Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


Adia was just returning from the pharmacy, when a flashy car suddenly zoomed past her and stopped in front of her.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Can’t you dr…” she stopped talking midway when she saw the person that came from it.

It was the last person she will never wish to see in her entire life, one of the cause of her problems.

“You..” she yelled angrily as Sebastian stood in front of her as she staggered backwards.

She fumed In anger as she took a good look again at the man in front of her.

He looked so breathtakingly handsome with the prefect build, those muscular shoulders, with his perfectly chiseled jawline.

He look so good with those juicy lips of his.

‘adia snap out of this’ Adia scolded herself for drooling over him as she inhaled deeply.

“We need to talk” Seb stated after giving her enough time to survey his handsome Face.

“There’s nothing to talk about, please excuse me” Adia politely said as she attempted to leave but was held back by Sebastian.

“Look, Mr I’d love if you quietly let me go or I’ll call the cops on you” Adia threatened as Sebastian scoffed “cops”

“Just let me go” Adia yelled struggling with him as she couldn’t stand his intimidating presence anymore.

She managed to set her self free from his strong grip as she attempted to Walk away.

“Stop right there Adia, I think you have something that belongs to me” Sebastian called as his deep and raw voice vibrated in her ears, as she stopped walking immediately, and turned to face him angrily.

“Look Mr or whatever”

” it’s Sebastian” Sebastian corrected as she glared at him.

“Sebastian or what ever, I don’t think I owe you anything, just let me be and I never want to see ever again” Adia warned pointing her fingers angrily at him as he smirked at her.

“Just let me be and get out of my life”

Sebastian signed as he watched her ranting.

“First of all, I was never a part of your life and secondly be careful Adia, you’re carrying my baby” Sebastian concluded with a serious face as Adia gawped at him.

“Look I don’t know what you are talking about, maybe you’ve got the wrong person, so if you would excuse me” Adia denied as she smiled wryly at Sebastian.

“I Know you’re pregnant with my child Adia,

so let’s cut to the chase” Sebastian said as Adia glared hard at him, she really wanted to punch that handsome face his.

“Here” he handed over a file to her as she collected it from him wondering what it contained.

“What’s this?” Adia asked suspiciously as her gaze met with Sebastian’s.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“This’s a contract” “con.. tract?” Adia stammered as she examined the papers.

‘what is this manic up to now?’ she asked her self as she read through the papers.

“A marriage contract?” Adia asked meaningfully

“a marriage contract, between you and me” Adia scoffed as she read through the papers “in your dreams asshole” she cursed as she threw the papers at him, scattering the papers all over them.

“tsk, tsk that’s why I always keep a copy, always be ready for the worse Adia, I’ll help you with your sister’s treatment and in return you sign these” Sebastian explained as he rested his back on his car.

“Help me, I don’t need your help, I can help my self” Adia rejected as Sebastian laughed out loud sarcastically.

“You don’t need my help” Sebastian repeated in scarscam as he walked closer to Adia.

“Come to think of it, I help you or I don’t help you, I’ll actually be at benefit here, if I help you I’ll keep the child, and if I don’t help you I’ll also keep the child, so you’re actually at loss here, cause you’ll lose both your child and sister, how bad” Sebastian emphasized on the word lose as be was trying to get into her head and make her get emotional.

“Sorry to disappoint you, my sister’s not going to die and you have no child with me, get it?” Adia yelled as Sebastian just kept on smiling. ‘can you just stop smiling, it’s getting on my nerves already’ Adia grunted in her head as she was already getting sick of his smile.

“She sure will die if you don’t raise the money on time and there’s no way you’re ever gonna raise that kind of money in many life time to come, and my child we’ll settle that in court, hmm that’s if you reject the proposal” Sebastian watched her keenly as he was sure his words hit her hard this time, she would break down any moment from now.

“How so you know about that, have you been stalking me, you seem to know Alot about me lately” Adia raised a brow at him as she waited for an answer.

“You’re my child’s mother, so I’ll definitely know alot about you and my soon to be wife also” Sebastian chuckled upon seeing her reaction, she was just trying to be strong, he’ll see how long that will last.

“I can never be your wife Sebastian or whatever you call your self, just you watch, my sister will be operated on three days from now” Adia boldly said as Sebastian watched her in amusement chuckling inwardly.

She’s just trying to be strong, little did she know she was dealing with the devil himself, he knew something like this would definitely, besides she will definitely hate him after that has happened, he didn’t like her either but he just had to this, because once the vampires find out someone’s carrying his child, her and the child will definitely be in danger, which is what he wouldn’t want to happen.

And telling Adia about it wasn’t an option either, because it wasn’t the best thing to do at the moment.

So the best thing to do was keep her and the child safe which can only be possible if they get married.

“Then let’s make a deal, three days from now, you’ll come begging and crawling for the contract, Mark my words Adia, here my business card, I promise that you’ll need that” he said wearing a cunning smile on his face throwing a card at her as Adia fumed In anger.

He looked around as if sensing someone’s presence as he walked closer to Adia leaving a little Gap between them, “what do you think you’re….” She was interuptted by a kiss from Sebastian as their lips brushed against each other.

“Adia” a voice softly called as Adia quickly broke away from the kiss.

“Cora” she muttered nervously as Cora kept looking at her and Sebastian in surprise.

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