My Unwanted Billionaire

37. The reason of my happiness

Today is the day of my date with Mr. Jason. I am excited to be going on my first date with him. I could not stop smiling as I got ready. Mr. Jason did not tell me where he is taking me, but at least he told me we are going out for dinner. I put on the dress Amber helped me pick. It’s a white draped off-the-shoulder dress. Speaking of Amber, things between her and Evan are great. They started dating after the party on Mr. Crawford’s Yacht. I am so happy Amber gave Evan a chance.

I walk outside to meet Mr. Jason after I receive his text that he is here. I step outside expecting to see him outside waiting for me but instead, it’s Andrew I meet. As I walk closer to the car, Andrew opens the back door, and Mr. Jason steps out looking handsome as always dressed in one of his Armani suits. He walks over to me as I walk towards the car. He stops in his tracks once he is just a foot away from me. He looks at my dress, and I wonder what is wrong with it now. He always has a problem with my outfit. I continue walking and fill up the space between us. Once I am in front of him, his eyes leave my dress and meet mine. Our eyes lock, and I stare at his beautiful eyes, which have something unusual in them. He seems amazed by something.

“You look beautiful tonight,” He says and takes my hands in his. I look at him, shocked to have heard the words he just said. Mr. Jason has never called me beautiful, not even by mistake. To say I am shocked would be an understatement. I am even too surprised about it to blush. “Eleanor,” He says, waving his hands in front of my face.

“Yes,” I say, coming back to earth

“I said you look beautiful.”

“Thank you,” I say, smiling. It felt nice to hear him repeat it. It made me feel like he really meant it the way he made sure I heard it.

“You’re welcome.” He says, walking us to the car.

He helps me get in before he walks over to the other side to get in also. Once we are both seated, Andrew starts driving.

The car stops after a few minutes on the road. I look out the window and see we are at Mr. Jason’s apartment complex. I wonder why we are here. Mr. Jason steps out and helps me get out. We take the elevator to the roof. Why are we going to the top? I am about to ask Mr. Jason why when the elevator dings. We step out, and there is a helicopter running, and it looks ready to take off any minute.

“We are ready any time you are, Mr. Jason,” A man says,

He was standing in front of the helicopter, and he looks to be the pilot.

“Are you ready?” Mr. Jason asks,

“Are we going on the helicopter?”


“Where are you taking me?” I wonder where we are going that we have to use a helicopter to get there.

“You will see once we get there.”


We walk to the helicopter and get in. Mr. Jason helps me strap in properly before he straps himself. He likes helping me do everything even though I tell him I can. The helicopter takes off after Mr. Jason gives the pilot a go.

We landed in where ever we are a few minutes ago. We are in the car on our way to where we will be having dinner. Once the vehicle comes to a halt, I wait for Mr. Jason to step out before I do. During the car ride, I asked Mr. Jason why we needed a helicopter to come here. You won’t believe what he said, traffic. He said he did not want to spend time on the road. The ride on the helicopter was short, so I can bet with the car it’s not that long either.

I come back from my thoughts, and I take in my surrounding. We are at the beach. The place is beautiful. There are candles along the way to our table with rose petals beside them. There is a white canopy with golden lights on it and a lovely dinner table setting. There is wood on the ground, so no sand is getting into my shoes.

“Milady,” Mr. Jason says after pulling out the chair for me.

“Thank you,” I say, sitting down.

“You’re welcome. I hope you like seafood,” He says, taking his seat

“Who doesn’t like seafood?” I say, smiling, enjoying the beautiful view of the ocean from here. I am sure watching the sunset from here would be lovely.

“Good,” He says, smiling back.

Halfway through dinner, Mr. Jason asks me a question.

“Tell me something I don’t know about you, Eleanor,” He asks, with his full attention on me.

“What would you like to know,” I say, feeling a little shy to have his full attention on me right now.

“Something, only people close to you know. I want to know you on a personal level.”

“Really,” I ask, surprised he wants to. If he just wanted to sleep with me, there wouldn’t be any need to know the real me. It’s not like the real or fake me has a different vagina, so I am surprised he does.

“Yes, tell me,” He says, looking truly curious to find out

“You know my age and where I am from. I can tell you about my hobbies. Do you want to know my hobbies?”

“I want to know everything there is to know about you,” He says, taking my hand in his. I look at his eyes, and he seems genuinely interested to know.

“I love reading, eating food, and watching TV series.”

“What is your favorite book of all time?”

“The fifty shade series,” I say, without thinking too deeply into it, but I wished I did.

“Hmm, I didn’t know you like kinky stuff,” Mr. Jason says, smirking. My cheeks become red as I watch the smirk grace Mr. Jason’s face. He must think I am a freak to love the fifty shades series, but what am I saying. Mr. Jason spanked me to punish me. He must be into that kind of stuff already.

“I won’t say I like it. I just love reading it. I don’t see myself ever doing the things I have read,” I say, honestly and not because I fear he would want a BDSM relationship with me.

