Mated To My Alpha Brother

Chapter 33

Chapter thirty three

*Giovanni’s palace…

Lian was bundled in like a thief, all tied with strong, thick ropes. The injuries from the accident earlier had healed and closed up, but he still felt slight pains and there was blood on a side of his face.

He was forced to his knees roughly, in front of Giovanni. Giovanni started laughing. A wicked laugh of triumph.

Lian looked at his face daringly. “There is nothing to rejoice over yet.” He stated mockingly and Giovanni’s lips pinched against each other.

Giovanni’s laugh faded away and he put on a normal face. “If so, then I guess I have to send out more of my men to my people-to-be, so I can rejoice as soon as possible.” He mocked back.

Lian laughed. “You think the Diamonds will agree to become your underlings? They’d rather die that become some filthy dogs for a monster like you.”

Giovanni wasn’t surprised at his behavior. He had heard so much of him. How he never tended to back down in a fight, how stubborn and how soft he could be. He had heard everything.

“Who says they have a choice?” He paused. “They don’t… Lian. Your pack members will become my dogs whether they like it or not.”

* Diamonds packUpstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

Mia unexpectedly let out a round of laughter. “You’re so hilarious Shane. There is an ongoing war and you dare crack a joke?” She queried.

Marlin and Shane looked at each other for a second and sighed. They no longer said anything and Mia began to feel uncomfortable.

“Why aren’t you saying anything? I expect you two to join in laughing off that outrageous joke.” She stated and chuckled.

“That’s the truth, Mia. You’re Lian’s chosen mate. Accept it.” Marlin ignored her reaction.

“Okay… this isn’t getting funny anymore. Fine, I admit that I’m in love with my brother but that doesn’t give you the right to make fun of me. We should be finding a way on how to get him out of where he is.” Mia half yelled.

Marlin and Shane shared a look again. ‘In love?’ They mindlinked at the same time.

Marlin took the news quite well. He didn’t have time to care about that at the moment.

“Samara said Lian’s mate carries his alpha marble.”

“So?” Mia crinkled her face.

Shane stood up and walked to a part of the room. He returned with a mirror and held it out to her. Perplexed, she collected the mirror, not sure of what to use it for.

“Look at your reflection.” Marlin suggested. Mia lifted the mirror to her face. Her heart was thumping and she thirsted for knowledge. As soon as she looked into the mirror, her eyes colour changed to red for half a second and then changed to the normal colour. It was so damn brief that she thought she was hallucinating or something.

She narrowed her eyes to the men with a questioning face. She didn’t even know what she was curious about.

She looked into mirror once more and her eyes flashed red unbelievably, stunning her. The mirror fell from her grip to the floor and it shattered.

She ran over to the guys and held them tight. “What… was… th… that… ab… ab… about?” She stuttered. Fear overcame her heart. She was trembling vehemently.

“It is what it is Mia. You carry Lian’s alpha marble. You are his Luna… our Luna. And the fighter of this battle.” Shane whispered, conveying serious emotions. He could relate well with her.

For a short moment, Mia tried to wrap her head around it but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t. She suddenly hollered. “No! No! That’s impossible. You two need to stop uttering nonsense or I’ll report to Lian when he gets back.” She threatened pointlessly. As if that would scare the betas away or make them take back their words.

“Mia Torres, this is the reality. Lian can never get out of there if you don’t step forward and help him.”


Rosie wore a complete black outfit. Black trousers and black boots with a black hat. She looked determined. She wanted freedom. She needed it. She decided to yank herself from Giovanni’s grip. She couldn’t let the old fart continue ruling her the way he wanted.

She stood behind a fat tree that was situated across the main entrance to the rogues’ pack, then peeped every second. There were giant soldiers at every corner. There was no way she could get in there without an encounter with them. She decided to act natural.

She walked towards them, with the last pint of confidence in her. The soldiers looked really intimidating. They were ready to eat up anyone that disrupted the palace.

As expected, a soldier stepped forward a second after she reached the gate, holding his sword out and stopping her from moving further.

Rosie swallowed hard. She maintained a straight face that was bound to fade away soon.

“I’m here to see the lord.” She let out before he said anything. She balled her fists as she looked into his eyes. Fuck! If glares could kill, a funeral would’ve been held for her already.

“Does he have an appointment with you?” The man asked and Rosie frowned. “We don’t set dates. This is not my first time coming here.” She protested, flaring up gradually.

The soldier shared looks with the others who through looks, approved of her entry.

He turned to Rosie and shot one more glare before letting her in. As soon as she got in, she let out a quick sigh of relief. If she had spent any more minute in front of that annoying giant, she might have lost her balance.

She soon gathered herself. She surveyed everywhere with her eyes and noticed there were hundreds of soldiers positioned everywhere. They looked like they were waiting for their adversaries to launch an attack. The palace was structured in a traditional and olden way. The lands were really wide and there was a forest miles away from the buildings.

She called the attention of a maid passing and enquired of her, why the security was unusually tightened. The maid scurried off after explaining the whole situation to her.

Rosie’s jaw dropped. War? Giovanni really took on her advice?

‘Rosie, snap out of it.’ Her wolf told her. ‘You are here on a mission and must not get distracted. You have nothing to do with the Diamonds. So, let’s focus!’

