My Bully’s Love

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


“Now strip…”

Watching him train a sub wouldn’t have been at the top of my list of things to watch him do, but I have to admit that it was hot. Is there something wrong with me in thinking that the guy who is interested in me is turning me on as he trains another woman? When I first saw him put his hand between her legs while inspecting her, I wasn’t a fan, but as I watched him work, I swear he paid more attention to me than he did the sub. Not once did I see his pants bulge either, while working with her. I did learn a few things about being a sub during the session, though, and it was enlightening. Now that it’s over, and I’m drenched, all I can think about is being able to come.

It’s like I’m in a trance as I begin to undress myself, stripping away all the barriers that are keeping me from achieving great pleasure. It’s only now that Jace starts to grow hard as he watches me undress. The sub was a beautiful girl, and so for him not to be turned on doing everything he did with her, but then get a boner when all I’m doing is taking my clothes off, tells me that he really is interested in me that way.

“Get out of your head, Ella. I can see those wheels turning, so no more thinking, only feeling.” He lifts a hand and gently caresses a nipple, causing it to harden, and him smirk, “How about you practice the

pose I told you to memorize, so I can see that pretty little cunt of mine.”

I look over at the bed, and then back at him. What am I doing? I know what my body is telling me to do, but my head is so mixed up with different feelings, “Maybe we should just head home.”

“What’s going on, Ella?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” I bend down to grab my clothes, but he stops me, pulling me against him.

“Is this some kind of game that you’re playing with me?”

“What are you even going on about? I just want you to take me home.”

“A moment ago, you couldn’t get out of your clothes fast enough, and now you’re wanting to forget having me make you come. Why are you being a fucking tease?” Igasp, “I’m not, but I can’t help that I’ve changed my mind!”

“Okay, if you don’t want me to help with your release then that’s your right, but you will help with mine,” grabbing my arm, he tosses me onto the bed, “So, how do you want to do this?”

“What do you mean? I don’t want to do this at all, I want to go home!” I try crawling off the bed but then stop dead in my tracks at what he says next.

“You do realize that we have a signed contract?”

*Are you blackmailing me just so you can get off? Well, you can go fuck yourself, because I’m not doing it for you!”

“ON. YOUR KNEES…NOW!” That voice, it’s like there is magic to it, making me submit to all of his demands.

I kneel on top of the bed and wait for him to do his worst. The only problem is that now I’m throbbing. My stupid treacherous body is doing it again. Tears roll down my cheeks as Jace steps closer and runs his hand through my hair before fisting it at my nape. Pulling my head back firmly, he sticks his tongue out and licks part of a tear away.

“You’re so beautiful when you cry, Ella,” His green gaze feels like it’s burning a hole into me, “I hate making you cry, but at the same time, it turns me on. Why do you need to be a tease, hot and then cold? Why can’t you just accept our fate?” He bruises my lips with his kiss while his hand snakes its way between my legs. Yanking his mouth from mine, he smirks at me, “Your mouth says one thing, but your body, Ella,” he sucks his fingers, “Your body says something else.”

He shoves me backwards and grabs my legs, pulling me to the edge of the bed. Squatting down so that his face is right in front of my crotch, I start to squirm, but my ribs are still tender, so I stop. I feel his tongue lick me down there and I let a moan slip out. His

thumb rubs against my nub, and with the sensation from his tongue combined with it, my body jerks in response.

“Tell me to stop, Ella. Tell me that you don’t want this, that you don’t want me, and I’ll stop right now.” His tongue goes back to

licking before he thrusts it inside of me.


He stops everything and pulls away, “Make your mind up right now, Ella. You either tell me to stop because you’re too confused, or you finally let go and give in to your needs. You can’t have it both ways, Ella.”

I hear what he’s saying, and I know he’s right, but I’m so confused, “Jace …”

“What is it, Ella?”

7- The words won’t come, I literally can’t force them out of my mouth.

He hesitates and then stands up, taking my hand to help me off the bed, “Go into that bathroom and clean yourself up, I’ll take you home once I’m done cleaning up here.”



He won’t even look at me as he tells me to go, so I snatch my clothes up off the floor and hurry to the bathroom. Once I’ve shut and locked the door, I slide down until my butt hits the floor and I let the flood gates open. I don’t blame him for being upset, he was right, I was a tease tonight. I can’t explain what is going on between my body and my brain, but something is seriously messed up.

