Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 101

The next day, he was called in for questioning and all those formal stuff and he thought he would be released after that but they just questioned him and sent him back to his cell and that’s how the week ran out with Luciano being called in for questioning nonstop, the police were having a field day prolonging his release that he was not the one to pull the trigger, they just wouldn’t let him go and he didn’t know why, the guys that were with Don that night clarified that he wasn’t the one that shot him and surprisingly, there was a CCTV was so close to losing it already, now he couldn’t even speak to anyone, not even after it was proven that footage that showed him entering the house a good twenty minutes after the intruder reportedly got in, the men didn’t know it was and they concluded someone must have hired him, but then even if they assume he was the one that hired the killer, it was not enough to still keep in custody, he knew what they were trying to do, they were trying to find something on him to keep him locked up.

“Can I see my lawyer or anyone, because I don’t understand this constant questioning that seems to be a repeat of the same question over and over again, it is the weekend and you guys have been asking questions since Tuesday, what is really going on?”

Luciano was forced to ask the officer who came into the room again, the third person today and they all had the same stupid question, who did Luciano think killed Don? He had told them over and over again that he had no idea who it might be but they were tone deaf or something, he wasn’t allowed to see anyone not even his lawyers, he couldn’t even call anyone, he requested for calls over the week and was ignored or straight up told no, it was frustrating.

“Calm down Siegel, you have people coming to see you later, we just have a few more questions for you,”

The officer said and Luciano glared at him.

“The heck you do, I already answered all the questions I can, don’t waste your time asking me any more questions because I have the right to not say a damn word and I choose not to because it is clear that you are keeping me here for no reason, it is certain that I didn’t kill my grandfather, I don’t understand why I am still being held up,”

Luciano let out, willing himself not to lose his cool.

“It doesn’t just work like that,”

The officer said.

“I don’t care how it works, I have nothing more to tell you,”

Luciano fired at him.

“I know you want to get out of here but someone killed your grandfather, if you didn’t do it, someone else did and we can’t find that person if you don’t cooperate we might not find who did it, we are doing our best here and you are not helping by keeping back vita,”

He said and Luciano glared at him, he already shared more than he should have with them, and they thought he was stupid to share even more.

“I told you all that I know already and the only thing I want from you now is to fucking let me out of here,”

He yelled at him.

“Right, I get that,”

The officer said and left, a few minutes later, he was led out of the interrogation room to a seating area that he has never been to, he didn’t even know it existed in the place, a couple more minutes later, Yoey and his uncle Laz showed up.

“Did you abandon me after promising to bring good news for me? It has been days now,”Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Luciano scolded Yoey who scratched his head in silence.

“Uncle Laz.

“Good to see you, son, even though this is not the way I hope to see you,”

His uncle said as they both sat down.

“it is fine, uncle, what happened Yoey? Why didn’t you come back? I couldn’t call anyone or talk to anyone,”

Luciano complained.

“We were not allowed to come and see you. someone must have reported those late visits so no one was allowed near you for days, I got turned back a couple of times, I didn’t actually abandon you, I cannot do that.”

Yoey explained which answered a lot of his questions.

“Right, so now is it good for you to come here? What has been going on? I hated not knowing what was going on,”

Luciano lamented.

“A lot has been going on, we were able to reach Macko, he called but the call didn’t last.”

Laz revealed.

“The son of a bitch, what did he say?”

“Nothing much, just that he didn’t kill Don and proof that he wasn’t anywhere near Don’s villa the night he was shot,”

Laz informed which made no sense to him because if he hadn’t been the one then why did he run away and hide all this while?

“Does that make sense? Why was he hiding then?”

Luciano asked as Laz placed his phone in front of him, it was a photo of Macko boarding a helicopter.

“What does this have to do with anything?”

He asked, confused.

“The day Don was killed, Macko was on his private vacation home, a good ten hours trip from Don’s villa, there are a few other photos of him which prove he wasn’t around the building that day, he wasn’t even anywhere close, in fact, the last time he spoke to Don was the morning of that day and he sent a voice recording of their conversation and he was pretty much begging Don for more money which of course Don refused.”

Laz explained.

“And his refusal can be a motive to kill him, you know that, right?”

Luciano informed. he couldn’t believe Macko was innocent in this.

“Yes I know, and I told him so which is when he dropped some names, one of which is Lily, the woman Don had been with before he died, he didn’t quite go into details before he ended the call but he mentioned her name and we did some job on her since she was already within our raider and we found out she has been stealing for Don and transferring to a new name, also, Macko said the reason Don even agreed to the whole thing in the first place was that she persuaded him and also, she was the one that swapped the document Don signed, not to mention we found out she is connected to Perez,”

Laz revealed

“I said it that she is not to be trusted, I knew she couldn’t be innocent, oh, I am so going to crush her,”

Luciano let out fisting his hands up, the fucking woman his grandfather had let close was a thief and the one whom all these shits started with, he was right all along about her being related to Perez and Macko had been the fool that played into their hands, he should have done something about her when he found out about her.

“The night Don was killed, her phone was in contact with Perez and she left the house not up to an hour after the call, Don was killed four hours later, if Macko wasn’t in the building, who do you think killed Don?”

Uncle Laz asked. Luciano had only one name in mind, the problem was once again, he didn’t have anything to pin him down, they needed Macko to start talking, he needed to be let out of this place first.

“I need to be let out of here, it is already clear I didn’t kill Don, why am I still being held here?”

Luciano questioned looking at both men, none of them seem to have answers to his question.

“I need to be out of here and I need Macko to come out of hiding and start talking.”

he continued.

“About that, we are working on it and you will be out by tomorrow, let’s take things from there, you have been through so much recently, don’t overstress and take one thing at a time,”

Uncle Laz explained and advised. If there was another person he was grateful to aside from Yoey, it was Laz. The man left everything when his brother called and even after losing his brother, he still stayed behind to help him, Luciano would forever be grateful to him and because of that, he would listen to him.

“I have heard you uncle, I just want this whole thing to be over already, I can’t bury my grandfather until everything is sorted out and I don’t like the fact that he is sitting in that cold morgue,”

Luciano complained.

“We both want that and you did well even while locked up here, I know you will find who killed him once you get out of here,”

“you bet I will,”

Luciano responded, he couldn’t wait to be out of this hell hole. He turned to Yoey who had been silent for most of the whole conversation.

“What’s going on with Arielle?”

He asked and Yoey looked at him and frowned.

“Don’t even get me started, I am so close to giving up and running away, she won’t listen, she took three whole days to sign a proposal that I had to turn it in late which almost caused us a deal we couldn’t afford to lose at a crucial time like this, I can’t wait for you to be out of here and deal with her yourself,”

He complained, seem like they were having an eventful time together, everything will be fixed once he gets out of there, everything will go back to normal, like the way it used to be but with a fresh start, Luciano didn’t want to imagine what it will be like without Don around him, to order him around and call him names, just the thought of it made him sad, also his relationship with Arielle took a hit and he was to blame for it, he wasn’t going to try to fix it now but when everything has finally gone back to normal, at least the new normal, he would try to fix it then that’s if she lets him, if she doesn’t then he would have no choice but to let her go, he had no right over her anymore.

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