Mafia’s Curves

Chapter 36

Third person’s POV

Fallon let out a scream of excitement when the jet pack started lifting her off the water surface. She wobbled for a few seconds but gained her balance, “THIS IS FUCKING THE BEST SHIT EVEEERRRRRR” Fallon yelled out making Caleb cry out in laughter as he filmed her.

The intense exhilarating feeling surged through her veins as she increased the altitude and went in circles, “WUHHHH HUUUUUUUUUU” she laughed loudly. Her head went haywire, to other people she looked liked someone high in cocaine. Her eyes wide with a daring glint of precariousness. The smile on her face was contagious, all the people in the beach had similar wide grin on their faces.

Fallon looked down at the water where the jet is spraying water in a high speed. The fear she had before starting it all faced away and what is left is pure hunger for more adventure. Her hands kept in shaking because of the adrenaline coursing through her. She tried to make a dive into the water but that was in vein as she fell down with a large splash.

Caleb got scared that she might have hurt herself, he threw the camera on the deck and was about to dive into the water when a overly excited Fallon’s head surfaced out of the water, “THIS IS SO FUNNN!!!” she said and motioned the instructor to turn on the power. She rose out of the water once again with a comical smile on her face. Caleb chuckled and picked up the camera, to start recording again. Thankfully the camera didn’t break.

Caleb brought Fallon to Bonito, Brazil on their 6th month anniversary. As he promised, he will do whatever it takes to make his Fallon smile. Five months ago when Fallon went back to Vancouver, she was heartbroken with the news that her house was blasted. She cried of days, it the the only thing that reminded her of her achievements. She had put her heart and soul to built that house, it was her dream house but it was burn to ground like nothing ever existed. But a few days later there was a transaction of five million dollars in her account and the same Tesla model that too was involved in a blast was waiting outside her hospital. There was a sorry note in the windshield, after Caleb inspected the car for bugs or any kind of danger he let her drive it around.

One of Fallon’s neighbor was kind enough to rent a small cabin to her untill the construction of her house finished. Thank God she had her house in insurance and the company paid 70% of the loss. The rest she paid with her pay check.

Fallon was taken out of the water by the instructor, she skipped her way to Caleb and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his deeply, “Thank you so much baby!! This is the best gift ever!!” She said in excitement, jumping in his arms. Caleb chuckled and kissed her deeply, “I am glad you liked it! Now move it my turn!” He said cockily. Fallon rolled her eyes and took the camera from him to watch herself in the flyboard.

Caleb fasten up his bindings and jumped into the water, Fallon started to record him as he lifted off the surface with great speed, the adrenaline resurfaced within her body once again. Like a professional, Caleb started to circle around but high and low. Sometime in the circle he’d be high up in the air and the other time he’d be low to the surface, forming a big loop. Caleb had done it a million times but the pure joy he’d feel everytime he does it, is peerless. To impressed Fallon he did few tricks, he backfliped making everyone wooh him. He continued to backflip then dived straight into the water he swam like a merman then rose up while going in circles but this time with more speed. He made a small rainbow, that Fallon awed. After a couple more minutes of playing Caleb finally came back to the deck where Fallon was yet again her jumping self.

They both soon head to a small restaurant in the beach. Fallon wore a white net cover up that ended just below her butt and the neon yellow bikini was fully on display. Her skin with perfect tan and her curves only attracted the attention of other men and woman. A woman also came to touch her butt because of how full it was. Fallon and Caleb has a hearty laugh at the situation. Caleb wore his swimming shorts and a open shirt with sunglasses on.

The couple sat on the far corner of the restaurant getting a proper view of the beach and people going for jet ski or jet pack.

“I didn’t realise how much I need this untill I came here” Fallon said taking a deep breath of relief and leaning back on the jute chair. Caleb took her hands in his and kissed it, “I am glad that you liked it!” He said charmingly, Fallon leaned towards the table and cupped Caleb’s face, “I love you” she said softly caressing his cheeks, Caleb caught her hand on his face and cupped it, snuggling into her soft palms, “I love you more dandelion” he said. Soon the waiter came and took their order, after having their brunch they went to their resort.

