Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 6

“Come on mum, I can’t stay with that boy for a whole month, this is a suicide mission against my own wish!”I protested.

“Sweetheart you have to, and besides he’s your classmate so i don’t see what the problem is, i know you guys will move along pretty well, he’s a very sweet boy honey”She said.

“Sweet? have you seen Alex Williams? He’s far from what you’ll call sweet, he’s my worst nightmare”I said.

“Sweetheart you need to cut the pretence already, i know you teenagers, you hide your feelings and pretend so that it will look like you don’t like each other, he’s a really handsome boy and i know you like him you’re just pretending”She said as she continued doing what she was doing.

“Mum! i don’t like him! In fact i hate him, we attending the same school doesn’t mean we’re friends mum, please don’t do this to me, i can’t bear staying with that boy”I pleaded.

Before my mum could say anything, she was interrupted by Dad’s voice behind us.

“Honey what’s wrong?”Dad asked.

“She’s saying she doesn’t wanna stay with Alex” Mum replied.

“Come on sweetie, i thought we’ve discussed this already” Dad said, sitting beside us.

“Dad we didn’t discuss anything, you and mum were the only ones that planned this without asking if i was okay with it”I scowled.

“Sweetheart please try to understand us, we have your best interest at heart, we only moved to America a year ago and things haven’t settled well for us to leave you here by yourself and you are still under age for us to leave you all alone so please just stay with him and bear it”Dad said.

“Dad I’ll be 18 in two months time, I’m mature enough and i can take good care of myself, have you forgotten back then in New York you always left me home alone and travelled to wherever you were going”I said.

“That’s different honey, in New York we had so many friends in our neighborhood so it wasn’t a big deal” Dad said.

“And so what? don’t i have friends? I have Zoey and Jane, why can’t i stay with either of them?”I asked.

“They’re still immature like you and they’re girls, we need to entrust you in the hands of a capable boy” Dad said.

“And Alex is the mature one? capable my foot, I can beat Alex up within few minutes so what are you even talking about, I don’t know why people always think that we girls are weak and can’t take care of ourselves without a man standing behind us, i can take perfect care of myself without Alex” I said.

“Sweetheart you should know we are only doing this because we love you, we have given this a lot of thought and it’s the best option for you, I’m sure that when you both begin to stay together you’ll get along” Mum said.

“But i-”

“No buts, we’ve told you our decision and that’s final, whether you like it or not both of you have to tolerate each other for the next one month, you won’t die from staying together, i don’t wanna talk about this again”Dad said strictly and that was my cue to shut up.

“Sweetheart don’t worry, i know it will all work out well”Mum said reassuring and i nodded my head in silence.

I had no option left but to agree, once my Dad has made up his mind there was really no going back.


It was Monday morning and my parents were all set to leave. We stood at the living room as i was biding them farewell.

“Ok sweetie, take care of yourself, no foul play, i want you both to stay in peace okay?”Dad said smiling and i nodded in agreement.

“Be a good girl okay? You know we love you”Mum said.

“I love you too”I said.

“Make sure you take care of the house, no keeping late nights out, no parties allowed, having friends over is strictly forbidden, am i understood?”Mum said.

I nodded my head in agreement knowing fully well I’ll be breaking the rules and regulations.

“Ok sweetie, treat Alex like he’s your elder brother okay?”Dad said.

“Elder brother? what am i? twelve?”I asked, rolling my eyes.

“Don’t start now honey”Dad said and i shut my mouth immediately.

“Stay safe sweetie, if you need anything call us okay?”Mum said.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Okay mum”I smiled.

“Alex will be here soon, he should be on his way by now, make sure to be of your best behavior”Dad said.

“Of course”I simpered.

Best behavior my foot!

“We’ll be on our way now” Mum said and i drew closer to her and hugged her, after which i also hugged my Dad.

“Bye Mum, Dad”I waved as we got to the front of the house where their driver was waiting already.

