Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 “It's so hot. Why is he taking so long?” Hayley complained as she crashed her back against the seat of the car.

It had been about ten minutes since Dante had seen us to the car then said he needed to use the @ bathroom and that he would be back at any moment. He was gone for a little too long by now since the bathrooms were not very far from where we had parked but who knew what new food could do to ones stomach.

“I'm sure that he will be back any moment now.” | assured her but turned to crane my n*eck to see if | could spot any sign of Dante returning.

“| want water.” Hayley whined and | sighed also beginning to feel the heat. “We will be back at the house in a few minutes.” | said to her as | checked again for Dante.

| let out the largest sigh of relief when | spotted him closer to the car than | was prepared for. His hair blew in the breeze and | noticed then just how casual he was dressed. A pair of beige shorts that ended just above his knee, a golfer that was tucked in, and a belt that held it together at the waist was such a different look to what he usually wore. His signature suit was not worn at all and | itched to know if he had even packed one for the trip at all.

“There he is.” | said to Hayley still looking at Dante when | noticed a leggy blonde wearing a candy red dress that was scandalously low as were her n*eckline.

She saw Dante, looked him up and down before she walked over to him then faked a trip and crashed right in to his arm. Instinctively, Dante caught her by her arms right before she could fall to the floor but in that split second, her heaving chest brushed against the front of his shirt before he steadied her.

| felt my nostrils flare and a sudden heat rose in my face. My hands balled up in to fists in my lap as | watched the woman reach out and grasp Dante’s bicep. Her manicured fingers toyed with a tendril of over her shoulder and she faked an apology just to engage Dante in conversation.

He waved a hand to dismiss her apology but she still hadn’t let go of his bicep. | grit my teeth and with out thinking | pushed the door open.

“Dante.” | waved him over with a wide sinile causing both Dante and the woman to turn in my direction. The woman looked at me with irritation etched in to her face and | didn’t want to look at Dante’s face right now.

Hayley popped her head up through the door. “We're waiting for you. | need water. She said and | saw the woman grimace drawing the conclusion that Hayley was Dante’s daughter.

She immediately backed away and tried to smile but failed. instead her face looked like it was malfunctioning before she swung around and walked away.

| shut the door before Dante could make another move and | did my seat belt. Oh, my god. | couldn’t believe that | acted out of jealousy and my mind reacted so irrationally.

Il Chapter 59

Dante got in to the car and brought the engine roaring to life. Thankfully he hadn’t said a word and | looked at my lap in utter embarassment at what I had just done.

“What took your so long?” Hayley shuffled trying to get the vent to hit her so she could cool down.

“There was a line at the bathroom.” He said to her as | looked up but only to find his gaze glare at me through the rear view mirror.

Damn it. Dante had a knowing look on his face before he looked away and drove us back to the house, | tried not to say any thing and just wanted to disappear in to my room when we got back.

However, when we had arrived Hayley leaped in to the house to get some water and | tried to hastily chase after her before Dante called me.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

| shut my eyes and scrunched my face with my back still turned away from him. | let out a breath then exhaled as | recomposed myself and turned around to face him.

“Yes?” The way out of this was to feign innocence. That was the only way that | was going to escape this embarassment and Dante.

“| know what you did back there.” He said with a smug look on his face. “In all the time that | had known you, | never thought of you as the jealous type.” He crossed his arms over his broad shoulders causing his golfer to strain and n*eck where his tanned, taut skin was visible..

| swallowed at the sight like some deranged, deprived, and wild woman but I couldn’t let him or his presence or that woodsy, citrus smell of his cologne mess with my head.

“| have no idea what you are talking about. Hayley was uncomfortable with the heat so | waved you over.” | shrugged with a frown but he had taken two steps closer to me.

“Oh, admit it, Soph. You were jealous.” He said again and cringed at how true it was. But still trying to keep whatever was left of my self respect, | shook my head in the negative. “lam not. | never was. Your love life doesn’t interest me at all.” | blurted out and he scoffed.

“Perhaps but as much as you deny it, a man knows a jealous woman when he sees one.” He said with finality in his words and | tried not to let my temper sI*p. it would only prove his point.

“lam not jealous!” | said, my voice raising an octave completely failing to stay calm.

