My Bully’s Love

Chapter 31

Chapter 31




I was too busy enjoying the feel of Ella’s sweet pussy wrapped around my cock to realize her headspace. It isn’t until I tell her how hard she is gripping my cock that I notice her state, “Oh shit!” I curse and pull out of her, automatically releasing her from the restraints. I can’t tell for sure if she’s in subspace or sub drop, because she’s passed out.

In my haste to punish her, I forgot all about letting her eat her lunch first, and I don’t know if she’s had breakfast. I place her on the bed correctly and pull the covers over her before I try waking her; I need to get some water into her at the very least. I lightly tap her face as I call out her name. It takes a few tries, but she finally opens her eyes, and then smiles before trying to fall back to sleep. I quickly pull her up into my arms and grab the bottle of water that I have sitting on my nightstand.

“Ella, baby, I need you to try and drink a little bit for me.”

“Mm.-kay…” she mumbles.

“No, no, no, Ella. I need you to wake up, babe,” I bring the water bottle up to her lips, “Here, drink this.” I carefully tip it up when she opens her mouth. I’m only able to get a little bit down, but it’s better than nothing. Those few seconds of her being awake, though, made me feel a bit better because I’m pretty sure she didn’t sub drop. I’ll let her sleep an hour, tops, before I try to wake her and make her eat.

That scared the shit out of me. I need to be more careful when I’m with Ella; it’s not like it is when I’m training a sub at the facility, because I don’t fuck them, so I’m able to keep my attention on them at all times. Hopefully, this is just a one-time failure because have been waiting for so long to be with Ella, that I threw everything out the window. Speaking of which, I grab the soothing cream that I have yet to apply,Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

and then flip back the covers. I only gaze at her naked form for a moment before I gently roll her over, so I can massage the cream onto her ass. Laying her on her back once more, I pull the covers up and place a kiss on her forehead before grabbing a pair of shorts and my phone and leaving the room.

T head out to my jeep to grab our food that we left in the back seat, and then go back inside to wait for Ella to wake up. In the meantime, I jump into the shower to wash Ella’s virgin blood from my cock and groin area and giving myself a mental note to clean Ella up as well, as soon as she wakes up. I’m standing in the shower, with my palm against the wall, thinking back to our time together. It wasn’t exactly how I had planned Ella’s first time; there weren’t supposed to be any restraints involved, and definitely no spanking, but we both got carried away in desires that we couldn’t hold back.

What I had originally imagined for her first time is more of a lover’s tryst, you know, roses, maybe a little dinner, and a little romancing, not any kinky shit. I can do both, with Ella… I want both. I wanted to show her that I can be both her Dom and her boyfriend, I can do kinky, and I can do vanilla, as long as it’s with her. The way she pleaded with me to take her, though. I close my eyes as I take in her gorgeous tear- stained face as she begs for me to let her come. My free hand comes up to wrap around my growing cock. Jesus, I’m going to get off again just by thinking back on my time with Ella. I wish I could have seen her face as made that last thrust into her, claiming her as mine, once and for all. Not that holding her in place and fucking the shit out of her from behind wasn’t hot, but I can do that any other time, no, her first time should have been more special, and I hope she doesn’t regret giving herself to me.

After getting myself off again, I turn the water off and grab a towel from a nearby rack, wrapping it around my waist. I have a deep need to be near Ella, so I go back to my room and crawl into bed, bringing her into my arms. I don’t plan on falling asleep, but my body decides otherwise, taking me into a deep slumber that I didn’t know I needed.

I feel movement in my arms, waking me from the best dream I’ve had in a long time. Of course, the main star is the same as the one who has woken me. I glance down and see blue eyes staring back at me, “Hey, baby, how are you feeling?” I scrub the sleep from my face.

“Very sore,” she giggles, “but otherwise, good.”

“I’m happy to hear that; you gave me a little scare earlier.”

“I did?” she leans back so she can see me better, “What did I do?”

