My Not Yet Mate

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Trying To Break the Spell


He narrowed his eyes on jo and Ethan. What were they saying to him right now? How dare they even suggest that he not show up to the Golden Clan? She may still be under the spell, but he had promised to show up. He was not about to lie on the off chance she had fought it or they had forgotten to keep it up. They were supposed to be going after the witch soon, Javier was still doing his best to protect her. His alarm went off and he silenced it immediately.

“I’m going. There is nothing else I want to do today. I purposely left the week free of meetings. So, both of you can get the hell out of my office. Her birthday is coming up soon and I want her home with us where she’s safe. While I’m gone, if you want something to do you can set assignments for our team of witches. We need a group to protect her person, another group to protect her mentally and then a team to contain the fucker. Gurlel, you said. right?”

“Lukas, come on. The last time you saw her

“I told her we were going to fix this. It’s been entirely too long.”

“Yes, Lukas.” They got up to leave. Jo paused at the door. “Just be careful, okay?”

“Get out.”

Jo turned around to say something and he bared his teeth. Ethan gripped her arm and tugged her out of the room. She sighed. He tapped his fingers on the desk. Now, he needed to get really. He looked down at his clothes. Jeans and a t–shirt. He groaned. It would have to do. Last time he had gotten all dressed up, but this time he didn’t know what he was walking into. If she was still spelled, he didn’t want to stress her too much.

Just go in what you’re wearing. The clothes don’t matter. Only her, Gideon lectured.

Someone knocked on his door and he cursed. “Come in.”

The door opened and his father leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed across his chest. When Kalani and Sasha had saved him the last time, it had left him with scars, both mental and physical. Some days were better than others. He smiled at him.

“Dad, hey. How are you feeling?”

He waved his hand. “Don’t worry so much about me, Luke. How are you feeling?”

How was he not supposed to worry? He had moved in with the girls saying that he wanted to spend time with them and that Lukas could handle the kingdom without him. The trip from their land to his was 8 hours by flight and Magdon wasn’t young nor on his first life. Hell, he wasn’t even on his second. He took the trips weekly to come visit Slonsky and Casey as much as him. He wished he would let the witches send him. It was safer and faster.

“I’m fine. I was actually getting ready to go, so…

“Ah, yes. I almost forgot.” He tossed Lukas a small box. “Your sisters wanted me to give this to you. They said good luck.”

“They’re not going to try to

to stop me?”

He sat in the chair in front of Lukas’s desk. “Nope. They said if it was them, the world wouldn’t still be turning. It would be dark and angry, so they said good luck and try not to murder everyone.”

Lukas opened the box. A diamond pendant lay in the box glowing. He touched it and electricity raced over his skin. He turned it over in his hands, smiling. His sisters had somehow managed to inject their essence into it. He looked at his father.

“What’s it for, Dad?”

“They say it’s for Lily.”

“Why? What does it do?”

His father chuckled. “Do you think they told me? They never say anything to me about anything.” He shrugged. “When they do stuff, I just nod and say okay. Good job,”

Lukas laughed. Oh, he knew that was so true. There was nothing those two could do that he wouldn’t fully support. He hadn’t even gotten mad when he had walked in on Gregory and Kalani fucking in the gardening shed. All he did was patt Gregory on the shoulder and say, ‘I want another grandchild.‘ Kalani hadn’t been happy and Gregory had been too flustered to finish. He shook his head to clear it.

“They are your daughters. You never were one to ask permission before you did something either.”

His father’s back straightened with pride. “Yes. All of my children did wonderfully. Now, go get your mate, son. She needs you.”

Lukas pocketed the pendent and stood up. “Are you going to go home immediately?”

“No. I am old, remember?”

Lukas helped his father t

to his feet. “You’re the original dinosaur, Lukas teased.

Sterling laughed. “I still can’t believe the first time I showed you Magdon, you thought he was a brachiosaurus.”

Lukas began to help him up the stairs to the room he shared with Slonsky when he was there. “In my defense I was three and had a thing for dinosaurs.”

Sterling hugged his son, before pushing him gently back towards the stairs. “Go get my other daughter, Luke. We all miss her. It’s not the same without our perfect flower.”

Lukas hugged him tight for a moment and stepped back. “I will do my best, Dad.”

“Tell her I love her and we all miss her,” he called out after Lakes as he began to jog away.

Lukas smiled to himself. He promised to bring her back, even if she didn’t want to be with him. He was going to protect her. Casey stood nervously beside the door. He slowed as he approached her.

“Case, what’s up?”

“Are you going to g

get Lily?

He eyed his little sister. “I certainly hope so.

She hugged him. “Tell her, I miss her. I can’t wait to see her. Tell her.. that I hope the letter she sent back to me was not how she truly felt.”

