Luna's Forbidden Love

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Book 1: Chapter 3

My mother screamed – she actually screamed! I mean I knew I looked horrible, but really that was a bit dramatic. I rolled my eyes at her as I sat down at the

dinner table. I'd woken up late, so my mother didn't see me before school, so it wasn't until we sat down for dinner – a few hours after the visiting Alpha had

arrived – that she saw the bruise on my face.

"Mabel Elizabeth Thorne. What the hell happened to your face?" she screeched.

"I fell" I shrugged.

"Off that damn skateboard I bet" she growled angrily. I simply shrugged, not wanting to tell her that I'd actually been beat up. "Alpha Zev and several of his men

are in the territory as we speak. We are supposed to be going around to the Alpha's house in an hour, for goodness sake Mabel".

"Then just leave me here" I offered.

"I don't think so. We'll just try and cover it up with makeup".

"Ew no thanks" I turned my nose up, "I don't want that orange shit all over my face".

"Mabel" she shook her head, "why can't you just be a normal sixteen year old for once?"

"Geez thanks, love you too" I muttered in annoyance.

"If you're not going to let me put makeup on you, please at least wear your hair down" she said. I rolled my eyes as we began to eat dinner. Everyone talked as

we ate but I silently thought of ways to get out of going to see this other random Alpha. I couldn't think of any good excuse.

"Right, Mabel, go get changed" my mother said, as we cleared away the plates. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

"I'm changed" I replied. Once more I thought my mother was going to pass out. She opened her mouth, closed her mouth, opened her mouth once more,

before turning to my father for help. I hated when they ganged up on me.

"Darling, just put something a bit neater on. You know what Alphas are like" my father said for her.

"You mean, you know what mothers are like" I grumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" he narrowed his eyes.

"I'll go change now" I sighed, slipping out the kitchen. Back inside my room, I looked in the mirror and sighed heavily. I wore a pair of ripped jeans, a white shirt,

and some Nike sneakers. My hair was pulled back and the ugly purple and yellow bruise ran up the left side of my face.

In annoyance, I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans – the only pair without rips in them – before pulling on a tight red shirt and my newest leather jacket. I

then pulled some different sneakers on.

Frowning at myself in the mirror, I took my hair out of the ponytail. My dark curls fell around my face, and to my mid-back, looking crazy and unruly. I didn't dare

take a hairbrush to it – it would just make it look like a lion's mane. So I grabbed some hair mouse, dabbed a bit on my hand, before running it through my hair.

It calmed it slightly, but it was still just a curly mess but at least it now looked like it was supposed to be a curly mess.

"Well it ain't going to get any better than this" I muttered to my reflection. My face was a small love heart shape, with large round eyes and small features.

Freckles spread over practically every part of my face – I hated those damn freckles. Even with my dark Latin skin, the freckles still stuck out. I was cute but in

a twelve year old sort of way.

"May hurry the fuck up" Roland shouted at me.

"Watch your language Ro" my father hollered back at him. Rolling my eyes, I turned away from my reflections and headed out my room. I walked with my

family to the Alpha's house, trailing slightly behind them as they chatted about something. "Mabel, keep up" my father snapped.

When we reached the Alpha's house, Alpha Parker invited my parents into his office where he was having a drink with Alpha Zev and his Beta. "Darling, why

don't you go hang out with David" my mother suggested. I rolled my eyes, hating that she was still trying to convince herself that I was going to be David's


They disappeared into the study and I rolled my eyes when I was left alone. "Hey Mabel" David said, as he came down the stairs.

"My name is May" I corrected him. He nodded before walking into the lounge, I reluctantly followed him. Inside was three Wolves I didn't know. David smiled at

them as he sat down in the lounge. The three men were obviously from the Equinox Pack.

"Hey kid is this your girlfriend?" one of them asked, smiling in my direction.

"No" I snorted.

"May is the Beta's daughter" David explained. "But we're probably going to be mates. We'll see when we Shift" he shrugged.

"Unlikely dick" I muttered under my breath.

"What?" David asked.

"I want a drink" I said allowed, and I saw the three men smirking as they'd actually heard what I said. "I'm going to get a drink". Turning my back to David and

three unknown Wolves, I headed into the kitchen.

As I stood there in the kitchen, I glanced out the window. Outside on the porch stood a man on his phone. He was beautiful – there was no other words to

describe him. He was tall with dark hair and bright blue eyes. His large arms bulged out of his tight black t-shirt and his blue jeans hung low on his lips. He was

larger than most men; with muscles on every part of his body. "Wow" I whispered.

I'd never had a crush before, but I had one right then.

"That's Seth" a voice behind me said. I screamed in shock as I spun around, turning away from the hot man, and to one of the unknown Wolves.

"" I asked, blushing as red as a tomato. The Wolf smirked at me in amusement. His ash coloured hair was pulled back in a small bun at the back

of his head, as his golden skin shone. He was attractive but nothing compared with the guy outside.

"I said that guy you were eye raping is called Seth" he teased. "He's my Alpha".

"That's Alpha Zev?" I asked in shock.

"Yep, that's him" he laughed. I glanced back out the window, but he was gone. The unknown Wolf laughed at me again. "He's a bit old for you kid". He messed

up my hair, causing me to glare at him, before he opened the fridge and had a look inside. "You want a coke?"

"Sure" I shrugged. He pulled out a second can and handed it to me, before kicking the fridge shut. "What's your name?"

"Dean" he smiled, "I'm the third in command".

"Cool" I muttered.

"You don't really find that cool do you?" he smirked at me, hearing my sarcasm even though I didn't actually say it sarcastically.

"No I don't really give a shit" I told him bluntly. He spluttered a laugh at me.

"You got bad language kid, I dig that" Dean winked at me. I just gave me a look before walking past him. He followed me back into the lounge, where I sat

down next to David. "Right kid, this is Jenson and Ollie" Dean introduced me to the other Wolves – Jenson a blonde with nice eyes and Ollie a dark skinned

man who was very attractive. Not as attractive as his Alpha, but pretty attractive.

"Guys this is May. She's a mouthy kid who has a thing for Seth".

"I do not have 'a thing' for your Alpha" I snapped at Dean, as I blushed and the men laughed at me.

"So why else were you staring at him like a stalker?" he mused. I knew he was trying to get a rise out of me, but I was embarrassed so I rose to the bait.

"Because I saw a strange Wolf in my territory and I was curious who he was" I snapped back – a blatant lie.

"Sure" Dean commented sarcastically.

"Mabel" David began and I rolled my eyes.

"May" I corrected him through gritted teeth. "My name is fucking May". At my language, Jenson and Ollie raised their eyebrows in shock – Dean just laughed in


"Well it's not" David retorted, "your name is Mabel, you just like to go by May".

"David, shut up" I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't understand why the fourteen year old future Alpha annoyed me so much, but there was just something about


"Mabel" a familiar voice boomed. "I will not tolerate that language" my father snapped. With my back to him I rolled my eyes, before turning back and smiling

softly at him.

"Sorry Dad" I simply said. I stood up, as everyone else in the room did, when I noticed that my parents had come in with everyone else. Among the other

people were two more unknown Wolves – well one of them was known to me because I had seen him outside.

Alpha Seth Zev was even better in person; with both strength and dominance. His bright blue eyes looked over the room before they landed on me. I blushed

slightly as he caught me staring at him. But he didn't instantly look away, instead he looked me up and down – checking me out I realised.

Alpha Parker opened his mouth to say something but Alpha Zev interrupted him. A growl ripped through the room as he looked at me. "Mate" he snapped, and

everyone in the room gasped in shock.

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