My Vampire Guy

Chapter 71: Looking For Memories

The darkness grew darker and darker as the lights from tall buildings gradually went out.

Harvey gradually fell asleep. But not long after, he suddenly heard a cry from the next room.

In the past, Samson had said that Lucasta often had nightmares in the middle of the night and ran to look for him, so Harvey did not close the door to his room and he also told Lucasta to close the door ajar so that he could easily enter her room if anything happened.

As quick as lightning, he was at her bedside and called her. The electric light was turned on, helping Lucasta clearly see the face of the person next to her. She sobbed and jumped into his arms.

– I dreamed of Natasha, I saw her killed by my uncle.

– Calm down, it’s just a dream, it’s okay. – Harvey patted her on the back and gently reassured her.

– Harvey, can you… can you help me find out her current situation? She suddenly left his arms and asked.

– Of course, baby. Calm down, I’ll go quickly and come back quickly.

After saying that, Harvey immediately stood up, but before he could step, Lucasta reached out and pulled him back.

She didn’t say anything but just looked at him. He noticed the worry in those tear-filled eyes.

– Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.

He gently stroked her blonde hair then returned to the room, changed into black clothes, and disappeared into the darkness through the window.

He knew he could pretend to walk around nearby, then lie to her that the girl was fine, but he didn’t allow himself to do that. After all, that maid helped Lucasta free Samson and herself.

Along the way, Harvey encountered many groups of police and vampire hunters patrolling, so it took him a long time to approach the villa.

– Fortunately, William did not put any crosses here. That’s right, if he did evil things, how could he dare look at the cross? Harvey whispered while climbing the wall into the garden behind the villa.

He and Samson were also afraid of the cross. However, because it is the enemy of the species, not because they do evil things.

Previously, neither of them had ever bitten anyone’s neck and sucked blood, they had always traded properly.

They buy the blood of poor people who sell their blood to maintain a living for the whole family, or they buy the blood of promiscuous people who need money to satisfy their pleasures.

As for those who are addicted and sick, Harvey and Samson do not buy their blood, simply because the blood is bad and not of good quality.

– Hey, what are you doing here?

A female voice suddenly rang out, causing Harvey to pause. He looked to the corner of the wall and saw two girls squatting on the ground, next to them was a plate of fruit and cakes.

– Last night I dreamed of Natasha, she said she wanted to eat these things. – The young maid sobbed as she said.

– Are you crazy? Can dead people still eat? Come in quickly, if the boss finds out, you will share the same fate as her. I also didn’t expect her to be so bold that she dared to help the little mistress escape.

The maid said as she pulled up the girl who was sitting sullenly on the ground and the two of them hurriedly left.

The short conversation let Harvey know about Natasha’s situation. She passed away. Because she helped Lucasta escape, she was punished by William.

Returning with a heavy heart, he sat in his room for a long time because he didn’t know whether to tell Lucasta the truth or not.

He was afraid that she would be heartbroken, afraid that she would blame herself because she felt guilty.

However, she has the right to know.

Thinking for a long time, he decided to get up and go to her room. He knew she was still awake waiting for him because the whole building now only had lights on in her room and the security guard’s room.

– Harvey. Lucasta threw off the blanket and jumped out of bed as soon as the door opened.

– Yes, I just came back. Natasha has passed away. Your uncle…

Before he could finish his sentence, she staggered and fell to the floor. Turns out that dream was true. She killed Natasha.

If only she had convinced Natasha to come with her, perhaps Natasha would still be alive now.

– Lucasta…

– It was my fault, I harmed her. She sobbed, beating her chest and blaming herself.

– It’s not your fault. The person who harmed her was William. Not you. Harvey quickly grabbed her shoulders and said.

It took a long time for a cry to escape Lucasta’s mouth. She kept crying until she was exhausted and fainted in Harvey’s arms.

Throughout the night, Harvey did not return to his room but sat next to Lucasta because he was afraid she would have nightmares again.

The entire next day, he didn’t go to the company, just stayed at home to watch over and take care of her because she continuously had a high fever to the point of delirium.

After three days, Lucasta’s spirit stabilized and she advised him to go to work at the corporation, not to waste his time on her and she also promised that she would not hurt herself to reassure him.

– Why are you sighing? Harvey gave the peeled tangerine to Lucasta and asked.

– I think William discovered that Natasha betrayed him through the camera. If only the camera had signal interference like when she and I rescued Samson, it would have been good.

