Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 87_ Blush.

Olivia rested her back behind the closed door while her heart thumped wildly in her chest, she placed a palm over her chest to feel the beats..

“Uh.. what’s wrong with you? did something happen between you both?”

Her eyes averted sharply to her mum, she wasn’t so surprised, of course Bianca must have relayed what she saw outside if worse she didn’t exaggerate..

“Umm.. nothing.. I’m going to bed”


On the bed, She rolled from end to end in frustration, she sat up with a loud sigh, her hands went into her blonde hair tugging at it.

It’s been two freaking hours since that happened and she wasn’t feeling sleepy, whenever she closed her eyes, all she saw was Damien shamelessly stealing a kiss from her..

“jerk!.. he’s such a pervert! I’m very sure he’s still wide awake thinking about it..” she murmured beneath her breath..

Meanwhile at Damien’s room..

He lay nonchalantly on his bed in a deep slumber, his chest rose and fell with each breath he took, he looked unbothered and certainly not awake to think about anything..



That was the only single word Alexa could say as she stood before the old building before her, next to her was damien who had a blank expression on his face…

“Boss I heard the old lady who owns this building is very strict”


Alexa’s jaw dropped, seriously?! she just found out that the punishment her brother chose to give to her was for her to live in an old apartment, she had a feeling this wasn’t all and she was right..

“Here you are.. your new home for a year, no one in the Sterling’s will render help of any sought to you.. and consider those cards dad gave you secretly today invalid.. you’ll have to work for your own money.. don’t give me that look, I’m being too kind”

Her face turned pale, work for her own money?! she doesn’t have any experience in that! all she could do was to spend money..

“Big bro.. please I’m deeply sorry.. I can’t stay here.. look at that! is that a frog?!”

She screamed out in fright hopping on her foot..

Damien snorted handing her a card “I’m being very thoughtful Alexa.. this contains $1000.. don’t worry about your bills for this month.. it’s been settled.. all you should be worried about is the coming months”

She stared down at the card with nothing but anger, One thousand dollars? that’s all? this was a peanut she spends in a second without batting a eye.. how come she gets to manage this for some months?!

“This is very inhumane-

Damien turned around and stepped into the sleek black Benz, the body guard closed the door once more and walked back to the car behind the Benz..

All Alexa could do was to stare at the cars leaving in horror, Damien really meant what he said..

“Arrghhh!!” She screamed after the car leaving..


Rihanna arched a brow at her mum and dad’s words..

“What?!” She bursted out in shock and disbelief, were they kidding her?!

Tracy sighed deeply, her hands were also tied up too and same goes with Bruce, they really didn’t have a say in this one..

Even old Sterling wasn’t successful in convincing Damien about his decision too, what annoyed her the most was Anita..

The latter had literally laughed her guts out after Damien threatened to break all their business deals if Rihanna didn’t turn up today as a cleaner in his company..

“Baby.. please do this or our company will go bankrupt.. you know the Sterling’s are our biggest support” Tracy pleaded almost in tears, if they were to lose their company..

Then Anita would never cease to tease her about it, she’d be a laughing stock in the society and also she won’t be a partaker of the high class women’s meeting..

“You caused this yourself you wild donkey! No one asked you to try and harm Olivia.. just be the good little girl which you’re not and go get ready to leave..”

Rihanna broke out in tears, how was she supposed to do that?! Olivia also works as a secretary over there..

She sprang up to her feet and suddenly bolted out of the living room..



Olivia planted a kiss on Kelvin’s forehead, she’d have loved to stay back home with him, but she had to leave for the office..

It’s not like Damien would be mad if she stayed back, but she really didn’t want to look pitiful in his sight..

“Bye mummy..”

She smiled sweetly at him, but deep down she was nervous, nervous about meeting Damien again after what he did last night..NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Her face turned crimson red, she straightened up and made her way out of the living room..

Bianca approached Kelvin who was staring at the closed door without moving an inch from his spot, she ruffled his hair a bit..

His cast now had three love drawings on it, one which was obviously her’s but the other two weren’t..

“Who drew those?”

Kelvin stared at the cast on his arm with a small smile..

“Kiara.. she said it would help me heal on time”

“Well she’s right! so what does my little prince want for breakfast?”

A series of giggles escaped his lips as Bianca swiped him off his little feet..

“I want pancakes!”


Damien took a sip out of his coffee staring at the large projector screen in front of him, he suddenly felt light, a sense of inner peace washed through him and he wondered why..

Maybe it had something to do with the recent punishment he gave to his sister and Rihanna..

Whatever it was, he didn’t wish for it to stop..

He placed his cup down clasping his fingers together, he stared with intent at what his employee was demonstrating..

Their attention was pulled to the door which suddenly opened, a little tap of feet rushing in was heard next..

Damien’s brows knotted in surprise, their eyes met for a brief second before Olivia pulled her gaze elsewhere taking a seat on one of the empty chairs far away from him..

He didn’t fail to see the blush that crept on her face, he wasn’t expecting that she’d come today.. he wouldn’t have minded if she had stayed back to look after Kelvin..

Luckily, the meeting came to an end, he rose up to his feet looking around for her only to see her back hurrying out of the conference room….


Olivia stepped into Damien’s office, she slapped her forehead with a little sigh escaping her lips, great she escaped him now..

How was she going to avoid him for the rest of today? when their offices are both in the same space..

Jolting out of her thoughts she turned to the door that opened behind her, luckily it wasn’t Damien but the sl*tty miss Bella..

“Such a huge relief! I thought you weren’t going to resume your post anymore after that scandal.. take this.. prepare them before the 12 o’clock meeting today!”

She dumped a pile of files on Damien’s desk with a smug smile..

“I didn’t expect your mentality to change either.. just get lost” Olivia retorted with a snort..

“Just because you got involved in a scandal with the boss doesn’t necessarily guarantee anything.. don’t worry he’s planning to hold a press conference in the next three weeks to clarify your relationship”

Olivia’s brows knotted, she was about to ask more when Damien stepped in, his gaze roamed around the office till it fell on hers..

Bella’s lips drew a large smile as she patted Olivia’s shoulder gently..

“I’m very glad you’re here.. I can’t believe I’d say this.. but I really missed you around here”


She turned around to Damien still maintaining the smile on her lips..

“Yes boss?”

“Leave us”

Her smile fell a bit but either ways, she gave a small bow and left the office for the both of them….

Olivia’s gaze literally fell everywhere just except his direction, she turned around ready to leave for her little space when he spoke out..

“I have a feeling that you’re avoiding me..”

She turned to him with a weird smile, really? had he really forgotten what he did back there on her porch last night??

“What?.. no I –

He took slow steps closer to her while her heart raced wildly, afraid that it might burst out of her chest, she placed a hand over her chest..

“Does this have anything to do with last night?”

She held her breath when his masculine scent reached her nose, they were just inches apart with their skins brushing with every little movement they made..

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