Caleb had planned to open a hotel here in Bonito and he had already looked for lands to build, thanks to Diana owns a worldwide real estate business, she showed him acres of land land to build his hotel. This will be the 10th hotel he will open in the last 6 years.

When they reached, both the couple went to the bathroom kissing in hunger and come out satisfied. Caleb went outside with an urgent call while Fallon got ready to go to another place, Caleb insisted on taking her today. She wore a strapless sea blue bikini and topped it off with an off shoulder cape white dress that came to her mid thigh. It was all pain except for a few designs on the end of the dress. She left her hair open combined with ocean salty water giving her naturally wavy hair more wave. Then she applied a peach lipgloss and wore a sandal.

By the time she was finished Caleb came back looking extremely trepidatious, Fallon furrowed her brows, “Everything okay, sweetie?” She asked running his chest which usually calms him down. Caleb gulped and put a fake smile on his face and shook his head negatively, “Just work” he lied but Fallon could see right through him. She did bother asking about something he was clearly distressed about so she changed the whole topic.

“By the way, why are you in such a hurry today?” Fallon asked sitting on the bed while Caleb went to the closet. Caleb was already inside so Fallon wasn’t able to see the sudden stiffness of his shoulders, he relaxed soon but hesitantly replied, “I just wanna show you around, anyway we’re here for just a week so trying to take everything in” he said without thinking. Fallon just hummed and went back to playing on her phone.

Caleb wore a pair of shorts and a muscle tee. He grabbed everything he needed and went outside. They both soon head to Recanto Ecologico Rio da Prata reserve, it has the most beautiful underwater hiking trail. It used to be a pain hiking trail but due to heavy rainfall and flood, submerged it into the crystal clear water and now it’s a famous for it’s eco-tourism.

After an hour of drive from their resort they reached the place. The instructor met them outside the reserve, “Just float, do not splash or kick” he said in fluent English. He also told us that we may or may not wish to wear the wet suit. Only Caleb wore the wet suit, Fallon was in her bikini.

Once the started to walk on the trail filled with water, they were blown away with how clear the water was. Fallon tugged Caleb’s arms, “Oh my goooddd look, it so freaking cool” she screeched in euphoria, but Caleb’s was almost on the verge of having a heart attack, he was feeling woeful.

They were finally fully submerged in water, Fallon was blown away by the beauty of it. Hands down it’s the most beautiful scene she’d seen. A huge grin took over the smile on her face when she saw the multicolored school of fishes swimming near the colourful reef. She slowly swam towards the coral reef, the fishes swam away when they sensed her coming but, Lord they were breath taking-ly beautiful. Caleb saw her swim away, he was enchanted by the beauty of the nature and his Fallon together. His heart literally came out of his chest wanting to come near Fallon. He had the instructor capture every moment underwater. After chasing the fishes, playfully came back to the team, they swam through different underwater plants, the scene was so satisfyingly calming and fulfilling.

They reached the trail, it’s was the most famous for. Fallon followed the lady instructor in front of her, she was busy admiring the beauty that she didn’t notice that the instructor stopped swimming making her crash into her. She looked at the instructor but she was holding a camera and motioned Fallon to look behind.

A gasp left her mouth the moment she turned around. Her eyes filled with tears and her body started shaking. There was Caleb floating on his knees with a beautiful blue diamond ring in his hand, behind him the instructor held a large card which read ‘Will you marry me, dandelion?’

She swam to him crying and nodded. Caleb got up tearing up himself and pushed the ring on her ring finger. Fallon snapped opened her oxygen mask then opened Caleb’s mask and kissed him. Caleb wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her close to him.

They both twirled around going up while kissing. They looked magnificent, with them sharing a loving kiss and the beauty around them. The instructor captured it all in the camera.