After a few minutes, I quickly run the water to clean my face and freshen myself between the legs. When I’m fully dressed and somewhat composed, I open the door to find an empty room. I walk through the house and find Jace by the front door, waiting on me. Without saying a word, he holds the door open and then closes it behind us after ensuring that it is locked. He still opens the car door for me, but that’s the extent of him communicating with me.

He doesn’t get out to open my door this time when we pull up in front of my house. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door, “l’ m sorry, Jace.” It’s the last thing I say before climbing out and closing the door. He speeds away as though he couldn’t get away fast enough and drives right past his house.

I think I just messed up.

It’s been a whole week, and I still haven’t heard a peep from the boy next door. With nothing else holding me back, I book my flight to Connecticut once more, and fly out the next day. We sent my boxes on

ahead soon after booking my flight, so they should be at my new place tomorrow. My parents cry as they see me off, and even Elise had tears in her eyes as she gave me a tight hug.

“I’m going to miss you, El!” She sniffs.

“I’ll be back for the court hearing and for a brief visit between summer and fall classes. It’s not like I’m leaving forever.” I smile sadly, “And I’ll miss you too. Please watch yourself, Elise, Don’t trust anybody.” I can’t help what Jace may do once he learns that I’m gone. Will he tear up that contract, or will he keep his word and let other guys use my baby sister? “Do me a favor, and stay away from Jace, please.”

“I thought you guys were good again?” She asks confused.

“It’s a long story, and maybe I will tell you some day, but please just listen to your big sister, okay?”

“Fine, okay. You’re such a weirdo, never being able to make up your mind!” She jokes, but if she only knew just how true her words really are.”

I give her one last hug. “I love you, Elise. Please give Eli another big hug for me, will you?” Eli had testing today so he couldn’t miss school, so we said our goodbyes this morning before he left.

I’m really going to miss my family. I have never been away from home without them, and I’m really nervous to do so now, but this needs to happen. With one final wave, I hand my ticket to the lady at the counter, and she points me in the direction of the terminal. I’ve watched too many romantic movies where one of them are about to get on a plain, and the other one comes running in to stop them. Deep down, I wish that was me right now, hoping that Jace will come rushing in, calling my name, and professing his undying love for me. I turn around and look around, but all I see are strangers rushing to get to their terminals before they miss their flight.

I have a window seat on the plane, and luckily the middle seat is left unoccupied while an older gentleman sits in the aisle seat. My flight is about five and a half hours, non-stop, so I made sure that I had plenty of reading material and my air pods to help pass the time. It’s going to be tough not thinking about him while stuck on this plane, but I have to try hard to forget about him. It’s time to

Letting Go

let the past go and move on to the future. Letting go of someone that has been a huge part of your life whether it was good or bad, is always hard, but the best thing that I can do for myself is to forget. The first thing I’m going to do as an independent adult is to let go

My apartment is cute and cozy, which seems to match with the town itself. I’ve never pictured myself living in a small town so far

from home, but here I am in New Haven, Connecticut. The people are friendly and oh so nosey! Now I know where the saying “Can’t even take a shit, without the whole town knowing’, comes from, but still, I truly believe that I’m going to love it here.

Renting a furnished apartment was a great idea, because all I had to worry about was unpacking my boxes when they arrived the day after I got here. To keep myself occupied until my stuff arrived, I went around searching for employment. I got lucky when I came across a coffee shop and bakery all in the same building, and both looking for part-time help. I discussed my situation and both owners were willing to work with me, so I took both positions.

When I had returned home that same day, I ran into a woman that was about my age and coming out of the same apartment building. She was in a hurry, and I just wasn’t watching where I was going, and before we knew it, we were slamming into one another. We both laughed and apologized to each other. I had learned that her name was Reece and that she lived on the third floor whereas I lived on the second floor. She also lived with a roommate, which is a guy named, Gabe. We had made plans to meet for coffee the next day, and then she was on her way. That was almost a week ago.

Throwing in a microwavable dinner in to heat, I grab my phone and call my mom, “Hey, Mom, how’s it going?” I ask when she picks up.

“Oh, sweetie, so good to hear your voice!? We are all fine here.”

“Mom, I just talked to you last night. I chuckle.

“So! It’s always good to hear your voice.”

