My Bully’s Love

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

mid-thigh. I also throw on the pair of crotchless panties that Jace got me for Christmas. I will have to remember to take these with me when I go back home. I hear the doorbell ring, and quickly head downstairs, feeling all giddy knowing that I’ll be seeing Jace again so soon.

As always, the food is good, and the company is even better. There is a lot of laughter going around the table as we talk about old times, mainly about things that Jace and I would get up to when we were younger. The only thing to damper the mood is Elise not being at the table with us. I was really hoping that she would be here, since this will be our last dinner together for a while, but I guess she really doesn’t care.

Jace must sense my mood, because he places his hand on my thigh under the table and squeezes it lightly. When they first arrived and he saw me in the skirt, his eyes turned a deeper green with lust, which in turn made me throb deep inside. Sitting so close to him has been keeping me on edge throughout dinner. All I want to do is have him hold me down and take me, maybe somewhere in the house where there is a chance of being caught, like the bathroom or something. I’m not sure what’s gotten into me, but l’ m turning into a real nympho for the man beside me.

“So, Ella,” Mrs. Palmer grabs my attention, “Has Jace told you what we are getting him for his birthday?”

“Mom, I haven’t had the chance to tell her since you just told me before coming over here.” He chuckles.

Thad forgotten that his nineteenth birthday is in three weeks, and I won’t be here, but I try not to dwell on that just now. I glance between mother and son, waiting for one of them to go on, when

Jace turns to me grinning, “They are buying me a plane ticket so! can spend my birthday with you. That is, if it’s okay with you.”

I can feel my face light up at this news and I throw my arms around him, “YES! That is the best news ever!” I laugh happily.

“Well, I guess that means it’s okay with Ella.” Mr. Palmer snickers and I hear my dad groan.

“Oh stop, Ethan! Ella is an adult now, and it’s time that you accept that.” My mom slaps him playfully.

“I know, I know, but it still doesn’t make it any easier.” He sighs.

“Are you going to be my brother-in-law soon?” My brother, Eli, asks Jace.

“NO!” My father says quicker than a streak of lightning.

| chuckle, “No, we are not getting married so soon, Eli. We just started dating and we both need to finish school.”

“That is music to my ears!” My father cheers.

“Oh,” Eli makes a sad face, “I was finally hoping to have a brother to do things with.”

“Hey buddy,” Jace speaks up, “Anytime you want to do something, all you have to do is call me and we will do it. I am right next door, at least for a few more weeks, anyway.”

I look at him, “Why only a few more weeks?”

“Well, at least until graduation.” He grins knowingly at me, “I’ve decided to go to the State University, right there in New Haven and will be heading there right after graduation.”

Another groan comes from my dad. And everyone chuckles except for Jace, and I because we are too busy staring at one another, “You’re seriously moving to Connecticut? You’ve finally decided?”

He nods, “Yeah, I don’t think I can be away from you for four years, but I won’t go if you don’t want me to. I don’t want to smother


| shake my head, “No, you won’t!” I wrap my arms around his neck again and whisper into his ear, “I need you there with me, Sir.” / feel his arms tighten just a bit more, letting me know that my response has affected him.

“Oh Precious,” he whispers back, “You have no idea what I have in mind for us once I’m there.”

“Whatever it is, I trust you, and know that you will only do what is best for us.” | respond.

“You are learning, Precious.”

The discussion at the table brings us back to attention, “We have been looking at rentals versus Jace staying in the dorms and really, it’s about the same price.” Mr. Palmer says.

I speak up without thinking, “I think my building has an empty two bedroom. I can always talk to the manager and see about switching apartments; that way we can be roommates, splitting the cost of rent.”

The whole table goes quiet as everyone’s attention, aside from my brother’s, is on me, “You want to move in with him already?” My dad is the one to ask, of course.

I stop myself from rolling my eyes because Jace is beside me, but I do scoff, “I said roommates, meaning we will have our own rooms, Dad!”

“Oh please, we all know that you will end up sleeping in the same bed.” He states, sorely.

My mother coughs and elbows him, glancing at Eli when my father looks over at her. My dad blushes as soon as he realizes that he

has my brother’s full attention. I slap my hand over my face and count to ten, before looking around and seeing the smirks on everyone’s face but my dad’s.

“Well, I think it’s a good idea, as long as Ella and Jace are fine with it.” My mother speaks up as she starts grabbing plates to clear the table for dessert.

“Let me help you, Elaine,” Jace’s mom jumps up to help, “And I have to agree with you. It will save money all around. It’s not like we can stop anything that’s going to happen anyway. They are two grown adults that can make decisions on their own.”

