Chapter Thirty Eight

Enter King


Dracul pov.

I sank back into the seating behind me, closing my eyes. I could still hear Samantha’s voice in my head, her worry and stress thundering through me.

I didn’t know what I was feeling right now.

I needed to getaway. I needed to take action. I needed to do something other than just sit and let things happen.

I had just been hit with a revelation. My world was spinning out of control in a way I had never felt before. I was usually in control. I had things under control.

I never really trusted those around me. At least, not until recently. I was always weary and cynical. I was careful. I kept my guard up and my enemies close.

I knew what everyone expected of me. I knew when a fight was brewing and something dark was just around the corner.

And now, I knew that my kingdom was in danger. I knew there was unease in my kingdom, but I thought that everyone was

Working towards a common goal.

For once, I had felt a strange sense of unity in my kingdom and in my court.

For Ryder and Dorian to turn on me now… that was unexpected. It was unexpected but I felt stupid for not seeing it earlier. I had needed Samantha to tell me something that I should have already known.

I ran my hands through my hair and tried to quell the fury that was burning in my heart. Outside the window, the landscape rushed past at a quick pace. The driver was really hurrying home.

Good. I didn’t have time to waste.

The anger that burnt inside of me was cold and swift. I had put my trust in these men, and they were turning against me, against our kingdom. I had ruled successfully for years.

This plague on the kingdom was not my doing, but I had succeeded in bringing about an era of peace. I had succeeded in that much at least, and I intended to keep it that way.

Those bastards.” I muttered beneath my breath.

And they had laid their hands on Samantha.

They had touched her, hurt her, and threatened her.

I wanted to be angry with her, for not telling me sooner. I had been angry at her, for not telling me sooner.

But more and more, as we drew closer to the castle, I found my anger towards her lowering to a quiet simmer.

She was just a human. She was a human confronted with dragon politics and dangers that she had never known. She had no reason to be loyal to me, but she had done everything she could to help me regardless.

It could not have been an easy task, waiting and wondering. It must have been frightening, stressful, and infuriating.

But she had continued onwards and told me when she had a chance.

And yes, she had run away. But had it been fair to blame her? When her life was at stake, and everything was turned on its head.

Was it really such a bad thing that she acted to protect herself when the darkness was closing in?

I sighed and leaned back, closing my eyes.

Things were messy and complicated. I was acting in ways that were irrational and stupid, and I didn’t know who I was anymore.

I was acting on impulse. Making love with Samantha had been an impulse decision. I didn’t regret it, but it was impulsive nonetheless.

I was charging off to confront Ryder and Dorian and I didn’t even have a plan.

Being around Samantha was changing me. I was acting without thinking, leaping without looking.

It was frightening and wonderful all at the same time. I loved it, I hated it, and my head spun whenever I thought about it too deeply.

But even though the anger in my chest was easing when I thought about Samantha, it was worse when I thought about the men in my court.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

They had hurt Samantha, threatened her, and betrayed my trust. They couldn’t be allowed to continue serving. They had to pay for what they did to me, to Samantha.

She had looked so frightened when she told me. I couldn’t imagine how scared she had been. I wanted them to feel the same fear that she had felt.

I wanted them to feel the same uncertainty, hesitation, and worry. I wanted them looking over their shoulders.

But not for long. Because if I had acted swiftly with Cai, it was nothing compared to what I would bring down on them.

I shifted, looking out of the window. We were getting close, the drive to the castle a relatively short one.

My side ached and itched, reminding me of the fight and my narrow escape.

But it was fine. Dragons healed fast and I healed fastest.

I had only come close to losing because I was fighting five men. I was fighting two, I couldn’t lose.

I would call them into my office. They would come to speak in my chambers without backup and I could take them out swiftly and efficiently.

I didn’t know how deeply rooted this problem was. I didn’t know who I could trust and who I couldn’t.

I couldn’t give anyone the opportunity to ambush me. No, I would find out who the traitors were and get rid of them one by one.

I wasn’t taking any more chances. Not with Samantha, not with anyone. I was going to act swiftly and end this threat here.

I watched as the castle came into view, my stomach twisting with anticipation, the fury burning like a bright fire within me.

I was almost there.

I had to hope that nothing had been done yet. I had to hope that I would be in time to stop this madness before it took root any more than it already had. I had to hope.

Because the alternative was not something I wanted to think about.

I couldn’t have lost my kingdom, not to the likes of them. I couldn’t have lost everything I had worked so hard to gain. The idea was hard to fathom, hard to stomach. It made me feel sick every time my thoughts drifted that way.

I shook my head and took a deep breath as the carriage pulled in through the gates.

I stared at my castle, carefully cataloging every part of it. I knew it inside out, and backward. I had helped build this place, and I had designed things that no one else knew about.

Not even the servants knew every part of the castle. Not even my most trusted members of the court.

No, some parts of this castle had been built for this very thing. For the event that I was turned on. For the event that a coup came to light.

I didn’t want to think about everyone who might be involved but I knew that I could trust no one.

Who of my servants was on my side? Who was against me? Who could I talk to?

Even if someone was on my side, could they be trusted once pressure was applied to them?

I had to hope that Ryder and Dorian had not yet made their move.

If I still had time, if they didn’t suspect that I knew anything, maybe I still had a chance.

I caught myself holding my breath as we approached the castle.

“Stop here,” I said as we neared the main driveway.

My driver stopped immediately, letting the horses know that it was time to slow with a gentle tip of the reigns.

He didn’t question me, and I liked it that way.

I stepped out, feeling the cool air on my skin.

“I want you to leave, drive to the closest town,” I said softly, keeping my voice low, stay there until further instructions are sent. Pay for room and board, whatever you need. I will reimburse you.”

He merely nodded, quiet, obedient, and steadfast.

And go the back way.” I added, turning to face the castle.

No one from the castle would have been able to see my pull up, not from here, not under the cover of the bushes and plants at the edges.

That was just how I wanted it. It was just how I had planned it.

This way, no one would even know I was back. No one would see the driver, and realize I was in the castle. It gave me the element of surprise and I knew that I would

need it.

I moved through the undergrowth, silent and deadly.

When I got into the castle, I was going to find both Ryder and Dorian. I would kill them both and reclaim the throne.

I just had to make sure no one else saw me first.

Somehow, I felt like I needed the element of surprise. Somehow, the twisting anxiety in my chest told me that I should be wary.

Weary, but never afraid.

T. B. C

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