My Bully’s Love

Chapter 34

Chapter 34


I wake up to my phone as it pings with a notification. After looking at my alarm clock, I see that it’s already after ten in the morning. ‘Oh crap’, I think to myself as I jump from my bed. I’m having lunch with Jace and I’m needing a shower badly, not to mention having to shave everywhere! Damn, I must have been really exhausted last night in order to be able to sleep in this late, but I guess Jace did wear me out just a tad bit. I smile to myself as the shower spray beats down on me and I scrub everywhere, especially the sore areas. Every time I think of him now, I have nothing but good thoughts and smiles; all those little doubts that would always pop in my head are slowly vanishing.

By the time I’m done getting ready, it’s already almost noon, so I grab my phone and my crossover purse and fly out the door. My mom is passing by the bottom of the stairs, but stops when she sees that I’m in a hurry, and of course, she has to be nosey.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

“I’m going for lunch next door, don’t have time to chat, Mom.”

“Hold it right there, Ella!” Her tone stops me in my tracks.

My mom isn’t one to ever yell at us, but she has that tone that all mothers have that tells you she means business. My mom is using that tone right now, so whatever it is that she wants to talk about, I already know that I’m not going to want to talk about it.

“You and I need to have a chat, and you can’t keep running away from me,” she quirks a brow at me, “I think you know what I’m talking about, Ella.”

“Ugh, do we have to do this right now, Mom? I promise we will talk about it, but I don’t want to be late.” I plead. It’s not like I’m really late, but I don’t feel like discussing this with her just yet.

“Fine, but we are going to talk about it by the end of the weekend!” She smirks and continues in the direction that she was going in when I bounded down the stairs.

I send up a quick prayer that she will forget to bring it up again before I leave, and then I head over to Jace’s house. It feels weird pressing the doorbell; I felt the same way the last time I stopped over to talk to him about my sister going to his party. Growing up, we always just walked into each other’s houses, not once did we knock or ring the bell.

The door whips open and I’m pulled inside so fast that I think I might have gotten whiplash. Suddenly, Jace’s mouth is on mine, taking my breath away from the intensity of the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and open my mouth for him, returning it with everything I’ve got. He lifts me and then slams the door, sandwiching me between it and his own hard body. With my legs wrapped around his waist, I can feel his hardness but he doesn’t rub it against me. In fact, he

slows the kiss down before pulling away slowly and gazing deeply into my eyes. He gives me his sexy as sin grin.


“Hey,” I reply breathless.

“I’m happy to see you.”

“I can tell…” I go to unwrap my legs but he stops me.

Shaking his head, he moves us away from the door and into the kitchen where he sets me on the counter right beside the stove. I peek over to see what’s cooking, and smile; he’s made my favorite dish of Chicken Alfredo.

“You remember!”

“Ella, there isn’t one thing that I have forgotten about you.” He stretches around me to grab the colander from the cupboard, and when he does, he plants a quick little kiss on my cheek.

“What’s my favorite color?” I give him a cheeky smile.

“Unless it’s changed, you could never decide if you like purple or teal better, so both were your favorites.” I watch as he dumps the fettuccini noodles into the colander.

“Hm, I bet you don’t remember what my favorite movie is?” I cross my arms and give him a smug look

Found Out

“Seriously, Ella,” he raises a brow, “You literally made me watch the Twilight series with you like fifty times!”

Giggling. I think back to those days where he would groan as soon as he saw me turning the Blu-ray player on, “Fifty times is a little bit of an exaggeration, don’t you think?”

“Whatever, Ella-Bella!” He winks and then laughs at the nickname he used to call me every time we watched the movies,

“Well, for your information, I think I have a new favorite series,” I pretend to examine my nails, “Fifty Shades is right up there with Twilight.”

I hear a clank, and when I glance over at Jace, he’s squatting down to grab the utensil that he dropped on the floor, and I smirk. He tosses it in the sink and turns the stove off, before he finally gives me his attention. His hand comes up to wrap around my throat, not cutting off my air, but just enough to send my core into a frenzy.

He leans in close to my ear, “You better be careful, little girl, or else you’re going to go hungry, because I’m about two point five seconds away from ripping your jeans off, and fucking your hungry cunt right

here on the countertop.”

My eyes widen as a fluttery feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. I close my eyes briefly to try and hide the arousal that I’m sure he can see in them, but he knows better, and adds a bit more pressure to my neck.

“Does this turn you on, Ella?” His breath hits my ear as he whispers the question, “Don’t lie to me.”

Damn, this guy is going to be the death of me, “Yes, Jace.”

