Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 89

Luciano sat looking lost in the interrogation room at the police station where he had been brought in very early today, it still felt like he was having a bad dream because nothing that has happened in the last couple of hours feels real, Luciano Siegel getting arrested was not something he ever thought would happen, it never crossed his mind once that he would be cuffed up and dragged into a police van, never thought he would be trapped in a cell nor an interrogation room but that’s what was happening right now.

“So, when are you going to start speaking up? This is not a case when you get to keep quiet, this involves murder Siegel,”

The officer said but Luciano chose to not listen or answer him, yes, he knew the man was only doing his job but he has been asked this same question since he was brought here and his answer has been the same but they chose to not believe him, he had no reason to kill Don, he still couldn’t bring himself to believe that Don was gone.

After he got the call from Don, Luciano had rushed to his villa and found him alone, he was shot, some of his men at the entrance had been shot too, he tried saving his grandfather but Don had told him it was too late for him, one moment Don was trying to tell him who shot him and the next moment he breath his last breath and died in his arms, he didn’t even have the time to process what happened before the police broke in and arrested him saying he murdered Don, no he didn’t do it, he had no reason to . he already knew who did it but he just didn’t know for what reason, Luciano knew Macko was devious but it never crossed his mind that he would result to murdering Don just to get away from the mess he created.

Killing Don doesn’t make the mess go away, it only made it even worse because now there was no saving the family business or reputation, even his personal business and everyone associated with them were taking a hit, Yoey had came to see him earlier and he had to send him to do some damage control and also put in place some measures he hoped would help him not lose everything he worked hard for, he was going to prove his innocent one way or the other but until then, he planned on keeping the things that belong to him safe, including Arielle, which means she was not to be near him, he already told Yoey not to let her come to the station because he knew as soon as she hears the news, she would want to come see him, keeping her away from him means keeping her safe, the plan he had was to send her away from the country until everything was clear, he hoped she would listen and make things hard for the both of them.

“Why did you feel the need to end the life of your old man? From all indications you guys have been a team, okay until recently, I get you aren’t happy with how he handled things but I don’t think that’s enough reason to end his life, so could you give me a few or lets say all the reason you chose to end his life in such a gruesome way,”

The officer asked, Luciano head remained bowed, he was in so much pain and this damn man was making everything worse with his stupid questions, what reason would he have? He had no reason, he didn’t kill him, all he wanted to do was clear the mess that was made but now he had a fucking murder case over his head, they got the wrong person but they refuse to believe that.

“Well, if you don’t want to talk that’s perfectly fine by me, we have enough evidence against you to lock you away for a long time, it feels good to have one of your kind off the streets even though it had to happen when you killed your own grandfather,”

The officer said, Luciano continued to ignore him, he already gave his statement and he wasn’t about to say anything else, as his legal team had advised not like he would, he might not have been arrested before, but he knew a lot about interrogations to know they will ask him things to set him up.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Okay I am done here,”

The officer said when he finally realized he wasn’t getting a word out from him, he watched him gather his stuff and walked away leaving him on his own, Luciano let out a weary breath, of all the way he had thought things will turn out, it never crossed his mind that it would result in Don losing his life, his grandfather was a stubborn man who didn’t listen to anyone but he didn’t deserve to die, and Luciano just couldn’t bring himself to accept that his only living parent was no more, like it or not, Don raised him and helped in set up his future, watching the old man drown in pain in his own pool f blood, Luciano had realized just how much his grandfather meant to him, he wasn’t religious but in that moment he had prayed with everything in him that the universe give him a chance and let Don live but guess his sinners were just too much that it couldn’t be forgiven and Don had died.

Luciano blamed himself, he should have thought of a different approach when Don had brought Perez into their family, he shouldn’t have stayed away now because of his actions, Don was murdered and he was in jail for the murder, his decision that day ruined both their life and Don lost his forever, nothing could heal the pain that settled in his chest, he tried to hold it back, tried not to cry but the pain in his heart exploded and he found himself sobbing hard, mourning the death of his only parent, he should have gotten to Don sooner, he should have made sure Don was okay, he made a huge mistake by not considering that they may come after Don’s life.

Luciano couldn’t wrap his head around why Macko felt the need to kill Don and frame him for the murder, even until the end, Don never blamed him for what happened, instead he blamed it on his poor business choices and also on his stubbornness, he was never one to go after his family but Luciano vowed to make Macko pay, even if the law does catch up with him and he gets rightfully arrested, Luciano decided that he would still find a way to make him pay on his own terms, for what he did to Don but first, he has to clear his name and also put his business back in shape, he would work on that as soon as he gets released from this place.

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