My Bully’s Love

Chapter 38

Chapter 38


I’m so tired and exhausted after the last few days that I’ve had. I’m not complaining about all the sex, but I’m pretty sure that’s what the exhaustion is from. It’s hard to believe that I was still a virgin just a few days ago. With court being tomorrow, my dad wanted to go over a few more things after our family meeting, and so I’ve been holed up in his office for the past two hours. All I want to do is sleep, but when I get to my room, Jace is already there, waiting for me.

Jace is sitting in the armchair that’s situated in the corner of my room. It’s the same one that he sat in the day I got home from the airport. Our eyes meet, and without saying anything, he opens his arms, and I fling my body onto his lap and into his waiting arms. Neither of us need to say anything, because we just know that all the other one needs is the assurance of the other’s love, so we hold tight to each other as long as we need to.

I’m not sure how long we sit here together, but I feel as though we could do it all night. One of his hands is rubbing my back while he keeps running his fingers through my hair with the other; it’s so soothing that I’m beginning to fall asleep. Suddenly, we are moving as he stands up with me in his arms. Walking over to my bed, so slowly lays me down, following me as he does. His lips press against mine until I open my own, granting him entrance, but he isn’t demanding. His kiss is soft and gentle, unlike the other ones that can be brutal at times, not that I’m complaining. I will take any kind of kiss from Jace.

Not too long after, the feel of his hand is felt sliding into the front of my jeans. I don’t know when he unbuttoned them, but it doesn’t really matter. My sex is clenching in anticipation of what he’s about to do. Instead of going between my legs, though, he slides his hand off to the side, pushing down the fabric of my jeans. I don’t say anything, because I’m trying to figure out what he’s trying to do. I lift my hips up a little, and he shoves my jeans down, breaking our kiss as he lifts himself in order to pull them completely off.

He takes in my lace panties and bites his lower lip, lowering his head as he does. Placing a tender kiss over my belly button, he moves once more, but it isn’t to do anything sexual, instead, he lays down beside me and pulls me into his arms, so we are spooning. I lay here wondering what the heck is going on in his head, because this isn’t like him. I was expecting him to maybe force me to my knees and suck him off, or for him to bend me over and have his pleasure, but cuddling?

As if he was reading my thoughts, his low, husky voice reaches my ear, “I’m not having sex with you, Precious. I can see that you are dead on your feet. What do you take me for?” He ends on a chuckle.

I shrug, “I’m not that tired.” I lie, “If you need me to help you, you know, I’m sure I will be fine.”

Next thing I know, he’s flipping me over, onto my back, and glaring down at me, “Is there something that you did wrong that I don’ t know about?”

I furrow my brows in confusion, “Huh? Why would you ask me that? No, I haven’t done anything wrong; I’ve been good.”

“Then why would I use you for my own pleasure when you are dead-ass tired?” He searches my face as he waits for me to answer.

* I-I thought, that’s what you said. As my Dom, you can use me whenever you want.” I’m beginning to feel like an idiot now.

He sighs and then caresses my cheek, “You’re right, I did say that, and there will be times when I will, but if you have been good, then I will give you pleasure once I take my own, but I will never use you when I know that you are dead on your feet. If it’s for a punishment, possibly yes, but even that would be determined by just how tired you are, but not if you have been good. As your Dom, it’s my job to make sure you are taken care of, and your welfare is my top priority. Punishing you, is part of that. Although, I don’t like punishing you because you were naughty, but it’s something that needs to be done, so you will

learn for next time. The only time I truly enjoy punishing you is when it’s for the both of us to get off.” I hear the smirk in his voice as he ends his sentence.

push my bottom lip out in a pout, “What if I want you to use me, Sir?”

He continues to smirk, but shakes his head, “Uh uh, my job is to take care of you, and I know for a fact that you need rest, so I’m going to lay here with you until you fall asleep.” His decision only makes me pout more, though. He chuckles, “I tell you what, once we hear the sentencing tomorrow, we will celebrate, and I will fuck you all night long. How does that sound?”

“Will you take me to your room so you can restrain me?” I ask a bit breathless because I’m already feeling the throbbing in my lower region.

“Oh, Precious, I will do whatever you want me to, and then some.” His lips crash against mine, and this time, it isn’t gentle. I can feel his hardness against me and know it’s taking him everything to keep the monster in his pants.

The kiss ends way to quickly for my liking, but he’s right, I’m so tired, so instead of pouting, I turn in his arms, and let him hold me. I don’t think it takes me long to fall asleep, because the last thing I remember is his voice.

