company and cooperated with Gu’s instead, I wonder if Ron has any opinion about it?”

“Him?” The old lady smiled indifferently, “Even though he was in charge of the company all these years, I still have that bit of decision-making power.”

“That’s good, working with Shen is the most comfortable thing I can do.”

“No, think of how many projects we developed together back then, which one wasn’t outstanding, Ron that kid was just too emotional and too uninformed to give up on Gu.”

“It’s my fault too, I’m the one always upsetting him.” Gu William spat out another sentence.

Despite the presence of Gu William in the middle, the talks generally went well.

Cheng Lydia knows that Gu William doesn’t want to be associated with Shen either, nay the old lady and Gu Andrew are very optimistic about this project.

As she walked away from Gu, the older woman in the back seat gazed at Cheng Lydia and asked hesitantly, “Between you and Gu William …”

“There’s nothing between him and me.” Cheng Lydia, seeing that she didn’t know how to express her confusion, took the initiative to speak up and explain as she did.

“Well, that’s good.” The old woman put her mind down and closed her eyes to rest.

“Grandma, let me take you home first.”

“No, the company has a lot of unfinished business.”

“But you’ve been working these days, and your body will not be able to take it.”

“Better yet, by the time Shen Ron starves to death, I’ll be tired and done with it.”

“Grandma …” Cheng Lydia couldn’t pick up the words.

She glanced in the reversing mirror at the old woman with her eyes closed, her heart full of sympathy.

“Why don’t you go and see him.” The old woman suddenly looked at her with expectant eyes.

Cheng Lydia was stunned, touching the thirst in her eyes.

“Good.” She gave a small nod.

“Forget it, it’s better not to mess with him.” The old lady said again.

“Good.” Cheng Lydia remained with a soft nod.

To the old man in front of her, who was powerful in his arrogance and domineering in his gentleness, she had no choice but to submit and could not refuse.

Working late at night and coming back late, and then having to catch a meeting early the next morning was simply too much for an eighty-year-old woman to handle.

Cheng Lydia had advised, everyone had advised, but the answer received was that Shen could not live without a master for one day, and that her old man would hold on no matter how hard she had to suffer.

Eventually, the old lady collapsed in the middle of the early morning meeting and was rushed to the hospital.

As the elderly woman’s attending physician, Cheng Lydia ordered her to stay in the hospital for observation in a professional tone and did not give her the opportunity to say no.

The old lady demanded discharge in the same forceful manner, and Cheng Lydia had to say to her, “Grandma, stay here in peace, and don’t worry about the company; I’ll be sure to persuade Ron to go to the office by tomorrow afternoon.”

The old lady laughed bitterly, “I know my grandson, he’s angry with me.”

“But you can’t use your body to get angry with him too, are you competing to see who holds out longer?”

“What else could we do?”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.”

“What are you going to do about it?” The old woman looked at her askance.

“I … don’t know that yet.” Cheng Lydia sounded a committee.

And yes, she herself doesn’t know what to do to get Shen Ron out of Yang June’s room and get him back to his normal life and back to work.

But no matter what, Shen Ron hates her, and it’s her responsibility to bring him out of his bitterness.

In the evening, Cheng Lydia carefully made a dumpling with all the colors and flavors.

On the night of the incident, we had agreed to make dumplings for Shen Ron in the evening, but before the dumplings could be made, something happened.

She made up the dumpling today, but she could guess what would happen to it; it wouldn’t be gorged on by Shen Ron like the last time.

Cheng Lydia took a step down the air corridor with her dumplings, and from a distance she saw two twenty-four hour doctors on call at the door of Yang June’s bedroom.

Her footsteps paused, then quickened.

As she expected, the two doctors and all the servants in the mansion gave her a disgraceful look, stiffly squeezed a smile at her, and deliberately called the word ‘young lady’ with great solemnity.

Cheng Lydia had one hand free to open the door when she stopped moving and turned her head at the two doctors, “Please open the door for me.”

The female doctor reluctantly reached out to unscrew the door handle for her and grimaced at her back, “What a drag, to have the nerve to come in here and upset Ron.”

Cheng Lydia didn’t pay her any attention, walking into the house and scanning the area, eventually finding Shen Ron under the curtains.

He was still wearing the same robe he had worn that night, his hair disheveled and his face haggard, and was now sitting motionless under the window, disheveled in a heart-wrenching way.

When he saw her enter, he just looked at her lightly, without showing too much irritation.

Are you too hungry to be angry? It’s the fourth day, right?

