My Bully’s Love

Chapter 40

Chapter 40



I run over to Ella as soon as I see her start to sway in the witness chair. Both lawyers are too busy arguing over this new evidence that they don’t notice Ella’s physical state. I get to her just as she passes out, even with the security coming at me thinking I’m a threat of some sort. She was about to fall forward out of the chair when I grab her by the shoulders and yell for help. The two security officers finally take notice of what I was doing and one of them is calling for somebody over his radio.

I lift Ella up and then sit down in the same chair that she was just occupying while I set her on my lap. Brushing her hair from her face, I rock back and forth, talking in a soothing voice to her. Her mom brings me over a bottle of water for when Ella wakes up. and I’m assuming she will. I’m pretty sure that she fainted from the shock of the news that the Defense attorney just delivered. I pray that he is talking out of his ass, but I had texted my friend Finn about checking on it for me.

“Come on, baby, open those pretty blues for me.” I press my lips against her forehead as I continue to rock her.

“Here, give her to me,” Ethan demands, “She is my daughter.” I love Ethan, but not even he can take her from me at this moment, so I scowl, “No, she is my girl, and I will take care of her. I’m the only one that noticed her state when you were too busy arguing!” When he goes to press the issue, Elaine pulls on his arm and tells him to let it be.

“Jace will take care of our little girl, Ethan. Please have a little faith.” She tells him.

“Did you not hear everything he said he put our daughter through?” Ethan asks incredulously.

“People make mistakes, honey, and he’s trying to make up for it. Ella is forgiving him, so we must as well.” She pleads to her husband, but he doesn’t want to listen. He does stop trying to snatch Ella from

my arms, though.

Paramedics arrive and all they do is wave some smelling salts under my girl’s nose and she wakes up. After they check her vitals and makes sure she eats a candy bar because her blood sugar was low, they leave the courtroom. I want to lecture her about not eating right at lunch, but I’m too relieved that she is okay, so I’ll save it for later.

“How are you feeling, baby?” I ask, still holding her in my lap.

“I’m better. I just got light-headed and dizzy, and then everything went black.”

“I think you went into shock from the news that limp dick lawyer told you.” I sneer toward the Defense.

Ella closes her eyes, “Oh my God, Jace. Are there really three videos of us up on a porn site?”

“I don’t know yet, I have my friend checking on it now.”

The bailiff interrupts our conversations, “The judge would like to know if you are well enough to continue or if you would like to have a continuance?”

Ella gives the big guy a smile, “I think I’m okay to continue. I just want this over with.”

The bailiff nods his head and then heads back to the judge’s chambers to deliver the message. I stand up and help Ella to stand on her own feet. She wobbles for a split second, but then gets her balance. I instruct her to sit back down in the chair and wait for the judge’s instruction on whether she can go back to the plaintiff’s chair or stay where she’s at. I go back to my own seat and Elaine gives my hand a quick squeeze.

I look at the woman that has always been a second mother to me, “I’m sorry that you had to hear all of that, and I’m trying to make it up to her, but I need you to know that we have never made any videos, I promise you that.”

She smiles, “I believe you, Jace. Let’s hope that the jury does too.”

We both glance over at the twelve jurors that are walking back to their seats. It’s hard to tell what they are thinking. I saw sympathy when Kaylee was up there, but also when Ella was up there telling her account of the attack. I think it can go either way at this point, and that’s not good.




The Verdict


The judge ended up allowing the Defense to bring in the three videos as evidence. Thankfully, Finn was able to find them and hack into the site to take them down off the web, but they will still be shown here since the videos were copied. For the life of me, I don’ t know what videos they would be, aside from the one that was sent to Ella. Ethan did let it be known that she had received it, so that way if it is one of the videos then the jury would know that it was not one that we produced and put up on the porn site.