“You passed out right after we came,” I grin, “I was bragging about how much I filled you with my seed, and how much your tight pussy gripped my cock, and then you were out.”


“How did me passing out scare you, though?” she asks, confused.

“Because I thought you had sub dropped on me,” I hold my hand up, knowing exactly what her next question is going to be, “During an intense scene or punishment, whichever one you and your partner are doing, your system can flood with endorphins, overwhelming your body and causing depression, irritability, etc. You’re still not out of the woods yet, because it can take hours, or even days before it hits, so I will have to watch you closely. You must have hit what we call subspace, where you feel high or like you’re floating. The two can get confused, and by the way you had responded to me, you must have been in subspace at the time.”

“I did feel like I was floating, and it felt as though you and I were the only two in the universe,” she smiles, “I felt like that one time during our freshman year when you shared that joint with me. Remember how spaced out I was? That’s how I felt right after ! climaxed.”

I throw my head back and laugh, “I can’t believe I had forgotten about high Ella, but yeah, subspace is like that.”

“Is it like that all the time?” There is a light in her eyes as she asks.

“Are you wanting it to be like that every time?” I grin.

She shrugs, “Maybe not every time, because I don’t want to pass out after we have sex all the time.”

Smirking, I lean down and plant a kiss on her lips, “The answer is no, it won’t be like that all the time, because I don’t want it to be. I didn’t plan for your first time to happen this way, either. I’m sorry, Ella.”

“Don’t be, I loved it! I’ve always fantasized being bound and used, just like you did to me today.” She traces circles on my chest with her finger and it’s driving me crazy.

“Well, I plan on using you that way plenty, but I wanted something different for you for your first time.” I explain, “Anyway, I need to get food into that belly of yours, but first, I’m going to clean you up.” I climb out of the bed, and Ella starts to follow, “Oh no, you stay right where you are. I want you to take it easy until after you have eaten.”

“I’m fine, Jace, really!”

I lift a brow at her and she lays back down without another word. Grabbing a wet washcloth from the bathroom, I go back to the bed and throw back the covers. I climb up and spread her legs nice and wide, eyeing her cum and blood-stained thighs. I grin and glance up at her, but her eyes are shut tight, and her fists are clenched.

“Open your eyes, Ella.” She slowly obeys, “Why are you so embarrassed?”

“This is a personal thing, Jace. I’m not used to someone else cleaning me down there.” She replies.

“Well, you better get used to it, because I will be taking care of most of your needs. it’s my job, especially if I’m the one that makes the mess.” I wink at her while I drag the cloth across her skin. I wipe away all the evidence of her losing her virginity, thankful that it was gifted to me and not some douchebag that will just brag about it with his buddies.

Once I’m done, I lean over and grab the back of Ella’s head and bring her face close to mine, “You now belong to me, Ella, don’t forget that.” I take her lips in a bruising kiss before I let her go, “Do you


“Yes, Jace.”

“Good girl, now I’m going to warm up our food and I’ll be back. Stay in this bed until I get back.” I turn and walk out of the bedroom. I needed to get away for a few minutes because I’m getting hard all over again. Jesus, I’m a walking-fucking-hard-on when Ella is around!

As I’m waiting for the food to heat up, I scroll through social media and see that I have a DM in one of my accounts. When I open it, a message from Ella’s old friend, Bree, pops up.

BREE: Just wanted to let you know that I overheard a conversation that Madison Baker was having on her phone. I’m not sure what’s up but I think something is being planned against Ella. Something about ‘paying that Ella bitch back’. Please keep an eye on her.

| send a quick message back, thanking her for the heads up and to let me know if she hears anything else. With the court hearing the day after tomorrow, I wouldn’t put it past any of them trying to do something to Ella. All four of them have a lot to lose.

When the food is done, I load it all on a tray and head back downstairs. Ella hasn’t moved from her spot, but she looks a little bit uncomfortable. Placing the tray on the nightstand, I turn to face her as I open the two bottles of water that I brought down with the food.


“What’s wrong, Ella? Is the soreness too painful?”

