One mate and a Rejection

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

PART 1 Chapter 5

Emerald's Pov

It was frustrating.

Really,it was,stepping into your own home and having the people you call your family treating you like a

complete stranger with broken body parts.

They'd hand you the salt slowly and carefully as if frightened one of your fingers would come off or


So careful with their words,making sure to form every sentence mentally first as if expecting you to

break down in tears.

Dinner has never been so awkward.

"So,Jason,how was school?"

Mom decided to start us off.

He shrugged,"

Good,I really like this college and I'm planning on moving out soon."

My eyes immediately darted to him.


I asked,weakly.

“Well,'m nineteen,I think it's time to move out.

Plus,I've saved up a lot of money so I can afford an apartment."

“Why can't you stay a little longer? I thought you went to this college so you can stay close to us,so

why move away so quickly?"

I snapped.

I don't think I can take another person being snatched out of my life.

“It's embarrassing.

I'm an adult now, should live on my own "Nineteen is barely an adult,"

I retorted.

“Emmy,are you okay?"

he asked.

"Yes,I just don't see why you have to leave us so soon,’ I said holding in the tears that pooled inside my


"It's not soon.

I've been in collage for a year now and still live here."

“Is it that bad living with us? That you just have to move away?"

“I'll be like twenty minutes away Em—"

“Then what's the point in leaving anyway? It's better here and free."

"Yeah but me and Amanda have been planning it for a couple of months now so—"


I yelled,dropping my fork and standing up,’ of course."

I ran up to my room, ignoring the puzzled expressions on my parents’ faces and the continued calling

of Jason.

I flopped down on my bed,and punched it repeatedly,sobbing silently.

I didn't know what got over me.

I felt as if I'd die if another person I loved was separated from me.

I felt over— protective.

The next day at school I felt like complete and utter crap.

Lisa and John had dragged me to our school cafe in the morning and I was cursed to suffer the agony

of the provided entertainment of Jasmine's and Jared's oogle show just two tables down.

I walked down the hallways of our school until I reached my locker,wishing to hide my face away from


Tap! I jumped up when I heard someone loudly tap the locker besides mine.

It was Alex from English class,leaning against the metal and smirking in a way I can only describe as


"Can I help you?"

I asked,slightly creeped.

Him and I have been in the same class for months and he's never bothered to once talk to me.

He wasn't bad looking,with blond hair and grey eyes that held a spark of something dangerous.

“So,you and Jared are over now,huh?"

he asked.

I rolled my eyes,"

yes,now is there anything specific you wanted."

He took a hold of my hand and planted his lips on it,"

Just a date."

“you asking me out?"

I asked,furrowing my eyebrows.

“If you wanna put it that way,sure."


I took my hands out of his grasp and walked away.

"Come on,’ he pressed,"

One date,why not?"

“Because you only want me because I was the Alpha's son's girlfriend."

"No,that's not true."


I walked away from him,ignoring the looks of other people.

Something about today was different.

I can feel it.

At math class I noticed that many guys were fighting for my attention.

Celeb threw me a letter halfway through the period,asking me out.

I shook my head no.

At lunch,two guys offered to buy me food while I put my books away.

"It's fine,"

I had told them,closing my locket with a loud ‘THUD'"! got it."

I headed to the cafeteria,annoyed with the behavior of all the guys.

Normally,l'd feel kind of flattered,but instead,! felt used.

Those guys only wanted me for the reputation.

Dating the alphas son's girlfriend would surely boost up their importance.

I was too focused on my thoughts that I didn't see the hand that darted out of the janitor's closet until it

grabbed me and pulled me inside.

I screamed out,barely having any time to grab on to something.

The person shut the door and pressed me against the wall.

It was too dark to see their face but from the outline of his body,it was clearly a guy.

“What are you doing!"

I screamed out,struggling against his strong grasp.

"Be quiet,"

he hissed,planting his palm on my mouth.

I bit it,and pushed him away,causing him to trip over a broom on the floor.

He fell forward and crashed into me,nearly bringing me down to the floor with him.

He stood up quickly and grabbed me,forcing his lips upon mine.


I managed to choke out,squeezing my lips together and moving my head from side to side.

He planted both wrists above my head in one hand,and his other was still holding my face tightly.

He forced his knee between my legs so I wouldnt be able to kick him and leaned in.

"Get off!"

I screamed,hoping somebody in the hall would hear me,"

Stop! Help!"Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Shut up!"

he snapped,his lips running down my jawline.

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