My Dream Marriage

Chapter 25

The dinner went well and from their interactions, I can say this is a close-knit family. They were cheerful, cracking jokes here and there, the light moments. Now Dexter together with his family have left. Despite Rana’s plea to stay, his mom didn’t want him to so they left.

I am just relaxing on the bed when Edward walks in. He goes into the shower to freshen up and comes back glossy with his hair still dripping with water. A towel is wrapped around his waist giving his well toned and packed torso a chance to be seen. I haven’t seen him like that, his body on full display. He takes another towel and wipes excess water from his hair, takes a hair tie and ties it securely. He goes into the walk-in closet and after some time comes back wearing brown pajamas. He takes his phone, checks on it and places it on the bedside drawer. He gets into the covers and turns to look at me.

“Aren’t you asleep yet?” He asks. “Not yet. I was waiting for you,” I say. “Waiting for me? Why? Is there any problem?” He asks. “No, there is no problem. I just wanted to ask you if you could join me in visiting my father to the hospital tomorrow,” I say.

“You are going back tomorrow?”

“Yes, his condition is not so good so I need to.”

“I see, but I don’t think I will be joining you. I have some important things to attend to tomorrow, so yeah,” he says and I nod.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s alright, maybe some other time. By the way, did you sort out my case? How is it going?” I ask because I need to know if the coast is clear now. “It’s almost done,” he says. “Did you find out who did it?”

“Yes I did,” he says and my hope ignites. “Who is it?” I ask. “No one of consequence. Now go to sleep. Goodnight,” he says. I snuggle up to him and encircle my hand around his back. “Thank you Edward,” I whisper and he reciprocates by snaking his hand inside the top of my bra-less pajamas. Another passionate night.


I am so thirsty. I have drank and drank a lot of water but my thirst is not receding at all. I take even the iciest of the waters but I can’t quench my thirst at all.

I wake up and look around my surroundings and sit upright. It was just a dream. Weirdly I still feel thirsty and right now I feel like I could die of thirst. Thank goodness I had put back on my pajamas and now I just have to run to get to the kitchen.

It isn’t too early, just the right time to get up, guessing from the lights getting in through the curtains. I get to the kitchen and surprisingly Piper and Martha are already making breakfast.

“Good morning,” I say as I get to the fridge to get the coldest water bottle.

“Good morning Neera,” Piper says.

“You woke up a bit late, Edward usually wakes up early so you really need to check on your timings,” she says. “Okay,” I really need to quench this thirst. I gulp down the entire contents in the bottle and throw it into the dustbin.

“Why are you drinking so much water early in the morning?” Martha asks. “I just woke up feeling thirsty,” I say. “Okay then, don’t bother today. It’s the weekend but from tomorrow onwards you should be in the know,” she says but that is fine with me. I will also be doing myself a favor by getting to prepare myself to get to work early.

We are done with breakfast and I am all ready to leave for the hospital. I dial Azila’s number and she picks on the first ring.

“Neera, you owe me one,” she says, not even giving me space to greet her. “Hi, nice to hear from you too,” I say and she chuckles. “Sorry,” she says. “It’s okay I am the one who is sorry here,” I say.

“How is he?” She asks. “I am actually calling you to ask if you have time because I want to visit him,” I say and she jumps in, “I have all the time today for you Neera, when are you leaving? Can I call Jackie as well?”

“In a few minutes, yes you can confirm with her if she can join us as well.”

“See you then.”

“I’ll be off,” I tell Piper. “Greet Mr and Mrs Brown,” she says. Edward left a while ago, his father is in the study. I won’t bother him with my goodbyes so I just leave after taking the two gift packs I got for my best friends.

Marcus is waiting for me by the car. He opens the door the moment he sees me and I get in. “Hello Marcus,” I greet when he gets in. “Hello ma’am,” he greets back. “Can you take me to the hospital?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“You are here already,” Jackie is here even before Azila and I. I just got here and found her at the parking lot. “Yes, I was around the area, actually I was in the hospital,” she says. She hugs me and we disengage after a few seconds. “What? Did you bring a patient here?” I ask concerned. “No, I am the patient, but not really,” she says. “Jackie? Tell me something,” I can guess what brought her here.

“Am I missing something?” Azila’s voice breaks our little discussion. “And how come you are here already, I thought you could take some time before getting here given your place is a bit far compared to our places?” She adds. “Did I tell you I was at home?” “No, but I thought so,” Azila says. “She was already here when you called her,” I say. “What were you doing here? You don’t seem sick to me,” Azila notes.