My father seems to be the only one that isn’t on board, and when he throws his napkin down and leaves the table, I feel as though I should probably go have a father/daughter talk with him. I understand how hard all of this is on him, and we just keep throwing more things at him, but he needs to understand that I’m not a little girl anymore, even if I am his little girl.

“Excuse me, will you?” I ask Jace and he nods, knowing what I’m about to do.

He leans in and kisses my forehead, “Good luck, Precious.”

I knock on my father’s closed office door and wait for him to call out. When he does, 1 peek my head in, “Can I come in?”

He’s at his desk with his hands clasped together under his chin, holding his head up. His mouth tightens into a straight line, but he nods and sits back into his chair. Closing the door behind me, I don’t

go straight to the chair in front of his desk; I go straight to him, and crawl into his lap. He can’t help but chuckle as I settle myself in.

“I guess you really are an adult, you can barely curl up in my lap anymore.” He kisses the top of my head.

“I will always find a way to curl up on my daddy’s lap.” I grin.

“Yeah, I know you will, baby.”

“Dad, why are you so upset about me and Jace?”

He sighs heavily, “You know I’ve always loved the kid, but after seeing that video, seeing what he does and says to you; that doesn’t sit well with me. Then to find out that he bullied you for two years and you suffered by yourself, yeah, that definitely made him lose points with me.”

“I know, Dad, but I need you to try and understand something, okay?”

He studies me for a moment before nodding, “I will try, but I’m not promising anything.”

“It’s all I ask,” I smile, “I’m not sure how to describe it really, but I’m going to do the best I can. I feel like I have some sort of darkness inside of me that craves what only Jace can give me. He knows what my body is wanting, and he gives me exactly the right amount of what I need,” my dad goes to say something, but I stop him by continuing, “He takes care of me, Dad. There are times when I want more than what I should have, and he knows it, and stops. It’s like he knows me better than I know myself, and he definitely knows more about the things I’m feeling. I’ve learned that I’m a masochist, I love pain. Jace gives it to me in a healthier way than if I were to try and do it myself. I don’t know why I’m like this, but I am. So, if anything, you should be thanking Jace for helping me get through the things I’m going through.”

“I don’t know about all of what you just said, but I have been researching the topic. I am beginning to understand the dynamics, but that doesn’t make it easier for me to accept that it’s my little girl that he’s doing it to.” He tightens his arms around me and lays

his cheek against my head, “What about the whole bullying thing? How can you forgive him for that? Make me understand that one.” Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

It’s my turn to sigh now, “That one is a tough one, and I think that it’s my feelings for him and all of his help that is contributing towards my forgiveness. I’m not saying that you have to; I would like you to, but you don’t have to. Just please don’t be such a jerk when he’s around. Honestly, I feel as though the bullying is an extension of him being dominant. Okay, it was a little more possessive maybe,” I chuckle, “but it was to keep other guys away from me. It’s kind of sweet in a way.”

“There is nothing sweet about being possessive and bullying someone.” My dad states.

| shrug, “You say potato, and I say potato; everyone has a different outlook on things.” I sit up in his lap and turn to face him, “All i want is for you to be happy because I’m happy.”

“And are you, happy?” He asks.

I nod aggressively, “I am really happy, Daddy. Jace is really good to me.”

His shoulders sag in defeat, “Okay, baby. I will try to be better, and to treat him a little better,” he lifts a finger up between us, “but the moment that he steps out of line and hurts you, I will tear him a new ass hole.”

I throw my arms around him, “Thank you, Daddy.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he pats my back, “We should probably get out there before we miss dessert.”

I jump off his lap and wait for him to stand up, “Do you know what I really miss?”

“What is that sweetie?” He holds the door open for me.

“Piggyback rides from my dad.” I grin.

To my surprise, my father lowers himself in front of me, “Well, hop right on!”

| gasp, “No! I don’t want to hurt your back, I’m too big.”

“Ella, I’m not old and I still go to the gym. I can handle carrying you on my back. Ask you mother about the things that I can do…”

“Okay, okay! I’ll get on as long as you stop talking right now!” | chuckle and jump on top his back.

He stands as though he isn’t carrying anything, but then I’m floored when he starts galloping like he used to do when I was a little girl and doesn’t stop until we enter the dining room, and everyone is gawking at us with open mouths. We both laugh as he sets me down and we take our seats.

“Well,” mom says, “That talk must have gone well.”

I smile at my father, and he smiles back, but neither of us confirm what my mother just said, making everyone wonder what exactly happened while we were gone.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Go check out ‘The Alpha Who Saved Me’ if you haven’t already and let me know what you think!

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