Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Ava’s POV

“Andr-”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

I flinched as he wrapped his arm around my waist, but then relaxed. His arms wrapped tightly around me, and when he drew me closer, I felt safe.

His presence was soothing and enticing, and everything I had feared seemed to vanish when I was in his arms. When I looked up, his eyes were looking down at my lips, his face only a few inches away from mine. He reached out his hand and ran his thumb across my bottom lip.

His lips locked with mine before I could say anything else. I couldn’t take his lips off mine, I couldn’t move because I was frozen.

His lips continued to explore my mouth, and I kissed him back when I realized I wanted him. Our previous kiss was aggressive and angry, but this one was passionate and soft. Everything around us vanished, the noise, the commotion, and it was just him and me in this moment.

He pressed his lips against mine and his arm around my waist. I carefully placed my hands in his hair, not wanting to repeat what had happened the previous time, and ran my fingers through his hair when he did not react. I kissed him because I craved his touch, his lips, and his presence.

“As I previously stated, the hard way or the easy way.” he said when he pulled away from the kiss.

“Andrew, I’m not sure what you expect from me.” I said

“I know you want me, Kitten. I know you enjoy it when I kiss you.” He responded

“Andrew, you’ve gone from hating to wanting me. You just confuse me so much. I am not prepared to be hurt again by you.” I said.

“Please, Ava. I apologize for not knowing, I’m not sure what else you expect from me. I’m putting in an effort.” He stated

“You need to give me some time… I don’t trust you.” I said

I was going to give him a chance, even if it would backfire, because I wanted to get to know him better.

“All right, whatever you need.” he said. I’d never seen him this vulnerable. He was serious; he wanted both him and me to work out.

He shifted his gaze away from me and began walking back to Veronica’s room.

“Andrew!” I exclaimed. I needed to know one thing about him before we went any further. He turned around and looked at me. “Yes?” he inquired.

“Can you tell me what you do for a living?” I inquired. He sighed and turned to face me. “You’re aware of what I do.” He stated.

“No, I don’t, tell me.” I said.

“I am a Mafia boss.” He responded.

“Okay.” I knew he was, but I wanted to hear it from him.

“Okay? Are you okay with it?” He inquired.

“I mean, my friends told me who you were, and your mother acted odd the first day, which would explain your anger issues.” I responded.

“What about my anger issues?” He inquired, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Anger issues, yes.” I said as I walked past him to Veronica’s room. He trailed behind me.

“I don’t have anger problems, kitten.” “He stated.

I walked into Veronica’s room, ignoring Andrew; she looked better than she had the day before. Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips appeared fuller.

“Hello, Veronica . Do you want me to take Dalia home?” I inquired.

“No problem, you can go home if you want. Dalia will stay with me, and Andrew will take her home if anything happens.” She responded

“All right, thank you you, and I hope you get better.” With a small smile, I said. When I turned around, Andrew was right behind me.

I moved to avoid him and began walking out of the hospital. I almost wished Andrew would follow me, but I reminded myself that just because we kissed did not bind him to me. I flagged down a taxi and arrived at my apartment building.

I got out of the taxi and handed some money to the driver. I was walking towards my apartment when I came to a halt. The man who punched me in the alleyway was standing right outside my apartment building…

Ava’s POV

I was frozen in place, and he was staring at me. He was walking towards me, his gaze fixed on me. I opened my mouth to scream, but he covered it with his hands before I could.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” He stated.

He hunched over and removed his hand from my mouth after I kneed him in the stomach.

“Don’t come near me.” If you come near me, I’ll break your neck.” I yelled .

“Please forgive me for punching you. “I apologize, and I came to explain.” He continued to hunch over.

I replayed the alleyway events in my head; he was the one who seemed nice and who let me run.

“OK, you have two minutes to explain, and don’t get too close to me.” I said as I took a few steps away from him.

“All right, give me a second you fucking hard kicker.” He stated

“Mhm,” I mumbled, rolling my eyes. This guy ate my kicks like a pig.

“All right, all right.” He stood up straight after catching his breath. “I’m sure you know what Andrew does, and you’re aware that he has enemies. My cousin is the leader of Andrew’s rival gang, and I usually work for him.”

“What type of work?” I inquired.

“Well, I’m sure you can guess from the other day.” He responded

“Do you beat up people in alleyways?” I said.

“Haha, sort of, but I have a lot of other qualities.” He stated.

“How about that?” I moaned.

“I can’t really tell you, but I don’t beat up girls in alleyways.” He responded.

“However, I apologize for what occurred. When my cousin hired me to beat up someone, I didn’t think he’d go so low as to hire me to beat up a woman, which is why I let you go. My cousin has recently become obsessed with bringing Andrew down. I left the gang because he became crazy and dangerous.” He stated.

“Aren’t gangs dangerous?” I remarked sarcastically.

“They are, but he is killing a lot of his men while not thinking about it.” He responded.

“What made your cousin think that beating me up would have any effect on Andrew?” I inquired.

“You were always at his mother’s house, and Andrew never saw the same girl twice, so we thought you were unique.” He responded.

“You guys are hilarious. I work as his sister’s nanny.” I responded.

“Oh really? ” he inquired.

“You two are fucking stupid.” Sarcastically, I said.

“I suppose so, but I left the gang and wanted to apologize.” He stated

“All right, but why should I believe you?” You could be here just to punch me in the face again.” I said.

“I haven’t beaten you up yet, have I?” And I know you don’t believe me, but I want to… restart.” He stated .

“Should I start over?” “What the hell are you talking about?” I said.

“Don’t worry, I just came here to apologize.” He spoke nervously.

“OK, but if you really mean it, don’t come back to my apartment building.” I said.

“All right, and once again, I apologize.” He said this while nodding and walking away.

I climbed the stairs to my apartment room.

I arrived at my apartment tired and exhausted. Andrew wanted me, but I promised myself I would never let Andrew break me again. But what if he did? I needed time, and he showed me a new side of himself that I assumed few people had seen, and he knew he had to expose himself like that in order for me to give him another chance. What was his plan? Was he interested in me, or was he just playing me?

On top of that, a rival gang was after Andrew, and according to the guy, they were also after me.

I needed to take a shower because I was having too many thoughts and unanswered questions.

I entered the bathroom and stepped into the shower; the hot water made me flinch, but I quickly adjusted to the temperature. The water calmed me, washed away my worries, and made me happy. I was confident that I would be fine. I could move on even if I let Andrew in and he betrayed me. He wasn’t as bad as Sylvester.

Even though I despised Sylvester with all my heart, what he did shaped me into the strong and independent woman I am today. I learned to rely on myself and to protect myself. I’d be fine as long as I had me.

I changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants because, despite the fact that it was early, I was exhausted. I was in my bed, snugly wrapped in my sheets, my eyelids heavy.

With only one thought in my head, I quickly fell asleep.

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