Love At Last


Chapter 11

Mummy’s apple piece


Cayden always parked his next generation Mercedes coupe sports car by the curbside, just a few meters away from the shop. Pedestrians would flock around it and take stray pictures but he didn’t bother. He would then walk down the Not because there were no empty parking spaces at the front of the shop oh no, it was because Cayden loved to sport his ambiance maybe he wanted to be in the pictures too. Jarod called it the “walk of glory” but I would always cut him off by saying “please! there is nothing glorious about that man… more like the walk of shame”

He came in looking rather ravishing than other days I must admit, maybe it was because I had not seen him in a few days. Jacek was the first to spot Cayden enter the shop and before he could release the spring door to close, my baby boy being the pristine soul that he is rushs to envelope Cayden with a hug.

“If it isn’t Mr rude back again, don’t tell me you got lost in such a small town” I sneered at him as I made my way into the counter area from the back room, I had just finished supervising the packaging of the last set of orders we were to send out for delivery. I needed to make sure every single piece of pastry was next to perfect, who knows how many more Caydens are out there.

“Hello Lily! Are those I miss you Cayden I hear behind this misplaced words?” He countered with his snicker and a smirk that cringed my insides. He left this smirk on his face that almost made me want to leave my today’s special on his pretty face and well combed silk brown hair.

“You wish… Come here Candy, let’s go make chocolate pie with Grandma” I stretch out to pull Jacek from the arms of Cayden but he raps his minion hands briskly around Cayden’s neck impervious even for an ant. “Jacek! Now you come down here right now” I alter authoritatively.

“But I want to stay with Mr Cayden” he lets out in a low pitch as his face is muffled up in Cayden’s chest.

“Now now you should let the dear boy be, at least he misses me and you can obviously see he is happy where he is. Isn’t that reason enough” he uses his free hand to meander traces across Jacek’s hair.

“Look mister, I don’t know what kinda sorcery you used on my candy and my Granny but it’s sure as hell not working on me” my frustration could be evident in the way my hands shrugged into themselves.

“It is obvious everyone misses me, you should join them too it’s a good feeling trust me” his smirk grin stretched almost to the point that it could comfortably kiss his cheek bone. He offers his platinum card to Jarod who had already served his usual on a plate.

“Ofcourse why wouldn’t they, especially your dirty espacades you leave roaming the streets without a leash. Just the other day one of your flings tried to harass and even embarrass me in the market… thank goodness alot of people know me and the kind of person I am. I’m sure you have at least one of her in every state and country of the world” I must admit that felt really good to let out and for the first time since I got to know Cayden, this man was stuck in awe and altered nothing as a counter. The mischief that once coated his face soon metamorphosed into a looming storm. I could have sworn I saw a little smoke puff out of his snooze like that of a bull.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Cayden loosens Jacek from his knot and sets him on one of the stolls nearby and then retrieves his card from Jarod who had already swiped for payment. And there he went, strolling with swiftness fueled by anger back to his chariot.

“Oh well” I said to myself as I turned around to head back to the back room only to be stunned by the presence of Granny who as it now seems, had seen watched the whole foreplay that had just happened. I knew what was to come next and had already started preparing a ment script for my defense.

“Lily Greyson, that’s wasn’t very nice of you, you should go and give a heartfelt apology to him” that was it, Granny rarely ever called me by my full name except she was absolutely serious. Her face was now pale and emotionless.

“But why do I have to apologize, I wasn’t lying was I?” I began my soon futile defense

“I will say no more than that yound lady, go and apologize to that handsome man”I cringed at the compliment she gave him in his absence.

“C’mon! Jarod help me out here” I gesture to Jarod to support my motion

“I support Granny on this one baby girl, you should apologize to him. Besides Cayden seemed very nice today and you only reciprocated by being sharp edged with you comments” Jarod began to preach like an adjudicator.

“Look just take his order and maybe some extra pieces and say him a nice apology. I heard he stays in a suite not too far from here so it shouldn’t be hard to find, I’ll leave his address on the pack. Less I forget, take your kinda with you, I’m not about to have my customers suffer the whaling of that poor boy because mummy was rude” he immediately packeged Cayden’s order in one of our special souvenir packs and left it on the counter for me.

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