“Um, I need to use the restroom.”

I smile, happy that it isn’t anything that I did. I lift the blanket and hold out my hand, “Come on, I’ll walk you in there.”

She stares at me in disbelief, “I can’t go while you’re in there with me!”

I give her my stern look, “I don’t plan on staying in there while you go, but you will get over that shyness, because there will be times when I will stand there until you have finished, so don’t press your luck now, I don’t want to have to add to your sore ass so soon.”

She shrinks back, “Sorry, Jace.” She takes my hand and I walk her to the bathroom, making sure her legs aren’t too wobbly, “Thank you,” She squeezes my hand before letting it go and I then shut the door, giving her the privacy that she wanted.

I decide to send a quick text to Jude, letting him know that I need to talk to him later, so to find me at the facility when he gets there. I still haven’t told Ella what I do for work, but it’s not like I am fucking the sub that I train, unlike Jude and Riku, so I don’t see what issue she would have. I’m actually hoping that she will come with me before heading back to Connecticut after the hearing. I want to show her more of what she should expect from her own desires. I know that is one of the things that she is hoping to learn, and it would be nice to know, how much of this lifestyle we should incorporate into our relationship.

The bathroom door opens, and I jump to go to her and help her back to the bed, “Uh, can I put my clothes on?”


“What, seriously?”

“Don’t give me attitude, Ella. Today has been the best day that I’ve had in a long time, so I prefer not to ruin it by fighting. I want to be able to look at you like this as long as I can before you have to go home, so no, you cannot get dressed until I say.” I grab her chin gently when she goes to look down, “Another pleasure for myself, and if you’re a good girl, I’ll give you pleasure as well.”

Her cheeks turn pink, “I think I may be too sore.”

1 cup her sex and insert a digit inside of her, making her gasp, “Is that too sore?”

“It’s sore, but it feels

good.” She whispers, “What’s wrong with me, Jace?”

I grab her chin with my other hand, “Why do you think there is something wrong with you? You are fucking perfect, Ella; don’t ever think otherwise!”

“Why does pain turn me on?”

“You’re a Masochist, Ella, you get off on pain, and believe it or not, that is not rare. I am what you would call a Sadist, I get off inflicting pain, but not in a sadistic way, at least not for me. I like causing my sexual partner pain before and during sex. That is why we are so perfect for each other,” I shove another finger into her, and my cock hardens at her gasp. “See, you are sore from me taking your virginity, but you can’t help but be turned on by me shoving my fingers into you. Me, on the other hand, I’m turned

on because by fucking you with my fingers, I’m causing you more pain on top of the other pain that I caused, which made you come.” I ease up my fingers, “I don’t ever want to cause you unnecessary pain, Ella. I only want to give you the pain that you want, the pain that gets you off.”

I pull my fingers from her and shove them into her mouth, roughly, “Suck them like a good little slut.” I smirk, “You also like to be humiliated; not the act itself but how it makes you feel. You know that I don’t actually think you are a slut or a whore, but you think of it as an endearment when I call you those names. I can go on and on, but all you need to know is that you are not alone, Ella,” | tuck her hair behind her ears, “Now, get that cute little ass over to the bed and eat.”

A big smile forms on her lips, “Thank you, Jace, for being willing to teach me about these things.

“Ella, there is so much more to being a submissive and I’m honored to be the one to show you.” I help her onto the bed before moving the tray between us, “Before we move forward in any of this, I need to give you a list that I will need you to go through. It will tell me what you’re willing to do and what you’re not. Most importantly, I need to know your hard limits, so I know what not to use and/or do to you.”

“I’m kind of aware of what those are, but will you go over the list with me, so you can explain the things that I don’t know?‘

“Of course, Ella. Now eat! I don’t need you fainting or ending up in the hospital.”

“Yes, Jace.”