“Bye sweetheart” Dad said and got into the car.

“Bye honey, We love you” Mum said smiling.

“I love you too!” I called out and mum got into the car waving at me.


The sky was gray, it looked like it was about to rain. The wind was getting stronger.

I had stayed back home today, skipping school as i was waiting for Alex who was taking forever to arrive.

I closed all the windows in the house and then went over to the kitchen to make myself a cup of hot coffee.

I sat down in my room sipping my coffee as i turned on the Tv, i was already enjoying the program i was watching on Tv before i heard the doorbell ring.

It must be the Pizza guy, i had ordered for Pizza about an hour ago and it was taking so long to arrive.

I flitted down to the living room as I went to get the door.

“A minute please”I said as i twisted the door knob and pulled the door open to see Alex Williams standing jn front of me with one big bag, a backpack and a box of pizza.

Half eaten Pizza.

“Looks like someone is excited to see me” He smirked.

“You! what are you doing here?” I asked angrily.

“That’s no way to welcome your babysitter and have you forgotten we’re supposed to be living together?” He said, pushing me aside as he walked past me into the living room.

“Hey! i didn’t say you could come in and for the fact you aren’t my babysitter!”I yelled.

“Whatever pleases you Henderson” He said. “By the way, i met the Pizza guy as i was coming in, he asked me to give you this”He said, handing me the box of half eaten Pizza.

“Hey that’s not allowed! I was the one that placed the other so why would he give a stranger my Pizza!”I protested.

“Well he didn’t actually give it to me, i took it from him”He said.

“What? how’s that possible?”I asked.

“I told him I’m your elder brother who’s coming home after a long time and payed him off so that makes it my Pizza now, not yours”He smirked.

“Hey that’s not fair!”I yelled.

“Everything is fair in food and war babygirl, you should feel lucky i gave you the remains”He smiled.

“Moron, I’ll definitely sue that Pizza guy, i sat here for about an hour awaiting my pizza and then he gave it to a random stranger!”I yelled angrily.

“Hot random stranger, not actually, he gave it to your hot elder brother”He said.

“Hot elder brother my foot!”I yelled.

“Whatever Henderson”He said.

“Hey what’s with the use of last names?”I asked.

“It suits you, don’t you think Olivia is quit a boring name for someone like you, it doesn’t suit you, Olivia is for smart and charming people, not this”He flickered his finger at me and then i pointed my middle finger at him.

“I know you’re eager to get in bed with me babygirl, soon you will”He said.

“Dream on Alex, just so you know you aren’t welcomed here”I said.

“Your parents already told me to feel free at home so i think that gives me equal rights to this place as you”He said.

“Gosh i hate you Alex!”I scoffed.

“My pleasure babygirl”He smiled.

“Call me that one more time and I’ll pull off your balls”I threatened.

“Ok cupcake”He said.

Argh i hate this boy.

“I’ve been standing here for about ten minutes with my bags in hand, where are your manners Henderson?”He said.

“Just so you know, it’s not everytime i make use of my home training, don’t push me Alex or else there will be murder taking place here and I’ll definitely be the culprit whereas you’ll be the victim”I threatened.

“And there’ll be rape going on here, I’ll definitely be the culprit and you the victim” He curved his lips in a smile.

“Fuck you” I said.

“I know you so badly wanna fuck me cupcake, but please just be patient, soon we will and it will be doggy” He smirked.

“Will you shut the fuck up already!”I yelled.

“As you wish princess” He said.

“Hey I’m warning you for the last time, don’t call me any of that” I warned.

“Ok shit face” He said.

“ASSHOLE!”I yelled.

“Show me to my room already, i don’t have your time right now” He said.

“Neither do I” I said as i took him upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms which my mum had assigned to him.

It sucks to know that his bedroom was just opposite mine.

Noe i have to bear one full month of torture.

I sighed.

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