“I know”

“How do you know?”

“I just do.”

“Okay. It’s your turn now.”

“My turn for what”

“To tell me about yourself.”

“We haven’t finished talking about you. Tell me your favorite TV series.”

“I actually don’t have a favorite TV series, but I enjoy drama series a lot.”

“Hmm, and which drama series are you watching now.”

“I am not watching any drama series right now.”

It’s like Mr. Jason wants to know every single detail about me. I don’t know how that makes me feel.


“Yes, and tell me about you. I want to know the real you, not the one you use to make women fall into bed with you.”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know the real me.”

“Why would you say that?” I ask, surprised.

“The real me is not likable.”

“Why would you think that of yourself” It seems Mr. Jason does not think highly of himself

“Can we talk about something else? I don’t like talking about myself.”

“Sure, of course, we can.”

I wonder why Mr. Jason would not like to talk about himself. He is a billionaire. I expected him to boast about how rich he was. I already prepared for him to behave like an ass while talking about himself. I am shocked he does not want to talk about himself. He must really have some issues with himself. I hope he resolves them one day.

After dinner, Mr. Jason and I move to the makeshift dance floor to dance a little. I get comfortable in Mr. Jason’s arms when I realize our live band singer sounds so similar to the real Adele. I turn around to check if my ears are working well. My mouth hangs open as I see my ears are working perfectly.

“A-d-e-l-l-e-e” The shock is so much that I can’t even speak anymore. I just point to myself and Adele while looking at Mr. Jason. I can’t believe she is in front of me right now. Adele is in front of me right now. I repeat

“Ahhhhh, oh my God, I love you so much. I love your music. I love everything about you,” I say, rushing to Adele’s side.

“Thank you,” She says, smiling.

“Did you see that Adele smiled at me?” I say to Mr. Jason, who also has a smile on his face.

“Yes, I did, and why don’t we let her sing for us,” Mr. Jason says, pulling me away from Adele.

“Okay,” I say, with my eyes still fixed on her as she gets ready to sing. I feel like I am dreaming right now. “I can’t believe you got Adele to sing at our first date,” I say to Mr. Jason as he spins me around to face him so we can dance to somebody like you that Adele herself is singing.

“I promised to give you the date of a lifetime.”

“And you did, thank you so much. It means the world to me that she is here. She is one of my favorite artists.”

“I know, and that’s why I hired her”

“Thank you again,” I say, hugging him after pecking his lips. I am so happy he hired Adele. No one has ever made me this happy, and I can’t believe Mr. Jason is the reason for my happiness.

While we danced, we talked about random things. I learned that Mr. Jason is actually a fun person to talk to and even if he refuses to talk about himself. He slipped some things about himself while we were chatting. He loves cars and hates tardiness. I think we all know that by now. He loves traveling and also his job. He indirectly told me that even if his grandfather did not pass down the company to him. He would have still picked the wine business as a field to work in.

When I told him about my childhood, he told me how close he was with his evil grandmother. I wonder what she will do if she finds out Mr. Jason and I are trying to work things out and start a relationship together. I know for sure she will say I told you so, but you can’t blame me for disagreeing with her the other time. Mr. Jason showed no sign of wanting something to do with me. I would have never in a million years pictured him kissing me a week after I told his grandmother I would never be with him. I just hope she does not cause problems for us because I really enjoy spending time with Mr. Jason. He is such an amazing person when he is not commanding me to do outrageous things. It would pain me to lose him before I can genuinely have him.

I come back to earth when I hear the car stop. I look outside and see we have arrived at my house. I wait for Mr. Jason to step out before I do. He puts out his hand, which I take in mine, and support myself out of the car.

“I had a wonderful time tonight. Did you have a good time?” Mr. Jason asks as he walks me to my door.

“I did; I had a lovely time,” I say, turning to face him as I stand in front of my door.

“I am happy you did. I hope I will be able to take you out again some time,” He says, massaging my hands while I play with a rock in front of me. I don’t know why but I suddenly feel shy to look him in the eyes. Isn’t it weird, given the fact that we did things backwardly? We kissed before we went out on a date.

“I would love that,” I say, looking at his hands in mine

“That’s good to hear, and good night Eleanor,” He says, releasing my hands after giving my forehead a little kiss. As he walks away, my eyes widen as I realize he is not going to kiss me. Even if we are taking things slow. This is the point where he is supposed to kiss me good night.

I look up and watch him walk to his car. I can’t believe he is not going to kiss me. I turn around, and as I am about to turn the doorknob. I feel someone’s hand grab mine. I turn around, wondering if he had forgotten something.

“I forgot something,” He says, and before I can ask what. He kisses me. A big smile spreads on my lips as I kiss him back. He just wanted me to crave his kiss. Mr. Jason likes been extra, but it felt nice to want his kiss for a change. “Good night for real this time,” He says, smiling with his forehead against mine.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Good night, Jason,” I say, smiling.

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