My Destiny Is To Become Billionaire’s Wife

Chapter 67: Ansel proposed to Erica

“Erica,” Ansel called out, causing her to startle and turn around. Erica’s eyes widened as she saw Ansel standing before her, his gaze filled with affection, causing her heart to race with unease.

What was happening? Why was Ansel here? Erica’s mind frantically searched for answers but didn’t know where to begin or how to approach the situation. She couldn’t afford to be passive and just wait for someone else to help her.

“Ansel, what’s going on? Why are you here?” Erica mustered up the courage to ask Ansel directly, her voice faltering slightly.

Not just Erica, but everyone in the auditorium was left with a big question mark in their heads about this unexpected situation. Everyone was expecting Ansel to propose to Desi, but surprisingly, he stopped in front of Erica, an ordinary and unremarkable girl who was completely unfamiliar to everyone. People couldn’t contain their surprise, curiosity, and astonishment at seeing the two of them standing facing each other. All eyes were on Erica and Ansel, and nobody dared to look away from the scene. Erica stood still, showing nothing but confusion on her face, but everyone could sense that something was happening between her and Ansel.

Desi was also shocked and stunned to the point where she couldn’t speak or move, only standing still in her place. Kevin wanted to approach Desi to comfort her, but he was afraid of drawing attention from the crowd and causing an unwanted commotion. Most people had the same reaction, except for Nika, who had been quietly observing until now and felt skeptical about Ansel’s motive. Nika decided to observe more before acting or interfering with Ansel’s decision.

Amidst everyone’s anticipation, especially Erica’s, Ansel suddenly knelt down on the floor, holding out the opened velvet box towards Erica. It revealed a diamond ring that Ansel’s mother had given him before the party began. This action only added to Erica’s confusion. Looking straight into her eyes, Ansel proposed to Erica in front of the crowd.

“Erica, I know this may seem sudden, but I can’t keep this secret any longer. I love you, and I want to share my life with you.”

As soon as Ansel finished his sentence, the crowd buzzed with excitement and speculation. Erica was stunned, gaping in disbelief at what was happening.

Meanwhile, Desi felt anger rising within her, and her parents were extremely upset. Ansel’s parents were bewildered, not fully understanding what was happening. They were all extremely confused about what to do-whether to intervene and stop Ansel or not. Kevin was partially surprised and partially happy within, seeing Ansel’s unexpected action. It could be said that Ansel had just ruined his own reputation as well as that of the Brown family. Another character, Nika, was still observing the situation with a very clear head. It seemed that Nika had already figured out Ansel’s motive for this action.

“Ansel, I don’t know what to say,” Erica exclaimed after a moment of silence. She was feeling extremely awkward. “I don’t know why you proposed to me in front of everyone. We haven’t known each other for long, haven’t we?”

Ansel looked at Erica with a loving and reassuring gaze and said, “You’re right, we haven’t known each other for long. But I want everyone to know that I love you and want to be your man. I have never felt this way for anyone else.”

Ansel’s statement made everyone silent. Desi and her parents felt even more angry with Ansel’s actions. How could Ansel say such a thing? Does Ansel never love Desi? Even Erica was questioning the same thing as everyone else present.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’re joking, right, Ansel?” Erica cautiously probed, “Isn’t it you and Des?”

As if understanding what Erica was going to say, Ansel interrupted and clarified:

“It’s true that Desi and I were dating. But I don’t love her. I did everything just for my parents’ wish.”

Ansel’s confession immediately sparked a fierce debate among the audience. Ansel didn’t care about the reactions of the crowd and continued:

“Erica. I never knew what love was until I met you. Honestly, when I realized that I had feelings for you, I hesitated, doubted, and even harmed myself. I chose to ignore it, hoping that the emotion would quickly fade away. But until today, I can’t continue pretending that I’m okay. I need to confess to you.”

Ansel’s words sounded sincere, and his attitude and expressions were all genuine. Erica could sense it through Ansel’s eyes. However, Erica still couldn’t believe that it was true. There seemed to be an obstacle that made her feel this way.

“If what you’re saying is true,” Erica hesitated to express her opinion, “you should have confessed to me first. Suddenly proposing like this

“Because I have decided to marry you,” Ansel said with a firm answer.

“Is that true? Are you serious?” Erica asked.

“Erica, please don’t doubt my love,” Ansel pleaded.

If all of this is indeed a fabrication and Ansel is assuming a role, then Ansel’s exceptional acting abilities are truly remarkable. A significant portion of the individuals observing this situation are gradually succumbing to the persuasion of Ansel’s desired narrative.

“Erica, will you marry me?” Ansel asked again.

What should Erica do? Honestly, Erica doesn’t want to make a risky decision. She realizes that she’s in a complicated and difficult situation. Erica has gone through many ups and downs in her life, and she has a big heart. When Ansel proposed, she felt very moved and wanted to shout out that she agreed. Because Erica loves Ansel too. But at the same time, she also feels confused and unsure about her decision. There are still many uncertainties, and Erica feels the need to clarify things.

Meanwhile, Ansel is very worried because he’s not sure if Erica will agree or not. What if Erica refuses? What if she doesn’t believe his confession? A series of questions popped up in Ansel’s head, making him even more uncertain.

Erica stood there in silence for a moment. Suddenly, Erica remembered what Ansel had said to her just a few minutes ago. He had asked her for help if needed, and she had agreed. Could this be what Ansel was referring to? With her discovery, Erica looked into Ansel’s eyes again. As if hearing Ansel’s plea and not wanting him to be laughed at, Erica made a decisive decision.

Erica gave Ansel a loving smile in response and said, “Ansel, to be honest, I love you too. So I agree.”

The audience gasped at Erica’s answer. Those who were outraged continued to protest silently. As for Nika, he breathed a sigh of relief that Erica had saved Ansel from a potentially terrible situation. Don’t forget Ansel’s reaction; he was overjoyed and beaming with a smile that no one had ever seen before.

Ignoring the murmurs, Ansel quickly put the ring on Erica’s finger and stood up to face her. “Thank you, Erica,” Ansel sincerely said before moving closer and kissing her.

Ansel’s action once again caused the crowd to talk. At first, Erica felt confused, embarrassed, and awkward. Her mind wanted to push Ansel away, but her heart did the opposite. In the end, to let her true emotions take over, Erica passionately returned Ansel’s kiss. The noise of the crowd grew louder and louder. But for Ansel and Erica, they only had each other in their own world.

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