[19] b

I managed to deal with all the pain by drinking hot chocolate. It didn’t alleviate it much, but at least I could finish some work. Fortunately, there were no plans today that required me to leave the office with Krystal. However, I wasn’t entirely sure, considering Krystal’s habit of changing her schedule.

Honestly, the chocolate I bought at the café downstairs was really helpful. I was surprised that my stomach suddenly felt tense and uncomfortable. Was it common for young pregnant women to feel like this? I had no experience, and there was no one here who was pregnant like me. Besides, there were only a few people who knew about my pregnancy, and I thought that was enough. I didn’t want to add new people to the list who knew what I was hiding.

My phone vibrated, and a message from Cedric appeared. I didn’t feel angry about what I saw last night. It’s just that I started to doubt him, his claims of being responsible. How could he be responsible if I saw him, spending money carelessly? How much was his salary anyway? To hire two women at once.

Forget it. Thinking about Cedric gives me a headache.

“Anya,” Krystal called out as she was now in front of me.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Join me for lunch, okay?”

I blinked slowly. “With a client?”

Krystal grinned. “Just accompany me.”

When it’s like this, I knew for sure who the client she meant was. It was none other than that Mr. Andrew. I was accompanying her as a shield. “Alright, ma’am.”

“Do you have plans for lunch outside?”

I furrowed my brow.

“Like with Cedric?”

I closed my eyes. I forgot that my boss knew who the father of my child was. “No, ma’am.”

“He never invites you to have lunch together? He should be attentive to you. What’s going on?”

I really didn’t understand the thought process of Krystal Blaxton. Why was she making a fuss and getting angry about this? I’m not even angry, and it looks like I’m avoiding Cedric. Now, why is she acting like this? I even distinctly heard her frustrated sigh before she turned away and headed back to her office. I felt relieved after making sure Krystal was about to be swallowed by the glass door.

“We leave in an hour, Anya,” she said.

I just nodded. I checked the time; it was already fifteen minutes past ten. I couldn’t relax so easily. What about my report? Even though Krystal invited me to lunch outside, I still had to finish my work before I left. Hopefully, I could do it quickly.

Unknowingly, time flew by quickly. Luckily, I only had to arrange one more section before it could be rechecked. After lunch, I could send it directly to my boss’s email. I quickly packed up my belongings, not entirely sure whether to bring my laptop or not, but I prepared it anyway. If Krystal said to bring it, I’d just carry it.

When I opened the third drawer, which was quite spacious and used to store spare high heels, the book that I had been hesitant to throw away appeared. The book that the hospital gave me as a reference for pregnancy and notes about the changes and medication I received, all written there.

My fingers trembled slightly as I picked it up. There were also photos from the ultrasound. Unconsciously, I gently brushed them. My thoughts were in turmoil. But no, this was final. I had been wavering before, just having intentions in my heart. The first attempt tired me out, but there were no results. Then I remembered Cedric’s expression, whatever you want to call it-disappointment, anger, or something else-when he saw me. It annoyed me.

Before, I was considering reevaluating my plan to terminate the pregnancy.

Before, I started to think maybe Cedric was a good person.

Before, I hoped that, even without love, I could still accept it.

But seeing Cedric at the club last night erased any doubts and reconsideration from my mind. There was no more deviation from my original plan. Indeed, the heart knows best, and I believe this is for the best.

“Can you believe it, that Andrew has no brains?”

Can I laugh? Is it a sin to find it amusing that Krystal Blaxton is furious after our lunch today? We leisurely walked without carrying anything, and our intention was simply to have lunch. Just lunch. But privately, we ended up in one of the upscale hotel restaurants. I don’t know, maybe it was initially planned as a romantic lunch or something, but it definitely failed.

Maybe because of me. However, Mr. Andrew himself also invited his assistant, Gina, her name. Fortunately, we managed to eat separately and had a lot of chat. Gina was fun to be around, actually. Sometimes she complained about her boss, who seemed to have a big ego. Lucky for me, even though Krystal could be annoying, I still admired her.

And because Krystal was in a bad mood, I got the chance to accompany her wandering around the mall. I was also carrying some makeup items, for some reason, I felt like Krystal was going crazy for them. She didn’t choose or compare one with another. She just grabbed them, checked the brand, and paid. Although I got the chance, it still wasn’t Krystal.

I became curious, what were they talking about that made my boss so angry? But it’s not something I could do. It would violate her privacy, and I was sure Krystal wouldn’t like it.

“Anya, are you even listening to me?”

I grimaced. “I am, Ma’am. Your question is just strange, and I don’t know how to answer it. If Mr. Andrew had no brains, he wouldn’t be a top executive at Lazade.”

“I know he’s smart, but oh… he’s just too much. You’re lucky you have Cedric, who’s not into sweet-talking. But Andrew? Oh my God! He’s all about sweet words!”

