Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

The air within the confines of my office had turned a few degrees warmer since Dante had barged in to it. | could not tell if the heat was from the lack of air conditioning due to maintenance issues or if it was the sheer amount of warmth radiating from Dante himself.

His signature suit clung to his b*dy like a perfectly crafted, hand tailored, second skin that was made from the finest and most expensive quality materials and finishings. It was impeccable the difference a well made suit made on a man but having said that, | felt like Dante in all his physical glory, would make any piece of clothing look like a S*x icon.

As if he had read my thoughts, his own orbs darkened with mischief as he took a single step closer to me, squaring his shoulders to make himself look larger than he already had been. | couldn't tell what it was but | some how felt like | had the upper hand between the two of us.


After discovering that Pheobe and Dante were allegedly no longer engaged and having Dante here my office, | felt like | was in the position to refuse him now and shut him out. It was some thing that | had intended to do from the day he had doubled crossed me and made me look like a fool. His proclamation of his affections meant nothing any more and | was done with the man... for good

this time. “Your little stunt back in the boardroom saved your ass.” He muttered expressing his disapproval at what | did back there,

| pursed my I*ps, frowning innocently. “I have not the slightest clue what you’re speaking about.” | shrugged moving a few fly away tendrils behind my ears.

“If that verdict was past at the meeting and that percentage was set as the final count then you know very well that you would have lost the bet on agreement that we made.” He shook his head in admonishment. “Not very truthful and ethical of you.” He mocked.

“Oh? | merely asked for a recount so that we are certain of the numbers before we go ahead and set that as the finally increase. | do not see what was wrong in my wanting to me thorough.” | pressed my I*ps in to a thin line as | watched him grin sarcastically.

“| could bet that you wouldn’t have asked for such careful reconsideration had the situation been the other way around.” He spat out and | smirked at him.

“And we both know how fond you are of striking bets.” His eyes darkened at my words. “Just as much as you are of playing d*rty.” He retorted causing me throw an uninterested look his way.

“The meeting was reserved for company Intel only and not investors yet | still allowed attend and I’m the one who fights d*rty?” | placed a hand over my chest dramatically and he

you to scoffed. “We both know you had no say in the matter of whether | could attend or not.” Dante said dryly.

My face fell. “And it’s not like you had any ulterior motive by attending today either.” | faked a smile. at him but he grunted. “In any case, | can’t see why you came all the way to my office just to speak about such an irrelevant incident.” | narrowed my eyes at him and he took in a breath deep enough

Chapter 49 that his chest broadened and expanded before he let it out. “| have a bone to pick with you.” He threw me a scathing look, one that was totally unexpected.

He moved to the edge of my desk where he leaned his hip against the edge so he could throw an assessing look up and down my length which annoyed me greatly.

“| would be shocked if you showed up was not really well recieved by him. here for any other reason.” | responded sarcastically which

“Enough with your hauty, high handed behaviour. | have tolerated it and given you many passes but not any more.” | raised a brow at his rough, scathing words.

| blinked a few times before glaring at him. “You? You are the one who has tolerated me?” | scoffed with a laugh. “Please, if any thing it is the other way around. | countered but he let out a huff.

“You have no sense of moral obligation. You lie and run away from the first sign of inconvenience to your path. You're just a coward. He insulted me, his teeth pressing together tightly.

| actually laughed at his allegations when he was the one who was guilty of all the things he had just accused me of

“Moral obligation? Are you going to be the one to teach me about being moral now? Says that man. who lied to me, who deceived me, and all just for what?” His nostril twitched when | chuckled mockingly. “All for nothing.” | added.

Dante stood up to his full length towering over me. He looked down at me with warning written all over his face. He was angry, that was clear enough but i was done with him playing the part of the self righteous leaving me to shoulder the blame for his fuck ups.

“You left the country with Hayley when | warned you not to. | sent you the details for the paternity test and sent another reminder not to miss it and what did you go and do? exactly the thing | told you not.” He yelled this time and the sheer booming of his voice echoed through the office and reverberated right through me causing me to jump back in fear.

“l- | couldn't allow,” | stuttered unable to find the words but he cut me off.

“Allow what? Allow me to find out the truth which you have been hiding all these years?!” He yelled in my face and | could see his anger raging and wreaking havoc within him but | could also see the pain laced through it all but | didn’t fixate on it because if | did, | would begin to feel sorry for him.