Because of the content, certain body parts were covered as the videos are shown. Just as we thought, the one that was sent to Ella was the very first one. I actually got embarrassed over the video, not because of what we were doing, but because Elaine was now seeing it as well. I’m more embarrassed over her seeing it than I was when Ethan saw it in his office. I also wasn’t liking the fact that strangers were seeing my girl this way.

I keep a close eye on Toby, Mason, and Brandon as they not so much watch the video but listen to it with smirks on their faces. Kaylee is over there glaring at the playback. When the next video begins to play,

my head whips towards the screen because don’t remember anything that’s going on in the video, it’s unfamiliar to me.

to me.


Scrutinizing the screen, my eyes go round. Those little fuckers photoshopped the video, just like they did the one of Ella and Brandon in the classroom, only this one looks legit. I quickly tap Ethan’s arm and motion for him to give me a pen and paper. When he does, I quickly scribble out one word, birthmark?

The body that has Ella’s head attached to it has no birthmark on the right side of her back. Ella’s birthmark isn’t overly huge, but it is about three inches long, about an inch wide, and about six inches up from her waist, making it impossible for it not to be seen in – this video. As for the guy, his dick isn’t anywhere near my size, and I’d be happy to prove it to these fuckers!

The third video is the same as the second one, a fake. By the time it’s done playing, I want to do a happy dance. Ella grins back at me after seeing the note I gave her father and realizing that they were fakes. The Defense continues on as if they have us right where they want us, though.

“So, as you can see,” the lawyer turns to the jury, these videos are probable cause for Miss Baxter to want to set the defendants up.”

“Objection, your Honor,” Ethan stands up and faces the Defense lawyer, “Did you even send these videos in to make sure they weren’t altered?”

“Well, you saw the first video, it’s the one that Miss Baxter has on her phone.” The lawyer defends.

“And like I said in the beginning, she was sent that video a day ago. We can have it proven in no time. As for the other two videos, they are fakes. That is not Ella in the video and so I can only assume that the male isn’t Jace, either.”

“What makes you think that?” The judge asks Ethan.

“Because your Honor, Ella has a birthmark on her back that is not on the body of the woman in the video.” He turns to his daughter and nods.

Ella nods and stands up before turning her back on the jury, and lifting her shirt, showing them that she does, indeed have a very dark mark on her back. When the Defense asks about the male, I stand up right away, bringing my hands to the waist of my pants.

“I can prove that isn’t me, just give me a moment to bring it to true size.” I smirk.

The courtroom erupts in laughter and the judge slams his gavel down, “That will not be necessary, Mr. Palmer.”

I shrug and then wink at the Defense before taking my seat again. Elaine slaps me in the chest, playfully, “You would show them, wouldn’t you?” she chuckles.

“Damn straight I would. There’s no shame in my game, Elaine.” I grin.

“Your Honor,” Ethan speaks up, “Another point to make is that Ella brought these charges against the defendants a few months ago, and she was still a virgin up until a few days ago.” Thave to give to Ethan, he never once winced while talking about his little girl losing her virginity, “So, her making these accusations because of said videos is preposterous.

“So, let me get this straight,” the judge speaks up as he scowls at the Defense, “You brought ‘evidence into my court room that you hadn’t verified?”

“Your honor, it came from a very reliable source.” The lawyer states.

“And who is this source?” The judge asks.

“I cannot reveal their name, your Honor.”


15:46 II

The Verdict


“Well then, I guess that settles it,” the judge looks over at the jury, “Disregard the videos. It is tampered evidence and cannot be used.” He looks around, “Are there any more witnesses or evidence that needs to be presented?”

Both lawyers shake their heads, “Prosecution rests, your Honor.”

“Defense rest as well, your Honor.”

*Very well. We will adjourn while the jury deliberates. If they don’t come to a verdict before the end of business, we will continue at nine tomorrow morning.” The judge slams the gavel down and then takes his leave. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

I can’t wait a second longer as I pull Ella toward me and hug her tight, “Thank fuck those were fake. I don’t know what I would do if someone had more videos of us.”

