Kelly frowned. Yes, She did not enjoy gatherings like this…. Most wealthy people did, but she wasn’t one of them. Whatever events Kelly attended were carefully selected and always related to business in some way. She would not admit that the last thing she’d wanted to do tonight was attend this party. If she’d been able to do exactly as she’d wanted, Kelly would be at home, in her bedroom with a cup of hot chocolate and a tray of Oreo cookies-her favorite guilty pleasure. She would be in bed wearing her pajamas and watching some movie.

And if she’d been able to do that, instead of attending this party, she would have missed seeing Dimitri. Kelly was definitely okay with that. She was still mad at him for what he did with Edward Franklin, but the longer he stayed so close to her, she felt that anger slowly slipping away…. Replaced by a desire to forget everything and throw herself into his arms. She hated feeling like this.

“I had to come…. We need the investors,” she told him, and took a step back, letting her hands slide down his chest and torso until they were once again at her sides.

He looked at her quizzically this time. “The song’s not over.”

“But I’m done,” she replied.

He released his hold on her and gave a slight nod.

“Like Cinderella running from the ball before the stroke of midnight,” he said.

Kelly lifted her chin. “I don’t believe in fairy tales.” she replied, and walked away from him.



That woman could wear a bedsheet and she’d still be the sexiest lady he’d ever set eyes on, Dimitri thought. Too bad she was Raymond Darcy’s daughter. Dimitri knew that it was a bad idea to go after her. He didn’t like getting personal when it came to business, but he couldn’t help the attraction to the woman.

The thought made Dimitri smile, even when his body had already begun to react to seeing her in that silver dress. She looked dangerous, desirable and just a little bit frightening. Like a badass goddess in five-inch heels.

Dimitri brought the glass to his lips and took a sip of aged whiskey while keeping his gaze leveled on her. She stood across the room, near a highboy table decorated to match the room’s gold-and-black decor.

Her hair, which Dimitri preferred loose and dancing over her shoulders, was pulled up so that the slender line of her neck was visible. Diamonds sparkled at her ears and matched the triple-tier bracelet on her left wrist. The dress she wore was absolutely stunning, its tight fit outlining the perfection of her curves. Dimitri took another swallow from his glass and convinced himself that the fixation he’d had on Kelly Darcy, wasn’t at all foolish or immature.

The man she was speaking to offered her a drink and she accepted, but she didn’t sip from the glass. The fact that he was watching her so closely was probably a little obsessive, but nobody had to know that but him.

“See something you like?” a voice said.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Dimitri didn’t blink at the voice. He did spare a glance to his right though, where Peter Jackson now stood.

“I see several things of interest,” Dimitri replied.

Peter chuckled. “Kelly Darcy. She is the one you are looking at right? Don’t bother, she would not give you the time of day. Tried to ask her out on a date earlier and she wouldn’t even give me a chance. Just letting you know, she said she’s not interested in anyone”

“Not my concern,” Dimitri told him. He was interested alright, but he wasn’t looking to get attached to her. Dimitri had a general affection for women and gave them his time as the need arose. Kelly, on the other hand, occupied a space in his mind. She responded to him quite well, and he wanted to explore this thing between them.

“Yeah, whatever,” Peter continued. “Listen, there are dozens of models at my place. They could not come here as they were not invited. You, my friend, are invited to join us later tonight at my place for another party, if you are interested”

Dimitri managed a bland grin in Peter’s direction. He’d known the guy for years, as he was a wealthy businessman as well.

“Thanks, but I think I’m good with just this party tonight,” Dimitri said.

Peter shrugged his slim shoulders. “Suit yourself, man.” he replied, and walked away.

Alone once again, Dimitri looked across the room only to be disappointed. Kelly was gone. It was just as well. At least he’d had a partial dance with her.

There could never be anything between them, anyway…. Or maybe just sex. He didn’t want more than a physical relationship, but with the way she had avoided him throughout the night, it was beginning to look like nothing was ever going to happen between them again.

That meant Dimitri had better things to do than to nurse thoughts about Kelly Darcy. He could save those for when he was alone in bed, as he’d been far too often to admit.

Finishing his drink, Dimitri decided he had time for one more business connection before he left. He was heading toward a well-known CEO when he caught a glimpse of that infamous silver dress and one long, sexy leg peeking out of the slit in her dress.

Dimitri knew he shouldn’t do it. He should continue his trek toward the man, share a drink and small talk with him. He should ignore Kelly Darcy the same way she had ignored him tonight.

But he didn’t.

He couldn’t. Which made no sense at all. Dimitri never chased a woman. They were always the ones who came for him… To flirt with him.

To be fair, he wasn’t actually chasing one now. He was just walking toward the balcony. There was no rule against a man deciding to get some air…in a place that a beautiful woman was doing the same.

And it wasn’t because each time he’d seen her tonight she’d been with another man-two other men-who had been standing very close to her. That definitely wasn’t the reason he stepped onto the balcony, because Dimitri was not inclined to be jealous of anyone.

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