This was the first time Cheng Lydia had seen Shen Ron in this state, and she was still a bit frightened. She looked at Yang June, who was sleeping with her eyes closed in the middle of the bed. From a distance, she looked better than when she was poisoned, and seemed to be getting better.

“I made the dumplings you like, have some.” Cheng Lydia walked up to Shen Ron and knelt down in front of him, handing him the dumplings in her hand.

Shen Ron raised his eyes to look at her askance, his hand rose and palm fell, and with a ‘dang’ sound, the dumplings fell to the floor along with the porcelain bowl, scattering them all over the place.

Cheng Lydia was prepared for this, but she was still taken aback by him. She took one look at the dumplings scattered all over the floor and turned her head to stare at him with an instantly serious look: “If you really hate me that much, then eat your fill, get your energy up, beat me up or scold me, or force me to divorce. What are you doing here? You are trying to scare someone by going on a hunger strike like a woman? Do you know how bad you look like this? Where’s your usual vigor? If you keep this up, I’ll ask Gu William to come over and take a look at you. I’m sure he’s never seen you look so disheveled.”

Shen Ron lowered his eyes and remained silent for a long time before he spat out quietly, “Gu William would be just as disheveled and sad as I am when he sees June the way she is.”

He inhaled softly and continued with a nasal voice, “I only hate myself, I hate myself for having the eyes to let such a dangerous person stay at home, I hate myself for not even being able to safeguard the safety of my beloved, if I had known that, I might as well have given her to Gu William in the first place, if she had married Gu William, maybe she wouldn’t have had the car accident, much less been If she had married Gu William, she might not have been in a car accident, let alone poisoned, and would have been living happily ever after by now.”

Cheng Lydia looked at him and smiled coldly, “Shen Ron, do you truly love Ms. Yang?”

Shen Ron doesn’t answer the question because it’s not even worth his time to answer.

Of course, Cheng Lydia didn’t expect him to answer herself, saying, “If you truly love Ms. Yang, then all the more reason for you to fight and investigate the truth of the matter. I know you won’t believe me, but I still want to say that I haven’t done anything wrong to Ms. Yang. If you keep on assuming that I did it, you will only let the real murderer get away with it and continue to hurt Ms. Yang.”

“Even if you are convinced that I did this, even if you hate yourself for marrying a wicked woman like me, are you going to keep punishing yourself like this? The Shen Family don’t want it? The company too? In the days when you were dying for a woman, it was your 80-year-old grandmother who was up early and up late every day, keeping the company, meeting client after client, chairing meeting after meeting. While you were hard-pressed to punish yourself, how was Grandma not punishing herself? She said that by the time you died of hunger, she would have died of exhaustion and The Shen Family would be finished, and it would be over. And just this morning, Grandma finally collapsed in the conference room unable to support herself, and is still in the hospital.”

Shen Ron, who had been expressionless, finally reacted and raised his eyes to stare at her in awe.

Cheng Lydia saw the worry in his eyes and smiled mockingly, “Don’t you hate her? And worry about her death?”

“How the hell is she?!” Shen Ron yelled out violently.

However, perhaps because he was extremely hungry, even his violent roar seemed much weaker than usual.

“Just eat the noodles and go to the hospital and see for yourself.” Cheng Lydia turned and waved in the direction of the door, and Amy, with dumplings in her hand, walked in.

From the beginning, Cheng Lydia knew Shen Ron would smash her noodle bowl, so naturally she wouldn’t prepare just one.

“Young Master.” Amy handed the dumplings to Shen Ron.

Shen Ron raised his eyes and swept Cheng Lydia, took the noodle bowl and then lowered his head to eat.

Cheng Lydia was relieved to see him finally willing to eat.

Amy followed suit and gave Cheng Lydia a surreptitious thumbs up.

For the past few days, no matter how much they, the servants, or Mrs. Shen or Shen Belle, tried to persuade or coax, Young Master just refused to take a bite, and even blasted them out of the door in a very grumpy manner.

The young lady has a trick up her sleeve, she’s got the young master fooled in a few words!

Shen Ron finished his bowl of noodles in three or two sittings and Cheng Lydia handed over the glass of water in her hand, “Have some water.”

Without a word, Shen Ron took the glass of water and finished the contents, then tossed it into her hands and got up from the floor.

As he sat on the floor for too long, his body was unsteady when he got up and almost fell down, but fortunately Cheng Lydia had quick hands to help him.

Shen Ron, however, just coldly wrenched her hand away and stepped out.

As he was leaving, he did not forget to urge the two doctors outside the door to take care of Yang June.

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