“Sweet dreams, Precious.”

Hands grab hold of me as I thrash, trying to hold me down so they can do whatever they want to do. I try to scream, but a hand covers my mouth brutally as others laugh. I hear a female’s voice in the background, jeering and laughing as well. All i can think is how can another female stand back and let this happen? Something feels off, though. I remember this place, and I remember the voices, but I don’t remember this happening to me. I feel one of them between my legs, pushing his member until he’s completely inside of me. It feels familiar, but I don’t know how since I have only had one man inside of me.

The others are standing around, holding me down while some abuse my breasts. The female is standing behind the male that is inside of me, rubbing her hands over his chest, cheering him on and demanding that he goes harder, that he makes it hurt. He listens to the nasally voice and soon all I can feel is pain. Laughter echoes through the night as they continue to do unspeakable things to me. I try thrashing more, and that’s when I hear his voice, saying my name over and over as my body is continuously jostled. It’s Jace, he’s the one that the female is talking to but all he keeps saying is my name over and over.

“Ella, Ella! Come on Ella..”

I jerk awake, drenched in sweat from head to toe.

“Oh, thank fuck!” I’m pulled into a tight hug, “I’ve been trying to wake you up for the last five minutes!”

I’m still panting, trying to get my bearings after being pulled out of that nightmare. I’m not sure if it’s because the court hearing is already here or what, but it’s the first time I’ve dreamt about that night. I don’t understand why Jace was part of it, though. I wrap my arms around him and hug him just as tight. I’m usually not scared about dreams, but something about this one unnerves me.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Jace asks softly.

Do I? I’m not sure if I can explain it, I don’t like thinking about it, and now Jace is added into the mix, so it’s only going to piss him off. So, I do the exact opposite of what I know he wants me to do and shake my head as I squeeze him just a little bit more.

“Are you sure? It may help.” He replies.

“I don’t want to talk about it, because I don’t want to relive it again.” I leave it at that, and he must understand what I was dreaming about because he doesn’t press me anymore.

“I’m so sorry that you had to go through that, baby. I wish there was something that I could do to take all of that away..”

“I’ll be fine, Jace. There isn’t anything that anyone can do, so there is no sense in dwelling on it,” I pull back, “Hopefully, after tomorrow, I can finally put it all behind me and move forward.” I glance over at the clock and see that it’s after three in the morning. Looking at Jace, I can barely make his face out with the moonlight coming through my window, “I thought you were going home after I fell asleep?”

He pulls me back down, so my cheek is now lying flat on his chest, which is now bare, “You felt too good, I didn’t want to leave.” He kisses the top of my head, and inhales the scent of my hair, “Do you need anything before you go back to sleep?”

“Nope, just you.” I snuggle in closer to him.

“Okay, this time you better have sweet dreams or else I’m going to redden that little behind of yours tomorrow before court.” He threatens jokingly.

“Is that a promise?” I tease.

“You little…” he starts to tickle my side, “Just for that, I’m going to plug that ass of yours and edge you until you’re willing to take my cock up that little hole just so you can come!”

Igasp. “You wouldn’t, would you?”

“I guess you’re just going to have to wait and see.”

My core clenches at the threat of Jace’s girthy cock trying to push all the way into the tiny hole. That’s going to hurt regardless of how much lube we use, which makes me wonder whether I’m really afraid or am I just clenching in anticipation of that pain that his cock will cause.

“No more thinking about how much you want to feel me fuck your ass, Precious. It will happen when it happens, but it won’t be this morning, so go back to sleep. There is only a few more hours before you have to wake up and get ready.”

“Yes, Sir. You are the Master after all,” i muse.

“Damn straight I am!” I can hear the smile in his words which makes me close my eyes and smile. No matter what happens or how I feel, one thing I do know for sure, is that I feel very protected when Jace holds me in his arms, as though nothing can touch me, and that is a great feeling to fall asleep to.


I waited in Ella’s room for a little over an hour. I know Ethan had called her into his office to go over court stuff again, and so I hung around downstairs for a bit and even helped Elaine out by running to get Eli from his friend’s house. Ella was still ensconced in the office when I got back, so I bid Elaine and Eli goodnight, and then left, only to walk around and climb the tree outside of Ella’ s window.

When I hear footsteps coming up the stairs finally, my heartbeat picks up like it always does when Ella comes to me. The moment she opens the door, she must sense me because she turns in my direction. I can see how worn out she is. I was hoping to finally tell her about why I fucked up, and then give her one of the best orgasms of her life, but she looks like she could pass out at any second. Instead, I hold my arms out and she runs to me.