*If you wouldn’t use my daughter the way that you do, then you wouldn’t have to worry about it.” Ethan mumbles.

“Dad, don’t start please.” Ella lectures her father as Elaine says his name sternly.

Ethan remains quiet about the topic of us and begins talking about what we could expect and also, what can go wrong. Of course, we are hoping for a guilty verdict, and they get thrown in jail for a few years, but we won’t get our hopes up too high yet. Looking at his watch, Ethan studies the time.

“It’s already four fifteen. I highly doubt we are going to hear something today, but make sure you stay close just in case.” He warns Ella.

“I will, Dad.”

Ethan spares me a brief glance without the usual glare, and I’m filled with hope. Ella jabs me in the side, bringing my attention back to her, “Were you really going to pull out your member and show everyone?”

“First of all, please don’t ever call my cock a member. It’s either my cock or dick, shaft is okay, but not my favorite. Secondly, if you showed skin then I have every right to be able to show some too!”

“Well, I wouldn’t appreciate the women looking at my boyfriend’s penis!” she states, and I can’t help but to cringe.

“I am not an adolescent, Ella. Cross the word ‘penis’ off the list as well.” I grab her hand and direct her to the little swinging gate and pull her through it.

“So many rules! Can I just give it a name and call it that from now on?” She asks.

I moan and slide my hand down my face, “I have a feeling that I won’t like any names that you pick for it, so no, you cannot name my cock.”

“Are you saying that I won’t be able to pick any names for any future kids that we may have?” She pouts.

“I think it’s cute that you are already thinking about having kids with me,” I wink at her, “but no, that’s not what I’m saying. Naming your child and naming my cock are two completely separate things.”

I hear her scoff, “I don’t think there is anything wrong with naming your attachment Goliath.” She mumbles the words but, I still hear her.

I throw my head back and laugh, “My attachment? Seriously?”

“What? Are you going to tell me not to call it that either?”

“Yes, yes I am,” i throw my arm over her shoulder and pull her into me as we stand on the steps of the courthouse.

“I don’t feel right calling it the crude names when we aren’t being kinky.”

“Oh, Precious, when are you going to learn that our kink is twenty-four-seven? There’s no breaking in between.”

“Too bad, because it’s hard being good every minute of the day.” She pouts, making me laugh hard once more.



Sometimes Jace is just too much, but he definitely knows how to take my mind off things. Having a discussion about what I should be calling his ‘member’ is not something that I ever imagined myself doing with anyone. I’m pretty sure my face has been tinged pink the whole time, but I’m serious, I can’t make my mouth say certain things like that unless we are in the moment. I

The Verdict

guess it’s just something that he’s going to have to‘spank’ into me, I smile to myself.

We are only sitting outside for about ten minutes when I get the text that the jury is back already, “Well, that was really fast,” I

glance at Jace, “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

He shrugs, “I’m not sure, but let’s hope it’s in our favor. Come on,” he stands up and reaches his hand out for me to take, “There is no use worrying about whether it’s good or bad, because the decision has been made.”

“I notice a quick flash of worry cross his face before he puts his stoic expression back on and opens the door to the courthouse for me. My heart pounds as we take the elevator to the third floor where the answer awaits. I don’t think I’ve ever been as nervous as I am now, not even when I was being bullied by Jace.

Jace suddenly grabs me by my nape and pulls me into his chest, “Calm down, Ella. It doesn’t matter what happens or what the outcome is, because it’s all over, and I’ll be damned if I let something like this happen to you again.” He kisses the crown of my head and tightens his arms around for just a moment before the elevator door open.

When he pulls away, I look up into his eyes, “Thank you, Jace. It means the world to me that you are here, supporting me.”

“There is nowhere else that I’d rather be, Precious.” He tosses his arm across my shoulders and maneuvers us through the people stepping into the elevator, and then out its doors.

My dad is waiting for me right outside the courtroom, but I can’t tell where his headspace is on the matter either. What is it with – everyone having poker faces around here? When we walk up to him, he gives me a half smile before going back to look at some

papers that he has in his hands.