He took another step forward leaving no space between us now and | gasped as my b*dy tensed in attention. Every part of my skin prickled at the mere and sudden closeness of him and my face fell.

“| know that look in your eyes. It’s been there since the day we got here. Since the afternoon where you had a rather racy dream that had you scream out my name. It’s a look that | am all too familiar with and all | can say is that my bedroom door and bed is open to you whenever you so decide but until you come to me, | will not make any advances in your direction. His words sent my core clenching as his breath tickled the skin of my jaw and chin.

| was frozen to the spot by his proximity, the heat radiating of his b*dy and seeping in through, my skin, and just how close his *ps had hovered over mine.

Chapter 59 “Do you understand me?” His eyes bore in to mine like he was searching every corner of my mind.

All | could offer him was one very shaky nod. He grinned at me baring all his teeth before he walked past me and headed in to the house. | waited to hear his footsteps fade before | gulped in lung fulls of air.

It would have been easier if | were still under the assumption that Dante no longer wanted me and even thinking of exploring his bedroom with him would prove to be a one sided affair but | could no longer use that as my anchor to keep me rooted. He basically opened the barriers and left the ball in my court and at my feet.

| knew that | couldn’t crumble so easily. the day was strenuous and tiring given the heat and maybe a nice cool drink and lay down will help calm my mind. also a break from constantly being in Dante’s presence would help my inner turmoil.

when | had into the house | tried to be as quiet as possible not wanting to draw a new attention to my presence. | headed towards the stairs that would take me to the second floor but then | had caught sight of Haley’s blue pants from the corner of my eye. | move to the living room where Haley had been completely passed out with a glass of water resting on the coffee table.

| guess the afternoon had really been a tiring one for her too even though she had a lot of fun. | couldn’t leave her to sleep here especially since there was no sign off Dante so | quickly picked up try to be as gentle as possible before heading upstairs.

as | had reached the landing on the second floor | heard to movement coming from the game room where they had also been a bar situated and assume that was where Dante had been. without wasting any more time | made it to the third story and headed straight for Hayley’s room. after | tucked her in, | looked to the space beside her and decided to lay by her.

| wasn’t intending to fall asleep but at some point during the silence of the house and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, | had fallen asleep with out having realised it.

When | had woken up hours later, every thing was dark. | felt the night stand for a switch and pressed it and the lamp lit up the room. Hayley was still sound asleep beside me and | let be seeing as it was already rather late and she night as well sleep through the night.

| rubbed the sleep away from my eyes with the back of my hand before getting out of the bed and heading down to the kitchen. | was feeling unexplainably thirsty and | guess the heat from being outside earlier really did get to me more than | had thought.

The house was still silent and | could only think that Dante had gone to sleep leaving me move around the house freely and without the fear of running in to him with his Hayley to keep things neutral...

| pulled open the fridge and poured myself some cold water before munching on some toasted nuts that had been left on the counter. The chef that visited throughout the day cooked one main. meal for us and left snacks prepared for late night picking.

“You're still awake, i jumped back startled at the intrusion.

“dammit!” | swore as | placed a hand over my racing chest. “Do not sneak on me like that.”


Chapter 59

Dante stood at the end of the kitchen leaning his hip against the counter top. He was still dressed in his day clothes and | noticed just how much more tanned he had gotten making him look like some sun k*ssed Adonis.

“| did not sneak up on you. | was right here all along. He confessed and | threw him a look of disbelief. Surely i couldn’t have missed him if he really had been or had | completely blocked out his presence in my slightly groggy state?

“You could have made your presence known earlier, you know.” | said sarcastically and he grunted before moving behind the counter where | had been standing with my glass in hand.

“Well, you know now.” He said in a flat tone. “Anyways,” He fished some thing out of his pocket. before placing the revealed rectangular velvet box on to the counter between us.

“What is that?” | asked him looking between the box and him. “A gift. He said and | raised a brow at him. Did he really think it appropriate to ask me to choose jewellery for his many lady persuits?

“A little too late to ask my opinion since you've already picked it. I’m sure the person you've purchased it for would love it.” | said sarcastically and he chuckled.

“No, it is for you.” He said still humoured but | looked at him blankly.

“For me?” | asked in surprise since | was not expecting

this at all.

“Yes.” He confirmed and motioned for me to take the box.

| reached for it hesitantly and my eyes widened when | saw what it had been.


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