My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

3. The Alpha King


Surprisingly, Theon said nothing to Charlene when she returned, not even casting her a glance as we made our way back towards the castle. We split up, with Theon escorting Charlene to her room whilst I headed to my own quarters, the Beta quarters. A place that was so empty since Mom and Dad were gone.

I quickly showered before pulling on a navy fitted top, black pants and boots, before I pulled my wet hair back into a ponytail.

I exited my room and almost knocked into Theon, who was leaning against the wall.

“Goddess!” I gasped, jumping back, my heart thumping. “You scared me.”

“For someone so audacious, I didn’t know anything could scare you.” He replied emotionlessly.

“What’s life if you don’t live it at full throttle?” I replied, making sure the door was locked before we both fell in step.

“Let me guess, not living, simply existing?” He raised his eyebrow.

“Are you mocking me?”

“I’m glad you figured it out.” He whispered huskily, leaning down.

My heart skipped a beat as our eyes met, making me feel giddy. His sexy masculine scent invaded my senses, the thrum of his steady heartbeat making my own pound louder.

“Jerk.” I managed to retort, pushing him away.

Theon had only been in this pack for two years, we didn’t know where he had come from, or who he was. The only thing he remembered when he regained consciousness was his name: Theon.

It had actually been Charlene and me who had found him, a few weeks after her shift. We had been out, sneaking away as usual, when we saw a Naga; a half-human, half-serpent like being. Unlike the ones who lived on land, the sea Naga were as dangerous as the sirens, and this one had been no different.

Seeing the bloody body in the Naga’s hold, Charlene had frozen in horror, and although my instincts told me to run, I couldn’t leave someone to die and so I had swum out. With nothing but my sword, I had managed to injure the Naga just enough to free Theon from his hold. Despite him having elemental powers, I had managed to pull Theon to safety and we had then called for help.

But Theon didn’t know that, Charlene had asked if she could say she saved him when she saw how handsome the young man was. As much as I would have loved to taunt him, this was even better. Now I often reminded him that he had been saved by a princess.

We weren’t sure about Theon’s age but he looked to be in his early twenties. From NôvelDrama.Org.

It had taken time for everyone to trust him, but slowly he became one of us and was initiated into the pack. He never regained his memory, but he was hard-working, strong and an excellent warrior, so he had risen through the ranks. He was now an Epsilon rank warrior, which meant there were only four ranks above him and that included the Alpha rank.

Being the princess’ bodyguard was an honourable job, it meant that the Alpha trusted him and knew he was capable of protecting her.

We walked down the hall, I turned towards the Alpha King’s office only for Theon to take a left.

“The office is this way.”

“I know, but did I say he was in his office?” He replied as if this was obvious.


Alpha Andres, no matter how many times you go before him, he was still intimidating and powerful. He was the biggest man I had seen at around six-feet-seven or eight inches, he just looked far too large around everyone else. There was a handful of men around Theon’s size, but they were rare too. The king was a beast and a king in all aspects.

Theon walked out of the double doors that led to the back grounds, and I grabbed the door before it swung shut in my face.

“Ever heard of manners? That’s no way to treat a lady.” I remarked.

“Never knew you were one.” His emotionless reply came as he glanced at me over his shoulder. His gaze flicked to my body for a moment before a small smirk crossed his face. “Yeah, definitely not a woman.”

I’ll get you back for that…

I glared at his back, my gaze falling to his ass. I couldn’t deny he was sexy, yet he was equally irritating. Although both Charlene and I found him incredibly handsome, he didn’t give us any attention. Although lately, I felt he teased me a little more… or maybe that was me being wishful.

I followed him out just as the king slammed two men to the ground, making the ground shake at the impact.

His torso was shirtless, a man made from pure bulging muscles. His tanned skin was littered with scars and tattoos of runes. Symbols and images depicting war and victory mapped his entire torso, and his

straggly chocolate brown hair fell below his huge muscular shoulders. He was the opposite of his daughter, who had gone after her mother.

“Just on time. Who’s next?” He asked with a grin as he turned to us, his gold tooth glinting under the lights of the courtyard.

“I wouldn’t mind sparring with you Alpha, but I fear I may not make it out alive.” I replied with a small smile.

It felt good to know he was still talking to me, even if it was just the adrenaline of beating us to a pulp that put him in a good mood.

“I hear you have been training a lot more… let’s see.”

That was a command.

One I couldn’t disobey.

“Don’t die.” Theon remarked mockingly, crossing his arms and placing one hand under his chin, as if he was about to enjoy the show.

I stepped out and looked up at my Alpha, amusement clear in his eyes. He knew I wouldn’t even last a few minutes… The two men who had been thrown to the ground got up as the king jerked his head in dismissal.

“I’m not sure if you are reckless or brave.” The king stated, grabbing a towel and wiping his face which was coated with a layer of sweat.

“A little of both?” I suggested when he turned back to me.

A predatorial grin crossed his face and he raised his fist, lunging at me without warning. My eyes flew open and I ducked to the left, just as his fist hit the ground, creating a crack. He turned and threw another punch, using all his brute strength. Of course, I wouldn’t last when it came to a battle of strength.

Was it disrespectful to defend or attack the king?

I kept dodging when the king growled.