He tilted his head. “What letter?”

“Well, you know I send her weekly letters. She finally sent one back.”

She reached into her pocket and handed him a folded–up piece of paper. He unfolded it to read it.


I want you to stop writing to me. I don’t want anything to do with you or any of your family. You all can go to Hell. Just leave me alone,


He looked up at his sister and cupped her face. “Sweetie, this isn’t her handwriting. Ignore it. I promise to get an answer about all of this today.”

She sighed, before hugging him. “Be safe, Luka. I’m scared for both of you.”

He squeezed her. “I promise we both will be. I want to start your training when I get back. It’ll be you and Lily.”

She pecked his check. “I would love that. Now, go get my sister.”

He grinned as he walked out. He leaped into the sky and Gideon had shifted in seconds. He lifted his face into the sky. It was a clear, bright, perfect spring day. He only hoped that when he got there, it would remain perfect. Lukas backed away and let Gideon have full control so he could sink himself into the few memories he had of Lily. He twisted the bracelet around his wrist, sighing. He missed her so much. He missed their movies, her smile, and above all else the way she had started to come out of her shell. He was going to make sure she got that all back. That they both did.


Chapter 26: Trying To Break the Spell

“We’re here.”

Lukas was jerked back into the present. He let Gideon shift back and he looked around. Gideon must have flown recklessly to get here. Whatever, it didn’t matter. He saw the Golden Crown Hotel in front of him. Dozens of kids were running and playing out front, chasing each other, completely ignoring their chaperone’s screaming. He smiled. Well, at least this was the right place. He started heading to the front of the hotel and he froze. His heart started pounding and his palms got sweaty.

His mouth went dry and he struggled to draw in oxygen. How had she gotten more beautiful? She looked up at her teacher and pointed to a boy playing a few yards away. She tucked her legs under her body on the bench and went back to reading. His eyes moved over her body and he wanted to run to her and pick her up. He wanted to take her home and never let her go. He took a step in her direction.

“Your Majesty!”

He cursed when her eyes jumped to his and she frowned. Her hand went to her necklace as she glared at him. Goddess. The spell. He turned his attention to the woman kneeling in front of him.

“Rise! I am very sorry, but if you would excuse me, I have a meeting.”

He started walking towards her and she tensed. Gideon paced agitatedly in his head, growling.

‘Go to her.”

He watched her face as he neared her. She started breaking out in a sweat and he walked right past her. His jaw clenched as he went inside the hotel. He walked up to the desk and asked for the manager. He leaned against the counter, watching her through the window. Her fingers kept moving over the necklace and she started to pant.

‘Come on, baby. Fight it.”

“Sire, you wanted to see me?”

“Yes, I want you to arrange a fight for me. Like right now. And invite all the students.”


“Tell the Dragon’s Clan gamma we are fighting. Right now. Make sure every student comes.”

“Umm, yes sir. Okay.”

His eyes glazed over and a minute later, the manager bowed. “He will be able to meet you there right now. If you need, I can take you.”

“I can find it, thanks.” All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

He raced out of the hotel and pretended to stumble. He reached out for the bench she was on. She instinctively reached out to help him. Their hands touched and sparks shot up his arms. She moaned softly, before pulling back. She bent forward and vomited all over the ground. He watched her for second, before walking away. At least he knew that the spell wasn’t as strong as it was before. The manager called everyone to attention and informed them that they were going to watch a fight between the king and the gamma. He grinned.

“Come to me, Lily. Come watch.”

He got to the arena and waited for the students to fill in. His eyes immediately found Lily. She was front and center. He could feel her anxie

anxiety from where he stood. He fisted his hands to keep from giving in to the urge to race over to her and hold her. He hated this. The gamma stepped in front of him, drawing his attention.

“Are you ready, Your Majesty?”


Lukas walked about 10 yards away. His eyes went to Lily who rolled her eyes. His eyes dropped to where she clutched the necklace in her hand.

“I got something for you, witch, Lukas hissed. “Ready, Gideon?”

“Ready, Luka,”

Chapter 26: Trying To Break the Spell

He began to throw rapid punches at the gamma. They danced around the arena ducking, blocking and attacking. Lukas’s eyes went to Lily and he didn’t duck the gamma’s last punch. He hit him square in the chest and his legs went out from under him. Gideon sent a stream of fire spiraling towards Lily. It lifted her up and she was yanked over the railing as her body absorbed it. Lukas jumped to his feet and sprinted over to catch her. She landed in his arms and she cried out. She shook violently in his arms for a moment, before her eyes cleared. She blinked up at him.


He smiled down at her. “Hey, Lils.”

Chapter Comments


both will make a rawr, dino and dragon






My Not Yet Mate

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