I never knew how good it would feel to hold someone in your arms until I held my precious Ella in mine for the first time. I know it’s hard to understand, but this girl is my everything, and I want to spend my life showing her just that. Her body feels so good against mine, even fully clothed, but it’s getting heavier by the minute. When I glance down, her eyes are closed, and I smile, lifting her into my arms, so I can move her to the bed.

I find it amusing when she thinks that I’m going to get her off after sliding my hand down the front of her pants, but I’ve got other plans for her. I’m going to make her go to sleep. Yep, even though I’m harder than a rock, I’m going to put my own needs aside to make sure my girl gets enough rest before the big day tomorrow.

I’m really hoping that she gets justice, so she can finally move forward and take her life back. I want to be there for every step she takes in that direction, I want to be her future, because she is already mine whether she wants me or not. I don’t think I can live without Ella in my life, especially after the last three days that we spent together. I fucked up her high school years big time, and I have to live with that, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t make sure that her college years and beyond will be her best years. I will do whatever it takes to make it happen.

After bickering with Ella about not being intimate, explaining once again what my job as her Dom is, and wishing her to have sweet dreams, she finally falls asleep. When I climb from the bed to use the restroom before I leave, I gaze down at my precious girl. Moonlight dances off her face, giving her an iridescent-like glow to her skin. She looks like an angel, and all I want to do is crawl back into bed and hold her all night. Once I’m done draining my lizard, I pull my shirt off and crawl back in beside her. It doesn’t take me long to fall asleep with Ella wrapped in my arms.

A knee to my groin has me waking up in the middle of the night to a flailing Ella. I’m trying to get her to wake up as I nurse my dick. She’s mumbling things that I don’t understand, but it doesn’t matter, she’s in distress and I can’t stand seeing her that way, so I let go of my crotch and begin to try and shake her awake with both hands wrapped around her upper arms. She only thrashes more, but if I say her name any louder, I will wake her parents up. I also don’t want them hearing her and come running in here, because I don’t think they would be too happy finding me in their daughter’s bedroom, especially after the meeting we had tonight.

Leaning in close to her ear, I’m practically laying on top of her as I say her name repeatedly as loud as I dare. Finally, just when I was about to give up, I get through to her, and she jerks awake. She’s disoriented at first, but then she must recognize her surroundings. I pull her in and squeeze her, all too happy to have her awake and not stuck in whatever nightmare she was in.

I ask her if she wants to talk about it, but she refuses, and it unsettles me just a little bit. I wish she would understand that she can talk to me about anything, especially things like this, that cause her to have

nightmares. When she tells me that she doesn’t want to relive it again, understanding hits me. Those motherfuckers are still messing with her; maybe not physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. I hate myself for what happened to her, and will never forgive myself for it, but I will get her past this, I don’t care what it takes.

When I finally get her back to sleep against my chest, it takes a while to fall back asleep. There are too many things running through my head at the moment. What’s going to happen after court? How much longer will I have her before she has to return home? I know she’s got two jobs that she needs to get back to, but I hate knowing that I’m going to be losing her for a few weeks until I can get out there myself. I hold Ella just a little bit tighter, because I have a feeling that I won’t be able to do so any longer after court is over, maybe only a day or so longer.

I’ve already made up my mind that I’ll be going to the State University, there in New Haven, and I won’t be waiting until the fall before I head over either. I’ve saved enough from the Training Center that I should be able to get my own place, at least for the Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

summer until I can move into the dorms, or maybe I’ll keep my place instead of living the dorm life. When I told Jude of my decision, he was upset that I would be leaving so soon, but he understood and said he would check with the boss to see if he knew of any facilities close to where I would be, so I can continue doing what I do best.

I still don’t know Ella’s feelings on me working as a trainer, and I would like to say that it doesn’t matter, because she doesn’t get to tell me what to do; it’s the other way around, but Jude is right, I’m pussy whipped. What will other Dominants think if they see how much I actually let Ella get away with? More stuff keeps coming up that will need to be discussed with Precious, but I haven’t even been able to talk to her about the one thing that is most important to her…why I broke our friendship off.

Happy Monday peeps…hope you all enjoyed your weekend! I know this chapter isn’t as long as what I’ve been doing, but tomorrow’s chapter will be a long one. Please bear with me over the next few weeks,

because what I had planned to be a one book story is now turning into a two-book series, and I will be winding down this first one to get ready for the second book. No worries, there will be no breaks in between the transition, so you will be able to continue reading right into the next book!


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