After dropping Ella off next door, I head to the Training Center. I have a session with a brand-new sub, and one with a Dom and his sub together. Afterward, I figured I would do a little more practicing with Shibari. At some point, I need to meet with Jude to discuss a new favor I need from him. Something that I prefer he takes care of tonight which has to do with a certain Baker twin that thinks it’s a good idea to threaten my girl.

My first session is a typical new sub training session, teaching her the fundamentals and what it means to be submissive. We are supposed to test them to see if they are a true submissive or a wanna be one. It’s easy to tell the difference, and most of the wanna be ones end up being what we call a Brat with a Daddy Dom. Sometimes they work out and sometimes they don’t. This is my own experiences, though, not all wanna be submissives turn into Brats. A lot just end up quitting the training because they come to realize that they don’t want to be told what to do or ask for permission; they just think it’s fun to be spanked or paddled.

My second session is a bit harder for me after what happened with Ella today. I feel as though I have no right to be training a Dom and his sub when I can’t even take care of my own, but by the time the session

ended, I was quite happy with myself. The Dom is an experienced one who only wanted help in learning how to train because he has always had experienced submissives, but then fell in love with a woman who wanted to learn how to serve him. Turns out that she is a natural born submissive, and I think he’s going to be quite happy with her.

Before going to work on rope play, I go in search of Jude, since he has yet to find me. Finding him in his favorite room of all time, the room where he loves to torture a sub, he’s in the middle of a session with Riku assisting because there is rope play involved. I stand just inside the door and watch my sadist friend work his magic.

Riku has bound the sub up and has suspended her in the air, so she is just the right height for the double-headed thrusting dildo machine. The poor girl has a wand strapped against her clit, and both dildos going on the thrusting machine, while she wears a ring gag. Of course, these two horn balls need to have something to fuck if her other two holes are busy. I move from my spot by the door and wander around the sub, taking in the knots that Riku used to have her in the position that she’s in. Squatting down, 1 glance between her legs, and watch as her pussy drips.

“How many has she had?” I ask out of curiosity.

“So far, only seven, but we have only been at it for about thirty-five minutes.” Jude says.

glance at her tear-stained face, and she smiles at me, “What did she do to deserve this?” I glance back at my friend.

He grins sadistically, “Absolutely nothing. This little cum slut came to me, begging for a torture session. She said she wanted to know how many orgasms she is able to have within a full session time.”

“Woah, you’re a brave little cum slut, aren’t you?” I drag my hand through her hair, “Looks to me as though you are being a very good girl. You should see all the cum you’ve dripped all over the floor.” The sub closes her eyes and leans into my hand, showing me her appreciation.

I step away from her, and face Jude, “I’d make her lick it all up when you are done with her, but that’s just me.”

“I thought about that actually. I usually put something down so there isn’t such a mess, but I didn’t think about it until the first drops started to fall,” he shrugs, “Anyway, what did you want to talk about?”

“Can you step outside for a moment?”

“Sure,” He turns to Riku, “I’ll be right outside the door, Master Riku. Why don’t you get your dick wet for a bit?” He muses.

“Don’t mind if I do, Master Jude,” he looks down at the sub, “Do you mind if I fuck your face for a while?” The sub shakes her head. Riku, always the gentleman. Asking permission isn’t necessary at this facility, because it’s a CNC Training Center. Meaning, by signing up, you are consenting that the trainers can do non-consensual things as long as they are within your limits, and they adhere to the safe words. Riku is just polite with them and likes to make the other trainers look like jerks.

Jude and I step out into the hallway, closing the door behind us, “Are you interested in another ‘mission’?”

My friend grins, “Do I get to beat people up again?”

“Nope, but this one is better. This one is a female, a twin sister to one of the guys who attacked Ella. She supposedly knows something that is going to happen to Ella, and with court the day after tomorrow, I’m worried that it will happen tomorrow, so we need to grab her tonight and get her to talk.”

Jude stands with his feet shoulder-width apart, and crosses his arms, “So, how is this one better?”

It’s my turn to give him the sadistic grin, “I thought that maybe, you and Beth could have a little fun with her, I don’t know, maybe use your imagination.’

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