Mafia’s Curves

Chapter 21


I just shook my head, sometimes I can’t figure out this man. I went to the kitchen for a nice breakfast. On my way there few people have me a nod or a smile but the rest flat out ignored me, I didn’t pay them any heeds. The kitchen was practically empty only the helpers and a few girls who I recognized as the girls who were working out with Hayden yesterday when I arrived were at the living room.

I just ignored their screeching voice and went to the helpers, “hey do you still got some breakfast?” I asked the friendly lady. She looked at me with a soft smile, “yes dear, hold on a second. I’ll bring it to you” she said.

“No.. Blair is it?” I asked, god damnit I have a weak memory with names.

“Yes ma’am” she confirmed

“Okay, I’ll help you with the breakfast and don’t call me ma’am. I makes me feel old” I whispered the last part with a smile. She chuckled, “come this way then, Fallon” I nodded.

We went in the kitchen and filled my plate with two waffles and a cup of ice tea. I went to the dinning area and sat on some random chair. I began eating my food in peace and thinking about nothing in particular, my brain wondering off to anywhere to everywhere.

I was half way there when a small hand caught me in the middle of taking a bite, I looked at the intruder, no shocker, the pivot stick figures.

“How much will you eat fatty? Leave something for others as well” the brunette who caught my hand said.

“Oh I am sorry I thought you lived off eating semen, my bad. Here take a bite!” I said giving her my plate with a smirk. The girls looked at me in shock except for one girl who was grinning at me. The brunette knocked off the waffle and set the plate down.

“At least I get dick. What do you get? Fake dicks” the tiny brunette laughed at her own ridiculous joke. I rolled my eyes, “it’s called dildo, you 8th failed. That’s why you should never skip school” I said sarcastically, some girls at the back even snicker, that made me grin.

“You dumb ass hoe!! How dare you speak to me like that? Do you know who I am? I am–”

“A struggling wanna be Victoria secret model?” I completed the sentence.

“Ummm, no?? I am the girlfriend of the owner of this house where you’re standing!” She said with her hands on her hips. The rest of the girl mimicked her except for that blond chick.

“Way to go for originality!!! Woohoo. Just by the way, I care why?” I said leaning back on the chair with my legs crossed and one hand bent on the table.

“Bitch, you better care. I have the power to kick your shapeless ass out in no time!” She sassed taking my hand and yanking. Her attempt were futile because I just sat there with a bored expression, “get up you fat cow” she gritted her teeth. The rest of the minions didn’t dare join the fight by just one murderous look I gave.

When she wasn’t able to yank me up, she looked furiously at me and did the most wrong thing she could ever. She slapped me.

My face moved to the side ever so slightly. Suddenly the sinister in me took over, I thew my head back and laughed. Nothing about my laugh was humorous or kind, it was plain scary, the one that gives you chills.

The laughter died in a snap of a second but the grin was still there on my face, “you know I have always wondered…” I say getting up, “how would a throat look with millions of glass piercing it?” I said innocently, not taking her eyes off her throat. I sensually touched her throat, “ah! Just imagine. The beautiful red liquid coming out of the wounds as you struggle to breath. The life fading away from your eyes…. just tears staining your cheeks….. the last word you speak is asking for mercy…. AAHH that would be a wonderful sight!” I say in a sensual way.

I gave her a unsteady grin, “What if I shove this glass cup in your mouth and crush it in your throat!” I said and clapped my hands, she flinched back looking at me scared.

“Oh the how beautifully the glasses would come out of your throat, so sensually pooling around your pretty little head!” I said in wonders looking intently at her neck.

They looked scared out of their life, her minions ran away while I was busy explaining the picturesque scene.

“Aww look! Your friends ran away!” I pouted, her shivering form gave me a huge pleasure, “you are crazy!! Hayden will kill you for threatening his girlfriend” she said trying to act strong.

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. For that you need to be alive…. you won’t walk out of this room in one piece!” I say and clutch the back of her neck and bang her head on the edge of the table. She puddled down on the floor. I look at her in disgust. A part of me hating myself for letting go of my control but the other part of me became possessive when she mentioned Hayden.

My demons wanting to make a claim on him, wanting to rip him off bitches like her who make fake claim on my love.

Fuck my head! twisted little bitch.

“You definitely are our queen” a voice snapped me out of my daze, i looked up to see a bunch of men standing in the door way. All of them smirking, “a strong man needs a strong woman by his side. You’re just like him. Like king, like queen”

“What?” I ask genuinely confused. Some rolled theirs eyes, down just chuckled while some were still smirking, “nothing” the blond one said.

“I am hungry” I say and look at my plate which is now empty with a pout. That bitch threw the waffles on the floor, I was hungry!

A roar of laughter followed after my comment, “you two are truly just alike” a hunk bald man said. A guy just picked up the brunette I just knocked out and went outside, I could clearly see the amusement in his face.

