Chapter 30: Unexpected Engagement

After the engagement ceremony concluded, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation and curiosity. Alpha Derrick, his imposing presence commanding the attention of all in attendance, slowly rose to his feet. The room fell silent as every gaze gravitated towards him, eager to discern his next move.

In a voice that carried an undeniable iciness, he declared, “I must attend a meeting immediately. Please excuse me.” His words hung in the air, a stark contrast to the joyful occasion that had just unfolded. However, before he could make his exit, his father, the esteemed Lord Fredrick, acted swiftly to halt him.

“Wait,” Lord Fredrick urged, his tone a mixture of authority and genuine concern. Derrick turned to face his father, his expression laced with anger and impatience.

“What is it?” Derrick retorted, making no attempt to hide his irritation. His engagement had been sudden, unexpected, and unwelcome, leaving him in a state of emotional turmoil.

Lord Fredrick, aware of his son’s discontent, adopted a more conciliatory tone. “Considering your recent engagement to Felicia,” he suggested, “why not cancel the meeting and spend some time with her?” Derrick’s eyes briefly met Felicia’s, silently pleading for him to do just that, a plea mirrored in her hopeful expression.

Yet, Derrick shifted his gaze back to his father, his resolve unwavering. “I’d love to, Father, but this meeting holds utmost importance,” he asserted, his voice tinged with a mixture of regret and obligation. The engagement had thrust him into a world of responsibilities and expectations he had not been prepared for.

Lady Aurora, Derrick’s mother, seized the opportunity to voice her opinion. She chimed in with a tone of maternal concern, “But can any meeting truly outweigh your fiancée?” Her words echoed in the room, the question hanging in the air as she looked at her son, her eyes filled with a mother’s love and a longing for her son’s happiness.

Derrick’s eyes flickered with inner turmoil as he turned to his mother. His explanation came with a hint of desperation, softening his voice just a touch.

“I’m scheduled to meet with both the President of America and Germany,” he began to clarify. “Canceling at this point would be not only impolite but also potentially detrimental.”

While his justification was valid, hidden beneath the surface was his true reluctance. Derrick’s anger towards his parents for arranging this sudden engagement and his aversion to spending even a moment with Felicia, his future wife, were sentiments he kept concealed. Thus, the meeting served as a convenient excuse, shielding him from confronting his emotions and the reality of the situation he found himself in.

“But Derrick, you can just postpone the meeting and spend the day with Felicia.” Lord Fredrick suggested.

“Father, as I mentioned earlier, canceling or postponing the meeting isn’t an option,” Derrick asserted firmly. His voice carried a hint of frustration, a stark contrast to his attempt at composure.

“I understand that we should have informed you sooner about this engagement,” Lord Fredrick began, his tone apologetic. “But there’s still time to reach out to your business partners and explain the situation. You can tell them it’s an emergency, and they’ll likely understand.”

Despite the pleas from his parents, Derrick remained resolute. He harbored deep resentment for the circumstances, and escaping the castle and his impending marriage was his primary motivation for attending the meeting.

With a cold voice, he addressed his parents, “I appreciate your concern, but this meeting involves matters of great importance for me.” His voice was cold, matching the expression on his face.

Felicia, still standing nearby, had been silently observing the exchange. Her eyes, initially hopeful, began to dim with disappointment. She had hoped that this engagement could lead to a genuine connection between her and Derrick, but it seemed that duty would always come first.

Lord Fredrick, seeing the resolve in his son’s eyes, nodded understandingly. “Very well, Derrick. We respect your decision, but remember that family should always be a priority.” He placed a reassuring hand on Derrick’s shoulder, acknowledging the weight of his responsibilities.

With an inward scoff, Derrick turned back to Felicia, who was trying to hide her disappointment with a forced smile. “I promise we will make time for each other as soon as this meeting is over,” he assured her with a cold look on his face.

In truth, Derrick wasn’t providing genuine reassurance to Felicia; rather, he was delicately masking the reality to spare her from potential embarrassment in front of the maids in the chamber.

Felicia nodded, though her eyes betrayed a sense of loneliness and longing. “Of course, alpha Derrick. I understand.” Her voice was gentle, and she tried to convey her understanding, even though she had hoped for a different outcome.

As Derrick left the room to prepare for the important meeting, Lady Aurora approached Felicia, her motherly instincts kicking in. “My dear, I know this is not how you imagined this day to be, but patience and understanding will go a long way in building a strong foundation for your future together.”

Felicia managed a small, grateful smile, realizing that navigating this newfound relationship with Derrick would be more complex and challenging than she had anticipated. With a deep breath, she resolved to be patient and make the best of the circumstances.

Meanwhile, Derrick couldn’t shake the turmoil within him as he headed to the meeting. His was obviously angry – angry at his parents for making crucial decisions for him. Angry at them for fixing am engagement date without informing him about it.

