My Bully’s Love

Chapter 9

Chapter 9



I’ve stayed away from Ella for over a month now, not knowing how to be around her any longer. That night in her bedroom, when I pleasured her, I realized the truth. I was lied to two years ago, and out of jealousy, I gave up the only good thing in my life. I took everyone but her family away from her and tormented her almost every day. Mason Baker is the reason I acted out and turned into this monster. I guess he never really came out and told me that he and Ella had sex, but he did insinuate it. When all is said and done, I’m the only one at fault for ruining Ella’s life, but that doesn’t mean I won’t pay the fucker back.

A few days later I cornered Mason and inquired about what really happened between him and Ella that night. I still remember the conversation as if it was yesterday.

“Mason!” I holler across the parking lot after football practice as he’s getting ready to leave. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yo, Jace, what’s up?” he holds his fist out for me to fist bump, but my fist flies past his as it connects with his jaw, “What the fuck man!” He grabs his jaw, moving it back and forth as he glares at me.

“I want to know what the fuck happened between you and Ella the night of that party two years ago! You better not lie to me this time either!” I’m seething in anger as I wait for him to begin. There’s a change in his stance once he realizes that I somehow know the truth.

“Why are you bringing that night up? I thought you didn’t like the bitch anymore.”

I want to slam my fist into his face again just for calling her a bitch, but I still have to keep to my script for now, “Because I don’t like being lied to, fuck face, and I just found out that you never fucked Ella that night!”

The bastard has the nerve to smirk, “I never said that I fucked her, just that she was a wild one, and that I wouldn’t mind tapping that. It’s not my fault if you took it the wrong way.”

“Wrong! You said that you wouldn’t mind tapping that AGAIN, and that she was all over you!” I grab the front of his shirt and get right up in his face, “So, how is that me taking what you said wrong?”

“Okay, calm the fuck down!” I shove him against his car when I let go, “I might have embellished a little, but only because she thought she was too good for me and wouldn’t even try giving me a chance.”

“So, you thought tarnishing her name would get her to change her mind?”

“No, but it made me feel better, especially when I saw the look on your face,” he chuckles, “I could tell that you were in love with her; that’s why I did it.”

That’s when I lost it and swung at him and didn’t stop until Toby was pulling me away from him. Mason kept telling me that I was going to regret laying my hands on him, but I’m not scared of that piece of shit. Toby keeps telling me to calm down, and so I break away from him and walk the other way.

I fucked up when I didn’t go to my best friend and ask for her side of the story, I just took a stranger at his word. Now, I don’t know how to reverse everything I have done to Ella that caused her pain. Call me a bastard, but I won’t apologize for the little punishments that I gave her. The Dom in me won’t allow it, even if she wasn’t aware that I considered her mine, she still disobeyed me; these aren’t the times that I’m talking about. No, I mean getting everybody to shun her, and threatening her other two best friends.

I’ve thought about going to Amy and Bree and telling them that they can have their best friend back, but deep down I don’t want her running to anyone but me. I want to make it so I’m her whole world, and she doesn’t need anybody else. What I do need to do, though, is figure a way to make it so I can be seen in public with my Ella, because I will make her mine real soon.

I have Toby and Brandon meet up with me at the new ice cream place because I’m going to try and break it to them first. They are my two best friends, so they should understand, shouldn’t they? I’m going to take the route of saying how hot Ella’s gotten and that I’m gonna try my luck with her and see how that goes over. As soon as we find a table and sit down, though, a couple of the middle tables clear and my eyes land right on the girl that is constantly on my mind. Only she isn’t alone; Mason fucking Baker is

sitting with her. Our eyes meet, and for a second I think I see longing in her expression but then she looks away and they are gathering their things and leaving.


You Are Mine

What the fuck is Baker up to now? He was just calling her a bitch a month ago, and now he’s having ice cream with my girl? | watch as Mason walks away with my girl, thinking that he’s pulled one over on me. Well, them being here together doesn’t stop me from what I came here to accomplish. My friends didn’t have too much to say about me wanting to try getting with Ella, since she tries hiding that she enjoys our encounters, but they did wish me luck. I left shortly after that, with a shitty-ass grin on my face until I stepped outside, where I harden my expression back up. Ella will pay for being out with Mason, and then she will know that she is mine.

Heading towards my jeep, I’m tackled from behind, followed by a nasally giggle. I roll my eyes as I lift my arms, glaring at the annoying girl, “Seriously, Kaylee, what is your deal?”

She thinks pouting at me is going to get her somewhere, but it doesn’t work on me, “oh, Come on, Jace, You’re my favorite person in the world!”

*Well, unmake me your favorite person.”

“What crawled up your butt? Want me to make you feel better?” She wiggles her brows as her hand slowly slides downward.

“Ugh,” I grab her hand, none too gently, and shove it away, “I don’t remember giving you permission to touch me, now fuck off!”

She stomps her foot like a child and huffs, “Why don’t you like me, Jace? You act as if I’m a nobody with cooties, like Ella Baxter!”

I have to remind myself that she’s a girl and I can’t hit her, “Well, even Ella has a much better chance getting with me than you do.” I smirk at the dumb bitch, if she only knew.

I watch as Kaylee stomps away and enters the ice cream place, walking over to my friends table and sitting on Toby’s lap. Let him deal with her, she’s right up his ally anyway.