“That was what we were discussing before you came,” I say. “Jackie, say something,” Azila’s curiosity doesn’t give her space to breathe. “Okay guys I came to see the doctor because of late I have been nauseating and feeling dizzy,” she says. “And?” Azila asks. “I tested positive,” she says and we instantly understand what she means. “Congratulations Jackie,” we engage in a group hug.

“Neera, you added some weight,” Azila says. “Lies. I haven’t, I actually have decreased a bit,” I say. “Maybe it is the glow that makes her look like she has added some weight,” Jackie says. “Right.”

“How have you been guys?” I ask them because it has always been about me. “We have been doing well, as you can see from Jackie’s wellbeing,” Azila says. “What about you Azila?” I ask. “For me, you’ll have to wait for a bit longer before hearing from me,” she says. “Does your boyfriend know about it yet, Jackie?” “No, he even wanted to come with me here but I declined. I wanted to see if I test positive then I organize a small surprise for him,” she says. “That is so thoughtful of you,” Azila says, “what about the wedding plans you had told us about?” “With the change now I don’t know how it’s going to be. I have to discuss it with Liam,” her boyfriend, “reach an agreement then inform our parents too. I will tell you about it tomorrow or later in the day.”

“Before we go, I got something for you two,” I say and they get more excited. I take the two packages and hand them each one. “Thank you Neera, you are the best,” Jackie says. “I can say the same to you,” I say.

“We should hear from you too, Neera, sooner rather than later,” Azila says. “About what?” “About positive results,” she says and we laugh it out loud. “We should be going now,” I say.


“Your dad has been moved to the ICU just now,” my mom says, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Oh mom,” I say, hugging her. I came in excited but now this kind of news is not really welcome to my ears. Yesterday he was doing fine. He even talked to me over the phone and now this?

I walk my mom to the bench just outside the ICU and we sit there in silence. I hold her hands and my friends join me. “It will be fine Mrs Brown,” Azila says. “Yes, he will be better soon mom, ” I say. I have a strong belief that my dad will be fine. This will pass after the doctors work on him.

We have stayed here for the whole morning and now the afternoon is almost over. My dad is in a coma and he isn’t showing signs of waking up anytime soon. Jackie left after staying for a few hours when Liam called her. Azila left a few minutes ago. She had to go find some information going on in the country given her position in the company she is working at.

My mom won’t eat anything even as I tried to persuade her. My father’s condition has left her devastated. She doesn’t talk much. I now have to be strong for her. The doctor comes in and calls us in his office. I hold mom’s hand and we follow the doctor.

“Mr Brown’s condition is not so good,” he starts explaining whatever my dad is suffering from and I don’t even get the terms that he is referring to. “So this is what you have to do first before I start giving him treatment. You have to settle your bill first and it will be good if you do it soon. He will definitely come out of the coma after some time. This is your bill, go do something about it and get back to me,” he says handing out a receipt to my mom.

“Neera, I have used almost all of my savings, what do we do now?” My mom asks when we get out of the doctor’s office. “Mom, don’t worry about that. I will talk to Edward about it and I know he will sort us out. Calm down okay?” I say and she nods. “Let me call him and see if he is back home.”

I call him and he picks at the second ring. “Hello, Neera,” he says. “Hey Edward, are you at home?” “Not yet, why?”

“I just wanted to talk to you about something. When will you be back?”

“In like an hour’s time. ”

“Okay I’ll tell you when we meet,” I say and hung up.

“Mom, he is not home yet but he will be back in an hour’s time. I’ll talk to him then,” I say. “It’s okay Neera, I hope that he helps us. I quit my job this week. I didn’t think I would be able to work given your father’s condition and also my boss was getting impatient.” She says.”You did? Anyway I understand mom but I also have something in my savings. I will also talk to my boss tomorrow when I go back to work.” After two weeks away from work, I have to go back tomorrow.

We walk back to the ICU. We are allowed to see him now after the doctor told us that it is the right time to. My mom walks to his bed and doesn’t even touch him. Maybe she fears that if she touches him she could hurt him. She looks at his calm face that has an oxygen mask placed on his nose. She seems to not believe that he is in this position. “Please wake up,” she says, “I don’t like seeing you in this position. I want us to go back home. You said we would go back home soon since you felt better,” she says and tears threaten to fall off my eyes. I move to where she is and hold on her shoulders. “Yes dad, I thought I would talk to you today but here you are, we need you,” I say.

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