As Derrick strode purposefully towards his private chamber, the cool, dimly lit corridor seemed to echo with each deliberate step of his polished leather shoes. It was in this somber atmosphere that he crossed paths with his identical twin, Merrick. The overhead chandelier cast dancing shadows on the ornate wallpaper as Derrick, with an air of commanding authority, inquired, “Are you adequately prepared for the pivotal meeting, Merrick?”

Merrick, ever the keen observer, noticed the subtle tension in Derrick’s furrowed brow and the sharp edge to his voice. He replied cautiously, “Yes, but it’s evident something troubles you deeply, Derrick. Mind sharing your burden?”

Frustration bubbled within Derrick, his chest tightening as he vented, “It’s our parents, Merrick. Their relentless stream of irrational decisions has become insufferable.” His voice quivered with pent-up anger, the recent engagement to Felicia a vivid source of irritation.

Merrick adopted a soothing, brotherly tone and urged, “Calm down, brother. Please, enlighten me on the particulars.”

Derrick let out an exasperated sigh, his voice laced with bitterness. “Felicia and I are now engaged.”

Merrick’s eyes widened in astonishment, his gaze darting around the hallway adorned with ancestral portraits and antique furniture. “What? When and where did this astounding development transpire?”

“It unfolded just moments ago within Father’s chamber,” Derrick replied, his anger intensifying with each vivid recollection.

Merrick leaned against a gilded, intricately carved wall panel, still processing the revelation. “I knew you and Felicia ate gonna get engaged, but never did I anticipate it to be this soon.”

“Merrick, let us set this tumultuous matter aside and direct our focus towards the impending meeting. Delving into it further only fuels the flames of my anger, and I fear impulsive actions,” Derrick asserted, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency.

“Agreed,” Merrick nodded solemnly. Together, they exited the ornate castle, its grandeur and history evident in every brick and stone.

In the carport, a gleaming white limousine awaited, pristine under the soft glow of the evening sun. Ramos, their loyal driver, stood by the vehicle’s door, a picture of professionalism and readiness. Derrick and Merrick settled into the plush leather seats, surrounded by the aroma of fine leather and polished wood. With a genteel closing of the door, Ramos sealed them within. The engine purred to life as he assumed his position behind the wheel, and the limousine glided gracefully away from the castle’s imposing facade.

With each passing mile, the landscape transformed from the opulent opulence of their castle to the bustling cityscape, their destination looming ahead.

Throughout the ride, Derrick kept growling lowly as he recalled his sudden engagement with Felicia. Staring at the engagement ring on his finger, his anger doubled, and he felt like throwing the ring out the window, but doing that might cause unnecessary problems which he didn’t want.

He growled again for the upteenth time, staring at the window as the car drove to their destination. He just couldn’t get the engagement out of his mind and that vexed him a lot.

Derrick’s mind suddenly went to Ortega. He remembered Ramos telling him that he (Ramos) saw Merrick carrying Ortega to the royal clinic, so he started wondering why.

Why did Merrick carry Ortega to thr clinic? Derrick wondered.

He realized that the only way to uncover the answer to that pressing question lay in seeking Merrick’s insight. With a subtle turn of his head, he directed his gaze toward Merrick, who appeared engrossed in his phone.

Derrick, in an attempt to break the silence, cleared his throat, successfully capturing Merrick’s attention. Merrick lifted his head, shifting his focus to Derrick.

Without hesitation, Derrick delved into the matter. “Ramos mentioned he saw you carrying the human maid to the royal clinic this morning.”

Merrick acknowledged this with a nod. “Yes, I did.”

Intrigued, Derrick probed further, his curiosity evident. “Why did you take her to the clinic? What circumstances led to that decision?”

Merrick met Derrick’s inquisitive gaze and raised a questioning brow. “Why do you ask?”

Derrick persisted, seeking clarity. “I want to understand what transpired. Why did she need medical attention? What happened to her?”

Merrick’s explanation flowed smoothly. “Her friend informed me that she had a traumatic experience last night, as you’re likely aware. It seems the events from last night took a toll on her, leading to her collapsing. Coincidentally, I happened to arrive at her room just in time to assist, so I took her to the clinic.”

“Okay,” Derrick nodded, his attention momentarily shifting towards the window. However, before he could fully divert his gaze, Merrick posed a thought-provoking question.

“Why did you inquire?” Merrick’s inquiry hung in the air.

Derrick, caught off guard by the question, arched a questioning brow in Merrick’s direction. “What do you mean?”Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Merrick delved deeper, a hint of curiosity coloring his words. “I mean, the Derrick I know rarely shows concern for anyone, let alone asking about their well-being. So, I’m genuinely curious about what prompted you to ask about Ortega.”

“Nothing,” Derrick replied, his voice devoid of emotion, like cold, hard stone.

Merrick’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Nothing?” he repeated, seeking clarification.

Derrick simply nodded, his response brief and enigmatic.

Merrick pressed on, a note of surprise in his voice. “So, you mean you asked about Ortega without any particular reason?”

Derrick remained silent, choosing instead to shift his gaze towards the window, fixating on the view outside.

As he stared out the window, Derrick couldn’t help but wonder, “Why on earth did I even ask about Ortega?”

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