Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 93

“Why do you want me to sign a divorce paper?”

She yelled at Yoey throwing the file away as if it was hot and had burnt her, she waited for him to explain but he just stood up from where he sat, picked up the file, and set it back on the table.

“Why do you want me to sign a divorce paper? You can’t tell me this is what my husband wants too because I know that’s not what he wants so if this is some kind of sick joke, you better stop it because it is not funny, this is not even the time to make jokes like this, what kind of a person are you?”

Arielle yelled at him when he refused to say anything, she couldn’t believe what was happening, he didn’t want her to meet up with Luciano, and now he brought a divorce paper on behalf of Luciano which she was sure he wasn’t aware of and now she couldn’t help but think Yoey didn’t just hate her a small amount, he hated her a lot and he wants to use this moment when Luciano isn’t around to get rid of her, maybe he thought she would be stupid enough to sign the damn thing without looking, well jokes on him because her husband already warned her not to sign anything without reading it.

“Yes, it is from the boss too, he said there is no point in you guys remaining married so he filed for a divorce, all you need to do is sign and you will be free, he said all benefits that are in your marriage contract will be paid to you in full, the only difference here is you stayed married for two months instead of two years, which should be good news for you right? So why the outburst?”

Yoey asked in a calm voice that got on Arielle’s nerves. Did he really take her to be a fool to believe his made-up story? And why would he think that would be good news for her, yes, a couple of months ago it would have been good news but not anymore.

“Are you in love with Luciano? Is that what this is? Do you feel threatened by my presence in his life?”

She let out, it sounded stupid at first but that could be the reason, it was so easy to fall in love with Luciano, even after telling herself not to, she did fall in love with him in such a short time so it won’t be a surprise if Yoey was in love with him too, the man started laughing and she glared at him. She hated his laughter because she didn’t say anything funny neither had she been trying to be funny. she was so close to slapping him.

“I am serious right now,”

Arielle let out and he stopped laughing and frowned, good to know he wasn’t finding it funny anymore.

“Just what kind of thoughts goes on in your head woman? Why will I be in love with him? I am into women, and I have a girlfriend,”

He responded, he seemed to be offended by what she had said but he didn’t even sound convincing at all, being with a woman doesn’t mean he can’t have feelings for her husband.

“You can be into women and still be in love with a male, why else would you be trying to get rid of me so bad, before all this shit happened, I was with my husband if he wanted to divorce, he would have told me himself so stop fucking lying I beg you,”

Arielle let out, her voice going coarse in the end, she was almost going to cry, she couldn’t hold back, he might not be joking, the fact that Luciano wasn’t here to confirm it and she had no way of speaking to him made her feel helpless.

“I wish I was joking. I mean even I think it is a bad idea but this is not up to me Arielle, I am truly doing as I was told,”

He responded, she shook her head, she couldn’t believe it, Luciano will never do that to her, “You are lying, I don’t believe you,”

She cried. She hated that she couldn’t keep her emotions in check in front of him.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I am not, I have no reason to lie about this, the boss wants whatever you guys had to end and that’s it,”

Yoey responded.

“Why? Why would he want that? Why now? I am not going to sign that until I can see Luciano by myself and hear him say those words to my face and you can’t make me sign,”

She let out, wiping the tears in her eyes, if Luciano really wants a divorce, he would have to tell her to her face, she would not believe anything else anyone says except she hears the words from him.

“You know what? I am just going to call him, that will solve a lot of our problems, mind you, he is doing what he thinks is best for you,”

Yoey said and brought out his phone, now that he was going to call Luciano, Arielle suddenly got scared, what if he was saying the truth and Luciano did want a divorce would she be able to take it? She only finally agreed that she loved him not too long ago, she thought she still had time to be with him, she knew she would not be able to handle knowing he might want her gone but she didn’t stop Yoey from calling him, she just stood there as he spoke on the phone before passing it to her, her hands shook as she took the phone from him, she was scared, she didn’t want to lose him, not now.


She heard his voice and swallowed as tears clogged her throat, she blinked to keep the tears away and tried to clear her throat too.


She managed to say. Even after trying to keep the tears away, they refused to go away.

“Arielle, I don’t have much time so I am going to go straight to the point,”

He said, his voice sounding cold, the tears came out even more as she realized Yoey had not been lying, Luciano didn’t want to see her and he might want to divorce her too.

“I want you to sign those papers, there is no reason for us to remain married, after you sign the papers, you can choose to leave the mansion or stay behind, but I will advise you to leave, maybe move to another country and get that education you wanted, or you can stay back in Russia, whatever you think is best for you, you choose, just sign those paper,”

He said, he wasn’t even trying to act nice, he said those words as if they didn’t literally become friends after they got married, said those words as if he hadn’t been so happy to see her right before this whole disaster happened.

“And what if I don’t want to sign?”

She managed to ask through her tears.

“You don’t have a choice in this Arielle, just sign,”

he responded coldly and she tried to calm down and swallow her sob before responding to him.

“I am not going to sign anything Luciano, fuck you,”

She yelled and threw the phone at Yoey before running out of the living room, she ran to their room and locked the door from inside to prevent Yoey from coming in, she sat on the floor behind the door, held her face in her hands and cried in pain, it hurt so bad thinking about how Luciano made her fall for him only to dump her barely two months into their marriage, yes she knew it was temporary but still she had a year plus until it was supposed to end. How could he think of ending it now? It just didn’t feel right, the timing was so bad which made her believe he was doing all this just to keep her away from the issue on ground, he was trying to save her the stress but the problem is she didn’t want to be saved, she wanted to be with him and fight with him, she knew she would not be able to do that if she signs those paper and also she would not be able to do anything if she just sits in her room and cry, she got up, opened the door and walked back downstairs to the living room, thankfully, Yoey was still there.

“Tell Luciano that if he wants me to sign those papers then I want to meet him, if not I won’t sign,”

She told him confidently.

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