Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 91

Arielle couldn’t get a single sleep that night, she tossed and turned all through the night, she was worried for Luciano and sad for his grandfather, before she went to bed, she turned on the news and they showed when he had been moved to the morgue, it had been horrific to watch as she couldn’t believe that the man who had welcome her to the Siegel family over two months ago was no more, the fact that she never got to know him hurt and she had cried thinking about how Luciano must feel losing his closest family member, what makes it even more painful was he wasn’t allowed to mourn, he was locked up and accused of murdering him.

She woke up early the next morning with swollen eyes and a banging headache but she didn’t let that stop her as she had told Lily she would go see her today, she got into the shower and took a cold bath, before dressing up in simple plain black jeans and paired it with a black top, she packed her hair up in a messy bun and stepped out of the room, she didn’t bother to go to the kitchen as she knew she would not be able to eat, she strolled out of the main house and went in search of her driver.

“Hey, can you drive me, I have somewhere I need to be,”

She said when she found him but the driver frowned in disapproval.

“Don’t worry, I am not asking you to take me to Luciano, Yoey already said he will take me there by Friday, there is somewhere else I need to be,”

She explained thinking the reason the driver frowned was because he thought she wanted him to take her to Luciano but even after explaining, he still frowned.

“Ma’am, I am sorry, I was strictly instructed not to let you leave the house, I can’t take you anyway, please go back inside ma’am,”

The driver responded.

“What do you mean by that again? Why can’t I go out? I thought I wasn’t allowed to go see Luciano, no one told me I can’t leave the house at all,”

Arielle yelled in frustration, first she wasn’t allowed to go see her husband, and now she wasn’t allowed out of the house at all, maybe she made a mistake coming back with them to the mansion, she would have stayed back at the penthouse, she would have access to the outside world now if she had just stayed at the penthouse.

“It is your husband’s instructions, you are not to leave the house for your own safety, as this is what I have been told, I cannot go against the commandment of the boss,”

The driver said and walked away, leaving her standing there in confusion, she needed to leave the house if she was going to meet up with Lily, if the driver wasn’t going to take her, then she would get there using a cab, she turned around and walked towards the main entrance, as she got close, she realized the security at the gate have doubled in numbers, she became nervous as she got closer to them, they all turned to watch her walk towards them, she could already tell they were not going to let her pass the gate but she wasn’t about to give up before even starting, so she woman-ed up and walked faster towards them.


One of the men said when she got to them, she didn’t know all of them but they all clearly knew her and they shouted their greetings to her from where they sat, she turned to the one who was closest to her and said a silent prayer before talking.

“I need to leave can you open the gate?”

She said with all the confidence she could gather, she was not used to standing in front of so many men.

“Sorry but we can’t do as you say, we have been ordered not to let you out of this mansion until it is safe to,”

The one who seem to be the leader said, Arielle let out a sigh willing herself not to say anything harsh, these men, didn’t look friendly and the last thing she wanted to do was offend them, she let out a sigh and tried again.

“Excuse me, I am not a prisoner, right? Why shouldn’t I be allowed to leave the house and what kind of danger could I possibly get into? It is not like I am going to fight someone or anything,”

She let out.

“That’s none of our business, we got the instruction not to let you out and that’s what we will do, it would be best if you go back inside, promise when it is okay to go out, we won’t stop you,” the leader responded, but his response didn’t sit well with Arielle, if she wasn’t allowed out of the mansion, she won’t be able to go see Lily and she had promised the older woman that she would show up, she hated to disappoint her plus she needed to see her so that they can both plan how to get her husband out.

“What if I told you all I want to do is go see Don’s woman and console her, she called me last night and she is not doing well, I need to go see her and make sure she is fine,”

She informed hoping that would make them change their mind but it didn’t.

“You don’t need to go see her, she has people with her, please go back inside ma’am,”

The leader responded and once again, Arielle lost her cool, why was everyone that works for Luciano so stubborn and mean spirited, she hated that they were making her look like a weakling without her own will and all they had to say is they are following some stupid instructions that made no sense.

“I am not going back inside, and you will let me pass,”

She yelled moving forward, all the men stood up and tried to block her way.

“Ma’am please respectfully go back to the house, we were told to drag you back inside and lock you up if you try to leave even after telling you can’t, I honestly don’t want to result to that because I have a wife and a sister too, but if you are not going to listen, you would leave me with no choice,”

The leader let out.

“Oh, so do you try to keep your wife and your sister in the house and prevent them from going out? That makes you a monster,”

Arielle yelled at him.

“I would rather be a monster and have my family safe than be an angel and let my family be in danger, go back inside,”

He responded firmly, Arielle let out a frustrated and helpless groan, she couldn’t even fight her way through when they were all bigger than her and even outnumbered her, even if it was just one person, she didn’t stand a chance, she turned around and walked back to the house with a disappointed look, here she thought she could be with Lily and they will both sort things out, she brought out her phone and dialed the older woman’s number, she didn’t pick up at first but on the second ring, she finally did.

“I am so sorry Lily, I don’t think I can come to see you, I can’t leave the house because my husband thinks it is unsafe and somehow got his men to stop me from leaving the house,”

Arielle explained as soon as the older woman took the call.

“I kind of expected that, the men at my villa have increased overnight, I am guessing I might not be allowed to leave too, this is so messed up,”

Lily let out with a sad voice, she must have cried through the night because her voice sounded so rough.

“I am sorry Lily,”

She apologized again.

“It is fine honey, it is not your fault, I just hope the men can fix this seeing as they don’t want us to do anything about this, just don’t be too hard on yourself okay?”

Lily said, it amazed Arielle that she was still looking out for her even though she was the one who lost someone who had been special to her, Arielle felt so bad for not keeping in touch after Luciano and she got married, she made up her mind that once all this is over, she would make sure she makes up for it by going to see the older woman often, she also felt sad that she wasn’t able to have a relationship with Don before he passed, none of what happened yesterday should have happened and she wished there was a way she could undo everything and make all the bad things go away.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“Please don’t be too hard on yourself too Lily, I will keep in touch through phone calls, just call me anytime and I will answer, I am sorry for your loss Lily,”

She consoled and the older woman assured her that she would be fine and they finally hung up on each other, Arielle walked back into her room in sadness and lay on the bed, she didn’t want to cry anymore, that was all she has been doing and it was becoming annoying, she wished she could speak to Luciano at least on the phone, she dialed his number and like she had expected, it was turned off, she got off her bed and walked back to the living room and once again, only sad news hit her about the man she cared about, the she loved, heck she love him, there was no use denying the fact anymore, why else would she be worried for him, she was in love with him, and there was no hiding it anymore.

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