Wait… something feels off here.


“Anya, you’ve been daydreaming all this time. Is something bothering you?”

I blinked. Realizing that Dewa was seeking attention, I just gave him a small smile. “Oh, just stuff to work on, you know? I have a report that’s been pushed to be done urgently,” I complained, pretending. Well, what can I do? Lying for the greater good is better than saying there’s nothing to worry about. It wouldn’t make sense, right?

“Being a secretary is really busy, huh?” he said.

I just responded with a chuckle. We ended up at a seafood restaurant near the apartment area. Dewa had been waiting for me after confirming through his message at four in the afternoon. I couldn’t bring myself to refuse him again. And well… I had promised in the morning, right?

“You’re also busy as a cafe manager,” he continued. I chose sweet and sour squid for my menu this time. Just by looking at the photo on the menu, my mouth started to water. When it was served, it tasted just as I imagined. I even asked for an extra portion. Luckily, Dewa didn’t suspect anything. In fact, he seemed happy that I ate a lot.

Is it not allowed for a woman to eat a lot? I wonder why.

“Ah, it’s busy, but you know, when you’re in love, what can you do? Oh, I need the money too,” Dewa said while looking at me without a break. “Want to add some shrimp?”

I shook my head. “Two portions of this and grilled fish. Do you still want to add more? My stomach is not a bottomless pit, you know?”

Dewa laughed quite loudly. I didn’t mind; after all, he became the subject of other customers’ glances. I remained relaxed, enjoying my meal.

“I’ve been waiting for a moment like this, Anya.”

“What do you mean?” I understood exactly where his conversation was heading. However, as a woman, I still wanted to see if I could make this guy in front of me blush with my apparent insensitivity when he moved closer.

“It’s been a long time since we had dinner together and went home together. I don’t know why you keep avoiding it.”

“Busy, that’s all. Not avoiding.”

Dewa just shook his head. “Your reason is always the same. Classic.” I saw him finish the last bit of his orange juice. “My request never gets an answer.”

Memories of Dewa since I first met him two years ago came flooding back. At first, we were just normal friends. Maybe because of my lack of sensitivity or something, but a year later, Dewa began to act differently toward me. Naomi said it seemed like Dewa had a crush on me but was too afraid that I would avoid him if he made a move. Until one day, when he drove me home, Dewa finally mustered up the courage to ask me.

“If I approach you not just as a male friend, is it okay?”

“We’re already close, right?”

Dewa chuckled. “Not close like that, Anya. Getting close where there’s an attraction that leads to a love story. I’m interested in you, and you feel the same.”

“Are you confessing your love to me, Wa?”

We both laughed. I didn’t directly say that he could get close. No, I didn’t. At my age, twenty-nine years old, I’m selective about who I get close to. Especially with the opposite sex. I let it be while assessing what Dewa would be like later on. But instead of adding positive points, my perception of Dewa had been eroded.

I’m not picky. But can you imagine how it feels when his lips are always sweet-talking and saying things that make me cringe? That’s not all. Sometimes, Dewa would be overtly possessive of me, as if I were already bound to him.

Oh my God!

“Can I ask for a closer friendship?” I asked during this unfinished meal.


“But we’re already close, Wa.”

“But I want a more serious relationship, Anya. Like dating.”

I chuckled softly. “I’m too old to date.”

“Same here. Or do you want to go straight to engagement? I’m okay with it as long as it’s with you.”

“Oh, Dewa, you’re a master with words.”

“And you’re even better at playing with my heart.”

I chuckled, but Dewa didn’t. Instead, he looked at me with a look that I couldn’t interpret its meaning. Even the movement of my hand feeding me, I felt a bit intimidated by his behavior.

“For that, honestly Dewa, I can’t.”

“Why?” he asked immediately. I don’t think he thought it through.

“I tried to open my heart, to accept that you’re also around me. You know, I rarely refuse you unless I’m really busy?” I saw him nodding, meaning he agreed with what I said. “But it’s just not possible, and I can’t force it, Wa.”

“So, my wait has been in vain all this time?”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

I gave him a small smile. I rubbed his arm gently. “Of course not. We’re friends. We have dinner together, have lunch together. Sometimes, we have fun, right? Same with Naomi and Dona.”

“Is there something missing from me? Are my standards not met as your future husband? Do I have to dress up like Kelvin?”

I was quite surprised that Dewa brought up Kelvin’s name. “Why Kelvin?”

Dewa snorted in annoyance. I’m sure of that. “Yeah… I’m not blind every time I see Kelvin looking at you. He’s just like me, interested in you. Does Kelvin meet the criteria for a potential fiancé? Maybe he’s closer to becoming your husband.”

Ah, Dewa. If only you knew what happened to me. You’d be more determined not to be interested in me, right?

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