Rosie straightened up. “Right. Let’s stay focused.” She mumbled to herself.


“How is this even possible?” Mia asked herself. She still didn’t get it. She was her brother’s Luna? Her own blood brother? What was the moon goddess thinking when she paired them?

She liked her brother, yes. But being his Luna was way too far. It was more like a scary dream. How would their parents react?

Marlin and Shane sat across her, watching her intensely. They had been like that for about an hour. The fight was still going on outside anyways. Blood continued to splatter around. Both the rogues’ and the Diamonds’.

The betas stood up. “We’ll give you time to think Mia. But you need to make a really quick decision. The existence of Diamonds pack depends on you now.”

Mia thought. The existence of the pack depends on her? She has to carry the burden? She had always depended on others and never for once thought someone, talk more of hundreds of people, will lean against her.

“No… I can’t.” She thought aloud, in a trembly tone.

“Stop saying you can’t!” Shane yelled, startling both Mia and Marlin.

“Can you imagine how much torture Lian is going through currently? He’s risking his life for the pack. How would he feel when he gets to know the pack he struggled hard to protect got wiped out all because of his sister’s selfish decision?” He vented frustratedly. His patience was at an end.

“Shane don’t–” Marlin tried to stop him but Shane shook him off. “The pack members are dying out there. Will you accept the fact that you’re Lian’s Luna after the whole pack gets destroyed?”

Mia sniffed as more tears came running down her cheeks. Marlin spoke up again. “Shane, can’t you see she’s having a hard time? Put yourself in her shoes. She’s probably startled and needs time to think.” He defended.

Mia was glad. At least, someone understands. “Fine. She can think for all the time in the world. I’m going out to join the fight.” Shane said harshly and made to walk out.

Mia suddenly jumped on her feet. “I’ll do it.” She concluded, surprising the two men.

“What?” Shane asked.

“I said…” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I’ll do it. For the sake of Lian and the pack.”

“Mia, did you make this decision because of what he said?” Marlin demanded. He was trying to make sure the lass didn’t decide under pressure.

“No. He’s right though. I shouldn’t ruin the pack because of my selfish emotions. What about my mum and dad?”

“They are safe. Great decision lass. We’ll go out now and fight for a while. Stay put and then we’ll come back and draft a plan.” Marlin stated with a slight smile.


Shane and Marlin shifted into their wolf forms and launched attacks at the rogues. ‘I think more rogues are here’ Shane mindlinked and Marlin agreed. The rogues’ number had doubled.

Mercilessly and gruesomely, Marlin and Shane tore the wolf rogues apart, growling angrily. All of a sudden, a fox rogue came up behind Shane and before he could defend himself, the fox moved swiftly and dipped his claw into Shane on the side. Shane groaned as he got wounded on a sensitive part. The fox made to kill him and Shane watched him drop dead before him.

He looked up and saw Samara. He wondered why she was there. Marlin came around hurriedly and helped Shane move out of the open space into a more secluded space and Samara followed.

The betas curtsied her and she nodded gently. “What brings you here?” Shane asked through the mindlink, trying to ignore the throbbing pain he felt. Samara could hear him. She had the power to.

“Before answering that, let’s get you healed.” Samara mumbled some things, casted spells and placed her hand on Shane’s injury. Her hand remained there for several seconds and when she removed it, the injury was gone. And Shane’s fur was as good as new.

“Lian is in danger. I believe you know that. Have you found his mate?”

“We have. But there’s a problem.” Marlin pointed out worriedly.

“His sister is his mate? I know. I found out minutes ago. Where is she now? Has she agreed to help?”

“Yes.” The betas replied.

“Good. Now, take me to her. I need to teach her some things. Lian’s alpha marble is more powerful than we think and she might lose her mind if she can’t control it.”

Meanwhile, Alexander traced Mia with her scent to the basement. She was surprised when he came in.

“Hush… Are you okay?”

She nodded. “Yes.. I… what are you doing here?” She stuttered.

“To help you out of here. It’s dangerous out there Mia.”

“But, Shane and Marlin told me to stay here.” She countered gently in a low, soft tone.

“Giovanni will slice your throat if he finds you out. I can’t let you die Mia.”

“But, my brother is–”

“Hush,” he cut her off. “No more buts. You’re leaving with me now. A ship is waiting at a seaport. We’ll get on it and flee.”

He coerced her into leaving with him and he had her dressed in a disguise and they left the basement.

The Betas changed into human form and grabbed clothes to wear. They led Samara to the basement only to find Mia’s seat empty. They looked around but couldn’t find her.

“We clearly told her to stay here.”

“That selfish brat!” Shane swore. “We can’t jump into conclusions Shane, maybe she was kidnapped?”

“Doesn’t make sense. No one else knows about this place. She must’ve left on her own. Doesn’t she give a damn care about her family and the pack?” He shouted angrily.

“You two stop shouting! You wish to break this woman’s ears?” She scolded and the young men went quiet. “I smell faint mixed scents.” Samara remarked.

“But… there’s no way…” Shane realized what it was and gasped. “Mia’s scent.”

“Do you think the enemies took her?” Marlin asked Samara and she shook her head in uncertainty.

“This shouldn’t be happening. We should protect her with our lives.”

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