“Yes what, Ella?”

“Yes, your hand around my neck turns me on.”

“Are you wet?” His hand slides up my thigh like he usually does when he wants to check for wetness. The anticipation kills me with how slow his hand is going, and just when he gets to the junction of my leg and crotch, he pulls away, “We better get to eating before the food gets cold.” He grabs my hips and sets my feet on the floor.

I stare at him in shock. Jace is always horny and takes it whenever he wants, so why is he teasing me, knowing that he’ s only making himself suffer? I notice the smirk that he’s wearing on his face and glare at him once his back is fully turned.

“I saw that, Ella. Twenty swats of the paddle later.”

Oo, I really like the paddle, I think to myself before taking a seat at the little kitchen nook, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jace; saw what?”

“Do you really want to play dumb?” He asks as he starts scopping the food onto our plates.

“I didn’t do anything, Jace.” I’m trying so hard not to smile or laugh, but then I see the seriousness to his face when he turns around. Oh crap, he’s in Dom mode now, “I’m sorry, Jace.”Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

“Once you receive your forty swats then it will all be fine.” He sets my plate in front of me and kisses the top of my head, “Eat up, baby.”

I glance up at him, “You said twenty swats, not forty.”

“That was before you tried playing dumb and then you lied to me. Everything has consequences, Ella.”

I feel like a little kid who just let their parent down, feeling guilty for doing what I did. Picking up my fork, I swirl the noodles around the tines of the fork and then bring it to my mouth. The second it’s in my mouth, it bursts with the flavor of alfredo, causing a moan to slip out of me.

Jace chuckles, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Once I have swallowed it all, I stare at him, “Jace, this is the best chicken alfredo that I have ever tasted!”

“I’m glad you like it. I’ve been working on it for a couple of months, just so I can make it for you.” He grins and then goes back to eating his own.

“Thank you, Jace.” My eyes sting with unshed tears, “Nobody has ever done anything like this for me.”

“And they won’t, not as long as I’m around.” He’s being totally serious, so I smile at him, because regardless of how possessive he sounds, it sounds so sweet to me.

Found Out

We need to talk about us, what we are to each other, what we are going to tell people, and where are we going to go from here. I go back to Connecticut as soon as court is over and there is a ruling, and Jace needs to remain behind until he graduates. All of my thoughts are consumed with Jace, it’s going to be hard not to see him for almost two months, but I guess it will be a good test for us. Besides, seven weeks really isn’t that long, I’ll just have to keep myself busy until then.

“I’m going to go use the restroom, I’ll be right back.” I inform Jace, not that I really need to use it, but I need a moment to myself. Jace will pick up on my melancholy and will insist that I talk to him about it.

He stands and starts clearing our dishes as he nods, and I head down the hall to the main bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror and stare at the girl that is staring back at me, a girl who used to be broken by the boy who is slowly putting her back together again. Jace had shattered me, and I’m not quite sure how we got to where we are today, but all the shattered pieces have been put back together, with only the cracks still remaining, which are slowly mending as we go. I splash water on my cheeks just to feel a bit better, and then open the door to go back to Jace. Only, he’s standing outside the door with my phone in his hand and a look of anger on his face.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this video message you got this morning?” He asks in an accusing tone.

“What message? I haven’t even looked at my phone today!” But then I remember the notification that woke me up this morning

Once he sees my expression, his face softens, but his jaw remains tense as he grabs me and hugs me tight, “We have a bit of a problem.” He states before pulling away.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

He turns as he nods, indicating for me to follow, “Let’s go to my room and talk about it. Less chance of being overheard if one of my parents stop at home.”

I don’t question him any longer and follow him down to his bedroom. Memories from the day before flood my mind and a small grin appears. I know most girls want romance and all when they lose their V card, but what I got was perfect and I wouldn’t change it for anything. All those nights I dreamt of being tied up and ravaged as I lost my virginity, who would have known that they would come true. Although, Jace was more considerate about doing so, not wanting to hurt me anymore than he had to, and I can’t fault him

for that. He doesn’t know that I have a bit of darkness inside that craves more pain than he realizes. I’m not sure where it came from or why it’s there, but I intend to try and find out.

I find a spot on his bed and sit Indian style, waiting for him to begin. All he’s doing at the moment is pacing back and forth and swearing as he mumbles to himself. I let it go on for a bit longer to see if he finally gets his bearings, but he continues to pace. Finally, I can’t take it anymore and I say his name, but he ignores me. I climb from the bed and go to him.

Touching his arm lightly to stop his movement, I look up at him when he finally stares at me, “What’s going on? You are starting to scare me.”

