MEILIN’S REBORN (Battle Of The Heart And Throne)


Zachary looked at his invisible book and it opened to the page that says stand up.

He stood up and dipped his hands into his pocket.

Students had already turned back to look at them.

Some were already comparing the both of them face together.

“Woah, just four new boys, alright let’s start with you two” Prof Zayn smiled and faced Rick.

“Tell us your name?” He asked.

Rick smiled and straightened up.

“My name is Ricky Lee,” he replied.

“Oh nice, you can have your seat… You?” He faced Elvis.

Rick sat down and Elvis straightened up.

“I’m Elvis… Elivs..” he suddenly couldn’t remember his last name.

Angie silently closed his eyes and shook his head.

“You’re Elvis, Elvis?” The professor asked in mockery and the class laughed even more.

“Well..” Elvis scratched his head and let out a naughty smile.

The whole class began laughing.

I like him .

He’s funny.

But seriously, how can someone forget their last name.

*Elvis I’ll punish you later, it’s Elvis Johnson* Angie said through a mind link.

*Oh thank you high… I mean Angie* Elvis smiled and faced the professor.

“I’ve remembered now, it’s Elvis Johnson,” he replied.

The class laughed even more and he shyly took his seat.

Prof Zayn faced Zachary and before he could ask Zachary had already answered.

“Zachary Chen,” he said and sat down.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

So his name is Zachary.

He’s just as handsome as his name.

“Alright, you?” Prof Zayn asked Angie.

“Angelo Luo, Angie for short,” Angie replied.

Woah Angelo.

Just like his face.

He looks as beautiful as an angel.

He’s crazily handsome.

“Alright, that’s enough!” Prof Zayn cut the students off and faced the board.

“Today we’ll be treating idioms and meaning, everyone writes,” he said and began writing on the boards.

Students began writing, except for Rick and Elvis who were still trying to hold their pen.

“Rick, do you still remember how to use this?” Elivs asked.

Rick looked at him with a glare, he was already sweating from his nose.

“As you can see!, I’m still trying to use mine” he wanted to write the “D” but his pen fell down.

Angie who was watching them shook his head and looked at his side, he met another surprise.

The boy sitting beside him couldn’t write with the pen either.

He looked at him confusedly.

He can’t write with a pen?? Does this mean that he isn’t a human, if he’s supernatural then why was he here?

What is he planning, is he on the good side or the bad side??

“Should I go back to Jade heavens and ask them about him??” He thought.

Zachery threw his pen on his books when he saw that he could write with it.

He turned to his side to see Angie looking at him.

“What the hell do you want?” He frowned.

Angie flashed him a smile and faced his front with the same thought bothering him.

“So look at this idiom written on the board, who can interpret it?” Prof Zayn asked.

Gianna and Angie both raised their hands but Prof Zayn picked Angie.

“Hey” she pouted and Nevaeh chuckled.

“Guess he didn’t see you because your hands are short” Nevaeh laughed and Gianna stepped on her foot hard.

Angie stood up and looked at the board.

It says: to make one’s hair stand on end.

“That is to frighten or horrify someone” he answered.

“Correct” Prof Zayn smiled.

He wrote down another one.

“Who wants to try this?” He asked.

Zachary’s book had already opened and showed him the answers so he raised his hands.

Gianna who was at the front raised her both hands but Prof Zayn still didn’t see her.

“Yes Zachary translates the idiom of ‘skin in” Prof Zayn said.

“To become understood,” he replied.

“Correct” Prof Zayn smiled.

Zachary rolled his eyes and sat down.

It felt boring to answer the question, he wondered what fun, people do gain in doing that.

*Angie please tell me the next answer pleaseeeee* Elvis pleaded through a mind link.

Angie looked at him and gave him a thumbs up.

“Alright next question who can interpret to get a kick out of?” Prof Zayn asked.

Gianna climbed her chair and began jumping.

“Me, pick me!!” She called out but Prof Zayn still didn’t pick her, he picked Elvis who was raising his hands beside her.

“Damn it!” She stamped her feet on her chair and Angie almost laughed out at her facial expression.

After listening to the answer Angie told him, he spoke up.

“To enjoy someone or something” he replied.

“That is correct, I want an old student to answer the next question” Prof Zayn said.

“Me professor, pick me” Gianna waved.

He looked at her and she smiled but he picked Nevaeh.

“Seriously!!” She frowned and crossed her arms together.

“What does it mean to be full of it?” He asked.

“To be full of nonsense” Nevaeh replied with a smile.

Gianna scoffed and looked elsewhere.

“That was correct, Gianna I see you’ve been jumping” Prof Zayn said with a tired look, his voice showed that he was tired of her.

“Yes I wanna answer one question too” she pouted.

“Fine, interpret the idiom as a bone of contention,” he said.

Gianna smiled and stood up.

“To turn someone angry,” she replied.

“Wrong” Prof Zayn replied.

“Wrong?” She asked.

“W. R. O. N. G” Prof Zayn spelt.

“How’s that possible?” Gianna wondered slowly.

“Who can help her?” Prof Zayn asked and Angie raised his hands.

Prof Zayn nodded and Angie stood up.

“A source of quarrel,” he replied.

“Correct, everyone clap for him” Prof Zayn smiled and students began clapping except for Gianna and Zachary.

“Gianna, next time try to think before jumping,” he said to her.

She scoffed and sat down in anger.

Nevaeh smiled and rubbed her hands around her shoulders but she pushed it off.

Throughout the class, Gianna didn’t answer any more questions.

She kept frowning.

The only person answering the questions was Angie and she suddenly felt like standing up, taking her chair and wiping his head with it till he shuts up.

While Angie was answering questions Zachary was busy looking at all the girls’ faces to detect any kind girls.

“Damn it, why don’t I know what that girl looks like, it’s getting frustrating!!” He thought angrily.

He looked at his side when he saw someone looking at him, it was Lucy.

She immediately faced her front.

He scoffed silently and looked out of the window then his pen fell and rolled to the floor.

He wanted to use his legs to pull it to himself but Nevaeh already picked it for him.

She looked back at him.

“You.. dropped… this” she stuttered and placed the pen on his table then faced front.

Zachary looked at his pen then looked at her as a thought suddenly came to his mind.



As ordered, Autumn went to close the door of Daisy’s room.

She had already given her the spell book and now Daiyu is practicing it.

Daiyu had her eyes closed as she sat down with folded legs while doing a finger formation.

Some blue light came to cover her body, some gathered at her front and began forming the shape of a rectangular mirror.

Autumn stood behind Daiyu as the mirror finally formed.

Excitement, rushing through her eyes as she stared at it.

Slowly the mirror began changing colours till it turned to Crystal blue then Daiyu slowly opened her eyes to look at it.

It showed the earth, then it showed how Kia entered, it showed him entering a cab then a hotel.

Autumn and Daiyu smiled as they watched it. They haven’t seen Kia for days now and seeing it was just like they had quenched their tastes.

Then it showed Kia in the school doing the exam after that or showed him climbing a staircase then it showed a girl that fell and he caught her.

What riled Daiyu up the most was when the girl raised her hands up and began touching his face.

Before she could do anything the mirror went off and Autumn almost screamed but controlled herself.

Daiyu tried the spell again but it didn’t work.

She had exhausted all her energy to keep the mirror going in a short while.

“Damn!” She hit her fist angrily on her thighs and clenched her fist tight.

“Who is that girl!??”

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