“Do not run! Attack! I’m sure Will showed you something!” The sudden anger and irritation in his voice at the loss of his closest confidant was raw and clear, sending a stab of pain through me.

Of course he had… I would never let my father’s name be tarnished…

I knew that he blamed me too.

I could see it in his eyes, even if he never voiced it… But didn’t they realise it hurt me too?

A flash of anger overcame me, but I didn’t let it show. The urge to release this pent-up irritation was rising within me. If the king had strength, then I had speed.

This time when he lunged at me, fist raised, I didn’t duck, blocking it with my arms and gritting my teeth as I felt something break. I twisted, grabbing the king’s thick forearms, and with all the force I could muster, I kicked him straight in the stomach. I do hope he realised I could have kneed him where the sun didn’t shine, but I don’t think it would have been very respectful.

He staggered slightly and I glanced at Theon, a flash of surprise crossing his usually arrogant, emotionless face.

“Hmph… Talent but no strength.” The king grunted, turning away, a clear signal that we were done.

My arms screamed in agony, but they would heal. I looked down, noticing my right one was at a slight angle, but I was not going to snap it into place in front of the king.

I didn’t reply, bowing my head in submission. I knew what he meant… the fact that I hadn’t shifted or come into full strength…

He picked up a bottle of water, downing it in a few gulps, leaning against one of the pillars as he looked at both Theon and me. I could feel Theon’s gaze burning into me, but I refused to look at him.

“Do you know why we are constantly attacked?” He asked.

“Everyone wants a slice of the power that the Alpha king holds, and possibly the legend that the one who conquers Astalion ultimately has within their hold the power to rule the thirteen kingdoms and the seven seas.” Theon replied.

That old folk’s tale? I know people believed it, but I didn’t think Theon was one for old wives’ tales.

The king nodded with a smirk.

“Well, that’s a whole load of bullshit, but every myth and legend comes from somewhere.” His smirk vanished and he looked up at the sky. “I trust you both. Theon, we may have only had you here for two years, but you have proven yourself as a loyal warrior, and an honoured member of this pack. I have placed my greatest treasure in your care, and I know you will protect her with everything. You will honour the oath you took when you joined us.”

I glanced at Theon, who was simply watching the king indifferently. Both men were regal and powerful, I felt like an unnecessary extra here. Why did he want to speak to me?

“She saved my life. That isn’t a debt that I’ll ever forget.” He replied.

The king nodded.

“Yileyna, you are the… daughter of my closest friend and confidant, and you are also Charlene’s best friend. I know you mean the world to her and despite everything, you do protect her. There is something I need to share with you both…” His gaze scanned the area, making sure we were alone.

Why did it feel like whatever he wanted to tell us was very important?

“The myth you speak of Theon, the so-called treasure given to the middle kingdom; the heart of Kaeladia, of our world…It’s not a tome or a magical crystal, it’s something entirely different… and the reason no one has ever found it. It’s said to be revealed every few centuries…”

I frowned as I began to piece the puzzle together. He mentioned Charlene… Was she somehow connected?

“You mean…” Theon murmured, but I could tell from his tone that understanding had dawned on him.

“Yes. My daughter is the heart, the treasure that every kingdom seeks.”

Theon’s eyes flashed a brilliant gold, but it was only for a split second as he frowned.

“That makes sense… A treasure to reveal itself every fifth century… because it’s reborn.” Theon mused, realisation flooding his face.

The king nodded.

“Yes, in an Alpha female. However, the thing is, Charlene has not shown any signs of unlocking this power. Trouble is rising from all sides, we cannot delay.”

Well, I knew how that felt, having something expected of you and yet… unable to do anything about it.

“What if she isn’t the one to have this ability? You said yourself, once every few centuries, maybe it’s not Charlene.” I reasoned, trying not to clutch my broken arm.

“She is the heart of Kaeladia, before her birth a prophecy was revealed. My daughter is the one holding the heart of our world, the powers that everyone on the planet seeks and I want you Theon to train her, to push her to her limits until she unlocks those powers by luck or by force.”

His cold grey eyes met Theon’s amber ones. An agreement was made without even a word spoken.

The king dismissed us soon after, and as we walked down the hallway in silence, I didn’t know what to make of it. Something big was worrying the king for him to actually think of pushing Charlene to her limits. I knew he chose Theon because everyone knew he followed rules without thinking of the consequences.

“Do you think you can do that to her?” I asked, knowing exactly what pushing her to her limits meant…

I was doing the same to myself, sometimes I wasn’t even able to move after training and even fell unconscious at times.

“Why not?”

“She saved your life, and you want to break her?”

His smouldering eyes met mine, and he turned, making my heart thunder under the intensity.

“If it’s for her benefit, then yes I’ll break her willingly.” A small smirk crossed his lips as he tilted his head. “What’s wrong, little storm, jealous?”

“Oh please, jealous of what? Being beaten to a pulp by you?” I growled, when suddenly he grabbed my arm and snapped it back into place, making me whimper at the jarring pain that shot through my arm and neck, making my eyes water.

“No.” He leaned closer, the heat of his body invading my personal space, his chest grazing against mine. I felt his warm breath on my ear as he whispered the words that sent a rush of pleasure through me. “To be broken by me.”

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