“You wait here I’d bring you food” the handsome blond guy said and went inside the kitchen. I sat on the table with the bald guy while the rest went somewhere else, “so how long have you been standing there?” I ask plopping my face on my palm which was on the table.

“Since she said that she was boss’s girlfriend” he said

I furrowed my brows, “she is not his girlfriend” it was more of a statement than a question. He smirked, “don’t worry, she isn’t. Boss has his eyes set on a much better woman, a real woman!” He said making me blush, don’t ask me. I don’t know why.

Then it stuck me, “oh how rude of me! I am Fallon by the way!” I say sticking out my hand, “Joey” he introduces himself and the stupid fuck that I am,Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“Tribbiani?” I said smirking then realised how stupid I sound, “sorry that was a reflex” I say blushingly he chuckled and shook my hand, “nah it’s okay!”

We made small talk till the blondie got food in a tray, I smiled when the aroma of food hit my nose drills making my stomach rumble. I blushed as the two started laughing. We made small talks while we ate waffles, bacons and eggs with ice tea. Yummm

“Hey have you se– there you are! Your Romeo has been looking for you” Matthew says coming from the door.

I was almost done with my waffles, I hogged up the last piece in my mouth unladylike.

After keeping the plate in the kitchen and swallowing my food I went with Matt. “I’ll see you around Joey and chase!” I said my goodbyes.





It’s a huge fucking house with fucking upgraded technology and those shitty ass don’t even have a freaking elevator.

“Everyone was taking about a rather interesting incident that took place in the dining room… aware of it?” Matt said as we were climbing down stairs.

“Ummm” I just said not wanting to talk about how thin my control ran. I have handled worst and worst of situations, but when it come to him. I lose control, like ever cell in my body has to react. I know the moment she said she was Hayden’s girlfriend I lost it, I was just playing with my prey before she slapped me and unleashed the beast.

We climbed down in silence, he must have gotten the hint that I am not in the mood to talk now. I just wanna see him.

The basement was pretty damn hot, no seriously. Due to no windows there was no air circulation so no cool air. We stopped Infront of a huge metal door, flashback from the last time I was here came. The blood, the bat, Hayden and how he shouted at me everything. But now none of them matters.

We went inside, the room was thankfully cold because of the air-conditioner. That’s the first thing I noticed and the second was the massive stretch of computers after computers. There was computers all over the room, this is every I. T’s (informative technology/ computer shit) dream room.

“Fallon? Why do you have attention span of a child?” Hayden said looking annoyed, I rolled my eyes at him, “why do you always have something to say? Anybody asked you?” I sassed back. He gave me threatening look, reminding me that his people are here. I just rolled my eyes, “don’t worry sweety, you’ll always have my attention regardless!” I skipped to him and kissed his cheek.

He looked stunned by my actions. Now he knows he is not the only bipolar.

“Why did you call me?”I say after a minute but he kept looking at me. I don’t move away from him, there is just an inch of distance between us. I can feel the heat rolling off him, even with the air-conditioner, I felt hot.

“Why don’t you guys just fuck and get it over with? The sexual tension is too much to handle” Matt butted in break us both apart. I looked at him,

“Thank you for the unsolicited advice, I would pass on that!” I said and moved away from him. But behind Matt a computer screen caught my attention, it was a live footage of dining hall. He might have seen the encounter with that brunette, did he call me for punishing me? That chick was really his girlfriend? Fuck he is going to kick me out!

“FALLON? For god’s sake!!” I jump at Hayden’s annoyed voice. I looked back at him innocently, “sorry” I apologized goofily. He just sighed, ” there is no record of that patient you were talking about” he said in a serious tone.

“If he doesn’t have a computer record where anyone can hack then he must have it written down manually” Matthew said after a long pause.

“Yeah and you won’t get any information unless you just break in like a mad man or go undercover and take things in our own hand” I said

” That would be a rash move to make..” Hayden said dismissing us both, we waited for him to further explain himself. He crossed his arms and sighed, “when you left Vancouver, the attacker would have done everything to cover his track. Including the information about that person’s Identity. Above all that name could have been a hoax!” Hayden explained.

“But unless and until we try–” Matt was saying something then remembered something else

“Wait, even if he has removed the tracks from the hospital. There must still be the footage of that night from the CCTV!” I said

“Einstein!! When I said removed all tracks. It also ment the footage!” Hayden snapped back, I just rolled my eyes.

“Yes but even the boss doesn’t know that there is a copy of everday’s footage is sent to the security team of the hospital. They are above Mr. Fin’s order, they are recruited by the owner of the hospital” I explained

All of them looked at me stunned, I blushed when I saw a proud look on Hayden’s face, “please tell me you at least remember the name of the owner?” Matthew pleaded

“Obviously I do, his name is Tyler Scott. He has many hospital’s around America, the one in Vancouver is a new one. Opened just 3 years ago” I said feeling more proud of myself

Hayden came to me, ” I promise, Fallon whoever is responsible for the shit they have put you through will die a miserable death!” He said and kissed me deeply.

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