“What’s going on, Dad?” I ask, drawing his attention back to me.

“Oh, nothing, sweetie. Just reading through some paperwork on another case. Are you ready?”

I study him for a moment and then nod, “Yeah. Let’s get this over with.”

We just settle into our seats when the bailiff asks everyone to stand once again for the judge. Once the judge and jury are back in their own seats, the judge begins, “Has the jury come to a decision?”

A middle-aged woman in the first chair stands up with a piece of paper in her hands, “We have your Honor.”

“Proceed.” The judge orders.

“In the case Ella Baxter vs. Tobias Anderson, we find the defendant guilty. In the case Ella Baxter vs. Mason Baker, we find the defendant guilty.” I feel as if I’m about to faint again as the woman continues to read the verdicts in my favor, “In the case Ella Baxter vs. Brandon Feeney, we find the defendant guilty. In the case Ella Baxter vs. Kaylee Simpson, we find the defendant guilty.

Murmurs erupt in the courtroom as family members to the defendants, gasp and mumble to each other. I throw my arms around my dad, hugging him with everything I’ve got, “You did it, Daddy!”

“No, sweetie, you did it!” My dad hugs me back just as tight, but then lets me go when the judge’s gavel hits his bench.

“I want to thank the jury for their service in this case. You all are free to go.” The judge releases the jurors before turning to the defendants, “There will be a sentencing hearing in a couple of days for all defendants. Your lawyer will contact you with the date and time. I’m releasing three of the four of you to the care of your parents until then and I suggest you show up or else a warrant will be issued for your arrest.” The judge turns to Kaylee, “Miss Simpson, since your parents put a plea in seeking help for you, will be sending you to a treatment facility until the date of your sentencing. Please be advised that this is not an option. If you leave the facility, a warrant will be issued for your arrest.”

Kaylee, who is sitting in her chair, bawling her eyes out, just nods her understanding. I almost feel a little sorry for her, but I can’t allow myself to have any sympathy for any of them. When Kaylee looks up, we

make eye contact, and instead of seeing regret or remorse, all I get is a look of pure hatred. My body shivers as a chill runs through it just from the look, and I have to turn my attention away from her.

Jace jumps over the little divider and pulls me into his arms. He holds the back of my head to his chest as he buries his face into my neck, “i’m so fucking proud of you, baby!” he mumbles as he continues to hold me.

There is a slight cough behind him and reluctantly, he lets me go so my mom can hug me too, “i’ll only steal her for a moment, Jace,” She chuckles and then wraps me in her arms, “Oh, honey, I’m so happy for you! Now you can move on with your life and try to forget all about this.”

scoff, “I don’t think I can ever forget, but I can move on. I won’t let it define me, Mom.”

“That’s my girl!” She says as she pulls away from me and holds me at arm’s length, “Now you can get back to your life and start your summer classes without any of this looming over you.”

I smile, because it’s a huge relief to have this over with. I miss my small apartment, and my new friends. I even miss both my jobs that are still waiting for me to get back to. When I turn back to Jace, I notice the sad smile pasted on his face, and I know right away what it’s for. I’ll be leaving soon, and he has to stay behind for a few more weeks at least. I go back to him and circle my arms around his neck. He isn’t expecting my lips to press against his here in the courtroom for all to see, but they do, because in that moment, all I could think about was tasting him, and so I am.

His hands squeeze my hips as I continue to kiss him in front of everyone. The world slips away briefly while our lips are attached to one another. I think that nothing can break us apart in this moment, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and Jace pulls away first. Lust burns in his eyes as he gazes down at me and cups my cheek.

“I love you, Ella Baxter…”

I bite my lower lip and grin, “And I have fallen head-over-heels in love with you, Jace Palmer…”


I hope you are all enjoying the story still! I love reading your comments, so please, keep commenting and I will reply as soon as possible.

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