“| do not know what you're talking about, Dante.” My words were shaky and my voice was unconvincing.

“Save it. When you used to make all of these claims so confidently before, a small part of me believed you but now | know better.” He said, narrowing his eyes accusingly at me.

“You know nothing.” | shot back at him, my chin jutting out defiantly.

“| know, without a doubt, that Hayley is my child. He spoke each word with slow deliberation making sure that | heard him and prevented any further attempts of me trying to convince him otherwise.

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Hearing him claim Hayley as his had me absolutely stunned and speechless. | stared at him blankly not knowing what on earth to say because | did not want to confirm what he was saying even though he seemed like he did not need it.

“And you have kept her as a secret from me for nearly 5 full years. Have you shame that you kept a child away from knowing her father? Does it ever get to you?” He questioned with such judgement that only set my anger ablaze.

“Do not try and pretend like you are self righteous, Dante. If you remember correctly, | had asked, no, no, begged that we speak in private the very day I found out which happened to be the same day you broke the news to me that you and Pheobe were rekindling the ambers of your old flame but you had refused me mercilessly and didn’t even award me privacy to show you the reports in my hand that | was pregnant.” It my turn to have at him and finally say what | wanted to tell him for


I saw his eyes withdraw as he recalled that exact day and moment that | was speaking off. His guilt bit at him and so did his regret but it was too late.

“But you had already made your mind up by then and chose Pheobe over all else and who was | to come in between that? | was not going to beg any further like some pathetic creature begging for your favour. So, | did what | thought was best. | ended of taking a deep breath in feeling like | needed it.

Dante was quiet for several moments. His face became unreadable and for a flicker of a second | thought that | had won this one but that assumption had only lasted a short while because his face contorted in to what it had been before.

“Opportunity presented itself time and time again for you to disclose such a vital piece of information to me. | had every right to know about my own child and | could get you in to so much of trouble for what you did.” | couldn't tell if he was joking or not but it sent a chill down my spine thinking of all the ways he had the upper hand in this situation.

“You think | didn’t want to tell you? That | wanted to keep her a secret from you from the start? You are mistaken. | only kept her hidden because of Pheobe. If only you know what she had attempted on me same day | went to your house to get my things, you would stop being so judgemental of the decisions | had to make and perhaps you’d begin to understand.” My eyes prickled from unshed tears just thinking about how | had almost lost Hayley before she was even fully formed in my womb.

But | blinked back the tears not willing to show Dante even the slightest sliver of weakness.

“But Pheobe is no longer in the picture now. She is out of our lives for good.” He said in gruff, raspy


| crossed my arms over my chest. “You sure about that because I’ve heard you say this before. | threw at him and saw his jaw clench. “Besides, she was out of the picture until you decided to bring her back. | can’t imagine that it had landed you in a better place.” | snickered and he growled warning me to watch my words.

“Pheobe was a damn mistake. There, | said it. There isn’t more that | can do.” He slammed his fist against the hard wood desk in frustration.

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“True but it also doesn’t change any thing. Her out of your life makes your own life easier. You would have still been hanging on her every word had you still believed that she was the one who saved you.” Even as | said that, it still stung.

“Soph, please.” He begged but for what | couldn’t understand.

| shook my head. ‘Do not call me that. Your right to use that name on me has expired the minute. you kicked me out of your house.” | reminded him and his jaw clenched.

“You can hold all of these incidents over me but let me tell you what you have no control over. He took one step closer bringing him to stand right in front of me with only an inch between us.

The anger that simmered between us was enough to extinguish any other emotions of currents. Dante pierced me with a sharp glare and | tried with all my might to return just as intimidating of a look to him.

“My relationship with Hayley. One that | have decided to mend and make up for lost time. Of such an unfortunate thing, we both know who we have to blame. He trailer of but | knew exactly what he had insinuated.

“So, this is all my fault now?” | felt my own nostrils flare as | angrily exhaled. “| was not the one to keep a parents from its child. You connect the dots.” He said roughly.

My hand itched to slap him right across the face and | couldn’t hold it back any longer. Before | knew it my hand was flying through the air and aiming right for Dante’s cheek but he had seen it coming.

His hand gripped around my wrist tightly stopping it from making any contact with his face. His eyes locked with mine before dropped it allowing it to fall back to my side in defeat.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“Better luck next time. His tone was low and course. That was all he had said before he took a few steps back from me before he turned around and left my office.


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