I chuckle at her weirdness, “Anything new going on?” l’ really missing my family, and even though I have made a new friend, I’m still a bit home sick.

“If there is, then I haven’t heard about it,” she laughs, “I’m too busy for gossip these days.”

“Maybe I should call dad then, he will probably have a few good stories for me.” I joke. NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Oh, I do have a question for you, though. Did you and Jace have a falling out?”

My heart stops when I hear his name. I’ve been doing pretty good not thinking about him, “Why do you ask?”

“Well, I was talking with his mom, and she knew nothing about you moving or going to college, Jace never told her.”

I close my eyes and sigh, “Did you tell her where I’m at and what college I’m going to?” Please say no, please say no, please say no”

“Of course, I did honey, she’s my best friend, and I am proud to tell people that my daughter is going to Yale!”

God bless her, “It’s okay mom,” closing my eyes, I sigh and rub my forehead, “but no, I never told Jace anything.”

“What do you mean? Aren’t you dating?”

“Mom, we went on one date. I would hardly call it dating; besides, he didn’t talk to me for a week and a half before I left. I have too many other things on my mind right now.’

“You mean to tell me that you didn’t say goodbye to the person that you grew up with, who you were best friends with?”

“Well, after everything that has happened, I really didn’t want anybody knowing where I went.”

“Oh, Honey, but it’s Jace! I’m sure he’s hurt now!”

I scoff, “Yeah, I highly doubt it.”

We talk for another fifteen minutes or so before I let her go telling her that I had to get some laundry washed. After telling each other goodbye, I hang up, and start to freak out just a little bit. Maybe he decided to be done with me finally. If his mother told him, and he was upset, then he would text or call me, right? I can’t think about him anymore! I sarcastically thank my mom for letting my secret out as I grab my dirty clothes and head down to the first floor.

I wasn’t the only one with plans to wash their clothes at this time of night. When I walk into the laundry room, there is a guy. folding his laundry. He looks up and greets me with a warm smile.

Letting Go

“You must be the new girl on the second floor,” he holds his hand up and then snaps his fingers, “Ella, right?”

“Wow, everybody really does know your business in small towns!” | muse as I open up one of the washers and start the water.

“Although that statement is true,” he chuckles, “Reece is the one that told me about you. I’m Gabe, her…”

“Roommate…” I cut in with a smile, “It’s finally nice to meet you, Gabe.” I walk over and shake his hand.

Reece never told me that her roommate was hot, damn. When he goes back to folding his clothes, I keep side-eyeing him because he’s just that good-looking. His hair is cut close to his head, and his skin is a light creamy mocha color over a swimmer’s physique, but it’s his eyes that have me captivated; he has the prettiest eyes that I have ever seen on a guy with his skin color! They are like a light aqua blue, with a light green tint? I’m not quite sure how to describe them, but they’re pretty.

“So, are you doing anything tomorrow night, Ella?”

I pretend to think, “I’ll have to look at my planner,” I joke,”Of course not! You’re like the second friend I’ve made here in town.”

“Oh, so we’re friends now?” He smirks. “Well, I mean…”


He cuts me off with his laugh, “I’m only messing with you, girl. Don’t be getting all flustered on me now.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just used to sticking by myself or with my younger sister.”

“Oh, well that’s nice that you at least have a sister. Only child right here.” He points to himself.

“Ooo, tough break. I can’t imagine not having my sister or younger brother around.”

“Yeah, well at least I’ve never had to fight over toys or anything,” his voice is like smooth velvet, “Anyway, Reece and I have game night every week and we invite a couple of friends over. Would you like to join us?”

“Oh, okay. That actually sounds pretty fun. What do I need to bring?”

He shrugs and then looks me up and down, but not in a creepy way or anything, “ Just whatever your drink of choice is.”

“Well, thank you. I look forward to hanging out with you guys tomorrow.”

Gabe picks up his clothes basket and heads for the door, “See you tomorrow, Ella.”

The way he says my name sends shivers down my back, but I don’t plan on dating anyone. Dating is too complicated, but I can definitely check them out, and Gabe is what you would call Eye Candy for sure. It was really nice of him to invite me over for game night, I just hope I don’t make a fool of myself being around other people. I’m really not used to being around other people anymore, a certain someone made sure of that. Now that I’m in a new place, though, I’m definitely willing to try to find the old me again.

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