They both surfaced out of the water and took big gulp of air. Fallon looked at Caleb with teary eyes, “I love you so much Caleb. So fucking much” she cried and wrapped her arms around his neck. Caleb looked at Fallon with adoration and yearning, “I love you more my love!” He whispered and kissed her. They both pulled back with wide grin on their faces, “Let’s go, future Mrs. Kings” he said sounding excited. Fallon squealed and kissed him once more, “let’s go, future husband” she said and both of them laughed full heartedly.

It was already six in the night when the newly engaged couple came back to their resort. Fallon pulled Caleb in by his tee inside the room and pushed him to the door. She attacked his lips, ravaging every inch of him. She pulled her dress down hurriedly wanting to jump on her fiance’s bone, “Not like this baby, I wanna make this special” he said in a pained voice and softly pushed her away.

Fallon looked at him in astonishment, “Di- did you just turn me down?” Her octave increasing in very word. Caleb looked scared, he looked left and right, “It’s not like that baby…” He tried to reason a pouting Fallon, “It’s our first night as engaged couple so I wanted to make this romantic” he said blushing and scratching the back of his head. Fallon awed him and pulled his cheeks, “You’re wo aworable” she cooed him like a baby.

Caleb took her to the terrace, he had arranged it only for them, there was a open bed with roses scattered on it. The fairly lights decorated the fake trees, there was a small table that had a bottle of wine. There were dozen of pillows and comfortable looking blankets. Fallon was bewitched by the set up, Caleb wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and tucked his face on her shoulders, “Did you like it?” He whispered huskily blowing hot air on her skin making her shudder.

“I love it” she said breathless as Caleb was busy trailing kisses down her neck. Thank God she wore off shoulder, Caleb was able to suck every part of her exposed skin. Fallon’s knees gave out because of the carnal rapture Caleb was making her feel. She fell back on him tilting her head as he sensually ran his tongue all over her neck and shoulder. Her nails digged into his arms which were still wrapped around her waist.

He softly pushed her down in the bed, he opened every bit of clothing off her and showed her heave with her eyes closed.

He then came up and started making love to her. Unlike the rest of the time, this wasn’t hasty, they both took their time, giving each other intense gratification. They told how much they loved each other every second. Caleb couldn’t help but praise his little dandelion, who looked so charismatic with her dark hair forming a halo and the bronze tan she had, the yellow lighting only made her look like a goddess.. his goddess.

Caleb kissed her passionately as soon as the both finished for the second time. Suddenly the lights went off making Fallon shoot up but Caleb held her down, “This is the best part of today!” He said and looked up in the sky, “In a few moments now” he whispered and brought Fallon to his chest.

She did to looked up at the stary sky, the white diamond shining brightly in the black purple sky. The view was addicting, Fallon released a breath of contentment and snuggled closer to Caleb’s naked and warm body. After a few seconds of comfort silence, the stars started shooting, a gasp left Fallon’s mouth and she sat up looking up in the sky. Her eyes shined as the stars shot, creating a worldly master piece. Her heart had stopped beating once again seeing such a beautiful scene.

“It’s beautiful, Caleb” she said softly in amaze, “I couldn’t agree more” he said lovingly. He wasn’t looking up in the sky to see the stars, his star was sitting right next to her. He could see the entire world in her eyes. He couldn’t even begin to ascertain how much he loves her, he could rip the world off just to see her smile but most importantly he’d make everything better just to see the light in her eyes.

He through he’d never love anyone after Diana but when Fallon came along so did his will to live. He didn’t wanted to accept the fact that he had already fallen in love when he first saw her, wear jeans, white t-shirts and a red fannel. Her hard windblown and her face looking red from so much travelling. But when she left him for the mistake he committed, he wanted to kill himself in the worst possible way. All he could ever think about was Fallon, see Fallon, breath Fallon. She became a drug to him unknowingly and he’d do whatever it takes to to have her back in his arms and mend all the mistakes.

He pulled Fallon on his lap as she continued to admire the meteoroid shower. He wrapped his arms around her naked soft body and kissed her neck. He tucked his face on her shoulder and looked up in the sky praying to the almighty to always keep his Fallon happy and never take her away from him.

The end.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

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