As I pull away from my parking spot, my thoughts go back to Ella and what I’m going to do about her. My best option is to take the day off tomorrow to get my plan in place, and so I don’t go ape shit on anyone, because as of right now, I can literally kill Baker, or worse, seriously hurt Ella out of anger. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do, stay home and reevaluate the whole situation, only moving forward once my plan is foolproof.

I had been hearing all morning how people can’t believe that Mason has befriended Ella, and that they are now studying together in the library during the afternoons. What I thought I had under control when I woke up this morning, is slowly beginning to climb once again. I can feel my anger starting to bubble at the thought of Ella using our time to study with him! Even Brandon told me he saw them all cozy in a corner of the library yesterday afternoon. I hide my emotions well when I’m around other people, coming off as not giving a fuck, even when I’m seething inside. *

Last period, I decide to wait by the Art room to see if Ella goes to the library, and sure enough, I watch as she comes traipsing down the hall, not even paying attention to her surroundings. I walk right up to her,

grab her arm, and shove her into the set of lockers so her back is to me, and lean in close.

“You’ve been a bad girl, Ella!”

She whimpers, but I know I didn’t hurt her. Glancing around to make sure nobody is around; I pull her into the Art room and lock the door. We won’t be disturbed this way, and I’m not sure if I can behave now that I have her in my sight, the last thing I want is an audience.

“I have somewhere that I need to be right now, Jace.”

“Oh, and where is that?” I ask, knowing fully well where it is that she’s supposed to be, but I don’t give a fuck.

“A tutoring session in the library.” She whispers softly.

“You know this is our time to meet. Why are you scheduling other things during my time?”

I now have her full attention, “I thought you were done with me. You have ignored me for over a month, and since I had that open, i scheduled my tutoring sessions.”

“Oh, I know who you’re tutoring, Ella, and you’re going to stop it immediately.” I step right up into her face, “The only guy you will spend any kind of time with is me. Do you understand?”

“No! I will not lose another friend because of you, Jace!” Her outburst takes me by surprise at first, and I almost smile, but then then fact that she just raised her voice at me pisses me off, and I grab her throat, “Do you want to repeat what you just said?”

Her hand is wrapped around my wrist, struggling to break free, “Jace, you’re hurting me!”


You Are Mine

“Tell me that you are going to stay away from Mason fucking Baker, and I will let go.” I sneer.


“Are you fucking him? Is that it? You don’t want to give up the sex?” It’s the first thought that pops in my head and I start to get even angrier.

“Jace, you are the only one that has ever touched me intimately.”

My eyes wander her beautiful face to see if I can tell whether she’s lying or not, and I believe her, “It doesn’t matter, you don’t have time for anybody else. I will be taking up your spare time from now on.”

“Says who?”

“Says me!”

“You don’t even like me, Jace! Why would you want to be around me?”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Ella.”

She sighs and I feel her body give in, “I can’t do this anymore, Jace. Hate me all you want, but just leave me alone. I can’t take the bullying anymore.”

She drops her head once more, but I’m not letting her say what she just said and think she can ignore me. I will never leave her alone. Taking another step toward her, I grab her chin, and jerk it up. I’m about to tell her just that but what I see makes me forget what I’m about to say. I look a bit closer to her face and see that she’s got a cut on her cheek bone and lip. There may be a bruise as well, but her makeup is doing a good jog in covering it up. **

“What the fuck happened to your face, Ella and don’t you dare lie to me?” If somebody did this to her, they better hope that I never find them! Nobody touches Ella and gets away with it!

Ella has the audacity to glare at me, and then she lets it all out, “What, your little friend didn’t tell you how he tried to get a piece of the same action that I was giving you?” She rips her head back, releasing herself, and takes a step back, “Toby didn’t tell you how he roughed me up because I like it when you do it?” What the fuck is she talking about? Toby my friend Toby…did this? I’m shocked beyond belief, “He didn’t tell you how he was about to rape me when MY FRIEND, MASON, came in and saved me from his assault?”

“Ella…” I’m not sure what I’m going to say, but she cuts me off anyway.

“No, you don’t get to tell me who I can be friends with, Jace. You’re not my boyfriend, hell, you’re not even my friend anymore! You chose to walk out of my life for reasons that you still haven’t told me, so I don’t owe you anything!”

She literally shoves me as she goes to leave, but I can’t let her go, not after everything she just told me, so I grab hold of her wrist and swing her around to face me, but I can’t think of what to say. Shame eats at me, because I feel as though this is all my fault. Ella was hurt once more, because of my actions. When she tries leaving again, I do the only thing I can think of, and I pull her to me. Releasing her wrist, I bring my hands up to grab each side of her face and crash my lips against hers.

Her lips are soft, but I want more, I need more. Using my thumbs, I force them into the corners of her mouth, and she opens for me. My tongue shoots into her mouth to find hers, and they tangle together. It takes but a moment before she is kissing me back. Her hands cover mine as I walk her backwards until she’s backed against a wall. I press my body against hers, slipping my knee between her legs as I plunder her mouth. I take from her what I’ve been wanting to for two years. Her kiss is exactly how | imagined it would be, and her taste…oh my God, her taste is the sweetest.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t last long, because she pushes on my chest and rips her mouth away from mine. I’m dazed as I try to catch my breath, and before I know it, she’s running from the room, and away from me. I let her go, but it won’t be for too long, because now that I’ve tasted her, I can’t let her go, ever.

Where Did My Bully Go

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