– Stupid girl, the camera’s interference is due to the light emitted from Samson’s diamond.

– So it turns out.

She bowed her head, putting the tangerine segment into her mouth. It turns out that red diamond has that effect.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

If only she had kept a small piece of the diamond, Natasha would not have been discovered by William.

Time gradually passed and winter ended, the warm rays of spring appeared, replacing the snowflakes.

After several months of trying to observe, Lucasta also knew the password to unlock Harvey’s apartment.

The time she spent with him was very good, but something was urging her to find out the truth about her parents’ death.

She saw their faces every night and she wanted to remember them all, she didn’t want to lose any of her memories even though she knew it would be very painful.

She wanted to remember, she wanted to find evidence to prove William’s crime to reclaim justice for her parents and Natasha too.

– You look less skinny these days. Tomorrow I will buy you more functional foods. If you want something, just tell me. Harvey said happily as he sat at the dining table.

– Yes.

Lucasta smiled and bent down, concentrating on eating while Harvey leisurely enjoyed each mouthful of fresh blood.

The price of blood is getting more and more expensive, making Bonita’s face more and more unsightly even though all the costs are paid by him.

Just thinking about her regretful face made him feel so funny.

Although spring is filling the city, winter still seems to stay in Lucasta’s heart.

The smiles she gave Harvey did not come from a happy mood, they were just forced smiles.

After clearing the table, she went into the room and leaned against the glass window overlooking the vast city.

Tomorrow, she will leave this place, doing what her heart and mind tell her. She will remember Harvey’s kindness in her heart.

Lucasta could not know that at this moment, even every night, even every minute, every second, there was a man who always remembered her.

She couldn’t know that there was a person still standing outside her bedroom window when the light inside had gone out.

Tonight was the same, when the room was left with only the dim light from the table lamp, Samson arrived.

He silently watched the girl curled up on the bed for a while then returned to the abandoned construction site near the outskirts of the city.

Every night she doesn’t close the curtain, he can see her, but every night the curtain doesn’t have a gap, he can only imagine that innocent face.

Before dawn came, Lucasta woke up. However, she sat quietly in her room and waited until Harvey went to work before going out, quickly eating breakfast and preparing to leave the place where she had been staying for the past three months.

– Goodbye. Goodbye, Harvey, desk, chair, bed, TV and everything. She wiped away the tears that had just flowed out and whispered.

Because Lucasta didn’t want to be discovered by William’s henchmen, she chose to take the bus.

She thoroughly researched the bus route from the city to that province. In total, she had to get on and off five buses to get to the place where the accident happened.

As far as she knew through some instructions online, the fastest way to restore her memory was to return to the place where she lost her memories and she guessed her memories were lost when that accident happened.

According to the quote in the old article, the place where the collision occurred was a deserted road.

However, in front of her now were high-rise buildings and bustling traffic, unlike the pictures in the newspaper.

– Ten years have passed, no wonder everything has changed. She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to piece together the messy, fragmented images in her head.

Wandering around until the afternoon, she still couldn’t remember anything, so she had to take the bus back to the city.

She had no intention of returning to Harvey’s apartment, so she took off all her jewelry and sold them.

When Lucasta got on the last bus back to the city, it was already four in the afternoon.

She chose a seat near the glass window to watch the sunset slowly falling on the tall treetops.

The roads on the outskirts of the city during rush hours are not as crowded as in the center. There are parts of the road that are deserted, with no other means of transport in sight.

– Oh no, ah… ah… ah…

She had just closed her eyes for a few minutes when she suddenly heard a scream and then a terrifying collision sound. Before she could even open her eyes, she completely lost consciousness.

The bus traveling at high speed lost control and crashed into a truck in the opposite direction, then did not stop but continued to drive to the edge of the road.

The moment everyone thought they were about to meet Death because the car was overturning into a deep hole, suddenly an invisible force made it stop, hovering in the air for a long time before being placed on the road.

– Superman. A man spoke up when he saw the person who had just saved dozens of people’s lives and then fainted immediately afterward.

The area police force quickly arrived and along with surrounding residents helped take the victims to the hospital.

The young police officer was extremely surprised when he witnessed a man using his bare hands to smash the glass door and break the iron bars to get the blonde-haired girl out.

And while he was still rubbing his eyes to look closely, the man put the girl on the medical team’s stretcher and left.

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