He sighs heavily, and pulls me with him as he sits on the edge of the bed and settles me onto his lap, having me straddle his legs, so I can face him, “I had gotten a DM on my social media page yesterday, it was from your friend, Bree, telling me that she had overheard Madison talking about you and implying that something may happen,” I start to ask him a question but he puts a finger to my lips and gives me a warning look to be silent, and I obey, “I took care of the matter, and had Madison questioned, but that remains between you and I, Ella. Anyway, all that was said was that someone was following you to try and get dirt on you before we went to court, but she wouldn’t say who. I can only assume that it’s Mason, because she wouldn’t give her twin up like that.

I just laughed it off though because I knew they wouidn’t find anything on you,” he smiles sadly as he caresses my face with his thumb, “because you are my little saint.” I lean into his touch and smile back, “But, I didn’t give them enough

I straighten my spine, “What?” I couldn’t help blurting out the question.

Jace doesn’t seem mad that I interrupted him, though. Instead, he just continues, “It’s not as bad as you think, it may be just a little embarrassing for you, but it shouldn’t be anything that should make you back

away from charging them,” he glances down at my phone that he still has in his hand, “I think it’s time that we talk to our family, your dad most importantly.”

When he goes silent, I take that as a sign that I can finally talk, “Jace, please tell me what’s going on. You’re not making any sense.”

He holds my phone for me to take, “You had gotten a message this morning, but you must not have known.”

Found Out

I take my phone, “I heard the notification, it woke me up, but then I saw the time and flew out of bed to get ready. I had forgot all about the notification.” | respond and then open the message. I gasp loudly when I see what it contains, my hand flying to cover my mouth as i glance up at Jace. He reaches up and his finger hits the play icon in the center of the video.

“Look at you, drooling like a hungry whore for my cock,” I watch as he grabs my hair in the video and pulls me toward him, “Is this what you want?” He then rubs his bulge, “Is it? Are you going to be my good little whore and let me use your pretty pink hole again, even though it’s sore from being used earlier?”

My ears begin to ring as I continue to watch the video of me and Jace the night before. Someone videoed us having sex! It goes on until the end and only stops after Jace had taken the pictures with my phone. My gut twists, and I feel like I’m going to be sick. Jumping from his lap. I run to his bathroom and start to dry heave into his toilet. I feel his presence come up behind me, and then he begins to rub my back

“It’s going to be okay, Ella. This isn’t anything that has to do with the court case and can’t be used in court. He’s only trying to scare you into dropping everything.” He’s trying to soothe me, but he doesn’t get it, I’m not upset about that, I’ m smart enough to know that it can’t be used, but it can be used to spread on the internet for all to see

“Jace, he’s not threatening to use it in court; he’s threatening to put it up on the internet unless I drop the case” I look up at him with worry.

I can tell by the look on Jace’s face that he hadn’t thought about that, but his expression turns from shock to indifference, “If that’s the case, then we still won’t have to worry. I have a friend that can take care of that if he does. He will take it down, and maybe only a few will see it before it can spread.”

“Are you sure?” I’m a bit doubtful.

“Do you remember that stupid altered video that you saw on my phone?” | nod my head, “Well, it was originally up on the internet, and my friend had it taken down right away.”

“Wait, what?”

“Ella, I will always take care of you! I owe you so much for what I have done, and even if you don’t want me, I will always protect you,” he grins, “except from myself, because I will stalk you until you become mine once again.”

I let out a little giggle, “I don’t plan on going anywhere, Jace. I’ve come to realize that you are what I need, you are what! crave.” I feel the blush creep up my face as I admit this to him.

He grips my jaw, “I’ve got the same addiction to you, Ella. I will not let you go without a fight, and we will get through, not only this, but everything else that tries to get in our way.” His lips crash against mine in a deep passionate kiss, but it’s over all too soon. He presses his forehead against mine, “I would love nothing more than to take you right now, but I think we had better call your dad and see if he has time to meet with us. We need to tell him about the video.”

“I’m scared, Jace. What if he gets mad at me for it?” The last thing I want is my dad’s disappointment.

“Hey,” he tips my head up so he can look at me, “The only one that should be scared here, is me. I’m the one doing naughty things to his little girl.”

His words have the desirous effect, and I smile, “Yeah, you will definitely get his wrath.”

He kisses my forehead, “It’s okay, I would walk through hell for you, Ella, because you are worth every bit of it.”

I sigh, “So, shall we go and see the Devil?”

Jace grins, “Just lead the way, and I will follow.” c

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